import os import gradio as gr import modelscope_studio as mgr from modelscope_studio.components.Chatbot.llm_thinking_presets import qwen def resolve_assets(relative_path): return os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), "../../resources", relative_path) conversation = [ [ None, { "text": f""" Use accordion tag: ```json {{"text": "glorious weather", "resolution": "1024*1024"}} ``` Qwen preset: Action: image_gen Action Input: {{"text": "glorious weather", "resolution": "1024*1024"}} Observation: ![IMAGEGEN]({resolve_assets("screen.jpeg")}) Based on your description"glorious weather",I generated a picture.![]({resolve_assets("screen.jpeg")}) Action: 「An arbitrary text representation that will be displayed as the name of the thought chain call」 Action Input: 「Any json or md content will be displayed in the drop-down box of the calling process」 Observation: 「Any md content will be displayed in the drop-down box when the call is completed」 """, "flushing": False } ], ] with gr.Blocks() as demo: mgr.Chatbot( value=conversation, llm_thinking_presets=[qwen()], height=600, ) if __name__ == "__main__": demo.queue().launch()