var __defProp = Object.defineProperty; var __defNormalProp = (obj, key, value) => key in obj ? __defProp(obj, key, { enumerable: true, configurable: true, writable: true, value }) : obj[key] = value; var __publicField = (obj, key, value) => { __defNormalProp(obj, typeof key !== "symbol" ? key + "" : key, value); return value; }; // node_modules/tslib/tslib.es6.js var __assign = function() { __assign = Object.assign || function __assign2(t) { for (var s, i = 1, n = arguments.length; i < n; i++) { s = arguments[i]; for (var p in s) if (, p)) t[p] = s[p]; } return t; }; return __assign.apply(this, arguments); }; // bazel-out/darwin-fastbuild/bin/packages/icu-messageformat-parser/lib/error.js var ErrorKind; (function(ErrorKind2) { ErrorKind2[ErrorKind2["EXPECT_ARGUMENT_CLOSING_BRACE"] = 1] = "EXPECT_ARGUMENT_CLOSING_BRACE"; ErrorKind2[ErrorKind2["EMPTY_ARGUMENT"] = 2] = "EMPTY_ARGUMENT"; ErrorKind2[ErrorKind2["MALFORMED_ARGUMENT"] = 3] = "MALFORMED_ARGUMENT"; ErrorKind2[ErrorKind2["EXPECT_ARGUMENT_TYPE"] = 4] = "EXPECT_ARGUMENT_TYPE"; ErrorKind2[ErrorKind2["INVALID_ARGUMENT_TYPE"] = 5] = "INVALID_ARGUMENT_TYPE"; ErrorKind2[ErrorKind2["EXPECT_ARGUMENT_STYLE"] = 6] = "EXPECT_ARGUMENT_STYLE"; ErrorKind2[ErrorKind2["INVALID_NUMBER_SKELETON"] = 7] = "INVALID_NUMBER_SKELETON"; ErrorKind2[ErrorKind2["INVALID_DATE_TIME_SKELETON"] = 8] = "INVALID_DATE_TIME_SKELETON"; ErrorKind2[ErrorKind2["EXPECT_NUMBER_SKELETON"] = 9] = "EXPECT_NUMBER_SKELETON"; ErrorKind2[ErrorKind2["EXPECT_DATE_TIME_SKELETON"] = 10] = "EXPECT_DATE_TIME_SKELETON"; ErrorKind2[ErrorKind2["UNCLOSED_QUOTE_IN_ARGUMENT_STYLE"] = 11] = "UNCLOSED_QUOTE_IN_ARGUMENT_STYLE"; ErrorKind2[ErrorKind2["EXPECT_SELECT_ARGUMENT_OPTIONS"] = 12] = "EXPECT_SELECT_ARGUMENT_OPTIONS"; ErrorKind2[ErrorKind2["EXPECT_PLURAL_ARGUMENT_OFFSET_VALUE"] = 13] = "EXPECT_PLURAL_ARGUMENT_OFFSET_VALUE"; ErrorKind2[ErrorKind2["INVALID_PLURAL_ARGUMENT_OFFSET_VALUE"] = 14] = "INVALID_PLURAL_ARGUMENT_OFFSET_VALUE"; ErrorKind2[ErrorKind2["EXPECT_SELECT_ARGUMENT_SELECTOR"] = 15] = "EXPECT_SELECT_ARGUMENT_SELECTOR"; ErrorKind2[ErrorKind2["EXPECT_PLURAL_ARGUMENT_SELECTOR"] = 16] = "EXPECT_PLURAL_ARGUMENT_SELECTOR"; ErrorKind2[ErrorKind2["EXPECT_SELECT_ARGUMENT_SELECTOR_FRAGMENT"] = 17] = "EXPECT_SELECT_ARGUMENT_SELECTOR_FRAGMENT"; ErrorKind2[ErrorKind2["EXPECT_PLURAL_ARGUMENT_SELECTOR_FRAGMENT"] = 18] = "EXPECT_PLURAL_ARGUMENT_SELECTOR_FRAGMENT"; ErrorKind2[ErrorKind2["INVALID_PLURAL_ARGUMENT_SELECTOR"] = 19] = "INVALID_PLURAL_ARGUMENT_SELECTOR"; ErrorKind2[ErrorKind2["DUPLICATE_PLURAL_ARGUMENT_SELECTOR"] = 20] = "DUPLICATE_PLURAL_ARGUMENT_SELECTOR"; ErrorKind2[ErrorKind2["DUPLICATE_SELECT_ARGUMENT_SELECTOR"] = 21] = "DUPLICATE_SELECT_ARGUMENT_SELECTOR"; ErrorKind2[ErrorKind2["MISSING_OTHER_CLAUSE"] = 22] = "MISSING_OTHER_CLAUSE"; ErrorKind2[ErrorKind2["INVALID_TAG"] = 23] = "INVALID_TAG"; ErrorKind2[ErrorKind2["INVALID_TAG_NAME"] = 25] = "INVALID_TAG_NAME"; ErrorKind2[ErrorKind2["UNMATCHED_CLOSING_TAG"] = 26] = "UNMATCHED_CLOSING_TAG"; ErrorKind2[ErrorKind2["UNCLOSED_TAG"] = 27] = "UNCLOSED_TAG"; })(ErrorKind || (ErrorKind = {})); // bazel-out/darwin-fastbuild/bin/packages/icu-messageformat-parser/lib/types.js var TYPE; (function(TYPE2) { TYPE2[TYPE2["literal"] = 0] = "literal"; TYPE2[TYPE2["argument"] = 1] = "argument"; TYPE2[TYPE2["number"] = 2] = "number"; TYPE2[TYPE2["date"] = 3] = "date"; TYPE2[TYPE2["time"] = 4] = "time"; TYPE2[TYPE2["select"] = 5] = "select"; TYPE2[TYPE2["plural"] = 6] = "plural"; TYPE2[TYPE2["pound"] = 7] = "pound"; TYPE2[TYPE2["tag"] = 8] = "tag"; })(TYPE || (TYPE = {})); var SKELETON_TYPE; (function(SKELETON_TYPE2) { SKELETON_TYPE2[SKELETON_TYPE2["number"] = 0] = "number"; SKELETON_TYPE2[SKELETON_TYPE2["dateTime"] = 1] = "dateTime"; })(SKELETON_TYPE || (SKELETON_TYPE = {})); function isLiteralElement(el) { return el.type === TYPE.literal; } function isArgumentElement(el) { return el.type === TYPE.argument; } function isNumberElement(el) { return el.type === TYPE.number; } function isDateElement(el) { return el.type ===; } function isTimeElement(el) { return el.type === TYPE.time; } function isSelectElement(el) { return el.type ===; } function isPluralElement(el) { return el.type === TYPE.plural; } function isPoundElement(el) { return el.type === TYPE.pound; } function isTagElement(el) { return el.type === TYPE.tag; } function isNumberSkeleton(el) { return !!(el && typeof el === "object" && el.type === SKELETON_TYPE.number); } function isDateTimeSkeleton(el) { return !!(el && typeof el === "object" && el.type === SKELETON_TYPE.dateTime); } // bazel-out/darwin-fastbuild/bin/packages/icu-messageformat-parser/lib/regex.generated.js var SPACE_SEPARATOR_REGEX = /[ \xA0\u1680\u2000-\u200A\u202F\u205F\u3000]/; // bazel-out/darwin-fastbuild/bin/packages/icu-skeleton-parser/lib/date-time.js var DATE_TIME_REGEX = /(?:[Eec]{1,6}|G{1,5}|[Qq]{1,5}|(?:[yYur]+|U{1,5})|[ML]{1,5}|d{1,2}|D{1,3}|F{1}|[abB]{1,5}|[hkHK]{1,2}|w{1,2}|W{1}|m{1,2}|s{1,2}|[zZOvVxX]{1,4})(?=([^']*'[^']*')*[^']*$)/g; function parseDateTimeSkeleton(skeleton) { var result = {}; skeleton.replace(DATE_TIME_REGEX, function(match) { var len = match.length; switch (match[0]) { case "G": result.era = len === 4 ? "long" : len === 5 ? "narrow" : "short"; break; case "y": result.year = len === 2 ? "2-digit" : "numeric"; break; case "Y": case "u": case "U": case "r": throw new RangeError("`Y/u/U/r` (year) patterns are not supported, use `y` instead"); case "q": case "Q": throw new RangeError("`q/Q` (quarter) patterns are not supported"); case "M": case "L": result.month = ["numeric", "2-digit", "short", "long", "narrow"][len - 1]; break; case "w": case "W": throw new RangeError("`w/W` (week) patterns are not supported"); case "d": = ["numeric", "2-digit"][len - 1]; break; case "D": case "F": case "g": throw new RangeError("`D/F/g` (day) patterns are not supported, use `d` instead"); case "E": result.weekday = len === 4 ? "short" : len === 5 ? "narrow" : "short"; break; case "e": if (len < 4) { throw new RangeError("`e..eee` (weekday) patterns are not supported"); } result.weekday = ["short", "long", "narrow", "short"][len - 4]; break; case "c": if (len < 4) { throw new RangeError("`c..ccc` (weekday) patterns are not supported"); } result.weekday = ["short", "long", "narrow", "short"][len - 4]; break; case "a": result.hour12 = true; break; case "b": case "B": throw new RangeError("`b/B` (period) patterns are not supported, use `a` instead"); case "h": result.hourCycle = "h12"; result.hour = ["numeric", "2-digit"][len - 1]; break; case "H": result.hourCycle = "h23"; result.hour = ["numeric", "2-digit"][len - 1]; break; case "K": result.hourCycle = "h11"; result.hour = ["numeric", "2-digit"][len - 1]; break; case "k": result.hourCycle = "h24"; result.hour = ["numeric", "2-digit"][len - 1]; break; case "j": case "J": case "C": throw new RangeError("`j/J/C` (hour) patterns are not supported, use `h/H/K/k` instead"); case "m": result.minute = ["numeric", "2-digit"][len - 1]; break; case "s": result.second = ["numeric", "2-digit"][len - 1]; break; case "S": case "A": throw new RangeError("`S/A` (second) patterns are not supported, use `s` instead"); case "z": result.timeZoneName = len < 4 ? "short" : "long"; break; case "Z": case "O": case "v": case "V": case "X": case "x": throw new RangeError("`Z/O/v/V/X/x` (timeZone) patterns are not supported, use `z` instead"); } return ""; }); return result; } // bazel-out/darwin-fastbuild/bin/packages/icu-skeleton-parser/lib/regex.generated.js var WHITE_SPACE_REGEX = /[\t-\r \x85\u200E\u200F\u2028\u2029]/i; // bazel-out/darwin-fastbuild/bin/packages/icu-skeleton-parser/lib/number.js function parseNumberSkeletonFromString(skeleton) { if (skeleton.length === 0) { throw new Error("Number skeleton cannot be empty"); } var stringTokens = skeleton.split(WHITE_SPACE_REGEX).filter(function(x) { return x.length > 0; }); var tokens = []; for (var _i = 0, stringTokens_1 = stringTokens; _i < stringTokens_1.length; _i++) { var stringToken = stringTokens_1[_i]; var stemAndOptions = stringToken.split("/"); if (stemAndOptions.length === 0) { throw new Error("Invalid number skeleton"); } var stem = stemAndOptions[0], options = stemAndOptions.slice(1); for (var _a2 = 0, options_1 = options; _a2 < options_1.length; _a2++) { var option = options_1[_a2]; if (option.length === 0) { throw new Error("Invalid number skeleton"); } } tokens.push({ stem, options }); } return tokens; } function icuUnitToEcma(unit) { return unit.replace(/^(.*?)-/, ""); } var FRACTION_PRECISION_REGEX = /^\.(?:(0+)(\*)?|(#+)|(0+)(#+))$/g; var SIGNIFICANT_PRECISION_REGEX = /^(@+)?(\+|#+)?[rs]?$/g; var INTEGER_WIDTH_REGEX = /(\*)(0+)|(#+)(0+)|(0+)/g; var CONCISE_INTEGER_WIDTH_REGEX = /^(0+)$/; function parseSignificantPrecision(str) { var result = {}; if (str[str.length - 1] === "r") { result.roundingPriority = "morePrecision"; } else if (str[str.length - 1] === "s") { result.roundingPriority = "lessPrecision"; } str.replace(SIGNIFICANT_PRECISION_REGEX, function(_, g1, g2) { if (typeof g2 !== "string") { result.minimumSignificantDigits = g1.length; result.maximumSignificantDigits = g1.length; } else if (g2 === "+") { result.minimumSignificantDigits = g1.length; } else if (g1[0] === "#") { result.maximumSignificantDigits = g1.length; } else { result.minimumSignificantDigits = g1.length; result.maximumSignificantDigits = g1.length + (typeof g2 === "string" ? g2.length : 0); } return ""; }); return result; } function parseSign(str) { switch (str) { case "sign-auto": return { signDisplay: "auto" }; case "sign-accounting": case "()": return { currencySign: "accounting" }; case "sign-always": case "+!": return { signDisplay: "always" }; case "sign-accounting-always": case "()!": return { signDisplay: "always", currencySign: "accounting" }; case "sign-except-zero": case "+?": return { signDisplay: "exceptZero" }; case "sign-accounting-except-zero": case "()?": return { signDisplay: "exceptZero", currencySign: "accounting" }; case "sign-never": case "+_": return { signDisplay: "never" }; } } function parseConciseScientificAndEngineeringStem(stem) { var result; if (stem[0] === "E" && stem[1] === "E") { result = { notation: "engineering" }; stem = stem.slice(2); } else if (stem[0] === "E") { result = { notation: "scientific" }; stem = stem.slice(1); } if (result) { var signDisplay = stem.slice(0, 2); if (signDisplay === "+!") { result.signDisplay = "always"; stem = stem.slice(2); } else if (signDisplay === "+?") { result.signDisplay = "exceptZero"; stem = stem.slice(2); } if (!CONCISE_INTEGER_WIDTH_REGEX.test(stem)) { throw new Error("Malformed concise eng/scientific notation"); } result.minimumIntegerDigits = stem.length; } return result; } function parseNotationOptions(opt) { var result = {}; var signOpts = parseSign(opt); if (signOpts) { return signOpts; } return result; } function parseNumberSkeleton(tokens) { var result = {}; for (var _i = 0, tokens_1 = tokens; _i < tokens_1.length; _i++) { var token = tokens_1[_i]; switch (token.stem) { case "percent": case "%": = "percent"; continue; case "%x100": = "percent"; result.scale = 100; continue; case "currency": = "currency"; result.currency = token.options[0]; continue; case "group-off": case ",_": result.useGrouping = false; continue; case "precision-integer": case ".": result.maximumFractionDigits = 0; continue; case "measure-unit": case "unit": = "unit"; result.unit = icuUnitToEcma(token.options[0]); continue; case "compact-short": case "K": result.notation = "compact"; result.compactDisplay = "short"; continue; case "compact-long": case "KK": result.notation = "compact"; result.compactDisplay = "long"; continue; case "scientific": result = __assign(__assign(__assign({}, result), { notation: "scientific" }), token.options.reduce(function(all, opt2) { return __assign(__assign({}, all), parseNotationOptions(opt2)); }, {})); continue; case "engineering": result = __assign(__assign(__assign({}, result), { notation: "engineering" }), token.options.reduce(function(all, opt2) { return __assign(__assign({}, all), parseNotationOptions(opt2)); }, {})); continue; case "notation-simple": result.notation = "standard"; continue; case "unit-width-narrow": result.currencyDisplay = "narrowSymbol"; result.unitDisplay = "narrow"; continue; case "unit-width-short": result.currencyDisplay = "code"; result.unitDisplay = "short"; continue; case "unit-width-full-name": result.currencyDisplay = "name"; result.unitDisplay = "long"; continue; case "unit-width-iso-code": result.currencyDisplay = "symbol"; continue; case "scale": result.scale = parseFloat(token.options[0]); continue; case "integer-width": if (token.options.length > 1) { throw new RangeError("integer-width stems only accept a single optional option"); } token.options[0].replace(INTEGER_WIDTH_REGEX, function(_, g1, g2, g3, g4, g5) { if (g1) { result.minimumIntegerDigits = g2.length; } else if (g3 && g4) { throw new Error("We currently do not support maximum integer digits"); } else if (g5) { throw new Error("We currently do not support exact integer digits"); } return ""; }); continue; } if (CONCISE_INTEGER_WIDTH_REGEX.test(token.stem)) { result.minimumIntegerDigits = token.stem.length; continue; } if (FRACTION_PRECISION_REGEX.test(token.stem)) { if (token.options.length > 1) { throw new RangeError("Fraction-precision stems only accept a single optional option"); } token.stem.replace(FRACTION_PRECISION_REGEX, function(_, g1, g2, g3, g4, g5) { if (g2 === "*") { result.minimumFractionDigits = g1.length; } else if (g3 && g3[0] === "#") { result.maximumFractionDigits = g3.length; } else if (g4 && g5) { result.minimumFractionDigits = g4.length; result.maximumFractionDigits = g4.length + g5.length; } else { result.minimumFractionDigits = g1.length; result.maximumFractionDigits = g1.length; } return ""; }); var opt = token.options[0]; if (opt === "w") { result = __assign(__assign({}, result), { trailingZeroDisplay: "stripIfInteger" }); } else if (opt) { result = __assign(__assign({}, result), parseSignificantPrecision(opt)); } continue; } if (SIGNIFICANT_PRECISION_REGEX.test(token.stem)) { result = __assign(__assign({}, result), parseSignificantPrecision(token.stem)); continue; } var signOpts = parseSign(token.stem); if (signOpts) { result = __assign(__assign({}, result), signOpts); } var conciseScientificAndEngineeringOpts = parseConciseScientificAndEngineeringStem(token.stem); if (conciseScientificAndEngineeringOpts) { result = __assign(__assign({}, result), conciseScientificAndEngineeringOpts); } } return result; } // bazel-out/darwin-fastbuild/bin/packages/icu-messageformat-parser/lib/time-data.generated.js var timeData = { "AX": [ "H" ], "BQ": [ "H" ], "CP": [ "H" ], "CZ": [ "H" ], "DK": [ "H" ], "FI": [ "H" ], "ID": [ "H" ], "IS": [ "H" ], "ML": [ "H" ], "NE": [ "H" ], "RU": [ "H" ], "SE": [ "H" ], "SJ": [ "H" ], "SK": [ "H" ], "AS": [ "h", "H" ], "BT": [ "h", "H" ], "DJ": [ "h", "H" ], "ER": [ "h", "H" ], "GH": [ "h", "H" ], "IN": [ "h", "H" ], "LS": [ "h", "H" ], "PG": [ "h", "H" ], "PW": [ "h", "H" ], "SO": [ "h", "H" ], "TO": [ "h", "H" ], "VU": [ "h", "H" ], "WS": [ "h", "H" ], "001": [ "H", "h" ], "AL": [ "h", "H", "hB" ], "TD": [ "h", "H", "hB" ], "ca-ES": [ "H", "h", "hB" ], "CF": [ "H", "h", "hB" ], "CM": [ "H", "h", "hB" ], "fr-CA": [ "H", "h", "hB" ], "gl-ES": [ "H", "h", "hB" ], "it-CH": [ "H", "h", "hB" ], "it-IT": [ "H", "h", "hB" ], "LU": [ "H", "h", "hB" ], "NP": [ "H", "h", "hB" ], "PF": [ "H", "h", "hB" ], "SC": [ "H", "h", "hB" ], "SM": [ "H", "h", "hB" ], "SN": [ "H", "h", "hB" ], "TF": [ "H", "h", "hB" ], "VA": [ "H", "h", "hB" ], "CY": [ "h", "H", "hb", "hB" ], "GR": [ "h", "H", "hb", "hB" ], "CO": [ "h", "H", "hB", "hb" ], "DO": [ "h", "H", "hB", "hb" ], "KP": [ "h", "H", "hB", "hb" ], "KR": [ "h", "H", "hB", "hb" ], "NA": [ "h", "H", "hB", "hb" ], "PA": [ "h", "H", "hB", "hb" ], "PR": [ "h", "H", "hB", "hb" ], "VE": [ "h", "H", "hB", "hb" ], "AC": [ "H", "h", "hb", "hB" ], "AI": [ "H", "h", "hb", "hB" ], "BW": [ "H", "h", "hb", "hB" ], "BZ": [ "H", "h", "hb", "hB" ], "CC": [ "H", "h", "hb", "hB" ], "CK": [ "H", "h", "hb", "hB" ], "CX": [ "H", "h", "hb", "hB" ], "DG": [ "H", "h", "hb", "hB" ], "FK": [ "H", "h", "hb", "hB" ], "GB": [ "H", "h", "hb", "hB" ], "GG": [ "H", "h", "hb", "hB" ], "GI": [ "H", "h", "hb", "hB" ], "IE": [ "H", "h", "hb", "hB" ], "IM": [ "H", "h", "hb", "hB" ], "IO": [ "H", "h", "hb", "hB" ], "JE": [ "H", "h", "hb", "hB" ], "LT": [ "H", "h", "hb", "hB" ], "MK": [ "H", "h", "hb", "hB" ], "MN": [ "H", "h", "hb", "hB" ], "MS": [ "H", "h", "hb", "hB" ], "NF": [ "H", "h", "hb", "hB" ], "NG": [ "H", "h", "hb", "hB" ], "NR": [ "H", "h", "hb", "hB" ], "NU": [ "H", "h", "hb", "hB" ], "PN": [ "H", "h", "hb", "hB" ], "SH": [ "H", "h", "hb", "hB" ], "SX": [ "H", "h", "hb", "hB" ], "TA": [ "H", "h", "hb", "hB" ], "ZA": [ "H", "h", "hb", "hB" ], "af-ZA": [ "H", "h", "hB", "hb" ], "AR": [ "H", "h", "hB", "hb" ], "CL": [ "H", "h", "hB", "hb" ], "CR": [ "H", "h", "hB", "hb" ], "CU": [ "H", "h", "hB", "hb" ], "EA": [ "H", "h", "hB", "hb" ], "es-BO": [ "H", "h", "hB", "hb" ], "es-BR": [ "H", "h", "hB", "hb" ], "es-EC": [ "H", "h", "hB", "hb" ], "es-ES": [ "H", "h", "hB", "hb" ], "es-GQ": [ "H", "h", "hB", "hb" ], "es-PE": [ "H", "h", "hB", "hb" ], "GT": [ "H", "h", "hB", "hb" ], "HN": [ "H", "h", "hB", "hb" ], "IC": [ "H", "h", "hB", "hb" ], "KG": [ "H", "h", "hB", "hb" ], "KM": [ "H", "h", "hB", "hb" ], "LK": [ "H", "h", "hB", "hb" ], "MA": [ "H", "h", "hB", "hb" ], "MX": [ "H", "h", "hB", "hb" ], "NI": [ "H", "h", "hB", "hb" ], "PY": [ "H", "h", "hB", "hb" ], "SV": [ "H", "h", "hB", "hb" ], "UY": [ "H", "h", "hB", "hb" ], "JP": [ "H", "h", "K" ], "AD": [ "H", "hB" ], "AM": [ "H", "hB" ], "AO": [ "H", "hB" ], "AT": [ "H", "hB" ], "AW": [ "H", "hB" ], "BE": [ "H", "hB" ], "BF": [ "H", "hB" ], "BJ": [ "H", "hB" ], "BL": [ "H", "hB" ], "BR": [ "H", "hB" ], "CG": [ "H", "hB" ], "CI": [ "H", "hB" ], "CV": [ "H", "hB" ], "DE": [ "H", "hB" ], "EE": [ "H", "hB" ], "FR": [ "H", "hB" ], "GA": [ "H", "hB" ], "GF": [ "H", "hB" ], "GN": [ "H", "hB" ], "GP": [ "H", "hB" ], "GW": [ "H", "hB" ], "HR": [ "H", "hB" ], "IL": [ "H", "hB" ], "IT": [ "H", "hB" ], "KZ": [ "H", "hB" ], "MC": [ "H", "hB" ], "MD": [ "H", "hB" ], "MF": [ "H", "hB" ], "MQ": [ "H", "hB" ], "MZ": [ "H", "hB" ], "NC": [ "H", "hB" ], "NL": [ "H", "hB" ], "PM": [ "H", "hB" ], "PT": [ "H", "hB" ], "RE": [ "H", "hB" ], "RO": [ "H", "hB" ], "SI": [ "H", "hB" ], "SR": [ "H", "hB" ], "ST": [ "H", "hB" ], "TG": [ "H", "hB" ], "TR": [ "H", "hB" ], "WF": [ "H", "hB" ], "YT": [ "H", "hB" ], "BD": [ "h", "hB", "H" ], "PK": [ "h", "hB", "H" ], "AZ": [ "H", "hB", "h" ], "BA": [ "H", "hB", "h" ], "BG": [ "H", "hB", "h" ], "CH": [ "H", "hB", "h" ], "GE": [ "H", "hB", "h" ], "LI": [ "H", "hB", "h" ], "ME": [ "H", "hB", "h" ], "RS": [ "H", "hB", "h" ], "UA": [ "H", "hB", "h" ], "UZ": [ "H", "hB", "h" ], "XK": [ "H", "hB", "h" ], "AG": [ "h", "hb", "H", "hB" ], "AU": [ "h", "hb", "H", "hB" ], "BB": [ "h", "hb", "H", "hB" ], "BM": [ "h", "hb", "H", "hB" ], "BS": [ "h", "hb", "H", "hB" ], "CA": [ "h", "hb", "H", "hB" ], "DM": [ "h", "hb", "H", "hB" ], "en-001": [ "h", "hb", "H", "hB" ], "FJ": [ "h", "hb", "H", "hB" ], "FM": [ "h", "hb", "H", "hB" ], "GD": [ "h", "hb", "H", "hB" ], "GM": [ "h", "hb", "H", "hB" ], "GU": [ "h", "hb", "H", "hB" ], "GY": [ "h", "hb", "H", "hB" ], "JM": [ "h", "hb", "H", "hB" ], "KI": [ "h", "hb", "H", "hB" ], "KN": [ "h", "hb", "H", "hB" ], "KY": [ "h", "hb", "H", "hB" ], "LC": [ "h", "hb", "H", "hB" ], "LR": [ "h", "hb", "H", "hB" ], "MH": [ "h", "hb", "H", "hB" ], "MP": [ "h", "hb", "H", "hB" ], "MW": [ "h", "hb", "H", "hB" ], "NZ": [ "h", "hb", "H", "hB" ], "SB": [ "h", "hb", "H", "hB" ], "SG": [ "h", "hb", "H", "hB" ], "SL": [ "h", "hb", "H", "hB" ], "SS": [ "h", "hb", "H", "hB" ], "SZ": [ "h", "hb", "H", "hB" ], "TC": [ "h", "hb", "H", "hB" ], "TT": [ "h", "hb", "H", "hB" ], "UM": [ "h", "hb", "H", "hB" ], "US": [ "h", "hb", "H", "hB" ], "VC": [ "h", "hb", "H", "hB" ], "VG": [ "h", "hb", "H", "hB" ], "VI": [ "h", "hb", "H", "hB" ], "ZM": [ "h", "hb", "H", "hB" ], "BO": [ "H", "hB", "h", "hb" ], "EC": [ "H", "hB", "h", "hb" ], "ES": [ "H", "hB", "h", "hb" ], "GQ": [ "H", "hB", "h", "hb" ], "PE": [ "H", "hB", "h", "hb" ], "AE": [ "h", "hB", "hb", "H" ], "ar-001": [ "h", "hB", "hb", "H" ], "BH": [ "h", "hB", "hb", "H" ], "DZ": [ "h", "hB", "hb", "H" ], "EG": [ "h", "hB", "hb", "H" ], "EH": [ "h", "hB", "hb", "H" ], "HK": [ "h", "hB", "hb", "H" ], "IQ": [ "h", "hB", "hb", "H" ], "JO": [ "h", "hB", "hb", "H" ], "KW": [ "h", "hB", "hb", "H" ], "LB": [ "h", "hB", "hb", "H" ], "LY": [ "h", "hB", "hb", "H" ], "MO": [ "h", "hB", "hb", "H" ], "MR": [ "h", "hB", "hb", "H" ], "OM": [ "h", "hB", "hb", "H" ], "PH": [ "h", "hB", "hb", "H" ], "PS": [ "h", "hB", "hb", "H" ], "QA": [ "h", "hB", "hb", "H" ], "SA": [ "h", "hB", "hb", "H" ], "SD": [ "h", "hB", "hb", "H" ], "SY": [ "h", "hB", "hb", "H" ], "TN": [ "h", "hB", "hb", "H" ], "YE": [ "h", "hB", "hb", "H" ], "AF": [ "H", "hb", "hB", "h" ], "LA": [ "H", "hb", "hB", "h" ], "CN": [ "H", "hB", "hb", "h" ], "LV": [ "H", "hB", "hb", "h" ], "TL": [ "H", "hB", "hb", "h" ], "zu-ZA": [ "H", "hB", "hb", "h" ], "CD": [ "hB", "H" ], "IR": [ "hB", "H" ], "hi-IN": [ "hB", "h", "H" ], "kn-IN": [ "hB", "h", "H" ], "ml-IN": [ "hB", "h", "H" ], "te-IN": [ "hB", "h", "H" ], "KH": [ "hB", "h", "H", "hb" ], "ta-IN": [ "hB", "h", "hb", "H" ], "BN": [ "hb", "hB", "h", "H" ], "MY": [ "hb", "hB", "h", "H" ], "ET": [ "hB", "hb", "h", "H" ], "gu-IN": [ "hB", "hb", "h", "H" ], "mr-IN": [ "hB", "hb", "h", "H" ], "pa-IN": [ "hB", "hb", "h", "H" ], "TW": [ "hB", "hb", "h", "H" ], "KE": [ "hB", "hb", "H", "h" ], "MM": [ "hB", "hb", "H", "h" ], "TZ": [ "hB", "hb", "H", "h" ], "UG": [ "hB", "hb", "H", "h" ] }; // bazel-out/darwin-fastbuild/bin/packages/icu-messageformat-parser/lib/date-time-pattern-generator.js function getBestPattern(skeleton, locale) { var skeletonCopy = ""; for (var patternPos = 0; patternPos < skeleton.length; patternPos++) { var patternChar = skeleton.charAt(patternPos); if (patternChar === "j") { var extraLength = 0; while (patternPos + 1 < skeleton.length && skeleton.charAt(patternPos + 1) === patternChar) { extraLength++; patternPos++; } var hourLen = 1 + (extraLength & 1); var dayPeriodLen = extraLength < 2 ? 1 : 3 + (extraLength >> 1); var dayPeriodChar = "a"; var hourChar = getDefaultHourSymbolFromLocale(locale); if (hourChar == "H" || hourChar == "k") { dayPeriodLen = 0; } while (dayPeriodLen-- > 0) { skeletonCopy += dayPeriodChar; } while (hourLen-- > 0) { skeletonCopy = hourChar + skeletonCopy; } } else if (patternChar === "J") { skeletonCopy += "H"; } else { skeletonCopy += patternChar; } } return skeletonCopy; } function getDefaultHourSymbolFromLocale(locale) { var hourCycle = locale.hourCycle; if (hourCycle === void 0 && locale.hourCycles && locale.hourCycles.length) { hourCycle = locale.hourCycles[0]; } if (hourCycle) { switch (hourCycle) { case "h24": return "k"; case "h23": return "H"; case "h12": return "h"; case "h11": return "K"; default: throw new Error("Invalid hourCycle"); } } var languageTag = locale.language; var regionTag; if (languageTag !