from __future__ import annotations import json import contextlib from uuid import uuid4, UUID from typing import Generator, Literal import requests import gradio as gr from spitfight.colosseum.common import ( COLOSSEUM_PROMPT_ROUTE, COLOSSEUM_RESP_VOTE_ROUTE, COLOSSEUM_ENERGY_VOTE_ROUTE, PromptRequest, ResponseVoteRequest, ResponseVoteResponse, EnergyVoteRequest, EnergyVoteResponse, ) class ControllerClient: """Client for the Colosseum controller, to be used by Gradio.""" def __init__(self, controller_addr: str, timeout: int = 15, request_id: UUID | None = None) -> None: """Initialize the controller client.""" self.controller_addr = controller_addr self.timeout = timeout self.request_id = str(uuid4()) if request_id is None else str(request_id) def fork(self) -> ControllerClient: """Return a copy of the client with a new request ID.""" return ControllerClient( controller_addr=self.controller_addr, timeout=self.timeout, request_id=uuid4(), ) def prompt(self, prompt: str, index: Literal[0, 1]) -> Generator[str, None, None]: """Generate the response of the `index`th model with the prompt.""" prompt_request = PromptRequest(request_id=self.request_id, prompt=prompt, model_index=index) with _catch_requests_exceptions(): resp = f"http://{self.controller_addr}{COLOSSEUM_PROMPT_ROUTE}", json=prompt_request.dict(), stream=True, timeout=self.timeout, ) _check_response(resp) # XXX: Why can't the server just yield `text + "\n"` and here we just iter_lines? for chunk in resp.iter_lines(decode_unicode=False, delimiter=b"\0"): if chunk: yield json.loads(chunk.decode("utf-8")) def response_vote(self, victory_index: Literal[0, 1]) -> ResponseVoteResponse: """Notify the controller of the user's vote for the response.""" response_vote_request = ResponseVoteRequest(request_id=self.request_id, victory_index=victory_index) with _catch_requests_exceptions(): resp = f"http://{self.controller_addr}{COLOSSEUM_RESP_VOTE_ROUTE}", json=response_vote_request.dict(), ) _check_response(resp) return ResponseVoteResponse(**resp.json()) def energy_vote(self, is_worth: bool) -> EnergyVoteResponse: """Notify the controller of the user's vote for energy.""" energy_vote_request = EnergyVoteRequest(request_id=self.request_id, is_worth=is_worth) with _catch_requests_exceptions(): resp = f"http://{self.controller_addr}{COLOSSEUM_ENERGY_VOTE_ROUTE}", json=energy_vote_request.dict(), ) _check_response(resp) return EnergyVoteResponse(**resp.json()) @contextlib.contextmanager def _catch_requests_exceptions(): """Catch requests exceptions and raise gr.Error instead.""" try: yield except (requests.exceptions.ConnectionError, requests.exceptions.Timeout): raise gr.Error("Failed to connect to our the backend server. Please try again later.") def _check_response(response: requests.Response) -> None: if 400 <= response.status_code < 500: raise gr.Error(response.json()["detail"]) elif response.status_code >= 500: raise gr.Error("Failed to talk to our backend server. Please try again later.")