import sys from .commands import run_command, get_python from .os import is_windows import os venv_name = 'venv' venv_activate_path = f'{venv_name}/' + ('Scripts/activate.bat' if is_windows() else 'bin/activate') def get_base_prefix_compat(): """Get base/real prefix, or sys.prefix if there is none.""" return getattr(sys, "base_prefix", None) or getattr(sys, "real_prefix", None) or sys.prefix def in_venv(): in_conda = os.environ.get('CONDA_PREFIX') is not None return (get_base_prefix_compat() != sys.prefix) or in_conda def activate_venv(): if in_venv(): return if not os.path.isdir(venv_name): print('no venv found, creating venv') run_command(f'"{get_python()}"', '-m venv venv') run_command([('call' if is_windows() else 'source', venv_activate_path), ('python', ' '.join([f'"{arg}"' for arg in sys.argv]))]) # Launch the with the venv exit() # Exit after the venv'ed version exits (maximum depth will be 2 because the venv is already activated in that case) def ensure_venv(): if not in_venv(): print('activating venv') activate_venv()