# 😌 What DnD class would you like? ### 🧐 Problem Statement and Research Summary I want to solve the problem of people not being able to start playing D&D due to not knowing how to start, because D&D is very fun and more people should be able to experience it, and my solution will use AI by recommending which D&D class a person would like. ### 🎣 Data Collection Plan I collected data about demographics and preferences. I collected the data that I believed would allow the AI to make accurate predictions without violating the user's privacy. ### 💥 Ethical Considerations (Data Privacy and Bias) * Data privacy: I am collecting data in order to be used in an educational manner. I will not use this data except for the creation of and functioning of an app that recommends a DnD class. * Bias: Due to the small sampling size, there is a high chance for bias, but I have tried to minimize it by randomly allowing people to take my survey. ### 👻 Our Team Will, William, Bill, Liam ![aiEDU logo](https://images.squarespace-cdn.com/content/v1/5e4efdef6d10420691f02bc1/5db5a8a3-1761-4fce-a096-bd5f2515162f/aiEDU+_black+logo+stacked.png?format=100w)