# notes https://huggingface.co/spaces/Joeythemonster/Text-To-image-AllModels/blob/main/app.py from diffusers import StableDiffusionPipeline from diffusers import DiffusionPipeline import torch import time import matplotlib.pyplot as plt import tensorflow as tf import os import sys import requests from image_similarity_measures.evaluate import evaluation from PIL import Image from huggingface_hub import from_pretrained_keras from math import sqrt, ceil import numpy as np from transformers import pipeline import pandas as pd import gradio as gr import base64 modelieo=[ 'nathanReitinger/MNIST-diffusion', 'nathanReitinger/MNIST-diffusion-oneImage', 'nathanReitinger/MNIST-diffusion-threeHundredImages', 'nathanReitinger/MNIST-diffusion-threeThousandImages', 'nathanReitinger/MNIST-GAN', 'nathanReitinger/MNIST-GAN-noDropout', 'nathanReitinger/FASHION-diffusion', 'nathanReitinger/FASHION-diffusion-oneImage', ] def get_sims(gen_filepath, gen_label, file_path, hunting_time_limit, data_type): if data_type == 'mnist': (train_images, train_labels), (_, _) = tf.keras.datasets.mnist.load_data() train_images = train_images.reshape(train_images.shape[0], 28, 28, 1).astype('float32') train_images = (train_images - 127.5) / 127.5 # Normalize the images to [-1, 1] else: (train_images, train_labels), (_, _) = tf.keras.datasets.fashion_mnist.load_data() train_images = train_images.reshape(train_images.shape[0], 28, 28, 1).astype('float32') train_images = (train_images - 127.5) / 127.5 # Normalize the images to [-1, 1] print("how long to hunt", hunting_time_limit) if hunting_time_limit == None: hunting_time_limit = 2 train_label_mapping = { 0: 'T - shirt / top', 1: 'Trouser', 2: 'Pullover', 3: 'Dress', 4: 'Coat', 5: 'Sandal', 6: 'Shirt', 7: 'Sneaker', 8: 'Bag', 9: 'Ankle boot' } lowest_score = 10000 lowest_image = None lowest_image_path = '' start = time.time() for i in range(len(train_labels)): if data_type == 'fashion': label_option = train_label_mapping[train_labels[i]] else: label_option = train_labels[i] # print(data_type, i, label_option, gen_label) if label_option == gen_label: print('match on types!') ### # get a real image (of correct number) ### # print(i) to_check = train_images[i] fig = plt.figure(figsize=(1, 1)) plt.subplot(1, 1, 0+1) plt.imshow(to_check, cmap='gray') plt.axis('off') plt.savefig(file_path + 'real_deal.png') plt.close() # baseline = evaluation(org_img_path='results/real_deal.png', pred_img_path='results/real_deal.png', metrics=["rmse", "psnr"]) # print("---") ### # check how close that real training data is to generated number ### results = evaluation(org_img_path=file_path + 'real_deal.png', pred_img_path=file_path+'generated_image.png', metrics=["rmse", "psnr"]) if results['rmse'] < lowest_score: lowest_score = results['rmse'] lowest_image = to_check to_save = train_images[i] fig = plt.figure(figsize=(1, 1)) plt.subplot(1, 1, 0+1) plt.imshow(to_save, cmap='gray') plt.axis('off') plt.savefig(file_path + 'keeper.png') plt.close() lowest_image_path = file_path + 'keeper.png' print(lowest_score, str(round( ((i/len(train_labels)) * 100),2 )) + '%') now = time.time() if now-start > hunting_time_limit: print(str(now-start) + "s") return [lowest_image_path, lowest_score] return [lowest_image_path, lowest_score] def digit_recognition(filename, data_type): if data_type == 'mnist': # API_URL = "https://api-inference.huggingface.co/models/farleyknight/mnist-digit-classification-2022-09-04" # special_string = '-h-f-_-RT-U-J-E-M-Pb-GC-c-i-v-sji-bMsQmxuh-x-h-C-W-B-F-W-z-Gv-' # is_escaped = special_string.replace("-", '') # bear = "Bearer " + is_escaped # headers = {"Authorization": bear} # # get a prediction on what number this is # def query(filename): # with open(filename, "rb") as f: # data = f.read() # response = requests.post(API_URL, headers=headers, data=data) # return response.json() # # use latest model to generate a new image, return path # ret = False # output = None # while ret == False: # output = query(filename + 'generated_image.png') # if 'error' in output: # time.sleep(10) # ret = False # else: # ret = True # slower than inferenceAPI, but no tokens needed pipe = pipeline("image-classification", model="farleyknight/mnist-digit-classification-2022-09-04") output = pipe(filename + 'generated_image.png') print(output) this_label_for_this_image = int(output[0]['label']) else: pipe = pipeline("image-classification", model="nathanReitinger/FASHION-vision") output = pipe(filename + 'generated_image.png') this_label_for_this_image = output[0]['label'] print(output) print(this_label_for_this_image) print(output, this_label_for_this_image) return {'full': output, 'number': this_label_for_this_image} def