import csv from pprint import pprint from typing import Dict, List import pkg_resources from import get_glue_metric, get_super_glue_metric from t5.evaluation.metrics import accuracy, mean_multiclass_f1, rouge SAFE_EXCLUDE_CRETERIA = [ "template_bug", "negated_answers", "counting", "answer_span_indices", "non_natural_language", "generative_non_true_implausible", ] AGGRESSIVE_EXCLUDE_CRETERIA = [ "generative_non_true_task", "nontrivial_choices_hidden", "awkward_phrasing", "ungrammatical", ] + SAFE_EXCLUDE_CRETERIA NON_GLUE_METRICS = { # for those with do_eval = True "anli": [accuracy], "hans": [accuracy], "circa_goldstandard1_judgement": [mean_multiclass_f1(num_classes=8), accuracy], "circa_goldstandard2_judgement": [mean_multiclass_f1(num_classes=5), accuracy], "mc_taco": [accuracy], "nq_open": [accuracy], "qa_srl": [accuracy], "openbookqa": [accuracy], "race": [accuracy], "social_i_qa": [accuracy], "emo": [mean_multiclass_f1(num_classes=4)], "xsum": [rouge], } def exclude_bad_prompts(prompt: Dict) -> bool: for criterion in SAFE_EXCLUDE_CRETERIA: # or AGGRESSIVE_EXCLUDE_CRETERIA if prompt.get(criterion): return False return True def load_annotated_prompts() -> List[Dict]: annotated_csv_path = pkg_resources.resource_filename(__name__, "experiment_D3.csv") with open(annotated_csv_path) as in_file: reader = csv.DictReader(in_file) all_tasks = [row for row in reader] clean_tasks = list(filter(exclude_bad_prompts, all_tasks)) # Assign metrics non_glue_eval_sets = list(NON_GLUE_METRICS.keys()) for task in clean_tasks: if not task["do_eval"]: continue full_name = task["dataset_subset_template"] if full_name.startswith("glue"): subset = full_name.split("_")[1] task["metrics"] = get_glue_metric(subset) elif full_name.startswith("super_glue"): subset = full_name.split("_")[2] if subset in ("wsc.fixed", "multirc"): # TODO: WSC and MultiRC need special pre/postprocesing task["metrics"] = [accuracy] continue task["metrics"] = get_super_glue_metric(subset) for dataset_name in non_glue_eval_sets: if full_name.startswith(dataset_name): task["metrics"] = NON_GLUE_METRICS[dataset_name] # Skip rank_classification for now until we actually support it # if task["nontrivial_choices_hidden"]: # # Trick of plugging in answer options and rank LM probabilites as predictions. # # Required for all prompts with non_trivial_choices_hidden, # # but could be used for other tasks as well where answer choices are given. # if "metrics" not in task: # task["metrics"] = [rank_classification] # elif rank_classification not in task["metrics"]: # task["metrics"].append(rank_classification) # should be already handled by NON_GLUE_METRICS # if task['generative_true_task'] or task['generative_non_true_task']: # task['metrics'] = rouge return clean_tasks def preview() -> None: clean_tasks = load_annotated_prompts() train_tasks = [t for t in clean_tasks if not t["skip_train"]] eval_tasks = [t for t in clean_tasks if t["do_eval"]] pprint([t["dataset_subset_template"] for t in train_tasks]) print(len(train_tasks)) pprint([f'{t["dataset_subset_template"]} {t["metrics"]}' for t in eval_tasks]) print(len(eval_tasks)) if __name__ == "__main__": preview()