import json as js import os import streamlit as st from mistralai.client import MistralClient from mistralai.models.chat_completion import ChatMessage import json import base64 import io from gtts import gTTS prompt = """ Generate a JSON object for each multiple-choice question with the following format, focusing on basic phonics. Create 10 questions: - "question": The text of the question. - "incorrect_answers": A list of possible answer choices which are incorrect. - "correct_answer": The correct answer. Ensure the questions cover fundamental phonics concepts, such as identifying beginning and ending sounds, recognizing short and long vowel sounds, and matching letters to their sounds. Example of output: [ { "question": "What is the beginning sound of the word 'cat'?", "incorrect_answers": ["b", "d", "f"], "correct_answer": "c" }, { "question": "Which word has the same ending sound as 'dog'?", "incorrect_answers": ["cat", "fish", "book"], "correct_answer": "frog" }, { "question": "Which word rhymes with 'bat'?", "incorrect_answers": ["mat", "sat", "hat"], "correct_answer": "rat" } ] Please generate similar JSON objects for new questions on basic phonics. """ QS=[ { "question": "What is the beginning sound of the word 'apple'?", "incorrect_answers": ["m", "p", "r"], "correct_answer": "a" }, { "question": "Which word has the same ending sound as 'sun'?", "incorrect_answers": ["moon", "run", "fun"], "correct_answer": "bun" }, { "question": "Which word rhymes with 'ship'?", "incorrect_answers": ["dip", "rip", "sip"], "correct_answer": "tip" }, { "question": "What is the long vowel sound in the word 'rain'?", "incorrect_answers": ["a", "e", "i"], "correct_answer": "ai" }, { "question": "Which word has the same beginning sound as 'elephant'?", "incorrect_answers": ["igloo", "apple", "umbrella"], "correct_answer": "egg" }, { "question": "Which word has the same ending sound as 'kite'?", "incorrect_answers": ["bike", "site", "dike"], "correct_answer": "light" }, { "question": "What is the short vowel sound in the word 'dog'?", "incorrect_answers": ["a", "e", "i"], "correct_answer": "o" }, { "question": "Which word has the same beginning sound as 'under'?", "incorrect_answers": ["apple", "egg", "umbrella"], "correct_answer": "up" }, { "question": "Which word has the same ending sound as 'bat'?", "incorrect_answers": ["cat", "rat", "hat"], "correct_answer": "mat" }, { "question": "What is the long vowel sound in the word 'boot'?", "incorrect_answers": ["a", "e", "i"], "correct_answer": "oo" } ] import streamlit as st def add_logo(): st.markdown( """ """, unsafe_allow_html=True, ) add_logo() @st.cache_data def tts_predict(text="hello"): tts = gTTS(text=text, lang='en') with io.BytesIO() as audio_file: tts.write_to_fp(audio_file) audio_bytes = return audio_bytes @st.cache_data def get_mistral_response_injson(): global prompt api_key = "mRLAIaEj5reOROa19MBF3dj21DaSEELl" model = "mistral-small-latest" client = MistralClient(api_key=api_key) messages = [ ChatMessage(role="user", content=prompt) ] chat_response = model=model, response_format={"type": "json_object"}, messages=messages, ) output = chat_response.choices[0].message.content return output @st.cache_data(ttl= 75, max_entries=1) def get_question(): question = get_mistral_response_injson() questions = json.loads(question) return questions def initialize_session_state(): if 'current_question' not in st.session_state: st.session_state.current_question = 0 # st.snow() if 'player_score' not in st.session_state: st.session_state.player_score = 0 def update_score(player_choice, correct_answer): if str(player_choice) == str(correct_answer): st.success("It was a correct answer! Great Job! 😁✌") st.session_state.player_score += 1 st.balloons() else: st.error("It was an incorrect answer! 😕") if "page" not in st.session_state: = 0 if "submit_key" in st.session_state and st.session_state.submit_key == True: st.session_state.running = True else: st.session_state.running = False if "running" not in st.session_state: st.session_state.running = False def nextpage(): += 1 def restart(): = 0 # set_bg_hack_url() st.markdown("""""",unsafe_allow_html = True) file_ = open("logo.png", "rb") contents = data_url = base64.b64encode(contents).decode("utf-8") st.markdown(f"""
Company Logo


""", unsafe_allow_html=True) st.markdown(""" """, unsafe_allow_html=True) initialize_session_state() def calculate_score(player_choice): correct_answer = quiz_questions[st.session_state.current_question]["answer"] # st.write("inside calculate_score" + str(correct_answer)) update_score(player_choice, correct_answer) st.session_state.current_question += 1 #if 'category'not in st.session_state: # st.session_state.category =None #if st.sidebar.button(' '*30+'Phonics'+' '*30, ): # st.session_state.category = 'phonics' #if st.sidebar.button(' '*27+'Numeracy'+' '*28, ): # st.session_state.category = 'numeracy' #if st.sidebar.button(' '*31+'Writing'+' '*31, ): # st.session_state.category = 'Writing' #if st.sidebar.button(' '*30+'Reading'+' '*30, ): # st.session_state.category = 'Reading' #category = st.session_state.category category = 'quizes' #category = st.sidebar.selectbox("Category: ", ['Phonics','Numeracy','Writing','Reading'], index= None, placeholder= "Select one: ", disabled=(st.session_state.running)) # st.session_state.disable_opt = True # category = st.sidebar.selectbox("Category: ", list(categories_option.keys()), index= None, placeholder= "Select one: ", disabled=(st.session_state.running)) if category is None: st.warning('Please select a subject to start learning', icon="⚠️") else: QuestionList = QS # st.write(QuestionList) len_response = len(QuestionList) if len_response == 0: st.error("Got no question! 😕😔") st.stop() quiz_questions = [] for item in range(len_response): temp_dict = dict() temp_dict['text'] = QuestionList[item].get("question") temp_dict['options'] = tuple(QuestionList[item].get("incorrect_answers") + [QuestionList[item].get("correct_answer")]) temp_dict['answer'] = QuestionList[item].get("correct_answer") quiz_questions.append(temp_dict) placeholder = st.empty() ind = st.session_state.current_question if ind > len(quiz_questions): st.stop() else: current_question = quiz_questions[ind] st.subheader(quiz_questions[ind]["text"]) audio_bytes = tts_predict(quiz_questions[ind]["text"]), format='audio/wav', autoplay=True) def play_audio(choice): audio_bytes = tts_predict(choice), format='audio/wav', autoplay=True) player_choice ="Select your answer:", options=current_question["options"], key=f"question_{ind}", index=None, disabled=(st.session_state.running)) try: play_audio(player_choice) except: pass submitted = st.button("Submit", key="submit_key", disabled=(st.session_state.running)) if submitted: calculate_score(player_choice) st.markdown("Correct Answer: "+ current_question["answer"]) # st.empty() if st.button("Next",on_click=nextpage,disabled=( >= 9)): if st.session_state.current_question < len(quiz_questions): st.rerun() if st.session_state.current_question >= len(quiz_questions): # st.session_state.clear st.empty() st.success("Quiz Finished!") st.subheader(f"_Your_ _Score_: :blue[{st.session_state.player_score}] :sunglasses:") st.snow() st.markdown("---")