# Markdown Upgraded gradio Markdown. - Supports output of multimodal content (audio, video, image, text) - Built-in tags (chart, select-box, accordion) - Supports custom rendering components and interaction with Python events ## How to Use ### Basic Usage ### Multimodal & Support for Local File Display ### Support for Accordion Content Display Include the `accordion` tag in the returned content. For more usage details, see accordion ### Support for User Selection Interaction Include the `select-box` tag in the returned content. For more usage details, see select-box ### Support for Chart Display Include the `chart` tag in the returned content. For more usage details, see chart ### Custom Tags (Advanced Usage, Requires Frontend Knowledge) #### Import JS The template can only perform simple variable replacements. If you want to introduce more custom behaviors, such as conditional judgments, loop rendering, etc., please use js to control the element for processing. Here is a simple example: custom_select.js ```js ``` #### Interaction with Python In js, you can use `cc.dispatch` to trigger the `custom` event listened to on the Python side. Taking the previous custom_select.js as an example, when we call `cc.dispatch(options[i])` on the frontend, a notification will be sent to the Python side simultaneously. ## API and Parameter List The following APIs are additional extended parameters beyond the original gradio Markdown. ### props | Attribute | Type | Default Value | Description | | ----------------------------- | ------------------------------------------------------------------- | ------------- | ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | | enable_base64 | bool | False | Whether to support rendering content as base64, since rendering base64 is unsafe, the default is False. | | preview | bool | True | Whether to enable image preview functionality. | | enable_latex | bool | True | Whether to enable LaTeX rendering. | | latex_single_dollar_delimiter | bool | True | Whe ther to enable single dollar delimiter `$` for LaTeX rendering. | | custom_components | Dict[str, CustomComponentDict] CustomComponentDict definition below | None | Supports user-defined custom tags and controls tag rendering styles and triggers Python events through js. | | | **CustomComponent definition is as follows:** ```python class CustomComponentDict(TypedDict): props: Optional[List[str]] template: Optional[str] js: Optional[str] ``` ### Built-in Custom Tags - select-box - accordion - chart ### Event Listeners | Event | Description | | ------------------------------ | ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ | | `mgr.Markdown.custom(fn, ยทยทยท)` | Triggered when a custom tag event occurs. EventData is:
- tag: The current tag that triggered the event.
- tag_index: The index of the current triggered tag.
- value: The custom value passed in. |