from openai import OpenAI from tools import * # setup the api keys OPENAI_CLIENT = OpenAI() # aws_access_key_id = os.environ.get("AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID") # aws_secret_access_key = os.environ.get("AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY") App_state = { "messages":[], "sys_msg":[{ "role": "system", "content": "Hi, I'm a Factory supply chain assistant! Ask me a question." }], "language":"en", "voice":"nova", } # def sys_msg_to_chat(): # messages = [] # # search for each user and assistant message pair and return them as a list of tuples # length = len(App_state["sys_msg"]) # for i,msg in enumerate(App_state["sys_msg"]): # if msg["role"] == "user": # for j in range(i+1,length): # if App_state["sys_msg"][j]["role"] == "assistant": # messages.append((App_state["sys_msg"][i]["content"],App_state["sys_msg"][j]["content"])) # break # App_state["messages"] = messages def send_chat(text,messages=[]): ''' send_chat function takes two arguments: text and messages text: the text that the user inputs messages: a list of tuples, each tuple contains two strings, the first string is the user input, the second string is the assistant output return: a tuple, the first element is an empty string, the second element is the updated messages list ''' App_state["sys_msg"].extend([{ "role": "user", "content": text }]) run(text) return "",App_state["messages"] def run(text,depth=0,max_depth=5): if depth >= max_depth: return "I'm sorry, the inquiry is too complex for me to handle. Please try again with a simpler question." res = model="gpt-3.5-turbo", messages=App_state["sys_msg"], tools=TOOL_SCHEMA, tool_choice="auto" ) App_state["sys_msg"].append(res.choices[0].message.model_dump()) if res.choices[0].message.tool_calls: tool_calls = res.choices[0].message.tool_calls tool_response = run_tool(tool_calls[0]) tool_message = { "role":"tool", "tool_call_id":tool_calls[0].id, "name" : tool_calls[0], "content":str(tool_response) } App_state["sys_msg"].append(tool_message) run(text,depth+1,max_depth) # recursively running until there are no tool calls else: App_state["messages"].append((text,res.choices[0].message.content)) def run_tool(tool_call): tool_call_schema = tool_call.function.model_dump() tool_name = tool_call_schema.get("name") tool_args = json.loads(tool_call_schema.get("arguments")) if tool_args: result = TOOLS[tool_name](tool_args) else: result = TOOLS[tool_name]() return result def translate(file_path): if file_path: f = open(file_path,"rb") res = file=f, model="whisper-1") return res.text else: return "" def text_to_audio(chat_messages): text = chat_messages[-1][-1] response = model="tts-1", voice=App_state["voice"], input=text, ) return response.content