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[ \ a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u v w x y z ~ × – ##e ##n ##d ##r ##i ##g ##c ##u ##p ##o ##x ##m ##t ##y ##a ##s ##l ##v ##f ##b ##× ##3 ##j ##k ##0 ##1 ##6 ##h ##7 ##9 ##4 ##q ##2 ##w ##5 ##z ##8 ##he the ##al ##ar ##as ##re ##er ##on ##in in ##nd and ##es ##or ##at no ##ary of ##ion ##us ##it ##id ##ph ##en ##ic ##aryn ##pharyn ##tas ##an ##opharyn is ##ec ##os are ##ge there ##ter nod me ##um le ##ed ##ou ##ig ##le nas ##ing ##ul metas re ##igh ##ft ##ight ##geal ##ent inv left ##ith with right nasopharyn ##is tum ##om ##tr ##our ##ly tumour to or ##il nec ##ri nodes neck sid ##ve ##per ##oid metastas ##cl metastases ex ##ab up pos ##all t1 ##ular un ##ial side con ##able ##ark upper t1w ##ol ##ior ##rem ##arkable ##eral unrem unremarkable ##ow ##ad ##ous th sp par car ##nal ch nasopharynx ext ##oss ##ug ##if ##oma ##ac ##inus sinus invas ##ain invasion al ##ateral ax invol ##av axial ##ant nasopharyngeal ##tat ##ast ##tatic metastatic ##ut ##terior ##ist sm small ##cin carcin carcinoma t2 jug cor ##ternal foss fossa ##usion ##th jugular inf internal on cav for ##por ##ase ##res reg coron coronal int ##rim sc nodal prim primary region ##ding ##tery posterior ##am chain wh ##ur ##cc ##ilateral into ##ens not he ##ical dist ##ate ##opharynx distant ptery pteryg retr mid ##dent ##opharyngeal ##ied ident identif ##ich which identified retropharyngeal bilateral scan cl sec ##sp ##vel ear ##ue head level ##her bon de hy but mri ##ther base ##ot ##ges involv extens ##ine ##ull ##erv ##tion ##ax para ##ures st parapharyn ##ity ##ir parapharyngeal en foram ##iv ##ag contr ab ##ud contrast ##end cr ##pic ##ervical nasal ##ym pr cervical ##fin extend su ##ation post fat ##age ##op ##clusion conclusion pre ##port report ##ite wall sk ##ment skull ##so also defin cavity be can ##omin an ##ition ii ##dition lym lymph hyp ##ious ##clud ##and sus involve ap ##hn ##ening ##ern cavern involving cavernous other ##que suspic definite ##ory tec ##hni techni ##iss oropharynx technique ##out extension foramen ##spir t2spir ##astoid ##bit ##orm ##itt cliv ##ff eff acc without orbit cran bo ##arge node fin effusion early suspicious finding canal bones t2w noted extends ##cluded stage findings mus ##alat ##uc low ##im sinuses ##ib ##hen pterygoid ##mpor ##mporal sphen ##ond aj ajcc lower uic uicc ##tions edition ##otid ##ording according meas sphenoid ##dle middle ##alatine fiss second ##ong infr sag ##ick ##ang thick ##ittal sagittal muc thor mastoid regions at ##atemporal infratemporal ##gest included thorax ##ep tumours sat ##uration hypopharynx saturation tri thickening triang sections mucos ##anc clivus bul ##ive ##ormal walls mil crani mild mucosal ##ill abut ##opalatine ##etr ##asal sig paran ad ##ure cranium paranasal ##ob chan ##ver non ##spec triangle pterygopalatine sh ##un ##large enlarge ##m0 along ##cles muscles ##ia np ##oo max ##low enlarged both as ##oc sub ver lateral npc roo roof promin ##ific app bulk prominent ##te involvement note ##illary ##spect aspect ##pl signal sided ##ap ##cm lar spac petr levels ind se hyper parotid fe li this ##eter ##inate ##ance ##andib pred ar predomin ##resent ##ess ##trac ##antly abuts gl infer predominantly ##amm ##lamm inflamm gland inferior bulky di ##atory ##gh ##ough ##read indeter indeterm very ##ear spread inflammatory indeterminate ##own show ##el space all ##asia fissures ##ust changes ##andibular cm ##mm ##ral appear hyperpl hyperplasia subm feat measures ##normal ##ian abnormal features hist iii submandibular petrous 7th effusions down lac sug ##og history suggest extensive 8th it prob mo min ##wi dwi fur ##erum lacerum further canals ##aps ##osis enh ##here ##ip ##icular ##hy any just pat t3 com invad lymphoid ##der anterior where bony ##apsular fl ##val extrac vid vidian ##ex due apex spec specific ##dy ##ult ##unc comp extracapsular nil ##iz fissure ##unction ##oor sup ##ra junction clin chains ##ept largest clinical below med ##ew ##act more ##ina floor body ##ated fr sl bilaterally ##bral foramina by present ##ct ##avicular supra slight ##clavicular dis ##ever how oval supraclavicular however medial mar tumor alth although ##se slightly ##sib possib ##ancement ##ay enhancement maxillary large ##ely normal ##tebral ovale maxim cle involves bone clear ##ound ##st mult musc ##iff ##rect glands direct ##ably muscle these necr ##ell cent sides carotid ##veral cric several fol may cricoid super minor follow ner ##ension lik nerve diff ##agn dim ##reat dimension cy ##otu maximum cyst ##athy ##acent rotu ##line ##jacent ##ndum adjacent rotundum ##til cartil probably likely ##tain ##opathy ##ung cartilage deep ##omax ##omaxillary ##aden pterygomaxillary t3n lung cons from great bor ##adenopathy border apic t4 lymphadenopathy ##iple multiple apices ##loss ##ost ##cliv ##ogloss ##oglossal mat ##aging greater ##clival that gen general hypoglossal ##uring measuring ##ld cranial ##reening screening fossae new so change ##onent ##ormed component staging invades addition superior t1n spine mas sit sept clival ##ose orbital following septum ##ould prever mass prevertebral lies ##row ##ient ##ual patient ##ized soft most possible generalized sites ##uding ##red matt lob incl including suggested pal ##ger