--- title: "ML.ENERGY Leaderboard" emoji: "⚡" python_version: "3.9" app_file: "app.py" sdk: "gradio" sdk_version: "3.39.0" pinned: true tags: ["energy", "leaderboard"] colorFrom: "black" colorTo: "black" --- # ML.ENERGY Leaderboard [![Leaderboard](https://custom-icon-badges.herokuapp.com/badge/ML.ENERGY-Leaderboard-blue.svg?logo=ml-energy-2)](https://ml.energy/leaderboard) [![Deploy](https://github.com/ml-energy/leaderboard/actions/workflows/push_spaces.yaml/badge.svg?branch=web)](https://github.com/ml-energy/leaderboard/actions/workflows/push_spaces.yaml) [![Apache-2.0 License](https://custom-icon-badges.herokuapp.com/github/license/ml-energy/leaderboard?logo=law)](/LICENSE) How much energy do LLMs consume? This README focuses on explaining how to run the benchmark yourself. The actual leaderboard is here: https://ml.energy/leaderboard. ## Colosseum We instrumented [Hugging Face TGI](https://github.com/huggingface/text-generation-inference) so that it measures and returns GPU energy consumption. Then, our [controller](/spitfight/colosseum/controller) server receives user prompts from the [Gradio app](/app.py), selects two models randomly, and streams model responses back with energy consumption. ## Setup for benchmarking ### Model weights - For models that are directly accessible in Hugging Face Hub, you don't need to do anything. - For other models, convert them to Hugging Face format and put them in `/data/leaderboard/weights/lmsys/vicuna-13B`, for example. The last two path components (e.g., `lmsys/vicuna-13B`) are taken as the name of the model. ### Docker container We have our pre-built Docker image published with the tag `mlenergy/leaderboard:latest` ([Dockerfile](/Dockerfile)). ```console $ docker run -it \ --name leaderboard0 \ --gpus '"device=0"' \ -v /path/to/your/data/dir:/data/leaderboard \ -v $(pwd):/workspace/leaderboard \ mlenergy/leaderboard:latest bash ``` The container internally expects weights to be inside `/data/leaderboard/weights` (e.g., `/data/leaderboard/weights/lmsys/vicuna-7B`), and sets the Hugging Face cache directory to `/data/leaderboard/hfcache`. If needed, the repository should be mounted to `/workspace/leaderboard` to override the copy of the repository inside the container. ## Running the benchmark We run benchmarks using multiple nodes and GPUs using [Pegasus](https://github.com/jaywonchung/pegasus). Take a look at [`pegasus/`](/pegasus) for details. You can still run benchmarks without Pegasus like this: ```console $ docker exec leaderboard0 python scripts/benchmark.py --model-path /data/leaderboard/weights/lmsys/vicuna-13B --input-file sharegpt/sg_90k_part1_html_cleaned_lang_first_sampled_sorted.json $ docker exec leaderboard0 python scripts/benchmark.py --model-path databricks/dolly-v2-12b --input-file sharegpt/sg_90k_part1_html_cleaned_lang_first_sampled_sorted.json ``` ## Citation For the ML.ENERGY Leaderboard: ```bibtex @misc{ml-energy-leaderboard, author={Jae-Won Chung and Jiachen Liu and Zhiyu Wu and Yuxuan Xia and Mosharaf Chowdhury}, title={{ML.ENERGY} Leaderboard}, year={2023}, howpublished={\url{https://ml.energy/leaderboard}}, } ``` For the [Zeus](https://ml.energy/zeus) framework used for benchmarking: ```bibtex @inproceedings{zeus:nsdi23, author={Jie You and Jae-Won Chung and Mosharaf Chowdhury}, booktitle={USENIX NSDI}, title={Zeus: Understanding and Optimizing {GPU} Energy Consumption of {DNN} Training}, year={2023}, } ```