import gradio as gr import mdtex2html import os import json import requests def postprocess(self, y): if y is None: return [] for i, (message, response) in enumerate(y): y[i] = ( None if message is None else mdtex2html.convert((message)), None if response is None else mdtex2html.convert(response), ) return y gr.Chatbot.postprocess = postprocess def parse_text(text): """copy from""" lines = text.split("\n") lines = [line for line in lines if line != ""] count = 0 for i, line in enumerate(lines): if "```" in line: count += 1 items = line.split('`') if count % 2 == 1: lines[i] = f'
                lines[i] = f'
' else: if i > 0: if count % 2 == 1: line = line.replace("`", "\`") line = line.replace("<", "<") line = line.replace(">", ">") line = line.replace(" ", " ") line = line.replace("*", "*") line = line.replace("_", "_") line = line.replace("-", "-") line = line.replace(".", ".") line = line.replace("!", "!") line = line.replace("(", "(") line = line.replace(")", ")") line = line.replace("$", "$") lines[i] = "
"+line text = "".join(lines) return text def SubmitKey(chatbot, key): data = {'AgentStart': True, 'key': key} response=requests.request('POST', os.environ.get("URL"), data=json.dumps(data, ensure_ascii=False).encode('utf-8')) msg = str(response.content, encoding="utf-8") if not response.status_code == 200: chatbot = [(None, parse_text(msg))] return chatbot, gr.update(value=msg), gr.update(value=msg) response = json.loads(msg) chatbot = response['chatbot'] return chatbot, gr.update(value=response['story']), gr.update(value=response['answer']) def CheckTrue(chatbot, key): data = {'AgentCheck': True, 'key': key} response=requests.request('POST', os.environ.get("URL"), data=json.dumps(data, ensure_ascii=False).encode('utf-8')) chatbot.append((parse_text("是。"), parse_text(str(response.content, encoding="utf-8")))) return chatbot def CheckFalse(chatbot, key): data = {'AgentCheck': False, 'key': key} response=requests.request('POST', os.environ.get("URL"), data=json.dumps(data, ensure_ascii=False).encode('utf-8')) chatbot.append((parse_text("否。"), parse_text(str(response.content, encoding="utf-8")))) return chatbot def CheckIrrelevant(chatbot, key): data = {'AgentCheck': 'Irrelevant', 'key': key} response=requests.request('POST', os.environ.get("URL"), data=json.dumps(data, ensure_ascii=False).encode('utf-8')) chatbot.append((parse_text("无关。"), parse_text(str(response.content, encoding="utf-8")))) return chatbot def CheckTerm(chatbot, key): data = {'AgentFinish': True, 'key': key} response=requests.request('POST', os.environ.get("URL"), data=json.dumps(data, ensure_ascii=False).encode('utf-8')) msg = str(response.content, encoding="utf-8") if not response.status_code == 200: chatbot = [(None, parse_text(msg))] return chatbot, gr.update(value=msg), gr.update(value=msg) response = json.loads(msg) chatbot = [(None, parse_text(response['response']))] return chatbot, gr.update(value=response['story']), gr.update(value=response['answer']) with gr.Blocks() as demo: gr.HTML("""

Generative Agents测试平台

""") user_key = gr.Textbox(label='密钥', placeholder="Input your key, press enter to apply", lines=1, max_lines=1).style( container=False) with gr.Row(): with gr.Column(scale=1): story = gr.Textbox(label='汤面', lines=3, max_lines=3).style( container=False) with gr.Column(scale=1): answer = gr.Textbox(label='汤底', lines=3, max_lines=3).style( container=False) chatbot = gr.Chatbot([]) with gr.Row(): with gr.Column(scale=1): trueBtn = gr.Button('是') with gr.Column(scale=1): falseBtn = gr.Button('否') with gr.Column(scale=1): irreBtn = gr.Button('无关') with gr.Column(scale=1): termBtn = gr.Button('达到终止条件') user_key.submit(SubmitKey, [chatbot, user_key], [chatbot, story, answer]), [chatbot, user_key], [chatbot]), [chatbot, user_key], [chatbot]), [chatbot, user_key], [chatbot]), [chatbot, user_key], [chatbot, story, answer]) demo.queue().launch()