== "root") { regionTag = locale.maximize().region; } var hourCycles = timeData[regionTag || ""] || timeData[languageTag || ""] || timeData["".concat(languageTag, "-001")] || timeData["001"]; return hourCycles[0]; } // bazel-out/darwin-fastbuild/bin/packages/icu-messageformat-parser/lib/parser.js var _a; var SPACE_SEPARATOR_START_REGEX = new RegExp("^".concat(SPACE_SEPARATOR_REGEX.source, "*")); var SPACE_SEPARATOR_END_REGEX = new RegExp("".concat(SPACE_SEPARATOR_REGEX.source, "*$")); function createLocation(start, end) { return { start, end }; } var hasNativeStartsWith = !!String.prototype.startsWith; var hasNativeFromCodePoint = !!String.fromCodePoint; var hasNativeFromEntries = !!Object.fromEntries; var hasNativeCodePointAt = !!String.prototype.codePointAt; var hasTrimStart = !!String.prototype.trimStart; var hasTrimEnd = !!String.prototype.trimEnd; var hasNativeIsSafeInteger = !!Number.isSafeInteger; var isSafeInteger = hasNativeIsSafeInteger ? Number.isSafeInteger : function(n) { return typeof n === "number" && isFinite(n) && Math.floor(n) === n && Math.abs(n) <= 9007199254740991; }; var REGEX_SUPPORTS_U_AND_Y = true; try { re = RE("([^\\p{White_Space}\\p{Pattern_Syntax}]*)", "yu"); REGEX_SUPPORTS_U_AND_Y = ((_a = re.exec("a")) === null || _a === void 0 ? void 0 : _a[0]) === "a"; } catch (_) { REGEX_SUPPORTS_U_AND_Y = false; } var re; var startsWith = hasNativeStartsWith ? function startsWith2(s, search, position) { return s.startsWith(search, position); } : function startsWith3(s, search, position) { return s.slice(position, position + search.length) === search; }; var fromCodePoint = hasNativeFromCodePoint ? String.fromCodePoint : function fromCodePoint2() { var codePoints = []; for (var _i = 0; _i < arguments.length; _i++) { codePoints[_i] = arguments[_i]; } var elements = ""; var length = codePoints.length; var i = 0; var code; while (length > i) { code = codePoints[i++]; if (code > 1114111) throw RangeError(code + " is not a valid code point"); elements += code < 65536 ? String.fromCharCode(code) : String.fromCharCode(((code -= 65536) >> 10) + 55296, code % 1024 + 56320); } return elements; }; var fromEntries = hasNativeFromEntries ? Object.fromEntries : function fromEntries2(entries) { var obj = {}; for (var _i = 0, entries_1 = entries; _i < entries_1.length; _i++) { var _a2 = entries_1[_i], k = _a2[0], v = _a2[1]; obj[k] = v; } return obj; }; var codePointAt = hasNativeCodePointAt ? function codePointAt2(s, index) { return s.codePointAt(index); } : function codePointAt3(s, index) { var size = s.length; if (index < 0 || index >= size) { return void 0; } var first = s.charCodeAt(index); var second; return first < 55296 || first > 56319 || index + 1 === size || (second = s.charCodeAt(index + 1)) < 56320 || second > 57343 ? first : (first - 55296 << 10) + (second - 56320) + 65536; }; var trimStart = hasTrimStart ? function trimStart2(s) { return s.trimStart(); } : function trimStart3(s) { return s.replace(SPACE_SEPARATOR_START_REGEX, ""); }; var trimEnd = hasTrimEnd ? function trimEnd2(s) { return s.trimEnd(); } : function trimEnd3(s) { return s.replace(SPACE_SEPARATOR_END_REGEX, ""); }; function RE(s, flag) { return new RegExp(s, flag); } var matchIdentifierAtIndex; if (REGEX_SUPPORTS_U_AND_Y) { IDENTIFIER_PREFIX_RE_1 = RE("([^\\p{White_Space}\\p{Pattern_Syntax}]*)", "yu"); matchIdentifierAtIndex = function matchIdentifierAtIndex2(s, index) { var _a2; IDENTIFIER_PREFIX_RE_1.lastIndex = index; var match = IDENTIFIER_PREFIX_RE_1.exec(s); return (_a2 = match[1]) !== null && _a2 !== void 0 ? _a2 : ""; }; } else { matchIdentifierAtIndex = function matchIdentifierAtIndex2(s, index) { var match = []; while (true) { var c = codePointAt(s, index); if (c === void 0 || _isWhiteSpace(c) || _isPatternSyntax(c)) { break; } match.push(c); index += c >= 65536 ? 2 : 1; } return fromCodePoint.apply(void 0, match); }; } var IDENTIFIER_PREFIX_RE_1; var Parser = function() { function Parser2(message, options) { if (options === void 0) { options = {}; } this.message = message; this.position = { offset: 0, line: 1, column: 1 }; this.ignoreTag = !!options.ignoreTag; this.locale = options.locale; this.requiresOtherClause = !!options.requiresOtherClause; this.shouldParseSkeletons = !!options.shouldParseSkeletons; } Parser2.prototype.parse = function() { if (this.offset() !== 0) { throw Error("parser can only be used once"); } return this.parseMessage(0, "", false); }; Parser2.prototype.parseMessage = function(nestingLevel, parentArgType, expectingCloseTag) { var elements = []; while (!this.isEOF()) { var char = this.char(); if (char === 123) { var result = this.parseArgument(nestingLevel, expectingCloseTag); if (result.err) { return result; } elements.push(result.val); } else if (char === 125 && nestingLevel > 0) { break; } else if (char === 35 && (parentArgType === "plural" || parentArgType === "selectordinal")) { var position = this.clonePosition(); this.bump(); elements.push({ type: TYPE.pound, location: createLocation(position, this.clonePosition()) }); } else if (char === 60 && !this.ignoreTag && this.peek() === 47) { if (expectingCloseTag) { break; } else { return this.error(ErrorKind.UNMATCHED_CLOSING_TAG, createLocation(this.clonePosition(), this.clonePosition())); } } else if (char === 60 && !this.ignoreTag && _isAlpha(this.peek() || 0)) { var result = this.parseTag(nestingLevel, parentArgType); if (result.err) { return result; } elements.push(result.val); } else { var result = this.parseLiteral(nestingLevel, parentArgType); if (result.err) { return result; } elements.push(result.val); } } return { val: elements, err: null }; }; Parser2.prototype.parseTag = function(nestingLevel, parentArgType) { var startPosition = this.clonePosition(); this.bump(); var tagName = this.parseTagName(); this.bumpSpace(); if (this.bumpIf("/>")) { return { val: { type: TYPE.literal, value: "<".concat(tagName, "/>"), location: createLocation(startPosition, this.clonePosition()) }, err: null }; } else if (this.bumpIf(">")) { var childrenResult = this.parseMessage(nestingLevel + 1, parentArgType, true); if (childrenResult.err) { return childrenResult; } var children = childrenResult.val; var endTagStartPosition = this.clonePosition(); if (this.bumpIf("")) { return this.error(ErrorKind.INVALID_TAG, createLocation(endTagStartPosition, this.clonePosition())); } return { val: { type: TYPE.tag, value: tagName, children, location: createLocation(startPosition, this.clonePosition()) }, err: