import os.path import gradio import huggingface_hub import webui.modules.models as mod model_types = ['text-to-speech', 'automatic-speech-recognition', 'audio-to-audio', 'rvc'] class AutoModel: def __init__(self, repo_id, model_type): self.repo_id = repo_id self.model_type = model_type def __str__(self): return self.repo_id def get_rvc_models(): path = os.path.join('data', 'models', 'rvc') output = [] for f in os.listdir(path): f_path = os.path.join(path, f) if os.path.isdir(f_path): for f2 in os.listdir(f_path): if f2.endswith('.pth') and f2 not in ['f0D40k.pth', 'f0G40k.pth', 'f0D48k.pth', 'f0G48k.pth']: output.append(os.path.join(f, f2)) # Don't allow files anymore, it's bugged. # elif os.path.isfile(f_path): # if f.endswith('.pth') and f not in ['f0D40k.pth', 'f0G40k.pth', 'f0D48k.pth', 'f0G48k.pth']: # output.append(f) return output def fill_models(model_type: str): if model_type == 'text-to-speech': return [m for m in mod.all_tts() if not m.no_install] if model_type == 'rvc': return get_rvc_models() return [model.modelId for model in huggingface_hub.list_models(filter=huggingface_hub.ModelFilter(task=model_type), sort='downloads')] def get_file_name(repo_id: str): return repo_id.replace('/', '--') def hub_download(repo_id: str, model_type: str): try: huggingface_hub.snapshot_download(repo_id, local_dir_use_symlinks=False, local_dir=f'data/models/{model_type}/{get_file_name(repo_id)}') except Exception as e: return [f'


', gradio.Dropdown.update()] return [f"Successfully downloaded {repo_id}", mod.refresh_choices()]