import streamlit as st import meta import fitz import requests from bs4 import BeautifulSoup from best_seller import get_items from pharmap_url import get_link_mapped from summarize import get_summary_app from utils.results_utils import get_brief, ReadPDFFile, PopulateDict from utils.utils import load_image_from_local, local_css, pure_comma_separation, remote_css from examples import CATEGORY_LIST, LINK_LIST, STUDY_LIST, FILE_LIST with open("bestseller.html", "r") as f: html_content = # html_content[:500] def main(): st.set_page_config( page_title="Tracer", page_icon="‍👻", layout="wide", initial_sidebar_state="expanded" ) remote_css(";600&family=Poppins:wght@600&display=swap") local_css("asset/css/style.css") col1, col2 = st.columns([5, 5]) with col2: # st.image(load_image_from_local("asset/images/main_logo.png"), width=300) # st.markdown("Discover --> Extract --> Sense --> Decide --> Render", unsafe_allow_html=True) st.image(load_image_from_local("asset/images/task_theme.png"), width=500) with st.expander("Design & Development", expanded=True): st.markdown(meta.SIDEBAR_INFO, unsafe_allow_html=True) with st.expander("What does Tracer do?", expanded=True): st.markdown(meta.STORY, unsafe_allow_html=True) st.markdown(meta.CONCEPT_INFO, unsafe_allow_html=True) st.image(load_image_from_local("asset/images/side_bar.png"), width=600) with col1: st.markdown(meta.HEADER_INFO, unsafe_allow_html=True) st.markdown(meta.CHEF_INFO, unsafe_allow_html=True) # st.write('', # unsafe_allow_html=True) # # st.write('', # unsafe_allow_html=True) choose ="Choose Task", ("Get Best Sellers - Amazon", "Get Therapy Area Mapped for Given Disease/s", "Generate Summary for Clinical Trials", "Generate Financial Brief for given 10-Q file")) if choose == 'Get Best Sellers - Amazon': content = BeautifulSoup(html_content, "html.parser") mydivs = content.find_all("a", {"class": "a-link-normal"}) bs = get_items(mydivs) prompts = list(CATEGORY_LIST.keys()) + ["Custom"] prompt = st.selectbox( 'Examples (select from this list)', prompts, # index=len(prompts) - 1, index=0, ) if prompt == "Custom": prompt_box = "" else: prompt_box = CATEGORY_LIST[prompt] items = st.text_area( 'Selected Best Seller Category: ', prompt_box, ) # items = pure_comma_separation(items, return_list=False) entered_items = st.empty() result_button = st.button('Get Best Selling Items!') st.markdown( "
", unsafe_allow_html=True ) if result_button: with st.spinner("Getting the best sellers"): st.write(items) st.write(bs[items]) if choose == 'Get Therapy Area Mapped for Given Disease/s': prompts = list(LINK_LIST.keys()) + ["Custom"] prompt = st.selectbox( 'Examples (select from this list)', prompts, # index=len(prompts) - 1, index=0 ) if prompt == "Custom": prompt_box = "" else: prompt_box = LINK_LIST[prompt] items = st.text_area( 'Selected Sample Webpage Link: ', prompt_box, ) # items = pure_comma_separation(items, return_list=False) entered_items = st.empty() result_button = st.button('Get Therapy Areas!') st.markdown( "
", unsafe_allow_html=True ) if result_button: get_link_mapped(items) if choose == 'Generate Summary for Clinical Trials': prompts = list(STUDY_LIST.keys()) + ["Custom"] prompt = st.selectbox( 'Examples (select from this list)', prompts, # index=len(prompts) - 1, index=0 ) if prompt == "Custom": prompt_box = "" else: prompt_box = STUDY_LIST[prompt] items = st.text_area( 'Selected Sample Study ID (Clinical Trial.Gov): ', prompt_box, ) # items = pure_comma_separation(items, return_list=False) # st.write(items) entered_items = st.empty() result_button = st.button('Get Summary!') st.markdown( "
", unsafe_allow_html=True ) if result_button: headline_output, summary_output = get_summary_app(items) # headline = f""" #


# """ # summary = f""" #


# """ # st.markdown(summary, unsafe_allow_html=True) # st.write(headline_output) st.write(summary_output) if choose == 'Generate Financial Brief for given 10-Q file': prompts = list(FILE_LIST.keys()) + ["Custom"] prompt = st.selectbox( 'Examples (select from this list)', prompts, # index=len(prompts) - 1, index=0 ) if prompt == "Custom": file = st.file_uploader("Choose a file") uploaded_file = open(file, 'rb') doc = result_button = st.button('Get Earnings Brief!') st.markdown( "
", unsafe_allow_html=True ) print("before custom result button") if result_button and uploaded_file is not None: with st.spinner("Generating Brief..."): DictText = {} Extracttext = ReadPDFFile(doc, 19, "(Dollars in millions except per share amounts)", "") DictText = PopulateDict(Extracttext, DictText) Extracttext = ReadPDFFile(doc, 20, "Overview (continued)", "Results may not sum due to rounding") DictText = PopulateDict(Extracttext, DictText) Extracttext = ReadPDFFile(doc, 21, "(Dollars in millions)", "Three months ended") DictText = PopulateDict(Extracttext, DictText) # st.write(DictText) st.write(get_brief(DictText)) else: prompt_box = FILE_LIST[prompt] items = st.text_area( 'Selected File Name: ', prompt_box, ) # items = pure_comma_separation(items, return_list=False) # st.write(items) entered_items = st.empty() result_button = st.button('Get Earnings Brief!') st.markdown( "
", unsafe_allow_html=True ) if result_button: uploaded_file = open("asset/data/TF-Q1'22-10Q.pdf", 'rb') doc = with st.spinner("Generating Brief..."): DictText = {} Extracttext = ReadPDFFile(doc, 19, "(Dollars in millions except per share amounts)", "") DictText = PopulateDict(Extracttext, DictText) Extracttext = ReadPDFFile(doc, 20, "Overview (continued)", "Results may not sum due to rounding") DictText = PopulateDict(Extracttext, DictText) Extracttext = ReadPDFFile(doc, 21, "(Dollars in millions)", "Three months ended") DictText = PopulateDict(Extracttext, DictText) # st.write(DictText) st.write(get_brief(DictText)) if __name__ == '__main__': main()