# =========== Copyright 2023 @ CAMEL-AI.org. All Rights Reserved. =========== # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the “License”); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an “AS IS” BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. # =========== Copyright 2023 @ CAMEL-AI.org. All Rights Reserved. =========== import copy import random import warnings from typing import Any, Dict, Optional, Sequence from colorama import Fore from camel.agents import ChatAgent from camel.messages import ChatMessage, SystemMessage from camel.typing import ModelType from camel.utils import get_first_int, print_text_animated class CriticAgent(ChatAgent): r"""A class for the critic agent that assists in selecting an option. Args: system_message (SystemMessage): The system message for the critic agent. model (ModelType, optional): The LLM model to use for generating responses. (default :obj:`ModelType.GPT_3_5_TURBO`) model_config (Any, optional): Configuration options for the LLM model. (default: :obj:`None`) message_window_size (int, optional): The maximum number of previous messages to include in the context window. If `None`, no windowing is performed. (default: :obj:`6`) retry_attempts (int, optional): The number of retry attempts if the critic fails to return a valid option. (default: :obj:`2`) verbose (bool, optional): Whether to print the critic's messages. logger_color (Any): The color of the menu options displayed to the user. (default: :obj:`Fore.MAGENTA`) """ def __init__( self, system_message: SystemMessage, model: ModelType = ModelType.GPT_3_5_TURBO, model_config: Optional[Any] = None, message_window_size: int = 6, retry_attempts: int = 2, verbose: bool = False, logger_color: Any = Fore.MAGENTA, ) -> None: super().__init__(system_message, model, model_config, message_window_size) self.options_dict: Dict[str, str] = dict() self.retry_attempts = retry_attempts self.verbose = verbose self.logger_color = logger_color def flatten_options(self, messages: Sequence[ChatMessage]) -> str: r"""Flattens the options to the critic. Args: messages (Sequence[ChatMessage]): A list of `ChatMessage` objects. Returns: str: A string containing the flattened options to the critic. """ options = [message.content for message in messages] flatten_options = ( f"> Proposals from " f"{messages[0].role_name} ({messages[0].role_type}). " "Please choose an option:\n") for index, option in enumerate(options): flatten_options += f"Option {index + 1}:\n{option}\n\n" self.options_dict[str(index + 1)] = option format = ( f"Please first enter your choice ([1-{len(self.options_dict)}]) " "and then your explanation and comparison: ") return flatten_options + format def get_option(self, input_message: ChatMessage) -> str: r"""Gets the option selected by the critic. Args: input_message (ChatMessage): A `ChatMessage` object representing the input message. Returns: str: The option selected by the critic. """ # TODO: Add support for editing options by the critic. msg_content = input_message.content i = 0 while i < self.retry_attempts: critic_response = super().step(input_message) if critic_response.msgs is None or len(critic_response.msgs) == 0: raise RuntimeError("Got None critic messages.") if critic_response.terminated: raise RuntimeError("Critic step failed.") critic_msg = critic_response.msgs[0] self.update_messages(critic_msg) if self.verbose: print_text_animated(self.logger_color + "\n> Critic response: " f"\x1b[3m{critic_msg.content}\x1b[0m\n") choice = self.parse_critic(critic_msg) if choice in self.options_dict: return self.options_dict[choice] else: input_message = ChatMessage( role_name=input_message.role_name, role_type=input_message.role_type, meta_dict=input_message.meta_dict, role=input_message.role, content="> Invalid choice. Please choose again.\n" + msg_content, ) i += 1 warnings.warn("Critic failed to get a valid option. " f"After {self.retry_attempts} attempts. " "Returning a random option.") return random.choice(list(self.options_dict.values())) def parse_critic(self, critic_msg: ChatMessage) -> Optional[str]: r"""Parses the critic's message and extracts the choice. Args: critic_msg (ChatMessage): A `ChatMessage` object representing the critic's response. Returns: Optional[str]: The critic's choice as a string, or None if the message could not be parsed. """ choice = str(get_first_int(critic_msg.content)) return choice def step(self, messages: Sequence[ChatMessage]) -> ChatMessage: r"""Performs one step of the conversation by flattening options to the critic, getting the option, and parsing the choice. Args: messages (Sequence[ChatMessage]): A list of ChatMessage objects. Returns: ChatMessage: A `ChatMessage` object representing the critic's choice. """ meta_chat_message = ChatMessage( role_name=messages[0].role_name, role_type=messages[0].role_type, meta_dict=messages[0].meta_dict, role=messages[0].role, content="", ) flatten_options = self.flatten_options(messages) if self.verbose: print_text_animated(self.logger_color + f"\x1b[3m{flatten_options}\x1b[0m\n") input_msg = copy.deepcopy(meta_chat_message) input_msg.content = flatten_options option = self.get_option(input_msg.set_user_role_at_backend()) output_msg = copy.deepcopy(meta_chat_message) output_msg.content = option return output_msg