null }; } else { return this.error(ErrorKind.UNCLOSED_TAG, createLocation(startPosition, this.clonePosition())); } } else { return this.error(ErrorKind.INVALID_TAG, createLocation(startPosition, this.clonePosition())); } }; Parser2.prototype.parseTagName = function() { var startOffset = this.offset(); this.bump(); while (!this.isEOF() && _isPotentialElementNameChar(this.char())) { this.bump(); } return this.message.slice(startOffset, this.offset()); }; Parser2.prototype.parseLiteral = function(nestingLevel, parentArgType) { var start = this.clonePosition(); var value = ""; while (true) { var parseQuoteResult = this.tryParseQuote(parentArgType); if (parseQuoteResult) { value += parseQuoteResult; continue; } var parseUnquotedResult = this.tryParseUnquoted(nestingLevel, parentArgType); if (parseUnquotedResult) { value += parseUnquotedResult; continue; } var parseLeftAngleResult = this.tryParseLeftAngleBracket(); if (parseLeftAngleResult) { value += parseLeftAngleResult; continue; } break; } var location = createLocation(start, this.clonePosition()); return { val: { type: TYPE.literal, value, location }, err: null }; }; Parser2.prototype.tryParseLeftAngleBracket = function() { if (!this.isEOF() && this.char() === 60 && (this.ignoreTag || !_isAlphaOrSlash(this.peek() || 0))) { this.bump(); return "<"; } return null; }; Parser2.prototype.tryParseQuote = function(parentArgType) { if (this.isEOF() || this.char() !== 39) { return null; } switch (this.peek()) { case 39: this.bump(); this.bump(); return "'"; case 123: case 60: case 62: case 125: break; case 35: if (parentArgType === "plural" || parentArgType === "selectordinal") { break; } return null; default: return null; } this.bump(); var codePoints = [this.char()]; this.bump(); while (!this.isEOF()) { var ch = this.char(); if (ch === 39) { if (this.peek() === 39) { codePoints.push(39); this.bump(); } else { this.bump(); break; } } else { codePoints.push(ch); } this.bump(); } return fromCodePoint.apply(void 0, codePoints); }; Parser2.prototype.tryParseUnquoted = function(nestingLevel, parentArgType) { if (this.isEOF()) { return null; } var ch = this.char(); if (ch === 60 || ch === 123 || ch === 35 && (parentArgType === "plural" || parentArgType === "selectordinal") || ch === 125 && nestingLevel > 0) { return null; } else { this.bump(); return fromCodePoint(ch); } }; Parser2.prototype.parseArgument = function(nestingLevel, expectingCloseTag) { var openingBracePosition = this.clonePosition(); this.bump(); this.bumpSpace(); if (this.isEOF()) { return this.error(ErrorKind.EXPECT_ARGUMENT_CLOSING_BRACE, createLocation(openingBracePosition, this.clonePosition())); } if (this.char() === 125) { this.bump(); return this.error(ErrorKind.EMPTY_ARGUMENT, createLocation(openingBracePosition, this.clonePosition())); } var value = this.parseIdentifierIfPossible().value; if (!value) { return this.error(ErrorKind.MALFORMED_ARGUMENT, createLocation(openingBracePosition, this.clonePosition())); } this.bumpSpace(); if (this.isEOF()) { return this.error(ErrorKind.EXPECT_ARGUMENT_CLOSING_BRACE, createLocation(openingBracePosition, this.clonePosition())); } switch (this.char()) { case 125: { this.bump(); return { val: { type: TYPE.argument, value, location: createLocation(openingBracePosition, this.clonePosition()) }, err: null }; } case 44: { this.bump(); this.bumpSpace(); if (this.isEOF()) { return this.error(ErrorKind.EXPECT_ARGUMENT_CLOSING_BRACE, createLocation(openingBracePosition, this.clonePosition())); } return this.parseArgumentOptions(nestingLevel, expectingCloseTag, value, openingBracePosition); } default: return this.error(ErrorKind.MALFORMED_ARGUMENT, createLocation(openingBracePosition, this.clonePosition())); } }; Parser2.prototype.parseIdentifierIfPossible = function() { var startingPosition = this.clonePosition(); var startOffset = this.offset(); var value = matchIdentifierAtIndex(this.message, startOffset); var endOffset = startOffset + value.length; this.bumpTo(endOffset); var endPosition = this.clonePosition(); var location = createLocation(startingPosition, endPosition); return { value, location }; }; Parser2.prototype.parseArgumentOptions = function(nestingLevel, expectingCloseTag, value, openingBracePosition) { var _a2; var typeStartPosition = this.clonePosition(); var argType = this.parseIdentifierIfPossible().value; var typeEndPosition = this.clonePosition(); switch (argType) { case "": return this.error(ErrorKind.EXPECT_ARGUMENT_TYPE, createLocation(typeStartPosition, typeEndPosition)); case "number": case "date": case "time": { this.bumpSpace(); var styleAndLocation = null; if (this.bumpIf(",")) { this.bumpSpace(); var styleStartPosition = this.clonePosition(); var result = this.parseSimpleArgStyleIfPossible(); if (result.err) { return result; } var style = trimEnd(result.val); if (style.length === 0) { return this.error(ErrorKind.EXPECT_ARGUMENT_STYLE, createLocation(this.clonePosition(), this.clonePosition())); } var styleLocation = createLocation(styleStartPosition, this.clonePosition()); styleAndLocation = { style, styleLocation }; } var argCloseResult = this.tryParseArgumentClose(openingBracePosition); if (argCloseResult.err) { return argCloseResult; } var location_1 = createLocation(openingBracePosition, this.clonePosition()); if (styleAndLocation && startsWith(styleAndLocation === null || styleAndLocation === void 0 ? void 0 :, "::", 0)) { var skeleton = trimStart(; if (argType === "number") { var result = this.parseNumberSkeletonFromString(skeleton, styleAndLocation.styleLocation); if (result.err) { return result; } return { val: { type: TYPE.number, value, location: location_1, style: result.val }, err: null }; } else { if (skeleton.length === 0) { return this.error(ErrorKind.EXPECT_DATE_TIME_SKELETON, location_1); } var dateTimePattern = skeleton; if (this.locale) { dateTimePattern = getBestPattern(skeleton, this.locale); } var style = { type: SKELETON_TYPE.dateTime, pattern: dateTimePattern, location: styleAndLocation.styleLocation, parsedOptions: this.shouldParseSkeletons ? parseDateTimeSkeleton(dateTimePattern) : {} }; var type = argType === "date" ? : TYPE.time; return { val: { type, value, location: location_1, style }, err: null }; } } return { val: { type: argType === "number" ? TYPE.number : argType === "date" ? : TYPE.time, value, location: location_1, style: (_a2 = styleAndLocation === null || styleAndLocation === void 0 ? void 0 : !