from fastapi import FastAPI from fastapi.middleware.cors import CORSMiddleware import requests import subprocess print("Start Start:") print("Start Start:") print("Start Start:") print("Start Start:") print("Start Start:") # Install ollama using the provided script install_command = "curl | sh" install_result =, shell=True, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE, text=True) # Print the installation output print("Installation Output:") print(install_result.stdout) # Print any installation errors print("Installation Errors:") print(install_result.stderr) # Check the return code of the installation if install_result.returncode == 0: # Installation was successful, now run the 'ollama pull mistral' command pull_command = "ollama pull mistral" # Run the pull command pull_result =, shell=True, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE, text=True) # Print the pull output print("\nPull Output:") print(pull_result.stdout) # Print any pull errors print("Pull Errors:") print(pull_result.stderr) # Print the return code of the pull command print("Pull Return Code:", pull_result.returncode) # Check if the pull command was successful before starting the server if pull_result.returncode == 0: # Start the server using 'ollama serve' serve_command = "ollama serve" # Run the server start command serve_result =, shell=True, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE, text=True) # Print the server start output print("\nServer Start Output:") print(serve_result.stdout) # Print any server start errors print("Server Start Errors:") print(serve_result.stderr) # Print the return code of the server start command print("Server Start Return Code:", serve_result.returncode) else: print("Pull command failed. Aborting server start.") else: print("Installation failed. Aborting pull and server start.") # Command to run command = "ollama pull mistral" # Run the command result =, shell=True, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE, text=True) # Print the output print("Output:") print(result.stdout) # Print any errors print("Errors:") print(result.stderr) # Print the return code print("Return Code:", result.returncode) def get_ollam_response(prompt): response = "http://localhost:11434/api/generate", json={ "model": "mistral", "prompt": prompt, "stream": False } ) resp = response.json() return resp["response"], resp["eval_count"] app = FastAPI(openapi_url="/api/v1/sparrow-data/openapi.json", docs_url="/api/v1/sparrow-data/docs") app.add_middleware( CORSMiddleware, allow_origins=["*"], allow_methods=["*"], allow_headers=["*"], allow_credentials=True, )"/ask_llm") def ask_HFAPI_endpoint(prompt: str): result = get_ollam_response(prompt) return {"result": result}