import { test, expect, drag_and_drop_file } from "@gradio/tootils"; import fs from "fs"; test("Image click-to-upload uploads image successfuly. Clear button dispatches event correctly. Downloading the file works and has the correct name.", async ({ page }) => { await page.getByRole("button", { name: "Drop Image Here" }).click(); const uploader = await page.locator("input[type=file]"); const change_counter = await page.getByLabel("# Change Events", { exact: true }); const clear_counter = await page.getByLabel("# Clear Events"); const upload_counter = await page.getByLabel("# Upload Events"); const change_output_counter = await page.getByLabel("# Change Events Output"); await uploader.setInputFiles("./test/files/cheetah1.jpg"); await expect(change_counter).toHaveValue("1"); await expect(upload_counter).toHaveValue("1"); await expect(change_output_counter).toHaveValue("1"); const downloadPromise = page.waitForEvent("download"); await page.getByLabel("Download").click(); const download = await downloadPromise; // PIL converts from .jpg to .jpeg await expect(download.suggestedFilename()).toBe("cheetah1.jpeg"); await page.getByLabel("Remove Image").click(); await expect(clear_counter).toHaveValue("1"); await expect(change_counter).toHaveValue("2"); await expect(upload_counter).toHaveValue("1"); await uploader.setInputFiles("./test/files/gradio-logo.svg"); await expect(change_counter).toHaveValue("3"); await expect(upload_counter).toHaveValue("2"); await expect(change_output_counter).toHaveValue("2"); const SVGdownloadPromise = page.waitForEvent("download"); await page.getByLabel("Download").click(); const SVGdownload = await SVGdownloadPromise; expect(SVGdownload.suggestedFilename()).toBe("gradio-logo.svg"); }); test("Image drag-to-upload uploads image successfuly.", async ({ page }) => { await drag_and_drop_file( page, "input[type=file]", "./test/files/cheetah1.jpg", "cheetag1.jpg", "image/*" ); await expect(page.getByLabel("# Change Events").first()).toHaveValue("1"); await expect(page.getByLabel("# Upload Events")).toHaveValue("1"); }); test("Image copy from clipboard dispatches upload event.", async ({ page }) => { // Need to make request from inside browser for blob to be formatted correctly // tried lots of different things await page.evaluate(async () => { const blob = await ( await fetch( `` ) ).blob(); navigator.clipboard.write([new ClipboardItem({ [blob.type]: blob })]); }); await page.getByLabel("Paste from clipboard").click(); await Promise.all([ page.waitForResponse( (resp) => resp.url().includes("/clipboard.png") && resp.status() === 200 ) ]); await expect(page.getByLabel("# Change Events").first()).toHaveValue("1"); await expect(page.getByLabel("# Upload Events")).toHaveValue("1"); }); test("Image paste to clipboard via the Upload component works", async ({ page }) => { await page.evaluate(async () => { navigator.clipboard.writeText("123"); }); await page.getByLabel("Paste from clipboard").click(); await page.evaluate(async () => { const blob = await ( await fetch( `` ) ).blob(); navigator.clipboard.write([new ClipboardItem({ [blob.type]: blob })]); }); await page.getByText("Paste from clipboard").click(); await expect(page.getByLabel("# Upload Events")).toHaveValue("1"); }); test("Image select and change events work as expected.", async ({ page }) => { await page.getByRole("button", { name: "Drop Image Here" }).click(); const uploader = await page.locator("input[type=file]"); const change_output_counter = await page.getByLabel("# Change Events Output"); const select_event_counter = await page.getByLabel("# Select Events"); await uploader.setInputFiles("./test/files/cheetah1.jpg"); await expect(change_output_counter).toHaveValue("1"); await expect(select_event_counter).toHaveValue("0"); const output_image = await page.locator(".selectable"); await; await expect(change_output_counter).toHaveValue("1"); await expect(select_event_counter).toHaveValue("1"); });