== null && _a2 !== void 0 ? _a2 : null }, err: null }; } case "plural": case "selectordinal": case "select": { var typeEndPosition_1 = this.clonePosition(); this.bumpSpace(); if (!this.bumpIf(",")) { return this.error(ErrorKind.EXPECT_SELECT_ARGUMENT_OPTIONS, createLocation(typeEndPosition_1, __assign({}, typeEndPosition_1))); } this.bumpSpace(); var identifierAndLocation = this.parseIdentifierIfPossible(); var pluralOffset = 0; if (argType !== "select" && identifierAndLocation.value === "offset") { if (!this.bumpIf(":")) { return this.error(ErrorKind.EXPECT_PLURAL_ARGUMENT_OFFSET_VALUE, createLocation(this.clonePosition(), this.clonePosition())); } this.bumpSpace(); var result = this.tryParseDecimalInteger(ErrorKind.EXPECT_PLURAL_ARGUMENT_OFFSET_VALUE, ErrorKind.INVALID_PLURAL_ARGUMENT_OFFSET_VALUE); if (result.err) { return result; } this.bumpSpace(); identifierAndLocation = this.parseIdentifierIfPossible(); pluralOffset = result.val; } var optionsResult = this.tryParsePluralOrSelectOptions(nestingLevel, argType, expectingCloseTag, identifierAndLocation); if (optionsResult.err) { return optionsResult; } var argCloseResult = this.tryParseArgumentClose(openingBracePosition); if (argCloseResult.err) { return argCloseResult; } var location_2 = createLocation(openingBracePosition, this.clonePosition()); if (argType === "select") { return { val: { type:, value, options: fromEntries(optionsResult.val), location: location_2 }, err: null }; } else { return { val: { type: TYPE.plural, value, options: fromEntries(optionsResult.val), offset: pluralOffset, pluralType: argType === "plural" ? "cardinal" : "ordinal", location: location_2 }, err: null }; } } default: return this.error(ErrorKind.INVALID_ARGUMENT_TYPE, createLocation(typeStartPosition, typeEndPosition)); } }; Parser2.prototype.tryParseArgumentClose = function(openingBracePosition) { if (this.isEOF() || this.char() !== 125) { return this.error(ErrorKind.EXPECT_ARGUMENT_CLOSING_BRACE, createLocation(openingBracePosition, this.clonePosition())); } this.bump(); return { val: true, err: null }; }; Parser2.prototype.parseSimpleArgStyleIfPossible = function() { var nestedBraces = 0; var startPosition = this.clonePosition(); while (!this.isEOF()) { var ch = this.char(); switch (ch) { case 39: { this.bump(); var apostrophePosition = this.clonePosition(); if (!this.bumpUntil("'")) { return this.error(ErrorKind.UNCLOSED_QUOTE_IN_ARGUMENT_STYLE, createLocation(apostrophePosition, this.clonePosition())); } this.bump(); break; } case 123: { nestedBraces += 1; this.bump(); break; } case 125: { if (nestedBraces > 0) { nestedBraces -= 1; } else { return { val: this.message.slice(startPosition.offset, this.offset()), err: null }; } break; } default: this.bump(); break; } } return { val: this.message.slice(startPosition.offset, this.offset()), err: null }; }; Parser2.prototype.parseNumberSkeletonFromString = function(skeleton, location) { var tokens = []; try { tokens = parseNumberSkeletonFromString(skeleton); } catch (e) { return this.error(ErrorKind.INVALID_NUMBER_SKELETON, location); } return { val: { type: SKELETON_TYPE.number, tokens, location, parsedOptions: this.shouldParseSkeletons ? parseNumberSkeleton(tokens) : {} }, err: null }; }; Parser2.prototype.tryParsePluralOrSelectOptions = function(nestingLevel, parentArgType, expectCloseTag, parsedFirstIdentifier) { var _a2; var hasOtherClause = false; var options = []; var parsedSelectors = /* @__PURE__ */ new Set(); var selector = parsedFirstIdentifier.value, selectorLocation = parsedFirstIdentifier.location; while (true) { if (selector.length === 0) { var startPosition = this.clonePosition(); if (parentArgType !== "select" && this.bumpIf("=")) { var result = this.tryParseDecimalInteger(ErrorKind.EXPECT_PLURAL_ARGUMENT_SELECTOR, ErrorKind.INVALID_PLURAL_ARGUMENT_SELECTOR); if (result.err) { return result; } selectorLocation = createLocation(startPosition, this.clonePosition()); selector = this.message.slice(startPosition.offset, this.offset()); } else { break; } } if (parsedSelectors.has(selector)) { return this.error(parentArgType === "select" ? ErrorKind.DUPLICATE_SELECT_ARGUMENT_SELECTOR : ErrorKind.DUPLICATE_PLURAL_ARGUMENT_SELECTOR, selectorLocation); } if (selector === "other") { hasOtherClause = true; } this.bumpSpace(); var openingBracePosition = this.clonePosition(); if (!this.bumpIf("{")) { return this.error(parentArgType === "select" ? ErrorKind.EXPECT_SELECT_ARGUMENT_SELECTOR_FRAGMENT : ErrorKind.EXPECT_PLURAL_ARGUMENT_SELECTOR_FRAGMENT, createLocation(this.clonePosition(), this.clonePosition())); } var fragmentResult = this.parseMessage(nestingLevel + 1, parentArgType, expectCloseTag); if (fragmentResult.err) { return fragmentResult; } var argCloseResult = this.tryParseArgumentClose(openingBracePosition); if (argCloseResult.err) { return argCloseResult; } options.push([ selector, { value: fragmentResult.val, location: createLocation(openingBracePosition, this.clonePosition()) } ]); parsedSelectors.add(selector); this.bumpSpace(); _a2 = this.parseIdentifierIfPossible(), selector = _a2.value, selectorLocation = _a2.location; } if (options.length === 0) { return this.error(parentArgType === "select" ? ErrorKind.EXPECT_SELECT_ARGUMENT_SELECTOR : ErrorKind.EXPECT_PLURAL_ARGUMENT_SELECTOR, createLocation(this.clonePosition(), this.clonePosition())); } if (this.requiresOtherClause && !hasOtherClause) { return