import requests import os import gradio as gr from huggingface_hub import update_repo_visibility, whoami, upload_folder, create_repo, upload_file, update_repo_visibility from slugify import slugify import gradio as gr import re import uuid from typing import Optional import json from bs4 import BeautifulSoup TRUSTED_UPLOADERS = ["KappaNeuro", "CiroN2022", "multimodalart", "Norod78", "joachimsallstrom", "blink7630", "e-n-v-y", "DoctorDiffusion", "RalFinger", "artificialguybr"] def get_json_data(url): url_split = url.split('/') api_url = f"{url_split[4]}" try: response = requests.get(api_url) response.raise_for_status() return response.json() except requests.exceptions.RequestException as e: print(f"Error fetching JSON data: {e}") return None def check_nsfw(json_data, profile): if json_data["nsfw"]: return False print(profile) if(profile.username in TRUSTED_UPLOADERS): return True for model_version in json_data["modelVersions"]: for image in model_version["images"]: if image["nsfwLevel"] > 5: return False return True def get_prompts_from_image(image_id): url = f'{image_id}' response = requests.get(url) soup = BeautifulSoup(response.text, 'html.parser') content = soup.find_all(class_='mantine-Code-root mantine-Code-block mantine-2v44jn') if(content): if(len(content) > 1): return content[0].text, content[1].text else: return content[0].text, "" else: return "", "" def extract_info(json_data): if json_data["type"] == "LORA": for model_version in json_data["modelVersions"]: if model_version["baseModel"] in ["SDXL 1.0", "SDXL 0.9", "SD 1.5", "SD 1.4", "SD 2.1", "SD 2.0", "SD 2.0 768", "SD 2.1 768"]: for file in model_version["files"]: print(file) if "primary" in file: # Start by adding the primary file to the list urls_to_download = [{"url": file["downloadUrl"], "filename": file["name"], "type": "weightName"}] # Then append all image URLs to the list for image in model_version["images"]: image_id = image["url"].split("/")[-1].split(".")[0] prompt, negative_prompt = get_prompts_from_image(image_id) if image["nsfwLevel"] > 5: pass #ugly before checking the actual logic else: urls_to_download.append({ "url": image["url"], "filename": os.path.basename(image["url"]), "type": "imageName", "prompt": prompt, #if "meta" in image and "prompt" in image["meta"] else "" "negative_prompt": negative_prompt }) model_mapping = { "SDXL 1.0": "stabilityai/stable-diffusion-xl-base-1.0", "SDXL 0.9": "stabilityai/stable-diffusion-xl-base-1.0", "SD 1.5": "runwayml/stable-diffusion-v1-5", "SD 1.4": "CompVis/stable-diffusion-v1-4", "SD 2.1": "stabilityai/stable-diffusion-2-1-base", "SD 2.0": "stabilityai/stable-diffusion-2-base", "SD 2.1 768": "stabilityai/stable-diffusion-2-1", "SD 2.0 768": "stabilityai/stable-diffusion-2" } base_model = model_mapping[model_version["baseModel"]] info = { "urls_to_download": urls_to_download, "id": model_version["id"], "baseModel": base_model, "modelId": model_version.get("modelId", ""), "name": json_data["name"], "description": json_data["description"], "trainedWords": model_version["trainedWords"] if "trainedWords" in model_version else [], "creator": json_data["creator"]["username"], "tags": json_data["tags"], "allowNoCredit": json_data["allowNoCredit"], "allowCommercialUse": json_data["allowCommercialUse"], "allowDerivatives": json_data["allowDerivatives"], "allowDifferentLicense": json_data["allowDifferentLicense"] } return info return None def download_files(info, folder="."): downloaded_files = { "imageName": [], "imagePrompt": [], "imageNegativePrompt": [], "weightName": [] } for item in info["urls_to_download"]: download_file(item["url"], item["filename"], folder) downloaded_files[item["type"]].append(item["filename"]) if(item["type"] == "imageName"): prompt_clean = re.sub(r'<.*?>', '', item["prompt"]) negative_prompt_clean = re.sub(r'<.*?