## Face Recognition We provide [ibug.face_detection](https://github.com/hhj1897/face_detection) and [ibug.face_alignment](https://github.com/hhj1897/face_alignment) in this repository. ### Prerequisites * [Git LFS](https://git-lfs.github.com/), needed for downloading the pretrained weights that are larger than 100 MB. You could install *`Homebrew`* and then install *`git-lfs`* without sudo priviledges. ### From source 1. Install *`ibug.face_detection`* ```Shell git clone https://github.com/hhj1897/face_detection.git cd face_detection git lfs pull pip install -e . cd .. ``` 2. Install *`ibug.face_alignment`* ``` git clone https://github.com/hhj1897/face_alignment.git cd face_alignment pip install -e . cd .. ```