--- title: HFCrypt Demo emoji: 🔒 sdk: docker license: other license_name: hfcrypt license_link: https://github.com/hfcrypt/hfcrypt library_name: hfcrypt --- # HFCrypt Encrypted Space This space is encrypted by [HFCrypt](https://github.com/hfcrypt/hfcrypt), allowing you to run closed-source code on Hugging Face spaces! Protect your API keys, source code, and more using advanced encryption! Learn more and encrypt your own app by checking out the open-sourced [HFCrypt](https://github.com/hfcrypt/hfcrypt)! ## [Visit HFCrypt](https://github.com/hfcrypt/hfcrypt) ## License Unless otherwise noted, the encrypted source is licensed under the [HFCrypt Encrypted Space License](https://github.com/hfcrypt/hfcrypt), available in the `HESC.md` file in the HFCrypt repository.