import gradio as gr
import models
import results
import theme
text = "
AI TCO Comparison Calculator"
text2 = "Please note that the cost/request only defines the infrastructure cost for deployment. The labor cost must be added for the whole AI model service deployment TCO."
In this calculator, we help you compare different AI model services, such as SaaS or "Deploy yourself" solutions, based on the Total Cost of Ownership for their deployment. 😊
Please note that we focus on getting the AI model service up and running, but not the additional maintenance costs that follow.🚀
If you want to contribute to the calculator by adding your own AI service option, follow this tutorial 👈.
formula = r"""
$CR = \frac{CIT_{1K} \times IT + COT_{1K} \times OT}{1000}$
$CR$ = Cost per Request
$CIT_{1K}$ = Cost per 1000 Input Tokens
$COT_{1K}$ = Cost per 1000 Output Tokens
$IT$ = Input Tokens
$OT$ = Output Tokens
def set_shared_data(page1, page2):
return page1, page2
def on_use_case_change(use_case):
if use_case == "Summarize":
return gr.update(value=500), gr.update(value=200)
elif use_case == "Question-Answering":
return gr.update(value=300), gr.update(value=300)
return gr.update(value=50), gr.update(value=10)
style = theme.Style()
with gr.Blocks(theme=style) as demo:
Models: list[models.BaseTCOModel] = [models.OpenAIModelGPT4, models.OpenAIModelGPT3_5, models.CohereModel, models.DIYLlama2Model]
model_names = [Model().get_name() for Model in Models]
with gr.Row():
with gr.Column():
with gr.Row():
use_case = gr.Dropdown(["Summarize", "Question-Answering", "Classification"], value="Question-Answering", label=" Describe your use case ")
with gr.Accordion("Click here if you want to customize the number of input and output tokens per request", open=False):
with gr.Row():
input_tokens = gr.Slider(minimum=1, maximum=1000, value=300, step=1, label=" Input tokens per request", info="We suggest a value that we believe best suit your use case choice but feel free to adjust", interactive=True)
output_tokens = gr.Slider(minimum=1, maximum=1000, value=300, step=1, label=" Output tokens per request", info="We suggest a value that we believe best suit your use case choice but feel free to adjust", interactive=True)
with gr.Row(visible=False):
num_users = gr.Number(value="1000", interactive = True, label=" Number of users for your service ")
use_case.change(on_use_case_change, inputs=use_case, outputs=[input_tokens, output_tokens])
with gr.Row():
with gr.Column():
page1 = models.ModelPage(Models)
dropdown = gr.Dropdown(model_names, interactive=True, label=" First AI service option ")
with gr.Accordion("Click here for more information on the computation parameters for your first AI service option", open=False):
with gr.Column():
page2 = models.ModelPage(Models)
dropdown2 = gr.Dropdown(model_names, interactive=True, label=" Second AI service option ")
with gr.Accordion("Click here for more information on the computation parameters for your second AI service option", open=False):
shared_page1, shared_page2 = set_shared_data(page1, page2)
results.set_shared_pages(shared_page1, shared_page2)
dropdown.change(page1.make_model_visible, inputs=[dropdown, use_case], outputs=page1.get_all_components())
dropdown2.change(page2.make_model_visible, inputs=[dropdown2, use_case], outputs=page2.get_all_components())
compute_tco_btn = gr.Button("Compute & Compare", size="lg", variant="primary", scale=1)
tco1, tco2, labor_cost1, labor_cost2, latency, latency2 = [gr.State() for _ in range(6)]
with gr.Row():
with gr.Accordion("Click here to see the cost/request computation formula", open=False):
tco_formula = gr.Markdown(formula)
with gr.Row(variant='panel'):
with gr.Column():
with gr.Row():
table = gr.Markdown()
with gr.Row():
info = gr.Markdown(text2)
with gr.Row():
with gr.Column(scale=1):
image = gr.Image(visible=False)
ratio = gr.Markdown()
with gr.Column(scale=2):
plot = gr.LinePlot(visible=False), inputs=page1.get_all_components_for_cost_computing() + page2.get_all_components_for_cost_computing() + [dropdown, dropdown2, input_tokens, output_tokens], outputs=[tco1, latency, labor_cost1, tco2, latency2, labor_cost2])\
.then(results.create_table, inputs=[tco1, tco2, labor_cost1, labor_cost2, dropdown, dropdown2, latency, latency2], outputs=table)\
.then(results.compare_info, inputs=[tco1, tco2, dropdown, dropdown2], outputs=[image, ratio])\
.then(results.update_plot, inputs=[tco1, tco2, dropdown, dropdown2, labor_cost1, labor_cost2], outputs=plot)