from fastapi import FastAPI, Query from pydantic import BaseModel import requests import json from tabulate import tabulate app = FastAPI() class EatcHeadersResponse(BaseModel): report: str @app.get("/eatc-headers", response_model=EatcHeadersResponse) async def get_eatc_headers(eatc_code: str = Query(..., description="EATC code to retrieve headers for")): url = f"{eatc_code}" response = requests.get(url) if response.status_code == 200: response_json = json.loads(response.text) if len(response_json) >= 2 and "res" in response_json and response_json["res"]: data = [ ["eatc_code", response_json["res"][0]["eatc-code"]], ["eatc_match_asignation_rule", response_json["res"][0].get("eatc_match_asignation_rule", "")] ] report = tabulate(data, headers="firstrow", tablefmt="grid") return {"report": report} else: return {"error": "Invalid response from API"} else: return {"error": "API returned error status code"}