iv per va ##ons tiss unilateral num ##ease ##2m0 ##ially larger dur disease enc ##ocal shows ##omastoid ##use ##enm ros rosenm ##ule stud study rec rep close ca ple wr diagn marrow nodule informed lobe represent ##sy ##ome consent extending probable ##1m0 necrosis ##itten inferiorly written ##metr ##ymmetr mark thr marked ##ross rem through ##moid ##ases ##imal borderline confin some ##ately aden ##yr appears ##ogen ##iop ##ature ##thmoid measure artery ethmoid im ##eous minimal biop m0 ##ove preclival confined nature tons part ##et palate biopsy ot involved patc t4n ##yroid otomastoid well heter clus patchy do res ##od ##inal heterogen cluster ct vb react anteriorly remain reactive case tonsil ##ch excluded ##ade ha ##erous ##iltr ##uller siz infiltr marg numerous rosenmuller ##nific ##cer ##cept thyroid signific above diffuse size gross does margin over tissue please ##ile made metastasis posteriorly ##eping adenoid ke keeping main site around dura ##usual area unusual cann cannot c1 palatine ##ro uncer while uncertain except pet high len ##gth cont length within central heterogeneous br ph ##iew suggesting pharyn bases ##ran mainly espec especially ##ere ##ach proc matted process ##les spinal ##ache diagnosis ##otic mm ##0m0 spir air ##ting intrac view cong pres ##vious ##ymmetrical have intracran ##lom than enhanc conglom conglomer ve ##ies laterally intracranial ret deg les spar lesion ##oan vein could she ##rel ##ath choan remainder full focal ##ty ##enc correl fill necrotic centred has loc ##ention access abutting appro enhancing ##xim ##ages ##asc ##ect ##tric ##ll retention approxim approximately ##ural none images brain accessory ##oph ##qu they ##ard triangles significance op infiltration cell ob ##emporal ##fact secre ##tefact artefact long vol ##ume ##clude directly sheath cells volume scl ##ging ##ort petro scler c2 palat ##air bulges ##em ##gether extr magn together midline previous mildly seen cysts loss ##ini ##itary matting tu ##ont suspicion bulging ##plac appearance secretions tub ##tic inc ##ign vertebral recess petroclival magnum fasc pit ##uitary ##sess ##3m0 assess choana palatini pituitary 3cm symmetrical intr fascia fair n1 vel ##mental located sclerosis fairly veli 2cm ##x1 ##ances appearances encase ##ence spared ##ophy fs ##ven should superiorly degr tr tur ##icult ##ensity ##erved difficult newly preserved 5cm v3 ##ore ##ilar axis ##ineural turb temporal ##uous ##astric ##ator caus correlation ##ered ##iated poster ##ongue perineural degrad por ##arotid ##tern ##igastric fatty ##uct spaces highly ##nt ##ental defined invade t3n2m0 tongue und ##ates intensity pro contin ##lying jugul displac degraded portion ##ues few abnormality invaded ##ontal 6cm po vess ##fore short submental see tonsils ##aches vessel pl exclude t1n0m0 particular pharyngeal jugulod foc ##int ##osed rel intact ##udal longus jugulodigastric retain oropharyngeal being possibly tin ##ative therefore ##ility ##ack regard recent regarded eval sur ul represents rest evalu 7cm cere n2 ##vator ##ities levator ##ress iia t3n1m0 conglomeration end occ round tip ##ased contain orbits invading disc diagnosed opac tiny asymmetr moder partially particularly if mer ##ire ##tire entire dural retained moderate eust mal ##pect ##ail t2n frontal additional tissues ##achian under eustachian malign 10 2m0 ##asilar reaches filling extra encasement evaluation ev str ##ciated ##x2 ##asound ##entr ##trasound ##olateral incid ultrasound mandib v2 ##ber ##iter reach one ##ense tube ##intense incidental mandible 4cm prot caudal pharyng processes conglomerate ##ise extent ##obasilar possibility perf causing malignant evid pharyngobasilar 12 tens ##uid ##osc only form scf hem ##sociated associated abnormalities ##odular obs proven underlying performed tensor 1cm ic ne ##ring ##edi ##lete adv ##ocol compress t1n1m0 perip number protocol ln less mot ##pos ##01 exophy apical complete endosc entirely ica exophytic cc mec ##wise ##arct ##ules infarct otherwise suggestive maximal centered posterolateral related contains 8mm ac equ n0 ##fic ##kel ##inodular ##ital nodules ##ised ##ising exp smaller scar ##amus ##ivocal ##anced ##ification compar multinodular superfic encases throughout significant evidence advanced motion meckel equivocal 8cm imm ins ##astic sphenopalatine ##epar mucosa t1n2m0 rounded ##ediately scarring immediately red ##×2 ##reg ##inates ##aparotid fluid ##ema asymmetry obstr 5mm fav ir ib stern ts ##round ##tle ##rete includ ##itis ##lyp such subtle cave assessment intraparotid turbinate turbinates continuous polyp discrete ##regular irregular includes 3n rat ##nown ##×3 ##idual cord cranioc enlargement cystic t4n2m0 ##acheal occip opacification merges superficial rather 7mm aer des ramus ##ide conf ##ibr hyperintense arch ##erent intra ag ben was ##ted ##ful ##ating ##oup ##omy external condy retros ##opy ##opl clinically ##odal surround 6mm fn known ##racheal ##atracheal ##idomastoid areas ##leidomastoid ##isp paratracheal ##ocleidomastoid lie incre cerebral ##entric periparotid endoscopy sternocleidomastoid 11 back fast fibr nerv out ra rim would ##ank ##olog thin those det depos cross been asymmetrical frank consid consist haem correlate extran foci focus ##pective completely favour occipital nerves deposit 13 c3 local