import gradio as gr import numpy as np import resampy import torch import torchaudio from huggingface_hub import hf_hub_download from deepafx_st.system import System from deepafx_st.utils import DSPMode system_speech = System.load_from_checkpoint( hf_hub_download("nateraw/deepafx-st-libritts-autodiff", "lit_model.ckpt"), batch_size=1 ).eval() system_music = System.load_from_checkpoint( hf_hub_download("nateraw/deepafx-st-jamendo-autodiff", "lit_model.ckpt"), batch_size=1 ).eval() gpu = torch.cuda.is_available() if gpu:"cuda")"cuda") def process(input_path, reference_path, model): system = system_speech if model == "speech" else system_music # load audio data x, x_sr = torchaudio.load(input_path) r, r_sr = torchaudio.load(reference_path) # resample if needed if x_sr != 24000: print("Resampling to 24000 Hz...") x_24000 = torch.tensor(resampy.resample(x.view(-1).numpy(), x_sr, 24000)) x_24000 = x_24000.view(1, -1) else: x_24000 = x if r_sr != 24000: print("Resampling to 24000 Hz...") r_24000 = torch.tensor(resampy.resample(r.view(-1).numpy(), r_sr, 24000)) r_24000 = r_24000.view(1, -1) else: r_24000 = r # peak normalize to -12 dBFS x_24000 = x_24000[0:1, : 24000 * 5] x_24000 /= x_24000.abs().max() x_24000 *= 10 ** (-12 / 20.0) x_24000 = x_24000.view(1, 1, -1) # peak normalize to -12 dBFS r_24000 = r_24000[0:1, : 24000 * 5] r_24000 /= r_24000.abs().max() r_24000 *= 10 ** (-12 / 20.0) r_24000 = r_24000.view(1, 1, -1) if gpu: x_24000 ="cuda") r_24000 ="cuda") with torch.no_grad(): y_hat, p, e = system(x_24000, r_24000) y_hat = y_hat.view(1, -1) y_hat /= y_hat.abs().max() x_24000 /= x_24000.abs().max() # Sqeeze to (T,), convert to numpy, and convert to int16 out_audio = (32767 * y_hat).squeeze(0).detach().cpu().numpy().astype(np.int16) return 24000, out_audio gr.Interface( fn=process, inputs=[gr.Audio(type="filepath"), gr.Audio(type="filepath"), gr.Dropdown(["speech", "music"], value="speech")], outputs="audio", examples=[ [ hf_hub_download("nateraw/examples", "voice_raw.wav", repo_type="dataset", cache_dir="./data"), hf_hub_download("nateraw/examples", "voice_produced.wav", repo_type="dataset", cache_dir="./data"), "speech", ], [ hf_hub_download("nateraw/examples", "nys_of_mind.wav", repo_type="dataset", cache_dir="./data"), hf_hub_download("nateraw/examples", "world_is_yours_highpass.wav", repo_type="dataset", cache_dir="./data"), "music", ], ], title="DeepAFx-ST", description=( "Gradio demo for DeepAFx-ST for style transfer of audio effects with differentiable signal processing. To use it, simply" " upload your audio files or choose from one of the examples. Read more at the links below." ), article=( "
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" ), allow_flagging="never", ).launch()