import streamlit as st import streamlit.components.v1 as c from streamlit_elements import elements, mui, html import hydralit_components as hc import extra_streamlit_components as stx from streamlit_extras.metric_cards import style_metric_cards ### 1. TITLE and SUBTITLE def set_title(varTitle, varSubtitle): st.markdown(f"""{varTitle} {varSubtitle}""", unsafe_allow_html=True) st.divider() def set_title_nodiv(varTitle, varSubtitle): st.markdown(f"""{varTitle} {varSubtitle}""", unsafe_allow_html=True) #st.divider() ### 2. Wording def set_blue_header(varSubtitle): st.markdown(f"""{varSubtitle}""", unsafe_allow_html=True) def set_green_header(varSubtitle): st.markdown(f"""{varSubtitle}""", unsafe_allow_html=True) ### 3. PAGE OVERVIEW def set_page_overview(varHeader, varText): set_blue_header(varHeader) st.markdown(f"{varText}") st.divider() ### 4. HYDRALIT NAVBAR def set_nav_bar(): navbar_menu_items = [ {'icon': "far fa-chart-bar", 'label':"Item1", 'ttip': "tooltip"}, {'icon': "fas fa-tachometer-alt", 'label':"Item2",'ttip':"tooltip"}, {'icon': "far fa-copy", 'label':"Item3", 'ttip': "Tooltip", 'submenu': [{'icon': "fa fa-paperclip", 'label': "Subitem1"}, {'icon': "fa fa-database", 'label': "subitem2"}, {'icon': "far fa-copy", 'label': "Subitem3"}]} ] over_theme = {'txc_inactive': '#FFFFFF'} menu_id = hc.nav_bar( menu_definition = navbar_menu_items, override_theme = over_theme, home_name = "Home", login_name = "Logout", hide_streamlit_markers=False, sticky_nav = True, sticky_mode = "pinned" ) ### 5. TITLE + PAGE OVERVIEW def set_title_pageoverview(varTitle, varSubtitle, varHeader, varSubheader): container0 = st.container() with container0: set_title(varTitle, varSubtitle) container1=st.container() with container1: set_page_overview(varHeader, varSubheader) # 1. KPI METRIC STYLING - Create container with # of columns = to # of metrics in a metrics dictionary def get_metric_container(varMetrics): metrics = varMetrics #array of metrics dictionary {"lablel": "", "id": "", "value": #, "delta": #} lenMetrics = len(metrics) cols = st.columns(lenMetrics) for idx, metric in enumerate(metrics): cols[idx].metric(label=metric["label"], value=metric["value"], delta=metric["delta"]) style_metric_cards( border_left_color="#0096D7", border_color="#0096D7", box_shadow=True ) #""" # Applies a custom style to st.metrics in the page # Args: # background_color (str, optional): Background color. Defaults to "#FFF". # border_size_px (int, optional): Border size in pixels. Defaults to 1. # border_color (str, optional): Border color. Defaults to "#CCC". # border_radius_px (int, optional): Border radius in pixels. Defaults to 5. # border_left_color (str, optional): Borfer left color. Defaults to "#9AD8E1". # box_shadow (bool, optional): Whether a box shadow is applied. Defaults to True. # """ #