tor us ##ning ##ying ##bed ##4mm white iib sequ supr matter t4n1m0 contig extranodal line ma ##mend ##most indent ##enous ##ommend almost ##ameter criter reporting diameter encased recommend residual overall continu again fnac contiguous criteria 0cm ed stat venous ##icated ##vement subc ##tex movement t3n1 filled track hemisp across expand 9cm c5 capsular den ill n3 ##ius ##ioma ##pical ##tical ##ause ##bra ##5mm include ##est ##icul ##trophy ##olar verte arter foraminae presum 10mm torus denerv vertebra bec dil gr nar ##cri ##ste ##ener ##aneous ##ount identify ##uell bet medially t3n3m0 rosenmuell degener obvious pole cereb insepar retrospective consistent linear continuity status arteries denervation narrow ##cribed rosenmueller inseparable am dri ventric ##up ##mon ##to ##ypical nodular ##utaneous arising generalised periv clusters benign subcutaneous because cerebell driven 3m0 9mm duct man oed sim ##iast ##x3 ##6mm ##arius inter ##ace onto hypopl patent mediast adenoma partial choanal ##ences ##llar tubarius displacing ##ails infarcts compared obstruct polypoid condyle ##ology details considered sequences recommended group many oedema gang hard loo pp poor via were ##een ##ce ##jor ##ween ##ans ##ection ##osely closely ##illa shap palsy image t4n3m0 overlying sparing displace aerated surrounding major between degenerative similar gangl look aur dx lying sal ##rh ##ium orific ##ivary extraction t3n2 heterogenous remains plan strip neur posterolaterally craniocervical described indenting hypoplastic polypoidal poorly salivary 201 dental tw tent ##yl ##ler ##hes ##asm ##orph ##orrh ##orium naso ##asellar retropharynx ##velop ##otemporal still parapharynx definitely ##uction atypical its diffusion t3n0m0 t4n3 t4n1 branc location ##ectomy optic recesses relative reaching ##iculotemporal amount auriculotemporal two tentorium 4mm av che dou when ##ned ##other ##tful ##yond ##side ##lu ##liter ##btful ##×1 ##7mm ##orbit ##ula too ##ution distal beyond infra t3n3 t1n0 imaging minimally restric fills obliter vessels ##pected conflu increased outside haemorrh presumably orifice doubtful ##orbital 4n er el go mening mastic old ##gment ##ole ##fs ##way ##erm ##onic ##inum ##ench ##igin replac ##omal ##trance parench corres scanned develop ##otty entrance hypo ##ible secondary thicker shotty indicated segment hypertrophy common t1n1 masses ##onstr cause occup asymmetric ##entricular usg suprasellar narrowing mediastinum confluent parenchym corresp 18 3mm cove derm laryn n2m0 tail war ##eph ##monstr ##tif ##lp ##ind ##itre ##ither met ##omorph ##oll ##achn invasive cortex whole help demonstr anter artif arachn ##reatment encro pleural pleomorph result overt ##ascular causes forming fibrosis raising cerebellar ganglia looking striped tooth goitre covered ##ephal artifact arachnoid pleomorphic 14mm 21 bil cis dated either mandibular pons rt ##ner ##ronic ##poma ##mic ##tal ##aem ##audal ##atal ##atible ##usely ##ulated ##ises ##vere unit chronic cortical ##rimal severe lipoma showing pattern compatible different diffusely components t1n2 t4n2 opening merge t2n1m0 struct compression 3n2m0 craniocaudal crosses 13mm hemisphere vertebrae periventricular obstructed infraorbital developmental correspond helpful 20 22 band co dd em hor ij ller n0m0 ov oste separ wing ##opic ##ved ##3mm ##ward ##atation isch total spond ##ified ##thin scans ##irc ##ymp suscept ##ibility mucous bulge prominence aspects sell inflammation ##earch ##ifferent lobulated ##omeatal research contact airway artefacts ##ontine undifferent ##ailable hemith lns increase dilatation ventricles ##ylosis relatively masticator parenchymal dermat warthin cistern ddx ovoid ##wards ischaem spondylosis susceptibility sella undifferentiated bas ball c4 circ giv n1m0 ost pri treatment vocal we ##pinal ##heres ##art ##aspinal ##ined ##osion ##ison origin necks ##owing thir paraspinal smoo ##irm prel skin antr ##tered ##app appearing dimensions markedly infiltrated infiltrates adenoidal pharynx compressing expans comparison confirm deposits edema hemispheres expanded shape available haemorrhage erosion else structures corresponds ijv circum third smooth 2n basal c6 coll lat ques ser sol symp ##iasm ##iomeatal ##ci ##m1 ##bm0 ##×4 their ##one ##inary nasol ##trib ##veolar contex chiasm alveolar ##ame ##urre notch ##gestion ##uced ##iminary maxilla path comb ##izontal distrib t1n3m0 lobes ##gery ##yroidectomy infiltrating lengths centrally trache displaces plates surgery opacified compressed peripher irregularity aeration raises crossing haemang locally dilated meningioma replaced hypointense horizontal hemithyroidectomy ballo given ostiomeatal preliminary antrum question context distribution af bl cour coup ded gd hil ia lim oph pur run sw sent same vall wor ##ness ##sent ##li ##vate ##view ##fort ##ald ##alateral ##almic ##asing ##asternal ##ertebral ##ination inner ##athe ##ecula ##ositis requ review towards oral exc exam expected unfort ##olaps ##acic sinusitis axilla ##thalmic dev enter contralateral prolaps effac t2wfs att ##unately ##apy indic palp palant remo clustering margins enhanced lesions sclerotic caused displaced plate 12th ##poses reduced obstruction polyposis ##omyositis surrounds asymmetrically suprasternal ##stem ventricle pps ppf displacement