# Copyright (c) 2021, NVIDIA CORPORATION & AFFILIATES. All rights reserved. # # NVIDIA CORPORATION and its licensors retain all intellectual property # and proprietary rights in and to this software, related documentation # and any modifications thereto. Any use, reproduction, disclosure or # distribution of this software and related documentation without an express # license agreement from NVIDIA CORPORATION is strictly prohibited. import os import numpy as np import imgui import dnnlib import torch from gui_utils import imgui_utils # ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- class LatentWidget: def __init__(self, viz): self.viz = viz self.seed = 0 self.w_plus = True self.reg = 0 self.lr = 0.001 self.w_path = '' self.w_load = None self.defer_frames = 0 self.disabled_time = 0 @imgui_utils.scoped_by_object_id def __call__(self, show=True): viz = self.viz if show: with imgui_utils.grayed_out(self.disabled_time != 0): imgui.text('Latent') imgui.same_line(viz.label_w) with imgui_utils.item_width(viz.font_size * 8.75): changed, seed = imgui.input_int('Seed', self.seed) if changed: self.seed = seed # reset latent code self.w_load = None # load latent code imgui.text(' ') imgui.same_line(viz.label_w) _changed, self.w_path = imgui_utils.input_text('##path', self.w_path, 1024, flags=( imgui.INPUT_TEXT_AUTO_SELECT_ALL | imgui.INPUT_TEXT_ENTER_RETURNS_TRUE), width=(-1), help_text='Path to latent code') if imgui.is_item_hovered() and not imgui.is_item_active() and self.w_path != '': imgui.set_tooltip(self.w_path) imgui.text(' ') imgui.same_line(viz.label_w) if imgui_utils.button('Load latent', width=viz.button_w, enabled=(self.disabled_time == 0 and 'image' in viz.result)): assert os.path.isfile( self.w_path), f"{self.w_path} does not exist!" self.w_load = torch.load(self.w_path) self.defer_frames = 2 self.disabled_time = 0.5 imgui.text(' ') imgui.same_line(viz.label_w) with imgui_utils.item_width(viz.button_w): changed, lr = imgui.input_float('Step Size', self.lr) if changed: self.lr = lr # imgui.text(' ') # imgui.same_line(viz.label_w) # with imgui_utils.item_width(viz.button_w): # changed, reg = imgui.input_float('Regularize', self.reg) # if changed: # self.reg = reg imgui.text(' ') imgui.same_line(viz.label_w) reset_w = imgui_utils.button( 'Reset', width=viz.button_w, enabled='image' in viz.result) imgui.same_line() _clicked, w = imgui.checkbox('w', not self.w_plus) if w: self.w_plus = False imgui.same_line() _clicked, self.w_plus = imgui.checkbox('w+', self.w_plus) self.disabled_time = max(self.disabled_time - viz.frame_delta, 0) if self.defer_frames > 0: self.defer_frames -= 1 viz.args.w0_seed = self.seed viz.args.w_load = self.w_load viz.args.reg = self.reg viz.args.w_plus = self.w_plus viz.args.reset_w = reset_w viz.args.lr = lr # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------