import gradio import webui.modules.implementations.audiocraft as acrft from webui.modules import util def generate(prompt, input_audio, top_k, top_p, temp, duration, progress=gradio.Progress()): output = acrft.generate(prompt, input_audio, True, top_k, top_p, temp, duration, progress=progress) if isinstance(output, str): return None, None, output else: return output, util.make_waveform(output) def audiocraft_tab(): with gradio.Row(): with gradio.Row(): selected = gradio.Dropdown(acrft.models, value='medium', label='Model') with gradio.Column(elem_classes='smallsplit'): load = gradio.Button('🚀', variant='tool secondary') unload = gradio.Button('💣', variant='tool primary') def load_model(model): acrft.create_model(model) return model def unload_model(): acrft.delete_model() return '', selected, selected), outputs=selected) with gradio.Row(): gen_button = gradio.Button('Generate', variant='primary') with gradio.Row(): with gradio.Column(): prompt = gradio.TextArea(label='Prompt', info='Put the audio you want here.', placeholder='Something like: "happy rock", "energetic EDM" or "sad jazz"\nLonger descriptions are also supported.') duration = gradio.Number(5, label='Duration (s)', info='Duration for the generation in seconds.') input_audio = gradio.Audio(label='Input audio (structure for melody, continuation for others)') with gradio.Row(): top_k = gradio.Slider(label='top_k', info='Higher number = more possible tokens, 0 to disable', minimum=0, value=250, maximum=10000, step=1) top_p = gradio.Slider(label='top_p', info='Higher number = more possible tokens, 0 to use top_k instead', minimum=0, value=0, maximum=1, step=0.01) temp = gradio.Slider(label='temperature', info='Higher number = more randomness for picking the next token', minimum=0, value=1, maximum=2) with gradio.Column(): with gradio.Row(): audio_out = gradio.Audio(label='Generated audio', interactive=False) with gradio.Row(): video_out = gradio.Video(label='Waveform video', interactive=False), inputs=[prompt, input_audio, top_k, top_p, temp, duration], outputs=[audio_out, video_out])