planning neuropathy branches chem ##otherapy encroaches separate dermatomyositis ischaemia private latter combined couple dedicated ophthalmic purposes vallecula work unfortunately 14 1m0 15mm 2x 3r 9x atrophy bowing dr hal ham ling mr mic mac molar os qual sul wid ##ek ##ne ##nw ##dies ##iation ##cing ##uated ##pt ##press ##occ ##oint ##xus ##la ##fer ##face ##0mm ##2mm ##8mm ##inct ##pers congestion ##acia ##acrimal ##istinct once ##anding apart bodies mucus ##illar adc appre indistinct like t3n0 encephal encasing plexus tonsillar remaining infiltrative adenoids ##ected temporalis protr ulcer tips endoscopic bene fibrous interval shaped branch restriction restricted ##omalacia demonstrate resulting craniocaudally solid sympathe nasolacrimal ##urrent peripheral haemangioma questionable examination removed 3rd half lingual quality ##nwald ##occip sympathetic 17 19 6×2 7x 8x1 based dy digastric ep ecc ell ip joint near pul pne ris sing tou void vascular way ##roc ##ix ##pty ##tor ##silateral ##vin ##kely ##1mm ##hind ##ord ##term ##umat ##omed ##troph ##allic unli convin parav ##avic infection cavities ##amina clavic section dep eng behind another suspected ##quela effect find ##ucos thickness thoracic add sequela histology ##iptical comment ##adenoma constric thyroidectomy ##roadenoma heterogeneously presence brainstem secretion artefactual sheaths tract trace surface t2n1 10x 12mm need neopl inser 3n1m0 destr retrosternal detected consider usual interm obstructive larynx metallic severely differential empty osteophy expansion circumf pathology trachea after course hilum limit effaced palpable chemotherapy macroadenoma encephalomalacia beneath ##nwaldt dysp elliptical ipsilateral pneumat risk single unlikely convincing paravertebral constrictor neoplasm 17mm 25 2x1 3x3 4x2 7x1 9x1 aud bu cer current dens ec even fac fore guid hom rid rad ray sj vi ##of ##xap ##tes ##ys ##lf ##lot ##lasia ##alk ##arac ##ren ##ingeal ##itory ##eningeal ##terist meat ##oun ##ision position thal paral charac axillary involution t2b fossas ##amed determ stalk ##ividual anomal ##ancy abutt ##unar ##ock individual predominately showed submucos lacunar ##ogren suggests tumors ##seous ##elling ##tainty peri wraps ##ching contour degre shelf tubes trapp plus plain recently evaluate t2n2m0 t2n3m0 malignancy obsc tsxap condyles 11mm ##ological sequence mak edge expanding n3b ##monary perivascular groups obliterated occupying ##inds basi weight running osseous sulci ##pression pulmonary ##ixed ##omedial findinds dysplasia auditory certainty ecs guided homogen ridge sjogren ##teristic characteristic involutional anomaly trapped 0x1 0x2 16 1x1 1×2 16mm 24 6x 7x2 8×2 bx bre cap dec es found fung hu jd king ls lin mou map n3m0 od pen ped pontine ring rib tag tran whe wide ##ngeal ##nce ##droc ##ier ##ift ##iet ##ches ##pontine ##ak ##sies ##vant ##×6 ##ales ##arent now ##tasis ##ectasis ##ged least ##igone ##ulous refer ##omolar oro conver span paramed pariet ##aceous altered ##ute retro retroph retromolar scanning clavicular def hydroc ##ullary ##iver ##agic absent prepontine lymphoma account staged ##imum pterygoids much thornwaldt atel apparent ##plied indetermin lacrimal minimum flat flair ##ization supplied normally clearly t1n3 situated ##rowth ivim remarkable confines ##ets t4n0 respective significantly content ##achment reticul spares veins ##x11mm trigone t2n3 evident acute reduction favor outline favours presumed narrowed mediastinal obliteration haemorrhagic laryng anteromedial ##ephalus artifacts developmentally coales ##apping collaps series balloon balloons swelling excised deviated prolapse hampers widening ##occiput eccentric nearly clavicle insertion osteophytes circumferent pneumatization foreign ##ysm meatus thalamus determine obscure basiocciput weighted characteristics capitis huge mouth penetr tags trans whether converted paramedian parietal hydrocephalus 1x 1×3 27 29 2mm 2×3 30 5x 6x2 6x3 7×2 8x 8×3 aort atroph bed bound basilar cs cal cre cen caps cest ele far ful fain flow function growth had hence lamina mixed oc sy sin te tn tim tra tort typical vs ×2 ##eur ##eity ##de ##ded ##rit ##gical ##che ##uper ##pite ##pigin ##oad ##ximal ##mpt ##ye ##sal ##scribed ##×5 ##5×3 ##hel ##arch ##ass ##asinus ##ested ##orged ##atic ##itate ##itive ##aryngeal ##opharyng ##oses ##osterior ##osuper ##uma lept ##iglot reac ##ish toler ##ilitate ##rive ##vex exact convex ##remely thre thyr thrive extremely ##thrit fors scm deb about ##udes ##endum prop ##oposterior before ann aneur hypopharyngeal apx accoun ##ucle lowest ##ongly atte abutment sigmoid paranas ##verse shad shift asap ##ape set search hyperint arthrit spreads feature histological extensively frond cleft ##standing centre mask masseter vault diagnoses imp impression heterogeneity unusually ##ached conglomerated ##ques longstanding assessed intrasinus ##x10mm degrade degrades ##uctive proximal containing t2n0m0 strongly ##ediate superficially sternum 3n0m0 occiput despite agg 1101 fibrotic ##bedded expands amide cerebellum ##acement ganglion neuroma 2018 t4n3m1 t4n3bm0 cheek t3n3bm0 obliterating 4n3m0 erod 180 ##ollen encroachment artifactual embedded contacting week expansile circumscribed 2n1m0 serpigin ##ciable blur swollen request requested reviewed excision attn palanti