import base64 import json import os, shutil import re import time import uuid import cv2 import numpy as np import streamlit as st from pydub import AudioSegment import torch import yaml # from extract_video import extract_method_single_video from utils import st_file_selector, img2base64 from evaluate_models import inference, load_model from src import commons import os DEBUG = True def main(): st.markdown("###") uploaded_file = st.file_uploader('Upload an audio file', type=['wav', 'mp3'], accept_multiple_files=False) with st.spinner(f'Loading samples...'): while not os.path.isdir("sample_files"): time.sleep(1) st.markdown("### or") selected_file = st_file_selector(st, path='sample_files', key = 'selected', label = 'Choose a sample image/video') if uploaded_file: random_id = uuid.uuid1() ext ='.')[-1] base_folder = "temps" filename = "{}.{}".format(random_id, ext) file_type = uploaded_file.type.split("/")[0] filepath = f"{base_folder}/{filename}" uploaded_file_length = len(uploaded_file.getvalue()) if uploaded_file_length > 0: with open(filepath, 'wb') as f: f.write(, format=ext) elif selected_file: base_folder = "sample_files" file_type = selected_file.split(".")[-1] filename = selected_file.split("/")[-1] filepath = f"{base_folder}/{selected_file}" st.write('file_type', file_type) with open(filepath, 'rb') as f: audio_bytes =, format=file_type) else: return with st.spinner(f'Analyzing {file_type}...'): seed = config["data"].get("seed", 42) # fix all seeds - this should not actually change anything commons.set_seed(seed) result = inference( model, datasets_path=filepath, device=device, ) result = result[0] if 'Real' == result[0]: st.success(f'Audio is real! \nprob:{result[1]}', icon="✅") else: st.error(f'Audio is fake! \nprob:{result[1]}', icon="🚨") st.divider() st.write('## Response JSON') st.write(result) def setup(): if not os.path.isdir("temps"): os.makedirs("temps") if __name__ == "__main__": # from download_whisper import download_whisper, extract_and_save_encoder # model = download_whisper() # extract_and_save_encoder(model)\ if torch.cuda.is_available(): device = "cuda" else: device = "cpu" with open('config.yaml', "r") as f: config = yaml.safe_load(f) model = load_model(config, device) st.title("Face Fake Detection") setup() main()