import langchain_helper as lch import streamlit as st import textwrap st.title("YouTube Assistant(Question Answering app based on youtube video)") with st.sidebar: with st.form(key='my_form'): youtube_url = st.sidebar.text_area( label="Paste the youtube video URL", max_chars=50 ) query = st.sidebar.text_area( label="Ask me anything based on the video", max_chars=50, key="query" ) "[Get an OpenAI API key](" with st.sidebar: submit_btn = st.form_submit_button(label="Ask") if query and youtube_url and submit_btn: with st.spinner("Wait while I query the video..."): db = lch.create_vector_db_from_ytUrl(youtube_url) response, docs = lch.get_response_from_query(db, query) st.subheader(f"You asked: {query}. Here is what I got:") st.text(textwrap.fill(response, width=80))