from itertools import islice import numpy as np # Sliding window function def window(seq, n=3): """ Returns a sliding window of width n over data from the iterable seq""" it = iter(seq) result = tuple(islice(it, n)) if len(result) == n: yield result for elem in it: result = result[1:] + (elem,) yield result # Compute depth scores def get_depths(scores): """Given a sequence of coherence scores of length n, compute a sequence of depth scores of similar length""" def climb(seq, i, mode='left'): """Given a sequence seq of values and index i, advance the index either to the right or left while the value keeps increasing, then return the value at new index """ if mode == 'left': while True: curr = seq[i] if i == 0: return curr i = i-1 if not seq[i] > curr: return curr if mode == 'right': while True: curr = seq[i] if i == (len(seq)-1): return curr i = i+1 if not seq[i] > curr: return curr depths = [] for i in range(len(scores)): score = scores[i] l_peak = climb(scores, i, mode='left') r_peak = climb(scores, i, mode='right') depth = 0.5 * (l_peak + r_peak - (2*score)) depths.append(depth) return np.array(depths) from scipy.signal import argrelmax # Filter out local maxima def get_local_maxima(depth_scores, order=1): """Given a sequence of depth scores, return a filtered sequence where only local maxima selected based on the given order""" maxima_ids = argrelmax(depth_scores, order=order)[0] filtered_scores = np.zeros(len(depth_scores)) filtered_scores[maxima_ids] = depth_scores[maxima_ids] return filtered_scores # Automatic threshold computation def compute_threshold(scores): """From Texttiling: Automatically compute an appropriate threshold given a sequence of depth scores """ s = scores[np.nonzero(scores)] threshold = np.mean(s) - (np.std(s) / 2) # threshold = np.mean(s) - (np.std(s)) return threshold def get_threshold_segments(scores, threshold=0.1): """Given a sequence of depth scores, return indexes where the value is greater than the threshold""" segment_ids = np.where(scores >= threshold)[0] return segment_ids