## libraries for data preprocessing import numpy as np import pandas as pd ## libraries for training dl models import tensorflow as tf from tensorflow import keras ## libraries for pre-trained neural network from tensorflow.keras.applications.xception import preprocess_input ## libraries for loading batch images from tensorflow.keras.preprocessing.image import load_img import gradio as gr ## lets load the model model = keras.models.load_model('xception_v1_17_0.859.h5') def maize_disease_classifier(image): x = np.array(image) X = np.array([x]) X = preprocess_input(X) pred = model.predict(X) result = pred[0].argmax() ## lets create our labels labels = { 0: 'maize ear rot', 1: 'maize fall armyworm', 2: 'maize stem borer' } label = labels[pred[0].argmax()] return label ################### Gradio Web APP ################################ title = "Maize Disease Classification App" Input = gr.Image(shape=(299, 299), label="Please Upload An Image") Output1 = gr.Textbox(label="Type Of Maize Disease") description = "Type Of Diseases: Maize Ear Rot, Maize Fall ArmyWorm, Maize Stem Borer" iface = gr.Interface(fn=maize_disease_classifier, inputs=Input, outputs=Output1, title=title, description=description) iface.launch(inline=False)