import base64 import json import os, shutil import re import time import uuid import cv2 import numpy as np import streamlit as st from PIL import Image # from extract_video import extract_method_single_video import shlex import subprocess from file_picker import st_file_selector import os from inference import classify_fake, heatmap_analysis DEBUG = True SAMPLE_FOLDER = 'examples' def main(): st.markdown("###") uploaded_file = st.file_uploader('Upload a picture', type=['jpg', 'jpeg', 'png'], accept_multiple_files=False) with st.spinner(f'Loading samples...'): while not os.path.isdir(SAMPLE_FOLDER): time.sleep(1) st.markdown("### or") selected_file = st_file_selector(st, path=SAMPLE_FOLDER, key = 'selected', label = 'Choose a sample image') if uploaded_file: img ='RGB') st.image(img) elif selected_file: img =, selected_file)).convert('RGB') st.image(img) else: return with st.spinner(f'Analyzing image...'): try: modified_probability = classify_fake(img) except Exception as e: if DEBUG: st.write(e) else: st.text("Encountered a problem while analyzing image 🚨") return if modified_probability > 0.6: st.error(' MODIFIED IMAGE! ', icon="🚨") else: st.success(" REAL IMAGE! ", icon="✅") st.text("modified probability {:.2f}".format(modified_probability)) if modified_probability > 0.6: with st.spinner(f'Analyzing heatmap...'): try: modified, reverse, heatmap = heatmap_analysis(img) except Exception as e: if DEBUG: st.write(e) else: st.text("Encountered a problem while analyzing image 🚨") return st.write("### Heatmap") st.image(heatmap) st.write("### Reversed stretch imgae") st.image(reverse) if __name__ == "__main__": st.set_page_config( page_title="Nodeflux Photosop Detection", page_icon=":pencil2:" ) st.title("Photosop Detection") main()