# Copyright (c) 2019, NVIDIA Corporation. All rights reserved. # # This work is made available under the Nvidia Source Code License-NC. # To view a copy of this license, visit # https://nvlabs.github.io/stylegan2/license.html """Submit a function to be run either locally or in a computing cluster.""" import copy import inspect import os import pathlib import pickle import platform import pprint import re import shutil import sys import time import traceback from enum import Enum from .. import util from ..util import EasyDict from . import internal class SubmitTarget(Enum): """The target where the function should be run. LOCAL: Run it locally. """ LOCAL = 1 class PathType(Enum): """Determines in which format should a path be formatted. WINDOWS: Format with Windows style. LINUX: Format with Linux/Posix style. AUTO: Use current OS type to select either WINDOWS or LINUX. """ WINDOWS = 1 LINUX = 2 AUTO = 3 class PlatformExtras: """A mixed bag of values used by dnnlib heuristics. Attributes: data_reader_buffer_size: Used by DataReader to size internal shared memory buffers. data_reader_process_count: Number of worker processes to spawn (zero for single thread operation) """ def __init__(self): self.data_reader_buffer_size = 1<<30 # 1 GB self.data_reader_process_count = 0 # single threaded default _user_name_override = None class SubmitConfig(util.EasyDict): """Strongly typed config dict needed to submit runs. Attributes: run_dir_root: Path to the run dir root. Can be optionally templated with tags. Needs to always be run through get_path_from_template. run_desc: Description of the run. Will be used in the run dir and task name. run_dir_ignore: List of file patterns used to ignore files when copying files to the run dir. run_dir_extra_files: List of (abs_path, rel_path) tuples of file paths. rel_path root will be the src directory inside the run dir. submit_target: Submit target enum value. Used to select where the run is actually launched. num_gpus: Number of GPUs used/requested for the run. print_info: Whether to print debug information when submitting. local.do_not_copy_source_files: Do not copy source files from the working directory to the run dir. run_id: Automatically populated value during submit. run_name: Automatically populated value during submit. run_dir: Automatically populated value during submit. run_func_name: Automatically populated value during submit. run_func_kwargs: Automatically populated value during submit. user_name: Automatically populated value during submit. Can be set by the user which will then override the automatic value. task_name: Automatically populated value during submit. host_name: Automatically populated value during submit. platform_extras: Automatically populated values during submit. Used by various dnnlib libraries such as the DataReader class. """ def __init__(self): super().__init__() # run (set these) self.run_dir_root = "" # should always be passed through get_path_from_template self.run_desc = "" self.run_dir_ignore = ["__pycache__", "*.pyproj", "*.sln", "*.suo", ".cache", ".idea", ".vs", ".vscode", "_cudacache"] self.run_dir_extra_files = [] # submit (set these) self.submit_target = SubmitTarget.LOCAL self.num_gpus = 1 self.print_info = False self.nvprof = False self.local = internal.local.TargetOptions() self.datasets = [] # (automatically populated) self.run_id = None self.run_name = None self.run_dir = None self.run_func_name = None self.run_func_kwargs = None self.user_name = None self.task_name = None self.host_name = "localhost" self.platform_extras = PlatformExtras() def get_path_from_template(path_template: str, path_type: PathType = PathType.AUTO) -> str: """Replace tags in the given path template and return either Windows or Linux formatted path.""" # automatically select path type depending on running OS if path_type == PathType.AUTO: if platform.system() == "Windows": path_type = PathType.WINDOWS elif platform.system() == "Linux": path_type = PathType.LINUX else: raise RuntimeError("Unknown platform") path_template = path_template.replace("<USERNAME>", get_user_name()) # return correctly formatted path if path_type == PathType.WINDOWS: return str(pathlib.PureWindowsPath(path_template)) elif path_type == PathType.LINUX: return str(pathlib.PurePosixPath(path_template)) else: raise RuntimeError("Unknown platform") def get_template_from_path(path: str) -> str: """Convert a normal path back to its template representation.""" path = path.replace("\\", "/") return path def convert_path(path: str, path_type: PathType = PathType.AUTO) -> str: """Convert a normal path to template and the convert it back to a normal path with given path type.""" path_template = get_template_from_path(path) path = get_path_from_template(path_template, path_type) return path def set_user_name_override(name: str) -> None: """Set the global username override value.""" global _user_name_override _user_name_override = name def get_user_name(): """Get the current user name.""" if _user_name_override is not None: return _user_name_override elif platform.system() == "Windows": return os.getlogin() elif platform.system() == "Linux": try: import pwd return pwd.getpwuid(os.geteuid()).pw_name except: return "unknown" else: raise RuntimeError("Unknown platform") def make_run_dir_path(*paths): """Make a path/filename that resides under the current submit run_dir. Args: *paths: Path components to be passed to os.path.join Returns: A file/dirname rooted at submit_config.run_dir. If there's no submit_config or run_dir, the base directory is the current working directory. E.g., `os.path.join(dnnlib.submit_config.run_dir, "output.txt"))` """ import dnnlib if (dnnlib.submit_config is None) or (dnnlib.submit_config.run_dir is None): return os.path.join(os.getcwd(), *paths) return os.path.join(dnnlib.submit_config.run_dir, *paths) def _create_run_dir_local(submit_config: SubmitConfig) -> str: """Create a new run dir with increasing ID number at the start.""" run_dir_root = get_path_from_template(submit_config.run_dir_root, PathType.AUTO) if not os.path.exists(run_dir_root): os.makedirs(run_dir_root) submit_config.run_id = _get_next_run_id_local(run_dir_root) submit_config.run_name = "{0:05d}-{1}".format(submit_config.run_id, submit_config.run_desc) run_dir = os.path.join(run_dir_root, submit_config.run_name) if os.path.exists(run_dir): raise RuntimeError("The run dir already exists! ({0})".format(run_dir)) os.makedirs(run_dir) return run_dir def _get_next_run_id_local(run_dir_root: str) -> int: """Reads all directory names in a given directory (non-recursive) and returns the next (increasing) run id. Assumes IDs are numbers at the start of the directory names.""" dir_names = [d for d in os.listdir(run_dir_root) if os.path.isdir(os.path.join(run_dir_root, d))] r = re.compile("^\\d+") # match one or more digits at the start of the string run_id = 0 for dir_name in dir_names: m = r.match(dir_name) if m is not None: i = int(m.group()) run_id = max(run_id, i + 1) return run_id def _populate_run_dir(submit_config: SubmitConfig, run_dir: str) -> None: """Copy all necessary files into the run dir. Assumes that the dir exists, is local, and is writable.""" pickle.dump(submit_config, open(os.path.join(run_dir, "submit_config.pkl"), "wb")) with open(os.path.join(run_dir, "submit_config.txt"), "w") as f: pprint.pprint(submit_config, stream=f, indent=4, width=200, compact=False) if (submit_config.submit_target == SubmitTarget.LOCAL) and submit_config.local.do_not_copy_source_files: return files = [] run_func_module_dir_path = util.get_module_dir_by_obj_name(submit_config.run_func_name) assert '.' in submit_config.run_func_name for _idx in range(submit_config.run_func_name.count('.') - 1): run_func_module_dir_path = os.path.dirname(run_func_module_dir_path) files += util.list_dir_recursively_with_ignore(run_func_module_dir_path, ignores=submit_config.run_dir_ignore, add_base_to_relative=False) dnnlib_module_dir_path = util.get_module_dir_by_obj_name("dnnlib") files += util.list_dir_recursively_with_ignore(dnnlib_module_dir_path, ignores=submit_config.run_dir_ignore, add_base_to_relative=True) files += submit_config.run_dir_extra_files files = [(f[0], os.path.join(run_dir, "src", f[1])) for f in files] files += [(os.path.join(dnnlib_module_dir_path, "submission", "internal", "run.py"), os.path.join(run_dir, "run.py"))] util.copy_files_and_create_dirs(files) def run_wrapper(submit_config: SubmitConfig) -> None: """Wrap the actual run function call for handling logging, exceptions, typing, etc.""" is_local = submit_config.submit_target == SubmitTarget.LOCAL # when running locally, redirect stderr to stdout, log stdout to a file, and force flushing if is_local: logger = util.Logger(file_name=os.path.join(submit_config.run_dir, "log.txt"), file_mode="w", should_flush=True) else: # when running in a cluster, redirect stderr to stdout, and just force flushing (log writing is handled by run.sh) logger = util.Logger(file_name=None, should_flush=True) import dnnlib dnnlib.submit_config = submit_config exit_with_errcode = False try: print("dnnlib: Running {0}() on {1}...".format(submit_config.run_func_name, submit_config.host_name)) start_time = time.time() run_func_obj = util.get_obj_by_name(submit_config.run_func_name) assert callable(run_func_obj) sig = inspect.signature(run_func_obj) if 'submit_config' in sig.parameters: run_func_obj(submit_config=submit_config, **submit_config.run_func_kwargs) else: run_func_obj(**submit_config.run_func_kwargs) print("dnnlib: Finished {0}() in {1}.".format(submit_config.run_func_name, util.format_time(time.time() - start_time))) except: if is_local: raise else: traceback.print_exc() log_src = os.path.join(submit_config.run_dir, "log.txt") log_dst = os.path.join(get_path_from_template(submit_config.run_dir_root), "{0}-error.txt".format(submit_config.run_name)) shutil.copyfile(log_src, log_dst) # Defer sys.exit(1) to happen after we close the logs and create a _finished.txt exit_with_errcode = True finally: open(os.path.join(submit_config.run_dir, "_finished.txt"), "w").close() dnnlib.RunContext.get().close() dnnlib.submit_config = None logger.close() # If we hit an error, get out of the script now and signal the error # to whatever process that started this script. if exit_with_errcode: sys.exit(1) return submit_config def submit_run(submit_config: SubmitConfig, run_func_name: str, **run_func_kwargs) -> None: """Create a run dir, gather files related to the run, copy files to the run dir, and launch the run in appropriate place.""" submit_config = copy.deepcopy(submit_config) submit_target = submit_config.submit_target farm = None if submit_target == SubmitTarget.LOCAL: farm = internal.local.Target() assert farm is not None # unknown target # Disallow submitting jobs with zero num_gpus. if (submit_config.num_gpus is None) or (submit_config.num_gpus == 0): raise RuntimeError("submit_config.num_gpus must be set to a non-zero value") if submit_config.user_name is None: submit_config.user_name = get_user_name() submit_config.run_func_name = run_func_name submit_config.run_func_kwargs = run_func_kwargs #-------------------------------------------------------------------- # Prepare submission by populating the run dir #-------------------------------------------------------------------- host_run_dir = _create_run_dir_local(submit_config) submit_config.task_name = "{0}-{1:05d}-{2}".format(submit_config.user_name, submit_config.run_id, submit_config.run_desc) docker_valid_name_regex = "^[a-zA-Z0-9][a-zA-Z0-9_.-]+$" if not re.match(docker_valid_name_regex, submit_config.task_name): raise RuntimeError("Invalid task name. Probable reason: unacceptable characters in your submit_config.run_desc. Task name must be accepted by the following regex: " + docker_valid_name_regex + ", got " + submit_config.task_name) # Farm specific preparations for a submit farm.finalize_submit_config(submit_config, host_run_dir) _populate_run_dir(submit_config, host_run_dir) return farm.submit(submit_config, host_run_dir)