workup appreciated appreciable epr touches depth engorged addendum destructive consideration usually intermediate facilitate radi submucosal degrees homogenous essent pedunc ribs spanning defect respectively laryngopharynx ballooning penetrating transverse atrophic center capsule fully faint functional since trauma tortuous ##mpts ##osuperior leptom reaction tolerate thyroglossal aneurysm accounting attempts hyperintensity arthritide serpiginous 0×3 1x2 23mm 34 33mm 3×4 4x1 46mm 50 5x2 5×2 5x3 6×3 7×1 ble bif dor domin epic each eye fu ff fine hern lent lord liver m1 mon morph mapping nucle pe pter pot ri rath syl sock tm ta targe uv vp var vis ##ein ##eper ##equ ##eved ##roid ##rade ##iology ##ga ##gle ##goid ##ground ##cal ##con ##coma ##uvant ##pou ##posed ##oe ##oin ##oax ##xcc ##mus ##met ##tl ##tening ##tosis ##treatment ##sum ##lar ##lly ##lant ##vian ##form ##3x1 ##jec ##juvant ##ke ##ked ##known ##hanc ##201 ##zius ##ally ##arcoma ##onodular ##inos ##inodal inj insp ##ndib ##itongue ##itier ##enal ##ened ##enhanc ##ice ##ician isth ische ##osarcoma ##uminal ##eding ##lel nasoph ##ulf ##ulature rele ##ently ##ential ##entered ##trast ##riform ##abal ##abol unknown conc though spans spinos ##iform ##omandib sinusal ##ants t2fs corner ##ths caves scal ##ccal ##ensen ##ensatory notes here height retrog deline deeper hyoid stre stensen foraminal ##agment abs critier protu pretreatment belly cancer angle lympho lymphatic others techniques ##issated effacement ##ucting ##henoid atlant ##eps craniopharyng abutted adequ ##obe shun ##ood suboccip vertical ##ificial appt ##plant ##plate signals sellar seeding hypertroph hypermet globe ##elf lack patulous compensatory clinoid clinician fragment slice presented largely superolateral superificial follows dimensional ##athyroid ##tained deeply greatest borders mature palsies perinodal rect repe ##ogenic ethmoids implant parts t4n0m0 resection marginal grossly ##erence sheets focally obtained palatopharyngeal ##airment magna previously symmetrically ##x18mm tracheal trape portions projec jugulo pla surgical ##ressive endplate opacity opacities merging t2n2 protein 12x hemitongue neoad obstructing 3n3m0 ##ibrosarcoma condylar fna ##isphenoid background outpou consists localised indents better obviously majority 2016 2015 itself t4n3b avm 4n2m0 hypoenhanc segments occupy occupied occupies parenchyma 18mm demonstrated demonstrates anterolateral bilat t4n2m1 202 22mm cover wings contacts dermatof cisterna ischaemic basisphenoid confirmed blood runs deviation enters entering prolapsing indicate indicative palantini 2x0 2x4 micr micro ##iations ##ferior protrusion protrudes ulceration 19mm touching engulf limited buccal paralaryngeal parallel makes making breach decre fungal lining atelectasis flattening reticulonodular coalesc collapse circumferential aortic bounded calc creeps time proptosis paranasopharyngeal shadowing impairment aggressive blurring essentially peduncle leptomeningeal blend dorsum dominant epicentered ffe lentiform lordosis months peg potential rathke sylvian tmj targeted uvula vari ##contrast ##oinferior ##oaxial inspissated isthmus ischemic spinosum ##omandibular retrograde delineate critieria protuber atlantoaxial craniopharyngioma adequately shunt suboccipital hypertrophied hypermetabol trapezius proteinaceous neoadjuvant outpouching hypoenhancing dermatofibrosarcoma 0x 07 08 0x3 0×1 1n 15 2b 25mm 26mm 27mm 23x1 3d 31 37 3×3 35mm 37mm 32mm 41 4th 401 4x3 42mm 5×5 6th 6x1 601 6×1 7×3 8x2 801 9x2 age aug aet aqu bar bia blow breat best c7 col cerv diss during done diver eb edent ect fo fas fil fusion fib hn hin hos kn lon lig last litt luminal my nor nause ou om prem pain past page pap phy pach pans pock pass qu ro renal sess symmetr ty tb val vic ventricular wit xi zy ##nel ##nection ##dit ##day ##ry ##ris ##ril ##rosis ##rup ##rants ##iph ##iom ##ily ##ioc ##ienc ##iating ##iectasis ##ieved ##cation ##urem ##uity ##pe ##pc ##ple ##pered ##pital ##ok ##ointense ##xon ##ms ##mun ##tis ##tom ##yep ##yst ##ae ##aic ##sew ##lr ##lab ##lies ##ves ##be ##bus ##baceous ##1b ##13 ##hing ##hond ##hord ##7×2 ##9mm ##2x2 ##8x1 then ##arm ##arngeal ##asion ##erian ##erted ##onding ##onch ##inity ##inting intern ##ora ##oroid ##orax ##oramina ##ata ##atine ##attered ##used ##itect ##ithel ##idus ##idging ##phy ##enital ##ica ##anal ##anic isointense ##ectr ##ectatic mega ##umour ##educt ##igation ##iguration ##leed nasopalatine ##ulked rever reached invest inverted leftwards ##isition ##om0 ##ombus tumoural today ##ried ##veill ##perineural ##abial ##abet positive unable condition congest conse connection ##olist ##adural ##oustic thus parasellar parathyroid chord choroid ##ifying ##acuated ##inusitis ##ainage alread alone ##tate ##uted ##portion scop scap scattered regional ##am0 ##ament ##urated ##urately ##urcation notoc ##ically distort pteryoid pterygo retrot retromaxillary retrieved midportion class headache level1b ##otopic sten stem standing ##aglot ##ending ##endym ##ymeningeal postcontrast ##opontine prev wallerian definitive april foramena accurately ##imposed ##mporomandibular measurem ##angiop thickened mucoc ##epithel ##ependym saturated mucositis ##ively mils ##illoma ##obleed channel subtrac bulkier sebaceous arran aryep predominant dixon diabet