你好,你好,translate to english 你好你好,without translation Hello everyone, our D&D Power Rocker team will unveil for the first time our Personalized + Multi-lingual + Empathetic + Agent, her name is Human Care Humana. Here are our EXAMPLES and please refer to the resources folder for the evidence of them. # Learn - shop - choose journey - "I am looking for a plan in Clark Indiana, has transportation which is covered?" - "Tell me about go365 please", - "compare h1036 or h5216 based on monthly plan premium and recommed the best plan" # enroll and onboard - "What is the name of the plan described by this summary of benefits?" - "How much is the monthly premium?", # Plan specific - "What would my copay be for the emergency room?", - "what is the special preferred pharmacy called", - "Are prostate cancer screnings supported by the plan" # Usage: route to a real person - "I would like to talk to a real person", # NPS: Empathetic and follow-up question - "How is your day going?" - "I am pretty frustrated, help"