get_other(original_image, hunting_time_limit, data_type): RANDO = str(time.time()) file_path = 'tester/' + 'generation' + "/" + RANDO + '/' os.makedirs(file_path) fig = plt.figure(figsize=(1, 1)) plt.subplot(1, 1, 0+1) plt.imshow(original_image, cmap='gray') plt.axis('off') plt.savefig(file_path + 'generated_image.png') plt.close() print('[+] done saving generation') print("[-] what digit is this") print(data_type) # sys.exit() ret = digit_recognition(file_path, data_type) print(ret['full']) print(ret['number']) print("[+]", ret['number']) print("[-] show some most similar numbers") if ret["full"][0]['score'] <= 0.90: print("[!] error in image recognition, likely to not find a similar score") return (file_path + 'generated_image.png', ['error.png', -1]) # sys.exit() gen_filepath = file_path + 'generated_image.png' gen_label = ret['number'] ret_sims = get_sims(gen_filepath, gen_label, file_path, hunting_time_limit, data_type) print(ret_sims) print("[+] done sims") # get the file-Path return (file_path + 'generated_image.png', ret_sims) def generate_and_save_images(model): noise_dim = 100 num_examples_to_generate = 1 seed = tf.random.normal([num_examples_to_generate, noise_dim]) # print(seed) n_samples = 1 # Notice `training` is set to False. # This is so all layers run in inference mode (batchnorm). examples = model(seed, training=False) examples = examples * 255.0 size = ceil(sqrt(n_samples)) digit_images = np.zeros((28*size, 28*size), dtype=float) n = 0 for i in range(size): for j in range(size): if n == n_samples: break digit_images[i* 28 : (i+1)*28, j*28 : (j+1)*28] = examples[n, :, :, 0] n += 1 digit_images = (digit_images/127.5) -1 return digit_images def TextToImage(Prompt,inference_steps, model): model_id = model if 'GAN' in model_id: print("--> GAN <--") model = from_pretrained_keras(model) image = generate_and_save_images(model) else: print("--> DIFFUSION <--") pipe = DiffusionPipeline.from_pretrained(model_id) the_randomness = int(str(time.time())[-1]) print('seed', the_randomness) image = pipe(generator= torch.manual_seed(the_randomness), num_inference_steps=inference_steps).images[0] prompt = Prompt print(prompt) hunting_time_limit = None if prompt.isnumeric(): hunting_time_limit = abs(int(prompt)) if 'FASHION' in model_id: data_type = 'fashion' if 'MNIST' in model_id: data_type = 'mnist' original_image, other_images = get_other(image, hunting_time_limit, data_type=data_type) the_file = other_images[0] the_rmse = other_images[1] ai_gen = Image.open(open(original_image, 'rb')) training_data = Image.open(open(the_file, 'rb')) another_one = (training_data, "Training Data (RMSE: " + str(round(the_rmse,5) ) + ")") return [ai_gen, another_one] df = pd.DataFrame({ "Model" : ['MNIST-diffusion', 'MNIST-diffusion-oneImage', 'MNIST-diffusion-threeHundredImages', 'MNIST-diffusion-threeThousandImages', 'MNIST-GAN', 'MNIST-GAN-noDropout', 'FASHION-diffuion-oneImage', 'FASHION-diffusion'], "Class (Architecture)" : ['UNet2DModel', 'UNet2DModel', 'UNet2DModel', 'UNet2DModel', 'Sequential', 'Sequential', 'UNet2DModel', 'UNet2DModel'], "Dataset Examples" : [60000, 1, 300, 3000, 60000, 60000, 1, 60000], "Notes" : ['similar architecture as Stable Diffusion, different training data', 'toy model, purposed to store protected content', 'testing toy model with slightly larger dataset', 'testing toy model with even more data', 'GANs are not as likely to store protected content', 'less dropout, more copying?', 'same diffusion, different data (more variance in data)','larger diffusion training data, on FASHION dataset'] }) # Applying style to highlight the maximum value in each row styler = df#.style.highlight_max(color = 'lightgreen', axis = 0) with gr.Blocks() as app: interface = gr.Interface(fn=TextToImage, inputs=[gr.Textbox(show_label=True, label='How many seconds to hunt for copies?',), gr.Slider(1, 1000, label='Inference Steps (leave unchanged for default, best is 1000 but it is slow!)', value=10, step=1), gr.Dropdown(modelieo)], outputs=gr.Gallery(label="Generated image", show_label=True, elem_id="gallery", columns=[2], rows=[1], object_fit="contain", height="auto"), # css="#output_image{width: 256px !important; height: 256px !important;}", title='Unconditional Image Generation', ) gr.HTML( "
" "

Do machine learing models store protected content?

" + "

Enter a time to hunt for copies (seconds), select a model, and hit submit!

" + "

These image generation models will give you a 'bespoke' generation ❤ of an MNIST hand-drawn digit or the fashion dataset

" + "

then the program will search in training data (for n seconds) to find similar images: RMSE, lower is more similar

" + "


" ) gr.Dataframe(styler) app.queue().launch() # interface.launch(share=True)