>', '', item["negative_prompt"]) downloaded_files["imagePrompt"].append(prompt_clean) downloaded_files["imageNegativePrompt"].append(negative_prompt_clean) return downloaded_files def download_file(url, filename, folder="."): headers = {} try: response = requests.get(url, headers=headers) response.raise_for_status() except requests.exceptions.HTTPError as e: print(e) if response.status_code == 401: headers['Authorization'] = f'Bearer {os.environ["CIVITAI_API"]}' try: response = requests.get(url, headers=headers) response.raise_for_status() except requests.exceptions.RequestException as e: raise gr.Error(f"Error downloading file: {e}") else: raise gr.Error(f"Error downloading file: {e}") except requests.exceptions.RequestException as e: raise gr.Error(f"Error downloading file: {e}") with open(f"{folder}/{filename}", 'wb') as f: f.write(response.content) def process_url(url, profile, do_download=True, folder="."): json_data = get_json_data(url) if json_data: if check_nsfw(json_data, profile): info = extract_info(json_data) if info: if(do_download): downloaded_files = download_files(info, folder) else: downloaded_files = [] return info, downloaded_files else: raise gr.Error("Only SDXL LoRAs are supported for now") else: raise gr.Error("This model has content tagged as unsafe by CivitAI") else: raise gr.Error("Something went wrong in fetching CivitAI API") def create_readme(info, downloaded_files, user_repo_id, link_civit=False, is_author=True, folder="."): readme_content = "" original_url = f"{info['modelId']}" link_civit_disclaimer = f'([CivitAI]({original_url}))' non_author_disclaimer = f'This model was originally uploaded on [CivitAI]({original_url}), by [{info["creator"]}]({info["creator"]}/models). The information below was provided by the author on CivitAI:' default_tags = ["text-to-image", "stable-diffusion", "lora", "diffusers", "template:sd-lora", "migrated"] civit_tags = [t.replace(":", "") for t in info["tags"] if t not in default_tags] tags = default_tags + civit_tags unpacked_tags = "\n- ".join(tags) trained_words = info['trainedWords'] if 'trainedWords' in info and info['trainedWords'] else [] formatted_words = ', '.join(f'`{word}`' for word in trained_words) if formatted_words: trigger_words_section = f"""## Trigger words You should use {formatted_words} to trigger the image generation. """ else: trigger_words_section = "" widget_content = "" for index, (prompt, negative_prompt, image) in enumerate(zip(downloaded_files["imagePrompt"], downloaded_files["imageNegativePrompt"], downloaded_files["imageName"])): escaped_prompt = prompt.replace("'", "''") negative_prompt_content = f"""parameters: negative_prompt: {negative_prompt} """ if negative_prompt else "" widget_content += f"""- text: '{escaped_prompt if escaped_prompt else ' ' }' {negative_prompt_content} output: url: >- {image} """ content = f"""--- license: other license_name: bespoke-lora-trained-license license_link:{info["allowNoCredit"]}&allowCommercialUse={info["allowCommercialUse"][0] if info["allowCommercialUse"] else 1}&allowDerivatives={info["allowDerivatives"]}&allowDifferentLicense={info["allowDifferentLicense"]} tags: - {unpacked_tags} base_model: {info["baseModel"]} instance_prompt: {info['trainedWords'][0] if 'trainedWords' in info and len(info['trainedWords']) > 0 else ''} widget: {widget_content} --- # {info["name"]} {non_author_disclaimer if not is_author else ''} {link_civit_disclaimer if link_civit else ''} ## Model description {info["description"]} {trigger_words_section} ## Download model Weights for this model are available in Safetensors format. [Download](/{user_repo_id}/tree/main) them in the Files & versions tab. ## Use it with the [๐Ÿงจ diffusers library]( ```py from diffusers import AutoPipelineForText2Image import torch pipeline = AutoPipelineForText2Image.from_pretrained('{info["baseModel"]}', torch_dtype=torch.float16).to('cuda') pipeline.load_lora_weights('{user_repo_id}', weight_name='{downloaded_files["weightName"][0]}') image = pipeline('{prompt if prompt else (formatted_words if formatted_words else 'Your custom prompt')}').images[0] ``` For more details, including weighting, merging and fusing LoRAs, check the [documentation on loading LoRAs in diffusers]( """ #for index, (image, prompt) in enumerate(zip(downloaded_files["imageName"], downloaded_files["imagePrompt"])): # if index == 1: # content += f"## Image examples for the model:\n![Image {index}]({image})\n> {prompt}\n" # elif index > 1: # content += f"\n![Image {index}]({image})\n> {prompt}\n" readme_content += content + "\n" with open(f"{folder}/", "w") as file: file.write(readme_content) def get_creator(username): url = f"{username}%22%2C%22authed%22%3Atrue%7D%7D" headers = { "authority": "", "accept": "*/*", "accept-language": "en-BR,en;q=0.9,pt-BR;q=0.8,pt;q=0.7,es-ES;q=0.6,es;q=0.5,de-LI;q=0.4,de;q=0.3,en-GB;q=0.2,en-US;q=0.1,sk;q=0.1", "content-type": "application/json", "cookie": f'{os.environ["COOKIE_INFO"]}', "if-modified-since": "Tue, 22 Aug 2023 07:18:52 GMT", "referer": f"{username}/models", "sec-ch-ua": "\"Not.A/Brand\";v=\"8\", \"Chromium\";v=\"114\", \"Google Chrome\";v=\"114\"", "sec-ch-ua-mobile": "?0", "sec-ch-ua-platform": "macOS", "sec-fetch-dest": "empty", "sec-fetch-mode": "cors", "sec-fetch-site": "same-origin", "user-agent": "Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; Intel Mac OS X 10_15_7) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/ Safari/537.36" } response = requests.get(url, headers=headers) return response.json() def extract_huggingface_username(username): data = get_creator(username) links = data.get('result', {}).get('data', {}).get('json', {}).get('links', []) for link in links: url = link.get('url', '') if url.startswith('') or url.startswith(''): username = url.split('/')[-1] return username return None def check_civit_link(profile: Optional[gr.OAuthProfile], url): info, _ = process_url(url, profile, do_download=False) hf_username = extract_huggingface_username(info['creator']) attributes_methods = dir(profile) if(profile.username == "multimodalart"): return '', gr.update(interactive=True), gr.update(visible=False), gr.update(visible=True) if(not hf_username): no_username_text = f'If you are {info["creator"]} on CivitAI, hi! Your CivitAI profile seems to not have information about your Hugging Face account. Please visit and include your ๐Ÿค— username there, here\'s mine:

(if you are not {info["creator"]}, you cannot submit their model at this time)' return no_username_text, gr.update(interactive=False), gr.update(visible=True), gr.update(visible=False) if(profile.username != hf_username): unmatched_username_text = '

Oops, the Hugging Face account in your CivitAI profile seems to be different than the one your are using here. Please visit and update it there to match your Hugging Face account

' return unmatched_username_text, gr.update(interactive=False), gr.update(visible=True), gr.update(visible=False) else: return '', gr.update(interactive=True), gr.update(visible=False), gr.update(visible=True) def swap_fill(profile: Optional[gr.OAuthProfile]): if profile is None: return gr.update(visible=True), gr.update(visible=False) else: return gr.update(visible=False), gr.update(visible=True) def show_output(): return gr.update(visible=True) def list_civit_models(username): url = f"{username}&limit=100" json_models_list = [] while url: response = requests.get(url) data = response.json() # Add current page items to the list json_models_list.extend(data.get('items', [])) # Check if there is a nextPage URL in the metadata metadata = data.get('metadata', {}) url = metadata.get('nextPage', None) urls = "" for model in json_models_list: urls += f'{model["id"]}/{slugify(model["name"])}\n' return urls def upload_civit_to_hf(profile: Optional[gr.OAuthProfile], oauth_token: gr.OAuthToken, url, link_civit=False): if not return gr.Error("Are you sure you