suggestion 8thdit probabal ##ipidus ##hyoid commun ##ders whereas compr medullary ##actic supracl ##sem ##ayr musculature fold maybe superimposed lungs greatly t1nom0 ##ualised encoun recurre recurrent wrapping thrombus adenopathy measured ethmoidal biopsies heterotopic clustered respect infiltrate overlies brach bronch bridging intracanal congenital intracranially reticular retension spare sheet ##athic approaches ##ectively brainlab ##quently ##quisition ##ortical ##ontoid tubular ##ticula v3perineural posterosuperior posteroinferior ##ucted proper pointing ##atively surveill occasion roundish opacifying additionally underg underde evacuated strap striated stranding ##x26mm forms advise lesser mottl acoustic acquisition insipidus polyps 3n1 configuration architect intraorbital ##oplatine 110 raise rims thinning frankly consisting 13x1 tornwaldt used supraglot continuation edn station subcortical tracking degeneration perivertebral cerebellopontine ductal hypoplasia orifices planes stripes neurof neurogenic 2013 2017 ##hesis ##veloped avid chest ##ulae infraclavicular t3n3am0 4n1 4n2 4n0m0 elsew electr meningoma meningitis masticatory replace replacing corresponding 3mmx dermis laryngeal warrants anteroposterior resultant 210 21mm units openings coil horn osteomeatal separated ##ympanic hemithorax cisterns prior 2n2m0 2n0m0 collection collectively solitary symptom nasolabial periphery haemangiom cours hila limb atten indicating palpation palantine 9x5 9x4mm drainage hampered microc sulcal protruding ulcerating branching peripherally 7x4mm 8x13mm epiglot ecchond voids clavicles effects adducted sequelae 10x4mm 10x5mm needs destruction intermus osteophyte circumference limits 7x12mm 7x18mm buried facial abutts individually submucosa degree homogeneous decom fungating liner odema odontoid ##akable accounts atelectatic indeterminant indeterminated t1n3a reticulation t2n3m t2n3bm0 collapsed circumferentially 8x6mm csf elev element system temporomandibular tnm tnm0 ##saliph ##heless ##iglottic convexity debris debulked apxlr erodes radiotherapy bifurcation herniations morphology nucleus ptergoid socket tapers visualised ##oele ##2013 injection relevant concentric corners scalen stret absence lymphoepithel rectus repeat marginally projecting plaque 12x7mm 2022 coverage microbleed microangiop engulfed coalesces calcified blends variant protuberance hypermetabolic aetiology aqueduct biapical blowout breathing cervic dissection diverticula ebv edentulous ectactic fibres hinders hospital longest ligament little myel nausea outer paget papilloma physaliph pachymeningeal pansinusitis root sessile symmetric type value vicinity xii zyg ##ysts ##hordal reversal investigation conditions consequently ##olisthesis chordoma already scope scapulae notochordal distorted retrotympanic classification measurement mucocoele ##ependymal subtraction aryepiglottic diabetes 8thditon communic encountered recurrence bronchiectasis surveillance occasionally underdeveloped architecture supraglottic neuroforamina elsewhere electronic symptoms haemangiomas microcysts epiglottis ecchondrosis lymphoepithelioma microangiopathic physaliphora 03 09 0m0 0mm 0×2 0×4 1a 1b 1×4 2m 2a 26 2×2 24mm 2x3 2×1 2m1 28mm 2×6 28x1 3x 39 32 35 38 3x1 3x2 3×2 34mm 3×1 30mm 3×6 4x 40 42 48 4×2 4×3 44mm 45mm 4×1 47mm 43mm 40mm 41mm 5t 5a 51 56 58 5×3 5×1 5×4 5tes 5×6 55×3 6× 60 64 65 68 61mm 6×6 6x11mm 6×5 6x10mm 7m 701 7×4 8×1 8×4 8×6 9× 90 99 901 9×2 9×3 9x3 9×5 ae aid ahn aspir aver away bes bith bial bow bur buc bm0 bap cn cat cri cant cut cres cur creat cathe ds did div doc day density dce data eg eas eral era est eber fd fal fer four fir fess fra filtr face fixed fift gamm gran ho hx hk hig hiv hand hong hilar hans hole i2 iam ide iga jap ky kid kong lt ll lit light lab lay lod load md mx mul might mad mud miss mob mte mra mental myl meningeal mpc ns nk never nape oper pd pi py ps pf pad pte punc pell pyr pack ppos pending rp rar rig righ rent ross rud rap rind rises rumour sum sac sternal sate sep swi sized tx t0 tre test term tak vc v1 vas vom vir vasc vest vision will wald x3 x1 x6 x4 xap y1 you ##ey ##eal ##eth ##eases ##nx ##n3 ##n0 ##nh ##nit ##num ##nial ##nch ##nants ##dis ##dated ##dered ##diology ##rf ##ron ##rax ##rontal ##rosc ##rinates ##iag ##iment ##ired ##iosuperior ##gion ##gopalatine ##gative ##gital ##gitis ##growth ##gye ##c2 ##cent ##cular ##cav ##cend ##cess ##cence ##colog ##cked ##cica ##cuted ##uing ##uate ##uation ##uff ##uish ##pon ##ped ##pious ##plete ##pness ##oy ##oz ##oon ##oes ##oary ##oic ##oom ##otr ##oour ##orem ##oth ##ohyoid ##x5mm ##x8x1 ##mi ##mx ##mary ##more ##misp ##mixed ##ts ##t3 ##t1 ##ten ##tist ##tment ##timal ##tology ##tak ##taic ##tumour ##theless ##yngeal ##ygoid ##aph ##ageal ##aug ##sh ##sion ##sid ##sist ##sur ##sory ##sure ##sification ##sfs ##spers ##suing ##lph ##led ##lis ##land ##var ##vil ##vance ##vascular ##fal ##fit ##fused ##bar ##bre ##ball ##bness ##briform ##3m ##3x26mm ##jug ##ks ##06 ##04 ##05 ##08 ##0x1 ##001 ##0×1 ##14 ##1x2 ##1tumour ##1001 ##6x1 ##6x18mm ##hc ##hion ##hus ##han ##his ##haem ##7×3 ##98 ##9x2 ##9x10mm ##5cm ##zy ##8x3 ##hed ##heal ##held ##hemisp them thecal thems ##ale ##aluminal ##aring ##arding ##aract ##arted ##ar201 ##arakable ##argye ##arpness ##astas ##renal ##ery ##ers ##erin ##erus ##ering ##erable ##erterm ##onpc ##inge ##inoid ##inine ##inated ##inuity ##inuate init inspec inspect inwards innum ingrowth ##ndering ##esor ##ester ##ortion ##oration ##oracic ##orudes ##ativ ##atomy ##atysm nov ##aryx ##ussion ##iting ##itud ##itple ##idal ##ides ##idum ##iderin ##phopharyngeal ##phosis ##enge ##enia ##enral ##icle ##icuous ##icienc ##anasal island ##osal ##osiderin ##teral means ##umul ##ument let leve leav leung ##edullary ##igest ##leted nasog nasphopharyngeal ##inguous ##inguish ##ingled ##uloma ##ulbar metastat metastaic refused rendering ##entim withheld rightt nasopharyneal nasopharyngitis ##ism ##isation ##isrup tumoour ##omost ##omises ##omatic ##omplete tof toc2 oram ##ilities ##ilection necess ##pering ##perienc metastastic ##clar exit exotr experienc ##ablis updated uptak ##allenge t1rh union unav unrel unsh unbre consp conch t1wfs ##olester ##reman unremarakable ##owding spill spont spicul paracent carnial cardiology chun china challenge cholester nasopharynxl ##ossible ##ife ##ifically ##aced ##acial invasin altern alto involuted ##avity ##aviv ##avenous ##avily ##teriorly ##isting ##istax smok smalll smallish ##cine ##cinator t2a t2sfs cortic fossal jugulare inform infact ones onse oncolog cavum cavitary regarding corona intenral scaph ##ami ##amucos ##amidal who whose ##ury ##urs notably heart hearing heavily distance distortion distinguish pterygomax pterygoplatine retrob retropharyng retromandibular retrolisthesis midly midway midjug scanner ears earli heads ##heric depression delph dehis base0 ##otomy ##inear ##ullar ##axillary paraest paraphy parafal styl start started ##ircles enucle ensuing forament foramens abd able contrasting ##endent ##endage ##endosc crcl crowding prog prorudes prossible extended postsur ##opap ##opically ##optimal ##openia pretrac precontrast precav ##portance walled beli cana ant anatomy hypere ##cluder ##ands suspect suspious apt ##eninges techniquee clivis accesor accumul book final earlyt3 staget1 ##ucidum ##imet ##imural ##ibules sphenoe sphenoplatine ajc sphenoidale fissural saggital mucle mastoiditis mucosing miller craniof craniotomy mucosally ##illay admixed adrenal ##obed nonet ##oove asl asf subependymal subsid suboptimal lateraly laterality appoint appendage prominently ##play ##ploic larges index induced inderterm seem se1001 hyperost parotiditis predilection arises arae ##essory gls inferoan inferolateral inferoposterior inferomost inflammary die diploic indetermined ##elung ##elves appeared hyperplastic mok mode furtherr furthermore enhacement extracran vidial ##existing specifically composed completed suppress medal floors froz slit slip supraorbital suprahyoid disrup diseases display mar2013 tumoral possibilities ##ayngeal multi muscosal centimet cricoary superoposterior difference cytology cartilages bordered bordering ##ostomy ##clivical match cranially changed t1no situ sited septal lobular persist perimural numbness numerus encirc encircles ##enmuller rosenmullar reconstr representing ##ometal remod remnants ##yrygoid ##thmoidal im14 importance patch t4nm0 otomastoids resected respon ##odigest ctb hazy sizes sizable sizeable marginated mainy cannon ##rovascular petct continguous ##ereved ##aching views viewed pressure presereved thank conglomerating locore ##entioned accesssory ##ximity ##llite accessoryy ##ophageal open opposed longer longitud petroclivical palati palatal palates extraparotid extramed extrathyroid extradural extramucos ##ontinuity tubinate tuberous tubrinates incomplete fascial intradural intraluminal intranasal intravenous ##x14mm ##x12mm ##x13x1 ##x12x2 ##x16x18mm turcica difficulty postero posteromedial ##ternoon undisrup prof proves proximity continue continues shortly pls platysm placed jugulodiag relativ retains tin0m0 tinnit tin1tumour evaluated conglomerations occurs contained discussion discontinuity moderately 10cm 10x2 1001 10x11mm event striations strands ##x24mm ##x22x2 ##x23x26mm ##x26x1 ##x28x3 incidenal incidentally pharyngo perforation 1201 12x11mm 12aug 12x13x1 formation formamina scfs icas neural neither negative advised compressive endoscopically mechan ace acessory compare comparing comparatively compartment equivocally inside insuff insinuate ##×25×3 ##×20×1 ##regate obstrcuted 3n2 ##×37×2 cords aerodigest descend confused surrounded 11a 11cm 11x10mm fibroma raised thinned crossed haemosiderin extranodular 134 13cm 13x5mm 13x23x26mm localized tornwald contiguity indentation diameters continuing subcentim arterty presuming presumabal denervated became grade groove ##stemic ##aneously degenerated cerebrovascular cerebelli ducts simple interal interim interface interspers interhemisp grouping ppfs ganglioc auricular t3n2mx planum striping stripped neuro 2010 2014 ##hesia ##orrhages nasoendosc t4n3a t4n3dis t4n3mi checked ##×15 ##×17×2 ##×17×3 t3n3m obliterate confluence 4n1m0 4n3m goiter meninges mastication replaces ##omalacic developed development 1801 18x24mm mets anterosuperior anteroinferior anterolisthesis anteriosuperior encroaching results ##ephalic 212 2101 21x12mm bilobed cisternal chronicity differentiating t1n2c t4n2m structure structural 20x26mm 20x8x1 2005 20x14mm 22x12x2 22×37×2 coexisting emphy ijc osteoma osteopenia osteometal separating lns1 sellae