library(plumber) library(jsonlite) # Load all the meta-analysis packages (as per your original code) packages <- nstall.packages(c("nlme", "lme4", "GLMMadaptive", "glmmML", "glmmTMB", "MCMCglmm", "brms", "mbest", "survival", "CAMAN", "mclust", "flexclust", "aods3", "censReg", "betareg", "VGAM", "gee", "geepack", "glmtoolbox", "mgcv", "devtools", "remotes", "testthat", "covr", "Formula", "mathjaxr", "pander", "knitr", "rmarkdown", "tidyverse", "table1", "tableone")) for (pkg in packages) { suppressWarnings(suppressMessages(library(pkg, character.only = TRUE))) } #* @apiTitle Comprehensive Meta-Analysis API #* Perform meta-analysis using the selected package and function #* @param package The name of the package to use #* @param function The name of the function within the package to execute #* @param params A list containing all necessary parameters for the function #* @post /analyze function(package, function, params) { # Check if the package is installed if (!requireNamespace(package, quietly = TRUE)) { res <- list(error = paste("Package", package, "is not installed.")) return(res) } # Load the package suppressWarnings(suppressMessages(library(package, character.only = TRUE))) # Check if the function exists in the package if (!exists(function, where = asNamespace(package), mode = "function")) { res <- list(error = paste("Function", function, "does not exist in package", package)) return(res) } # Convert params from JSON to R objects if necessary params <- lapply(params, function(x) { if (is.character(x)) { # Attempt to parse JSON strings parsed <- tryCatch(jsonlite::fromJSON(x), error = function(e) x) return(parsed) } else { return(x) } }) # Perform the analysis by calling the specified function with the provided params result <- tryCatch({ func <- get(function, envir = asNamespace(package)), params) }, error = function(e) { list(error = paste("Error in", package, "function", function, ":", e$message)) }) return(result) } #* @plumber function(pr) { pr$setDebug(TRUE) }