window.QuartoLineHighlight = function () { function isPrintView() { return /print-pdf/gi.test(; } const delimiters = { step: "|", line: ",", lineRange: "-", }; const regex = new RegExp( "^[\\d" + Object.values(delimiters).join("") + "]+$" ); function handleLinesSelector(deck, attr) { // if we are in printview with pdfSeparateFragments: false // then we'll also want to supress if (regex.test(attr)) { if (isPrintView() && deck.getConfig().pdfSeparateFragments !== true) { return false; } else { return true; } } else { return false; } } const kCodeLineNumbersAttr = "data-code-line-numbers"; const kFragmentIndex = "data-fragment-index"; function initQuartoLineHighlight(deck) { const divSourceCode = deck .getRevealElement() .querySelectorAll("div.sourceCode"); // Process each div created by Pandoc highlighting - numbered line are already included. divSourceCode.forEach((el) => { if (el.hasAttribute(kCodeLineNumbersAttr)) { const codeLineAttr = el.getAttribute(kCodeLineNumbersAttr); el.removeAttribute("data-code-line-numbers"); if (handleLinesSelector(deck, codeLineAttr)) { // Only process if attr is a string to select lines to highlights // e.g "1|3,6|8-11" const codeBlock = el.querySelectorAll("pre code"); codeBlock.forEach((code) => { // move attributes on code block code.setAttribute(kCodeLineNumbersAttr, codeLineAttr); const scrollState = { currentBlock: code }; // Check if there are steps and duplicate code block accordingly const highlightSteps = splitLineNumbers(codeLineAttr); if (highlightSteps.length > 1) { // If the original code block has a fragment-index, // each clone should follow in an incremental sequence let fragmentIndex = parseInt( code.getAttribute(kFragmentIndex), 10 ); fragmentIndex = typeof fragmentIndex !== "number" || isNaN(fragmentIndex) ? null : fragmentIndex; let stepN = 1; highlightSteps.slice(1).forEach( // Generate fragments for all steps except the original block (step) => { var fragmentBlock = code.cloneNode(true); fragmentBlock.setAttribute( "data-code-line-numbers", joinLineNumbers([step]) ); fragmentBlock.classList.add("fragment"); // Pandoc sets id on spans we need to keep unique fragmentBlock .querySelectorAll(":scope > span") .forEach((span) => { if (span.hasAttribute("id")) { span.setAttribute( "id", span.getAttribute("id").concat("-" + stepN) ); } }); stepN = ++stepN; // Add duplicated element after existing one code.parentNode.appendChild(fragmentBlock); // Each new element is highlighted based on the new attributes value highlightCodeBlock(fragmentBlock); if (typeof fragmentIndex === "number") { fragmentBlock.setAttribute(kFragmentIndex, fragmentIndex); fragmentIndex += 1; } else { fragmentBlock.removeAttribute(kFragmentIndex); } // Scroll highlights into view as we step through them fragmentBlock.addEventListener( "visible", scrollHighlightedLineIntoView.bind( this, fragmentBlock, scrollState ) ); fragmentBlock.addEventListener( "hidden", scrollHighlightedLineIntoView.bind( this, fragmentBlock.previousSibling, scrollState ) ); } ); code.removeAttribute(kFragmentIndex); code.setAttribute( kCodeLineNumbersAttr, joinLineNumbers([highlightSteps[0]]) ); } // Scroll the first highlight into view when the slide becomes visible. const slide = typeof code.closest === "function" ? code.closest("section:not(.stack)") : null; if (slide) { const scrollFirstHighlightIntoView = function () { scrollHighlightedLineIntoView(code, scrollState, true); slide.removeEventListener( "visible", scrollFirstHighlightIntoView ); }; slide.addEventListener("visible", scrollFirstHighlightIntoView); } highlightCodeBlock(code); }); } } }); } function highlightCodeBlock(codeBlock) { const highlightSteps = splitLineNumbers( codeBlock.getAttribute(kCodeLineNumbersAttr) ); if (highlightSteps.length) { // If we have at least one step, we generate fragments highlightSteps[0].forEach((highlight) => { // Add expected class on
 for reveal CSS

