class Reader { constructor(options) { // Mandatory options if (!options.container || options.container.length == 0) { console.error('no container given in options'); return; } this.gui = options.container;'reader',this); if (!options.images_dir) { console.error('no images_dir given in options'); return; } this.images_dir = options.images_dir; if (!options.comicsJson || typeof options.comicsJson != 'object') { console.error('no comicsJson given in options, or not a javascript object'); return; } this.comic = options.comicsJson; this.known_panels = options.known_panels ? options.known_panels : []; // init attributes this.currpage = 0; this.currpanel = 0; this.debug = this.gui.hasClass('debug') || 'debug' in this.getHashInfo(); if (this.debug) this.gui.addClass('debug'); // add image sub-container this.container = $('
'); this.container.css({ position: 'relative', width: '95%', height: '95%', margin: 'auto', }); this.gui.append(this.container); if (options['controls']) this.add_controls(); window.addEventListener('orientationchange', function () { setTimeout( function () { this.gotoPanel(this.currpanel); }.bind(this), 500); // slight delay to make it work better, not sure why :) }.bind(this)); } getHashInfo () { var hash = window.location.hash.replace(/^#/,'').split(','); var info = {}; for (var i in hash) { var h = hash[i].split('='); info[h[0]] = h[1]; } return info; } setHashInfo (newinfo) { var info = this.getHashInfo(); for (var i in newinfo) info[i] = newinfo[i]; info = Object.entries(info).map(function (kv) { if (kv[1] === null) return ''; return kv[0] + (kv[1] ? '=' + kv[1] : ''); }).filter(function(v){return v?true:false}); window.location.hash = info.join(','); } start () { var page = this.getHashInfo()['page']; if (!page) page = 0; this.loadPage(page); } next() { if ('.zoomed')) this.nextPanel(); else this.loadNextPage(); } prev() { if ('.zoomed')) this.prevPanel(); else this.loadPrevPage(); } loadNextPage() { return this.loadPage(this.currpage+1); } loadPrevPage() { return this.loadPage(this.currpage-1); } loadPage(page=0) { page = parseInt(page); // don't go to a page below 0, or above the number of pages in this comic if (page < 0 || page >= this.comic.length) return false; this.currpage = page; this.setHashInfo({page: page ? page : null}); $('.pagenb',this.gui).html('page '+(page+1)+' /'+this.comic.length+'') var imginfo = this.comic[page]; if (!this.gui.hasClass('fullpage')) this.gui.css({ width: imginfo.size[0], height: imginfo.size[1], padding: '2em', }); var imgurl = this.images_dir == 'urls' ? imginfo.filename : this.images_dir + imginfo.filename.split('/').reverse()[0]; var img = $(''); img.css({ position: 'absolute', 'width': '100%', 'height': '100%' }); this.container.children('img').remove(); this.container.prepend(img); // show license var license = this.get_license(imginfo); if (license) { this.gui.append(''); this.gui.children('.license').html(license); } else $('.license',this.gui).remove(); var was_zoomed ='.zoomed'); this.drawPanels(imginfo); this.dezoom(); if (this.currpanel == 'last') this.currpanel = $('.panel').length-1; else this.currpanel = 0; if (was_zoomed) this.gotoPanel(this.currpanel); return true; } zoomOn (panel) { var growth = this.container.parent().width() / panel.width(); var max = 'x'; var ygrowth = this.container.parent().height() / panel.height(); if (ygrowth < growth) { growth = ygrowth; max = 'y'; } var newcss = { top: - panel.position().top * growth, left: - panel.position().left * growth, height: this.container.height() * growth, width: this.container.width() * growth }; // center panel horizontally or vertically within container's parent if (max == 'x') += (this.container.parent().height() - panel.height() * growth) / 2; else newcss.left += (this.container.parent().width() - panel.width() * growth) / 2; $('.panel.zoomTarget').removeClass('zoomTarget'); panel.addClass('zoomTarget'); this.container.addClass('zoomed'); this.container.animate(newcss,300); } dezoom () { var size = this.getImgSize(); var newcss = { width: size.w, height: size.h, left: 0, top: 0 }; this.container.removeClass('zoomed'); this.container.css(newcss); } getImgSize () { var size = { w: this.container.parent().width(), h: this.container.parent().height() }; var imgsize = this.comic[this.currpage]['size']; var ratio = imgsize[0] / imgsize[1]; if (size.w > size.h * ratio) size.w = size.h * ratio; else if (size.h > size.w / ratio) size.h = size.w / ratio; return size; } gotoPanel (i) { if (i < 0) { this.currpanel = 'last'; var prevpage = this.loadPrevPage(); if (!prevpage) this.currpanel = 0; return; } var newPanel = $('.panel').eq(i); if (newPanel.length > 0) this.zoomOn(newPanel); else { var nextpage = this.loadNextPage(); if (!nextpage) this.currpanel--; } } nextPanel () { this.currpanel++; this.gotoPanel(this.currpanel); } prevPanel () { this.currpanel--; this.gotoPanel(this.currpanel); } drawPanels (imginfo) { this.container.children('*:not(.pageimg)').remove(); var [imgw,imgh] = imginfo['size']; var i = 1; for (var p in imginfo['panels']) { var unknown = !this.known_panels.includes(parseInt(p)); p = imginfo['panels'][p]; var [x,y,w,h] = p; var panel = $('
'); if (unknown) panel.addClass('unknown'); var panelcss = { top: '' + y/imgh*100 + '%', left: '' + x/imgw*100 + '%', height: '' + h/imgh*100 + '%', width: '' + w/imgw*100 + '%' }; panel.css(panelcss); panel.append(''+(i++)+''); panel.append(''+y); panel.append(''+(y+h)); panel.append(''+x); panel.append(''+(x+w)); this.container.append(panel); } } add_controls() { var _reader = this; // add controls and page info this.gui.append(''); var burger = $('');'reader',this); burger.on('click touch', function (e) { $(this).data('reader').showMenu(); }); this.gui.append(burger); var btprev = $('');'reader',this); btprev.on('click touch', function (e) { $(this).data('reader').prev(); }); this.gui.append(btprev); var menu = $('