import gradio from import * MODELS_PATH = Path('./models') EXAMPLES_PATH = Path('./examples') learn = load_learner(MODELS_PATH/'model.pkl') labels = learn.dls.vocab def gradio_predict(img): img = PILImage.create(img) _pred, _pred_idx, probs = learn.predict(img) labels_probs = {labels[i]: float(probs[i]) for i, _ in enumerate(labels)} return labels_probs with open('') as f: article = interface_options = { "title": "Paddy Doctor: Paddy Disease Classification", "description": "Identify the type of disease present in paddy leaf images", "article": article, "examples" : [f'{EXAMPLES_PATH}/{}' for f in EXAMPLES_PATH.iterdir()], "layout": "horizontal", "theme": "default", } demo = gradio.Interface(fn=gradio_predict, inputs=gradio.inputs.Image(shape=(512, 512)), outputs=gradio.outputs.Label(num_top_classes=5), **interface_options) launch_options = { "enable_queue": True, "share": False, } demo.launch(**launch_options)