import sys import torch import numpy as np import scipy.signal from numba import jit from deepafx_st.processors.processor import Processor # Adapted from: @jit(nopython=True) def my_clip_min( x: np.ndarray, clip_min: float, ): # does the work of np.clip(), which numba doesn't support yet # TODO: keep an eye on Numba PR that fixes this inds = np.where(x < clip_min) x[inds] = clip_min return x @jit(nopython=True) def compressor( x: np.ndarray, sample_rate: float, threshold: float = -24.0, ratio: float = 2.0, attack_time: float = 0.01, release_time: float = 0.01, knee_dB: float = 0.0, makeup_gain_dB: float = 0.0, dtype=np.float32, ): """ Args: x (np.ndarray): Input signal. sample_rate (float): Sample rate in Hz. threshold (float): Threhold in dB. ratio (float): Ratio (should be >=1 , i.e. ratio:1). attack_time (float): Attack time in seconds. release_time (float): Release time in seconds. knee_dB (float): Knee. makeup_gain_dB (float): Makeup Gain. dtype (type): Output type. Default: np.float32 Returns: y (np.ndarray): Output signal. """ # print(f"dsp comp fs = {sample_rate}") N = len(x) dtype = x.dtype y = np.zeros(N, dtype=dtype) # Initialize separate attack and release times # Where do these numbers come from alpha_A = np.exp(-np.log(9) / (sample_rate * attack_time)) alpha_R = np.exp(-np.log(9) / (sample_rate * release_time)) # Turn the input signal into a uni-polar signal on the dB scale x_G = 20 * np.log10(np.abs(x) + 1e-8) # x_uni casts type # Ensure there are no values of negative infinity x_G = my_clip_min(x_G, -96) # Static characteristics with knee y_G = np.zeros(N, dtype=dtype) # Below knee idx = np.where((2 * (x_G - threshold)) < -knee_dB) y_G[idx] = x_G[idx] # At knee idx = np.where((2 * np.abs(x_G - threshold)) <= knee_dB) y_G[idx] = x_G[idx] + ( (1 / ratio) * (((x_G[idx] - threshold + knee_dB) / 2) ** 2) ) / (2 * knee_dB) # Above knee threshold idx = np.where((2 * (x_G - threshold)) > knee_dB) y_G[idx] = threshold + ((x_G[idx] - threshold) / ratio) x_L = x_G - y_G # this loop is slow but not vectorizable due to its cumulative, sequential nature. @autojit makes it fast(er). y_L = np.zeros(N, dtype=dtype) for n in range(1, N): # smooth over the gainChange if x_L[n] > y_L[n - 1]: # attack mode y_L[n] = (alpha_A * y_L[n - 1]) + ((1 - alpha_A) * x_L[n]) else: # release y_L[n] = (alpha_R * y_L[n - 1]) + ((1 - alpha_R) * x_L[n]) # Convert to linear amplitude scalar; i.e. map from dB to amplitude lin_y_L = np.power(10.0, (-y_L / 20.0)) y = lin_y_L * x # Apply linear amplitude to input sample y *= np.power(10.0, makeup_gain_dB / 20.0) # apply makeup gain return y.astype(dtype) class Compressor(Processor): def __init__( self, sample_rate, max_threshold=0.0, min_threshold=-80, max_ratio=20.0, min_ratio=1.0, max_attack=0.1, min_attack=0.0001, max_release=1.0, min_release=0.005, max_knee=12.0, min_knee=0.0, max_mkgain=48.0, min_mkgain=-48.0, eps=1e-8, ): """ """ super().__init__() self.sample_rate = sample_rate self.eps = eps self.ports = [ { "name": "Threshold", "min": min_threshold, "max": max_threshold, "default": -12.0, "units": "", }, { "name": "Ratio", "min": min_ratio, "max": max_ratio, "default": 2.0, "units": "", }, { "name": "Attack Time", "min": min_attack, "max": max_attack, "default": 0.001, "units": "s", }, { "name": "Release Time", "min": min_release, "max": max_release, "default": 0.045, "units": "s", }, { "name": "Knee", "min": min_knee, "max": max_knee, "default": 6.0, "units": "dB", }, { "name": "Makeup Gain", "min": min_mkgain, "max": max_mkgain, "default": 0.0, "units": "dB", }, ] self.num_control_params = len(self.ports) self.process_fn = compressor def forward(self, x, p, sample_rate=24000, **kwargs): "All processing in the forward is in numpy." return self.run_series(x, p, sample_rate)