import streamlit as st from PIL import Image from transformers import pipeline import pandas as pd import matplotlib.pyplot as plt # Set Streamlit configuration to disable deprecation warnings st.set_option('deprecation.showPyplotGlobalUse', False) # Initialize the image classification pipeline with the specified model pipe = pipeline("image-classification", model="trpakov/vit-face-expression") # Set the title of the Streamlit app st.title("Emotion Recognition with vit-face-expression") # Create a file uploader to upload images in JPG or PNG format uploaded_images = st.file_uploader("Upload images", type=["jpg", "png"], accept_multiple_files=True) # List to store selected file names selected_file_names = [] # List to store selected images selected_images = [] # Process uploaded images if any if uploaded_images: # Add a "Select All" checkbox in the sidebar for convenience select_all = st.sidebar.checkbox("Select All", False) # Iterate over each uploaded image for idx, img in enumerate(uploaded_images): image = checkbox_key = f"{}_checkbox_{idx}" # Unique key for each checkbox # Display thumbnail image and checkbox in sidebar st.sidebar.image(image, caption=f"{} ({img.size / 1024.0:.1f} KB)", width=40) selected = st.sidebar.checkbox(f"Select {}", value=select_all, key=checkbox_key) # Add selected images to the list if selected: selected_images.append(image) selected_file_names.append( # Button to start emotion prediction if st.button("Predict Emotions") and selected_images: # Predict emotion for each selected image using the pipeline results = [pipe(image) for image in selected_images] emotions = [result[0]["label"].split("_")[-1].capitalize() for result in results] # Display images and predicted emotions for i, (image, result) in enumerate(zip(selected_images, results)): st.image(image, caption=f"Predicted emotion: {emotions[i]}", use_column_width=True) st.write(f"Emotion Scores for Image #{i+1}") st.write(f"{emotions[i]}: {result[0]['score']:.4f}") st.write(f"Original File Name: {selected_file_names[i]}") # Calculate emotion statistics emotion_counts = pd.Series(emotions).value_counts() total_faces = len(selected_images) # Define a color map for emotions color_map = { 'Neutral': '#B38B6D', 'Happy': '#FFFF00', 'Sad': '#0000FF', 'Angry': '#FF0000', 'Disgust': '#008000', 'Surprise': '#FFA500', 'Fear': '#000000' } # Plot pie chart for emotion distribution st.write("Emotion Distribution (Pie Chart):") fig_pie, ax_pie = plt.subplots() pie_colors = [color_map.get(emotion, '#999999') for emotion in emotion_counts.index] ax_pie.pie(emotion_counts, labels=emotion_counts.index, autopct='%1.1f%%', startangle=140, colors=pie_colors) ax_pie.axis('equal') ax_pie.set_title(f"Total Faces Analyzed: {total_faces}") st.pyplot(fig_pie) # Plot bar chart for emotion distribution st.write("Emotion Distribution (Bar Chart):") fig_bar, ax_bar = plt.subplots() bar_colors = [color_map.get(emotion, '#999999') for emotion in emotion_counts.index] emotion_counts.plot(kind='bar', color=bar_colors, ax=ax_bar) ax_bar.set_xlabel('Emotion') ax_bar.set_ylabel('Count') ax_bar.set_title(f"Emotion Distribution - Total Faces Analyzed: {total_faces}") ax_bar.yaxis.set_major_locator(plt.MaxNLocator(integer=True)) for i in ax_bar.patches: ax_bar.text(i.get_x() + i.get_width() / 2, i.get_height() + 0.1, int(i.get_height()), ha='center', va='bottom') st.pyplot(fig_bar)