import { test, describe, assert } from "vitest"; import { readFileSync } from "fs"; import { join, dirname } from "path"; import { fileURLToPath } from "url"; import { Blob } from "node:buffer"; const __dirname = dirname(fileURLToPath(import.meta.url)); const image_path = join( __dirname, "..", "..", "..", "demo", "kitchen_sink", "files", "lion.jpg" ); import { walk_and_store_blobs, client, handle_blob } from "./client"; describe.skip("extract blob parts", () => { test("convert Buffer to Blob", async () => { const image = readFileSync(image_path); await client("gradio/hello_world_main"); const parts = walk_and_store_blobs({ data: { image } }); assert.isTrue(parts[0].blob instanceof Blob); }); test("leave node Blob as Blob", async () => { const image = new Blob([readFileSync(image_path)]); await client("gradio/hello_world_main"); const parts = walk_and_store_blobs({ data: { image } }); assert.isTrue(parts[0].blob instanceof Blob); }); test("handle deep structures", async () => { const image = new Blob([readFileSync(image_path)]); await client("gradio/hello_world_main"); const parts = walk_and_store_blobs({ a: { b: { data: { image } } } }); assert.isTrue(parts[0].blob instanceof Blob); }); test("handle deep structures with arrays", async () => { const image = new Blob([readFileSync(image_path)]); await client("gradio/hello_world_main"); const parts = walk_and_store_blobs({ a: [ { b: [ { data: [ { image } ] } ] } ] }); assert.isTrue(parts[0].blob instanceof Blob); }); test("handle deep structures with arrays 2", async () => { const image = new Blob([readFileSync(image_path)]); await client("gradio/hello_world_main"); const obj = { a: [ { b: [ { data: [[image], image, [image, [image]]] } ] } ] }; const parts = walk_and_store_blobs(obj); function map_path( obj: Record, parts: { path: string[]; blob: any }[] ) { const { path, blob } = parts[parts.length - 1]; let ref = obj; path.forEach((p) => (ref = ref[p])); return ref === blob; } assert.isTrue(parts[0].blob instanceof Blob); // assert.isTrue(map_path(obj, parts)); }); }); describe("handle_blob", () => { test("handle blobs", async () => { const image = new Blob([readFileSync(image_path)]); const app = await client("gradio/hello_world_main"); const obj = [ { a: [ { b: [ { data: [[image], image, [image, [image]]] } ] } ] } ]; const parts = await handle_blob(app.config.root, obj, undefined); //@ts-ignore // assert.isString([0].a[0].b[0].data[0][0]); }); }); describe.skip("private space", () => { test("can access a private space", async () => { const image = new Blob([readFileSync(image_path)]); const app = await client("pngwn/hello_world", { hf_token: "hf_" }); console.log(app); const obj = [ { a: [ { b: [ { data: [[image], image, [image, [image]]] } ] } ] } ]; const parts = await handle_blob(app.config.root, obj, "hf_"); //@ts-ignore assert.isString([0].a[0].b[0].data[0][0]); }); });