        // Select lines to highlight
        spanToHighlight = [];
        if (typeof highlight.last === "number") {
          spanToHighlight = []
              ":scope > span:nth-child(n+" +
                highlight.first +
                "):nth-child(-n+" +
                highlight.last +
        } else if (typeof highlight.first === "number") {
          spanToHighlight = []
              ":scope > span:nth-child(" + highlight.first + ")"
        if (spanToHighlight.length) {
          // Add a class on  and  to select line to highlight
          spanToHighlight.forEach((span) =>

   * Animates scrolling to the first highlighted line
   * in the given code block.
  function scrollHighlightedLineIntoView(block, scrollState, skipAnimation) {

    // Match the scroll position of the currently visible
    // code block
    if (scrollState.currentBlock) {
      block.scrollTop = scrollState.currentBlock.scrollTop;

    // Remember the current code block so that we can match
    // its scroll position when showing/hiding fragments
    scrollState.currentBlock = block;

    const highlightBounds = getHighlightedLineBounds(block);
    let viewportHeight = block.offsetHeight;

    // Subtract padding from the viewport height
    const blockStyles = window.getComputedStyle(block);
    viewportHeight -=
      parseInt(blockStyles.paddingTop) + parseInt(blockStyles.paddingBottom);

    // Scroll position which centers all highlights
    const startTop = block.scrollTop;
    let targetTop = +
      (Math.min(highlightBounds.bottom -, viewportHeight) -
        viewportHeight) /

    // Make sure the scroll target is within bounds
    targetTop = Math.max(
      Math.min(targetTop, block.scrollHeight - viewportHeight),

    if (skipAnimation === true || startTop === targetTop) {
      block.scrollTop = targetTop;
    } else {
      // Don't attempt to scroll if there is no overflow
      if (block.scrollHeight <= viewportHeight) return;

      let time = 0;

      const animate = function () {
        time = Math.min(time + 0.02, 1);

        // Update our eased scroll position
        block.scrollTop =
          startTop + (targetTop - startTop) * easeInOutQuart(time);

        // Keep animating unless we've reached the end
        if (time < 1) {
          scrollState.animationFrameID = requestAnimationFrame(animate);


  function getHighlightedLineBounds(block) {
    const highlightedLines = block.querySelectorAll(".highlight-line");
    if (highlightedLines.length === 0) {
      return { top: 0, bottom: 0 };
    } else {
      const firstHighlight = highlightedLines[0];
      const lastHighlight = highlightedLines[highlightedLines.length - 1];

      return {
        top: firstHighlight.offsetTop,
        bottom: lastHighlight.offsetTop + lastHighlight.offsetHeight,

   * The easing function used when scrolling.
  function easeInOutQuart(t) {
    // easeInOutQuart
    return t < 0.5 ? 8 * t * t * t * t : 1 - 8 * --t * t * t * t;

  function splitLineNumbers(lineNumbersAttr) {
    // remove space
    lineNumbersAttr = lineNumbersAttr.replace("/s/g", "");
    // seperate steps (for fragment)
    lineNumbersAttr = lineNumbersAttr.split(delimiters.step);

    // for each step, calculate first and last line, if any
    return => {
      // detect lines
      const lines = highlights.split(delimiters.line);
      return => {
        if (/^[\d-]+$/.test(range)) {
          range = range.split(delimiters.lineRange);
          const firstLine = parseInt(range[0], 10);
          const lastLine = range[1] ? parseInt(range[1], 10) : undefined;
          return {
            first: firstLine,
            last: lastLine,
        } else {
          return {};

  function joinLineNumbers(splittedLineNumbers) {
    return splittedLineNumbers
      .map(function (highlights) {
        return highlights
          .map(function (highlight) {
            // Line range
            if (typeof highlight.last === "number") {
              return highlight.first + delimiters.lineRange + highlight.last;
            // Single line
            else if (typeof highlight.first === "number") {
              return highlight.first;
            // All lines
            else {
              return "";

  return {
    id: "quarto-line-highlight",
    init: function (deck) {

      // If we're printing to PDF, scroll the code highlights of
      // all blocks in the deck into view at once
      deck.on("pdf-ready", function () {
                "pre code[data-code-line-numbers].current-fragment"
          .forEach(function (block) {
            scrollHighlightedLineIntoView(block, {}, true);