are logged in?") folder = str(uuid.uuid4()) os.makedirs(folder, exist_ok=False) gr.Info(f"Starting download of model {url}") info, downloaded_files = process_url(url, profile, folder=folder) username = {profile.username} slug_name = slugify(info["name"]) user_repo_id = f"{profile.username}/{slug_name}" create_readme(info, downloaded_files, user_repo_id, link_civit, folder=folder) try: create_repo(repo_id=user_repo_id, private=True, exist_ok=True, token=oauth_token.token) gr.Info(f"Starting to upload repo {user_repo_id} to Hugging Face...") upload_folder( folder_path=folder, repo_id=user_repo_id, repo_type="model", token=oauth_token.token ) update_repo_visibility(repo_id=user_repo_id, private=False, token=oauth_token.token) gr.Info(f"Model uploaded!") except Exception as e: print(e) raise gr.Error("Your Hugging Face Token expired. Log out and in again to upload your models.") return f'''# Model uploaded to ๐Ÿค—! ## Access it here [{user_repo_id}]({user_repo_id}) ''' def bulk_upload(profile: Optional[gr.OAuthProfile], oauth_token: gr.OAuthToken, urls, link_civit=False): urls = urls.split("\n") print(urls) upload_results = "" for url in urls: if(url): try: upload_result = upload_civit_to_hf(profile, oauth_token, url, link_civit) upload_results += upload_result+"\n" except Exception as e: gr.Warning(f"Error uploading the model {url}") return upload_results css = ''' #login { width: 100% !important; margin: 0 auto; } #disabled_upload{ opacity: 0.5; pointer-events:none; } ''' with gr.Blocks(css=css) as demo: gr.Markdown('''# Upload your CivitAI LoRA to Hugging Face ๐Ÿค— By uploading your LoRAs to Hugging Face you get diffusers compatibility, a free GPU-based Inference Widget, you'll be listed in [LoRA Studio]( after a short review, and get the possibility to submit your model to the [LoRA the Explorer]( โœจ ''') gr.LoginButton(elem_id="login") with gr.Column(elem_id="disabled_upload") as disabled_area: with gr.Row(): submit_source_civit = gr.Textbox( placeholder="", label="CivitAI model URL", info="URL of the CivitAI LoRA", ) submit_button_civit = gr.Button("Upload model to Hugging Face and submit", interactive=False) with gr.Column(visible=False) as enabled_area: with gr.Column(): submit_source_civit = gr.Textbox( placeholder="", label="CivitAI model URL", info="URL of the CivitAI LoRA", ) with gr.Accordion("Bulk upload (bring in multiple LoRAs)", open=False): civit_username_to_bulk = gr.Textbox(label="CivitAI username (optional)", info="Type your CivitAI username here to automagically fill the bulk models URLs list below (optional, you can paste links down here directly)") submit_bulk_civit = gr.Textbox( label="CivitAI bulk models URLs", info="Add one URL per line", lines=6, ) link_civit = gr.Checkbox(label="Link back to CivitAI?", value=False) bulk_button = gr.Button("Bulk upload") instructions = gr.HTML("") try_again_button = gr.Button("I have added my HF profile to my account (it may take 1 minute to refresh)", visible=False) submit_button_civit = gr.Button("Upload model to Hugging Face", interactive=False) output = gr.Markdown(label="Output progress", visible=False) demo.load(fn=swap_fill, outputs=[disabled_area, enabled_area], queue=False) submit_source_civit.change(fn=check_civit_link, inputs=[submit_source_civit], outputs=[instructions, submit_button_civit, try_again_button, submit_button_civit]) civit_username_to_bulk.change(fn=list_civit_models, inputs=[civit_username_to_bulk], outputs=[submit_bulk_civit]), inputs=[submit_source_civit], outputs=[instructions, submit_button_civit, try_again_button, submit_button_civit]), inputs=[], outputs=[output]).then(fn=upload_civit_to_hf, inputs=[submit_source_civit, link_civit], outputs=[output]), inputs=[], outputs=[output]).then(fn=bulk_upload, inputs=[submit_bulk_civit, link_civit], outputs=[output]) #gr.LogoutButton(elem_id="logout") demo.queue(default_concurrency_limit=50) demo.launch()