"""Layer functions""" import torch import torch.nn.functional as F import cirtorch.layers.functional as CF def smoothing_avg_pooling(feats, kernel_size): """Smoothing average pooling :param torch.Tensor feats: Feature map :param int kernel_size: kernel size of pooling :return torch.Tensor: Smoothend feature map """ pad = kernel_size // 2 return F.avg_pool2d(feats, (kernel_size, kernel_size), stride=1, padding=pad, count_include_pad=False) def weighted_spoc(ms_feats, ms_weights): """Weighted SPoC pooling, summed over scales. :param list ms_feats: A list of feature maps, each at a different scale :param list ms_weights: A list of weights, each at a different scale :return torch.Tensor: L2-normalized global descriptor """ desc = torch.zeros((1, ms_feats[0].shape[1]), dtype=torch.float32, device=ms_feats[0].device) for feats, weights in zip(ms_feats, ms_weights): desc += (feats * weights).sum((-2, -1)).squeeze() return CF.l2n(desc) def how_select_local(ms_feats, ms_masks, *, scales, features_num): """Convert multi-scale feature maps with attentions to a list of local descriptors :param list ms_feats: A list of feature maps, each at a different scale :param list ms_masks: A list of attentions, each at a different scale :param list scales: A list of scales (floats) :param int features_num: Number of features to be returned (sorted by attenions) :return tuple: A list of descriptors, attentions, locations (x_coor, y_coor) and scales where elements from each list correspond to each other """ device = ms_feats[0].device size = sum(x.shape[0] * x.shape[1] for x in ms_masks) desc = torch.zeros(size, ms_feats[0].shape[1], dtype=torch.float32, device=device) atts = torch.zeros(size, dtype=torch.float32, device=device) locs = torch.zeros(size, 2, dtype=torch.int16, device=device) scls = torch.zeros(size, dtype=torch.float16, device=device) pointer = 0 for sc, vs, ms in zip(scales, ms_feats, ms_masks): if len(ms.shape) == 0: continue height, width = ms.shape numel = torch.numel(ms) slc = slice(pointer, pointer+numel) pointer += numel desc[slc] = vs.squeeze(0).reshape(vs.shape[1], -1).T atts[slc] = ms.reshape(-1) width_arr = torch.arange(width, dtype=torch.int16) locs[slc, 0] = width_arr.repeat(height).to(device) # x axis height_arr = torch.arange(height, dtype=torch.int16) locs[slc, 1] = height_arr.view(-1, 1).repeat(1, width).reshape(-1).to(device) # y axis scls[slc] = sc keep_n = min(features_num, atts.shape[0]) if features_num is not None else atts.shape[0] idx = atts.sort(descending=True)[1][:keep_n] return desc[idx], atts[idx], locs[idx], scls[idx]