--- title: Arabic Flip emoji: 🇲🇦 colorFrom: red colorTo: green sdk: gradio app_file: app.py pinned: false --- https://huggingface.co/spaces/monsoon-nlp/spanish-flip Designed for HuggingFace Spaces + Gradio Flips masculine and feminine words within a Spanish sentence, when appropriate. How it works: this loads a seq2seq model from these two HuggingFace models: - https://huggingface.co/monsoon-nlp/es-seq2seq-gender-encoder - https://huggingface.co/monsoon-nlp/es-seq2seq-gender-decoder Both were based on BETO ( https://huggingface.co/dccuchile/beto ) and then trained on sentences which I flipped more programmatically with spaCy. Applications: - gender bias in finetuned models - data augmentation for more representation For help setting up data augmentation (adding or replacing sentences within a dataset) try https://github.com/MonsoonNLP/seq2seq-for-data-augmentation