import gc import os.path import tempfile import gradio import numpy import numpy as np import requests import import torch.cuda # from TTS.api import TTS # from TTS.utils.manage import ModelManager import webui.modules.models as mod from webui.modules.implementations.patches.bark_custom_voices import wav_to_semantics, generate_fine_from_wav, \ generate_course_history from webui.ui.tabs import settings hubert_models_cache = None class BarkTTS(mod.TTSModelLoader): no_install = True @staticmethod def get_voices(): found_prompts = [] base_path = 'data/bark_custom_speakers/' for path, subdirs, files in os.walk(base_path): for name in files: if name.endswith('.npz'): found_prompts.append(os.path.join(path, name)[len(base_path):-4]) from webui.modules.implementations.patches.bark_generation import ALLOWED_PROMPTS return ['None'] + found_prompts + ALLOWED_PROMPTS @staticmethod def create_voice(file, clone_model): clone_model_obj = [model for model in hubert_models_cache if model['name'].casefold() == clone_model.casefold()][0] file_name = '.'.join(file.replace('\\', '/').split('/')[-1].split('.')[:-1]) out_file = f'data/bark_custom_speakers/{file_name}.npz' semantic_prompt = wav_to_semantics(file, clone_model_obj) fine_prompt = generate_fine_from_wav(file) coarse_prompt = generate_course_history(fine_prompt) np.savez(out_file, semantic_prompt=semantic_prompt, fine_prompt=fine_prompt, coarse_prompt=coarse_prompt ) return file_name @staticmethod def get_cloning_models(): global hubert_models_cache if hubert_models_cache: return hubert_models_cache try: r = requests.get('') hubert_models_cache = r.json() except: # No internet connection or something similar hubert_models_cache = [ { "name": "Base English", "repo": "GitMylo/bark-voice-cloning", "file": "quantifier_hubert_base_ls960_14.pth", "language": "ENG", "author": "", "quant_version": 0, "official": True, "dlfilename": "tokenizer.pth", "extra": { "dataset": "" } }, { "name": "Large English", "repo": "GitMylo/bark-voice-cloning", "file": "quantifier_V1_hubert_base_ls960_23.pth", "language": "ENG", "author": "", "quant_version": 1, "official": True, "dlfilename": "tokenizer_large.pth", "extra": { "dataset": "" } } ] return hubert_models_cache def _components(self, **quick_kwargs): def update_speaker(option): if option == 'File': speaker.hide = False refresh_speakers.hide = False speaker_file.hide = True speaker_name.hide = True clone_model.hide = True npz_file.hide = True speakers.hide = False return [gradio.update(visible=True), gradio.update(visible=True), gradio.update(visible=True), gradio.update(visible=False), gradio.update(visible=False), gradio.update(visible=False), gradio.update(visible=False)] elif option == 'Clone': speaker.hide = True refresh_speakers.hide = True speaker_file.hide = True speaker_name.hide = False clone_model.hide = False npz_file.hide = True speakers.hide = True return [gradio.update(visible=False), gradio.update(visible=False), gradio.update(visible=False), gradio.update(visible=True), gradio.update(visible=True), gradio.update(visible=True), gradio.update(visible=False)] elif option == 'Upload .npz': speaker.hide = True refresh_speakers.hide = True speaker_file.hide = True speaker_name.hide = True clone_model.hide = True npz_file.hide = False speakers.hide = True return [gradio.update(visible=False), gradio.update(visible=False), gradio.update(visible=False), gradio.update(visible=False), gradio.update(visible=False), gradio.update(visible=False), gradio.update(visible=True)] def update_input(option): if option == 'Text': textbox.hide = False split_type.hide = False audio_upload.hide = True return [gradio.update(visible=True), gradio.update(visible=True), gradio.update(visible=False), gradio.update(visible=False), gradio.update(visible=True)] else: textbox.hide = True split_type.hide = True audio_upload.hide = False return [gradio.update(visible=False), gradio.update(visible=False), gradio.update(visible=True), gradio.update(visible=True), gradio.update(visible=False)] def update_voices(): return gradio.update(choices=self.get_voices()) clone_models = [m['name'] for m in self.get_cloning_models()] input_type = gradio.Radio(['Text', 'Audio'], label='Input type', value='Text', **quick_kwargs) textbox = gradio.Textbox(lines=7, label='Input', placeholder='Text to speak goes here', info='For manual splitting, use enter. Otherwise, don\'t worry about it', **quick_kwargs) split_type = gradio.Dropdown(['Manual', 'Strict short', 'Strict long', 'Non-strict short', 'Non-strict long'], value='Strict long', label='Splitting type', **quick_kwargs) gen_prefix = gradio.Textbox(label='Generation prefix', info='Add this text before every generated chunk, better for keeping emotions.', **quick_kwargs) input_lang_model = gradio.Dropdown(clone_models, value=clone_models[0], label='Speech recognition bark quantizer.', info='The "voice cloning" model to use. Mainly for languages.', **quick_kwargs) audio_upload = gradio.File(label='Words to speak', file_types=['audio'], **quick_kwargs) input_lang_model.hide = True audio_upload.hide = True # with gradio.Row(visible=False) as temps: text_temp = gradio.Slider(0.05, 1.5, 0.7, step=0.05, label='Text temperature', info='Affects the randomness of the generated speech patterns, like with Language models, higher is more random', **quick_kwargs) waveform_temp = gradio.Slider(0.05, 1.5, 0.7, step=0.05, label='Waveform temperature', info='Affects the randomness of the audio generated from the previous generated speech patterns, like with Language models, higher is more random', **quick_kwargs) with gradio.Accordion(label='Voice cloning guide and long form generations', open=False, visible=False) as a: clone_guide = gradio.Markdown(''' ## Long form generations Split your long form generations with newlines (enter), every line will be generated individually, but as a continuation of the last. Empty lines at the start and end will be skipped. ## When cloning a voice: * The speaker will be saved in the data/bark_custom_speakers directory. * The "file" output contains a different speaker. This is for saving speakers created through random generation. Or continued cloning. ## Cloning guide (short edition) * Clear spoken, no noise, no music. * Ends after a short pause for best results. * The speaker will be saved in the data/bark_custom_speakers directory. * The β€œfile” output contains a different speaker. This is for saving speakers created through random generation. Or continued cloning. ''', visible=False) mode = gradio.Radio(['File', 'Clone', 'Upload .npz'], label='Speaker from', value='File', **quick_kwargs) with gradio.Row(visible=False) as speakers: speaker = gradio.Dropdown(self.get_voices(), value='None', show_label=False, **quick_kwargs) refresh_speakers = gradio.Button('πŸ”ƒ', variant='tool secondary', **quick_kwargs), outputs=speaker) clone_model = gradio.Dropdown(clone_models, value=clone_models[0], label='Voice cloning model.', info='The voice cloning model to use. Mainly for languages.', **quick_kwargs) speaker_name = gradio.Textbox(label='Speaker name', info='The name to save the speaker as, random if empty', **quick_kwargs) speaker_file = gradio.Audio(label='Speaker', **quick_kwargs) clone_model.hide = True speaker_name.hide = True speaker_file.hide = True # Custom, auto hide speaker_file npz_file = gradio.File(label='Npz file', file_types=['.npz'], **quick_kwargs) npz_file.hide = True keep_generating = gradio.Checkbox(label='Keep it up (keep generating)', value=False, **quick_kwargs) min_eos_p = gradio.Slider(0.05, 1, 0.2, step=0.05, label='min end of audio probability', info='Lower values cause the generation to stop sooner, higher values make it do more, 1 is about the same as keep generating being on.', **quick_kwargs) mode.change(fn=update_speaker, inputs=mode, outputs=[speakers, speaker, refresh_speakers, speaker_file, speaker_name, clone_model, npz_file]) input_type.change(fn=update_input, inputs=input_type, outputs=[textbox, split_type, audio_upload, input_lang_model, gen_prefix]) return [textbox, gen_prefix, audio_upload, input_type, mode, text_temp, waveform_temp, speaker, speaker_name, speaker_file, refresh_speakers, keep_generating, clone_guide, speakers, min_eos_p, a, clone_model, input_lang_model, npz_file, split_type] model = 'suno/bark' def get_response(self, *inputs, progress=gradio.Progress()): textbox, gen_prefix, audio_upload, input_type, mode, text_temp, waveform_temp, speaker,\ speaker_name, speaker_file, refresh_speakers, keep_generating, clone_guide, min_eos_p, clone_model,\ input_lang_model, npz_file, split_type = inputs _speaker = None if mode == 'File': _speaker = speaker if speaker != 'None' else None elif mode == 'Clone': speaker_sr, speaker_wav = speaker_file temp_file = tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile(delete=False, suffix='.wav') if speaker_name: = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(, speaker_name + '.wav'), speaker_sr, speaker_wav) _speaker = self.create_voice(, clone_model) elif mode == 'Upload .npz': _speaker = from webui.modules.implementations.patches.bark_api import generate_audio_new, semantic_to_waveform_new from bark.generation import SAMPLE_RATE if input_type == 'Text': history_prompt, audio = generate_audio_new(textbox, _speaker, text_temp, waveform_temp, output_full=True, allow_early_stop=not keep_generating, min_eos_p=min_eos_p, gen_prefix=gen_prefix, progress=progress, split_type=split_type) else: input_lang_model_obj = \ [model for model in hubert_models_cache if model['name'].casefold() == input_lang_model.casefold()][0] semantics = wav_to_semantics(, input_lang_model_obj).numpy() history_prompt, audio = semantic_to_waveform_new(semantics, _speaker, waveform_temp, output_full=True, progress=progress) temp = tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile(delete=False) ='\\', '/').split('/')[-1], 'speaker.npz') numpy.savez(, **history_prompt) return (SAMPLE_RATE, audio), def unload_model(self): # from bark.generation import clean_models # clean_models() import bark.generation as bark_gen model_keys = list(bark_gen.models.keys()) for k in model_keys: if k in bark_gen.models: del bark_gen.models[k] bark_gen._clear_cuda_cache() gc.collect() def load_model(self, progress=gradio.Progress()): from webui.modules.implementations.patches.bark_generation import preload_models_new gpu = not settings.get('bark_use_cpu') preload_models_new( text_use_gpu=gpu, fine_use_gpu=gpu, coarse_use_gpu=gpu, codec_use_gpu=gpu, progress=progress ) # class CoquiTTS(mod.TTSModelLoader): # no_install = True # model = 'Coqui TTS' # # current_model: TTS = None # current_model_name: str = None # # def load_model(self, progress=gradio.Progress()): # pass # # def unload_model(self): # self.current_model_name = None # self.current_model = None # gc.collect() # torch.cuda.empty_cache() # # def tts_speakers(self): # if self.current_model is None: # return gradio.update(choices=[]), gradio.update(choices=[]) # speakers = list( # dict.fromkeys([speaker.strip() for speaker in self.current_model.speakers])) if self.current_model.is_multi_speaker else [] # languages = list(dict.fromkeys(self.current_model.languages)) if self.current_model.is_multi_lingual else [] # return gradio.update(choices=speakers), gradio.update(choices=languages) # # def _components(self, **quick_kwargs): # with gradio.Row(visible=False) as r1: # selected_tts = gradio.Dropdown(ModelManager(models_file=TTS.get_models_file_path(), progress_bar=False, verbose=False).list_tts_models(), label='TTS model', info='The TTS model to use for text-to-speech', # allow_custom_value=True, **quick_kwargs) # selected_tts_unload = gradio.Button('πŸ’£', variant='primary tool offset--10', **quick_kwargs) # # with gradio.Row(visible=False) as r2: # speaker_tts = gradio.Dropdown(self.tts_speakers()[0]['choices'], label='TTS speaker', # info='The speaker to use for the TTS model, only for multi speaker models.', **quick_kwargs) # speaker_tts_refresh = gradio.Button('πŸ”ƒ', variant='primary tool offset--10', **quick_kwargs) # # with gradio.Row(visible=False) as r3: # lang_tts = gradio.Dropdown(self.tts_speakers()[1]['choices'], label='TTS language', # info='The language to use for the TTS model, only for multilingual models.', **quick_kwargs) # lang_tts_refresh = gradio.Button('πŸ”ƒ', variant='primary tool offset--10', **quick_kwargs) # #, outputs=[speaker_tts, lang_tts]) #, outputs=[speaker_tts, lang_tts]) # # def load_tts(model): # if self.current_model_name != model: # unload_tts() # self.current_model_name = model # self.current_model = TTS(model, gpu=True if torch.cuda.is_available() and settings.get('tts_use_gpu') else False) # return gradio.update(value=model), *self.tts_speakers() # # def unload_tts(): # if self.current_model is not None: # self.current_model = None # self.current_model_name = None # gc.collect() # torch.cuda.empty_cache() # return gradio.update(value=''), *self.tts_speakers() # #, outputs=[selected_tts, speaker_tts, lang_tts]) #, inputs=selected_tts, outputs=[selected_tts, speaker_tts, lang_tts]) # # text_input = gradio.TextArea(label='Text to speech text', # info='Text to speech text if no audio file is used as input.', **quick_kwargs) # # return selected_tts, selected_tts_unload, speaker_tts, speaker_tts_refresh, lang_tts, lang_tts_refresh, text_input, r1, r2, r3 # # # # def get_response(self, *inputs, progress=gradio.Progress()): # selected_tts, selected_tts_unload, speaker_tts, speaker_tts_refresh, lang_tts, lang_tts_refresh, text_input = inputs # if self.current_model_name != selected_tts: # if self.current_model is not None: # self.current_model = None # self.current_model_name = None # gc.collect() # torch.cuda.empty_cache() # self.current_model_name = selected_tts # self.current_model = TTS(selected_tts, gpu=True if torch.cuda.is_available() and settings.get('tts_use_gpu') else False) # audio = np.array(self.current_model.tts(text_input, speaker_tts if self.current_model.is_multi_speaker else None, lang_tts if self.current_model.is_multi_lingual else None)) # audio_tuple = (self.current_model.synthesizer.output_sample_rate, audio) # return audio_tuple, None elements = [] def init_elements(): global elements import webui.extensionlib.callbacks as cb extension_elements = [] for el in cb.get_manager('webui.tts.list')(): if isinstance(el, mod.TTSModelLoader): extension_elements.append(el) elif isinstance(el, list): extension_elements += el extension_elements = [e for e in extension_elements if isinstance(e, mod.TTSModelLoader)] # Cleanup elements = [BarkTTS()] + extension_elements def all_tts() -> list[mod.TTSModelLoader]: if not elements: init_elements() return elements def all_elements(in_dict): l = [] for value in in_dict.values(): l += value return l def all_elements_dict(): d = {} for tts in all_tts(): d[tts.model] = tts.gradio_components() return d