import { test, describe, assert, afterEach } from "vitest"; import { cleanup, render } from "@gradio/tootils"; import event from "@testing-library/user-event"; import Radio from "./Index.svelte"; import type { LoadingStatus } from "@gradio/statustracker"; const loading_status = { eta: 0, queue_position: 1, queue_size: 1, status: "complete" as LoadingStatus["status"], scroll_to_output: false, visible: true, fn_index: 0, show_progress: "full" as LoadingStatus["show_progress"] }; describe("Radio", () => { afterEach(() => cleanup()); const choices = [ ["dog", "dog"], ["cat", "cat"], ["turtle", "turtle"] ] as [string, string][]; test("renders provided value", async () => { const { getAllByRole, getByTestId } = await render(Radio, { choices: choices, value: "cat", label: "Radio" }); assert.equal( getByTestId("cat-radio-label").className.includes("selected"), true ); const radioButtons: HTMLOptionElement[] = getAllByRole( "radio" ) as HTMLOptionElement[]; assert.equal(radioButtons.length, 3); radioButtons.forEach((radioButton: HTMLOptionElement, index) => { assert.equal(radioButton.value === choices[index][1], true); }); }); test("should update the value when a radio is clicked", async () => { const { getByDisplayValue, getByTestId } = await render(Radio, { choices: choices, value: "cat", label: "Radio" }); await"dog")); assert.equal( getByTestId("dog-radio-label").className.includes("selected"), true ); assert.equal( getByTestId("cat-radio-label").classList.contains("selected"), false ); await"turtle")); assert.equal( getByTestId("turtle-radio-label").classList.contains("selected"), true ); }); test("should dispatch the select event when clicks", async () => { const { listen, getAllByTestId } = await render(Radio, { choices: choices, value: "cat", label: "Radio" }); const mock = listen("select"); await"dog-radio-label")[0]); expect(mock.callCount).toBe(1); expect(mock.calls[0][0]"dog"); }); test("when multiple radios are on the screen, they should not conflict", async () => { const { container } = await render(Radio, { choices: choices, value: "cat", label: "Radio" }); const { getAllByLabelText } = await render( Radio, { choices: choices, value: "dog", label: "Radio" }, container ); const items = getAllByLabelText("dog") as HTMLInputElement[]; expect([items[0].checked, items[1].checked]).toEqual([false, true]); await[0]); expect([items[0].checked, items[1].checked]).toEqual([true, true]); cleanup(); }); });