basion basis gives ostium ##artment prelaryngeal antra confirmation 2n1 2n3m0 colli later ser13 ##×45×3 pathway pathological combination tracheoes tracheostomy questioned aforem afternoon block bloom required deviating prolapses effaces effacing attachment attached indicates removal chemo chemort valleculae 14cm 14x10mm 2x6 2x5 9x4 9x7mm hamper macrosc molars osterior ossification wider widely widened ##neys ##pressive encephalomalacic ulcerative benefit 17cm 1704 1998 7x4 7x5 7x5mm 7x8mm 8x15mm epistax joints pulse ##ixon ##omedullary depending dependent department adds comments t2n12m0 10x6mm 10x7mm 10x9x10mm needle insertions inserted destroy intermingled tracheaa dysprax pneumatised pneumatisation convincingly 25x18mm 25x26x1 2x1x1 9x1cm 9x15mm buy forearm radical radiation rays meati ##isions thalami t2bn3 determined contours contouring obscures tsxapxcc ##ologically 16x11mm 16x18mm 1606 16x16x18mm 6x4 6x4mm 6x7mm 6x9mm 6x5cm breaches breached esrf odes pedicle ##aky referring retrophx retropharngeal retrophayr retrophargye retrophayngeal define accountable indeterminent t1n3m1 contents favors laryngo coalesce coalescing ballooned obscured penetration transependymal 1x0 1x6 1x4 270 27x22x2 27×17×3 5x6 5x5mm 5x6mm 6x2mm 6x3mm 8x5mm aorta boundary csi csae calvar creeping ocular occluded occlude occluder synch systemic team teeth times ×21 ##ched ##5×35 propensity apxts paranasopharynx shadow sets setting settl histologically fronds impinge aggregate erode eroded weeks blurred radiating radiata homogenously essential pedunculated centering leptomeninges 34×17×2 bifrontal eyeball herniation morphologically nuclei ptergopalatine sockets tapering visible injury nasopharngeal nasophayr nasopharyx relevance concavity scalp streaky abscess lymphoadenopathy fragments fragmented superolaterally rectum repeated projections plaques 12x8mm t4n3bm t4n3bm1 2021 covering micropap microhaem protrusions engulfing decrease decreased decreasing coalescent calcification variable protuberans hypermetabolism outpouchings 0x0 0x4 1n1m0 1n3m0 15x11mm 23x13mm 23x11x2 41x28x3 5×5×4 aug13 coli colon foarm foreman fasica fashion filed films know knife ome premedullary premaxillary pocket pockets passes passing quite query ##iocephalic interna internatal congested congestive choroidal stenosis stenosed prevent channels arrange arranged probabale probabaly comprised compromises supraclinoid supraclaviv ##sema ##seminated brachial brachiocephalic intracanalicular undergo undergone mottled mottling 13x10x1 13x19x2 avidly replacement 3mmx4mm 3mmx6mm coiling courses coursing limbs attenuated attenuation intermuscular intermusclar homogeneously decompression decompressive elevated elevates elements apxlrxcc scalene scalenus stretches stretched cervicoth cervicomedullary myelopathy myelomalacia zygoma zygomatic investigations communicate communication 26×15 28x15mm 3x0 4x5 40×20×1 42×25×3 5tesla 55×35×35 6×8 60×45×3 7mar201 ahnh aspiration averaging besides bialteral bows burr buccinator baptist cataract cribriform canthus cuts crescent curvil creatinine catheter dsseminated divisions document easily eraly establis fdg falx ferry fourth first frail filtrated fifth gamma granuloma hkhc higher hanson ideally japan kyphosis kidneys layer lodes mdixon mulitple madelung missed mobile mteastas mylohyoid nsf nevertheless operative piriform pyriform psinal pfo pteyrygoid punctate pellucidum pyramidal packing pposterior rare rigth rentention rossenmuller rudiment rapid summary satellite septate treated tests terms taken vca vasogenic vomiting viral vasculature vestibules waldey ##nhancement ##ronous ##gional ##tenoid ##082 themselves ##onpc082 initial inspection inspected innumerable ##iciency levei leaving nasogastric metastataic oramen necessary exotropic experienced uptake t1rhonpc082 unavailable unrelated unsharpness unbreakable conspicuous concha spills spontaneously spiculated paracentral chunks cholesterol alternatively altogether smoking cortices information onset oncologist scaphoid pterygomaxillay retrobulbar retropharyngx midjugular earlier delphian dehiscence paraesthesia paraphyyngeal parafalcine styloid enucleation progress postsurgical pretracheal precaval believed hyperenhancement accesorry accumulation staget1n0 sphenoethmoidal craniofacial nonetheless subsiding appointment inderterminate seems hyperostosis inferoanteriorly inferolaterally extracranial suppressed frozen disruption centimetre cricoarytenoid persistently encircle reconstruction remodelling response locoregional longitudinal extramedullary extramucosal undisrupted platysma jugulodiagastric relatives tinnitus 10x20mm 12aug2013 12x13x16mm mechanical insufficiency aerodigestive descends subcentimeter presumabaly interspersed interhemispheric gangliocapsular nasoendoscopy t4n3disease anteroinferiorly 20x8x16mm 22x12x20mm 22×37×26 emphysema tracheoesophageal aforementioned blooming macroscopic epistaxis destroyed dyspraxia 25x26x19mm retrophayrngeal retrophargyeal 27x22x23mm 27×17×31 calvarial synchronous apxtsxcc settled impingement 34×17×25 nasophayrnx micropapillary microhaemorrhages 23x11x23mm 41x28x36mm foarmen supraclavivular 13x10x15mm 13x19x22mm cervicothoracic 40×20×14 42×25×30 60×45×33 7mar2012 curvilinear documented established mteastases rudimentary waldeyers