import os import re from typing import Callable import gradio as gr import modelscope_studio as mgr from .parse_markdown import parse_markdown with open(os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), "tab-link.js")) as f: tab_link_js = custom_components = { "tab-link": { "props": ["tab", "component-tab"], "js": tab_link_js } } def remove_formatter(markdown_text): pattern = r"^ *---[\s\S]*?---" replaced_text = re.sub(pattern, "", markdown_text) return replaced_text def list_demos(dir_path: str, prefix=''): result = [] if (not os.path.isdir(dir_path)): return result for name in os.listdir(dir_path): path = os.path.join(dir_path, name) if os.path.isfile(path): result.append(prefix + name) elif os.path.isdir(path): sub_prefix = prefix + name + '/' result.extend(list_demos(path, sub_prefix)) return result def get_demo_modules(file_path: str): import importlib.util demos = [ demo for demo in list_demos( os.path.join(os.path.dirname(file_path), "demos")) if demo.endswith(".py") and not demo.startswith("__") ] demo_modules = {} for demo in demos: demo_name = demo.split(".")[0] spec = importlib.util.spec_from_file_location( "demo", os.path.join(os.path.dirname(file_path), "demos", demo)) module = importlib.util.module_from_spec(spec) spec.loader.exec_module(module) demo_modules[demo_name] = module return demo_modules is_modelscope_studio = os.getenv('MODELSCOPE_ENVIRONMENT') == 'studio' class Docs: def __init__(self, file_path: str, markdown_files: list = None): self.file_path = file_path self.demo_modules = get_demo_modules(file_path) # default current directory self.markdown_files = markdown_files if markdown_files else [ filename for filename in os.listdir(os.path.dirname(file_path)) if filename.endswith(".md") ] if is_modelscope_studio: self.markdown_files = list( filter( lambda x: x.endswith("") or (f"{'.'.join(x.split('.')[:-1])}" not in self. markdown_files), self.markdown_files)) else: self.markdown_files = list( filter(lambda x: not x.endswith(""), self.markdown_files)) self.tabs = None def read_file(self, relative_path: str): with open(os.path.join(os.path.dirname(self.file_path), relative_path), "r") as f: return def render_demo(self, demo_name, code_position='left', prefix='', suffix=''): content = self.read_file(f"./demos/{demo_name}.py") module = self.demo_modules[demo_name] with gr.Accordion("Show Demo", open=False): def render_code(): mgr.Markdown(f"""{prefix} ````python {content} ```` {suffix}""", header_links=True, custom_components=custom_components) if code_position == 'top': with gr.Row(): with gr.Column(): render_code() with gr.Row(): if code_position == 'left': with gr.Column(): render_code() with gr.Column(): module.demo.render() if code_position == 'right': with gr.Column(): render_code() if code_position == 'bottom': with gr.Row(): with gr.Column(): render_code() def render_markdown(self, markdown_file, on_tab_link_click: Callable = None, components_tabs=None): items = parse_markdown(remove_formatter(self.read_file(markdown_file)), read_file=self.read_file) for item in items: if item["type"] == "text": md = mgr.Markdown(item["value"], header_links=True, custom_components=custom_components, preview=False) deps = [dep for dep in [components_tabs, self.tabs] if dep] if len(deps) > 0: md.custom(fn=on_tab_link_click, outputs=deps) elif item["type"] == "demo": self.render_demo(item["name"], prefix=item["prefix"], suffix=item["suffix"], code_position=item["code_position"]) def render(self, components_tabs=None): def tab_link_click(data: gr.EventData): tab: str = data._data["value"].get("tab", '') component_tab: str = data._data["value"].get("component_tab", '') if tab and tabs: return {tabs: gr.update(selected=tab)} elif components_tabs and component_tab: return {components_tabs: gr.update(selected=component_tab)} with gr.Blocks() as demo: if len(self.markdown_files) > 1: with gr.Tabs() as tabs: self.tabs = tabs for markdown_file in self.markdown_files: tab_name = ".".join(markdown_file.split(".")[:-1]) tab_name = tab_name.split("-zh_CN")[0] with gr.TabItem(tab_name, id=tab_name): self.render_markdown( markdown_file, on_tab_link_click=tab_link_click, components_tabs=components_tabs) elif (len(self.markdown_files) == 1): self.render_markdown(self.markdown_files[0], on_tab_link_click=tab_link_click, components_tabs=components_tabs) return demo