this.error(ErrorKind.MISSING_OTHER_CLAUSE, createLocation(this.clonePosition(), this.clonePosition())); } return { val: options, err: null }; }; Parser2.prototype.tryParseDecimalInteger = function(expectNumberError, invalidNumberError) { var sign = 1; var startingPosition = this.clonePosition(); if (this.bumpIf("+")) { } else if (this.bumpIf("-")) { sign = -1; } var hasDigits = false; var decimal = 0; while (!this.isEOF()) { var ch = this.char(); if (ch >= 48 && ch <= 57) { hasDigits = true; decimal = decimal * 10 + (ch - 48); this.bump(); } else { break; } } var location = createLocation(startingPosition, this.clonePosition()); if (!hasDigits) { return this.error(expectNumberError, location); } decimal *= sign; if (!isSafeInteger(decimal)) { return this.error(invalidNumberError, location); } return { val: decimal, err: null }; }; Parser2.prototype.offset = function() { return this.position.offset; }; Parser2.prototype.isEOF = function() { return this.offset() === this.message.length; }; Parser2.prototype.clonePosition = function() { return { offset: this.position.offset, line: this.position.line, column: this.position.column }; }; Parser2.prototype.char = function() { var offset = this.position.offset; if (offset >= this.message.length) { throw Error("out of bound"); } var code = codePointAt(this.message, offset); if (code === void 0) { throw Error("Offset ".concat(offset, " is at invalid UTF-16 code unit boundary")); } return code; }; Parser2.prototype.error = function(kind, location) { return { val: null, err: { kind, message: this.message, location } }; }; Parser2.prototype.bump = function() { if (this.isEOF()) { return; } var code = this.char(); if (code === 10) { this.position.line += 1; this.position.column = 1; this.position.offset += 1; } else { this.position.column += 1; this.position.offset += code < 65536 ? 1 : 2; } }; Parser2.prototype.bumpIf = function(prefix) { if (startsWith(this.message, prefix, this.offset())) { for (var i = 0; i < prefix.length; i++) { this.bump(); } return true; } return false; }; Parser2.prototype.bumpUntil = function(pattern) { var currentOffset = this.offset(); var index = this.message.indexOf(pattern, currentOffset); if (index >= 0) { this.bumpTo(index); return true; } else { this.bumpTo(this.message.length); return false; } }; Parser2.prototype.bumpTo = function(targetOffset) { if (this.offset() > targetOffset) { throw Error("targetOffset ".concat(targetOffset, " must be greater than or equal to the current offset ").concat(this.offset())); } targetOffset = Math.min(targetOffset, this.message.length); while (true) { var offset = this.offset(); if (offset === targetOffset) { break; } if (offset > targetOffset) { throw Error("targetOffset ".concat(targetOffset, " is at invalid UTF-16 code unit boundary")); } this.bump(); if (this.isEOF()) { break; } } }; Parser2.prototype.bumpSpace = function() { while (!this.isEOF() && _isWhiteSpace(this.char())) { this.bump(); } }; Parser2.prototype.peek = function() { if (this.isEOF()) { return null; } var code = this.char(); var offset = this.offset(); var nextCode = this.message.charCodeAt(offset + (code >= 65536 ? 2 : 1)); return nextCode !== null && nextCode !== void 0 ? nextCode : null; }; return Parser2; }(); function _isAlpha(codepoint) { return codepoint >= 97 && codepoint <= 122 || codepoint >= 65 && codepoint <= 90; } function _isAlphaOrSlash(codepoint) { return _isAlpha(codepoint) || codepoint === 47; } function _isPotentialElementNameChar(c) { return c === 45 || c === 46 || c >= 48 && c <= 57 || c === 95 || c >= 97 && c <= 122 || c >= 65 && c <= 90 || c == 183 || c >= 192 && c <= 214 || c >= 216 && c <= 246 || c >= 248 && c <= 893 || c >= 895 && c <= 8191 || c >= 8204 && c <= 8205 || c >= 8255 && c <= 8256 || c >= 8304 && c <= 8591 || c >= 11264 && c <= 12271 || c >= 12289 && c <= 55295 || c >= 63744 && c <= 64975 || c >= 65008 && c <= 65533 || c >= 65536 && c <= 983039; } function _isWhiteSpace(c) { return c >= 9 && c <= 13 || c === 32 || c === 133 || c >= 8206 && c <= 8207 || c === 8232 || c === 8233; } function _isPatternSyntax(c) { return c >= 33 && c <= 35 || c === 36 || c >= 37 && c <= 39 || c === 40 || c === 41 || c === 42 || c === 43 || c === 44 || c === 45 || c >= 46 && c <= 47 || c >= 58 && c <= 59 || c >= 60 && c <= 62 || c >= 63 && c <= 64 || c === 91 || c === 92 || c === 93 || c === 94 || c === 96 || c === 123 || c === 124 || c === 125 || c === 126 || c === 161 || c >= 162 && c <= 165 || c === 166 || c === 167 || c === 169 || c === 171 || c === 172 || c === 174 || c === 176 || c === 177 || c === 182 || c === 187 || c === 191 || c === 215 || c === 247 || c >= 8208 && c <= 8213 || c >= 8214 && c <= 8215 || c === 8216 || c === 8217 || c === 8218 || c >= 8219 && c <= 8220 || c === 8221 || c === 8222 || c === 8223 || c >= 8224 && c <= 8231 || c >= 8240 && c <= 8248 || c === 8249 || c === 8250 || c >= 8251 && c <= 8254 || c >= 8257 && c <= 8259 || c === 8260 || c === 8261 || c === 8262 || c >= 8263 && c <= 8273 || c === 8274 || c === 8275 || c >= 8277 && c <= 8286 || c >= 8592 && c <= 8596 || c >= 8597 && c <= 8601 || c >= 8602 && c <= 8603 || c >= 8604 && c <= 8607 || c === 8608 || c >= 8609 && c <= 8610 || c === 8611 || c >= 8612 && c <= 8613 || c === 8614 || c >= 8615 && c <= 8621 || c === 8622 || c >= 8623 && c <= 8653 || c >= 8654 && c <= 8655 || c >= 8656 && c <= 8657 || c === 8658 || c === 8659 || c === 8660 || c >= 8661 && c <= 8691 || c >= 8692 && c <= 8959 || c >= 8960 && c <= 8967 || c === 8968 || c === 8969 || c === 8970 || c === 8971 || c >= 8972 && c <= 8991 || c >= 8992 && c <= 8993 || c >= 8994 && c <= 9e3 || c === 9001 || c === 9002 || c >= 9003 && c <= 9083 || c === 9084 || c >= 9085 && c <= 9114 || c >= 9115 && c <= 9139 || c >= 9140 && c <= 9179 || c >= 9180 && c <= 9185 || c >= 9186 && c <= 9254 || c >= 9255 && c <= 9279 || c >= 9280 && c <= 9290 || c >= 9291 && c <= 9311 || c >= 9472 && c <= 9654 || c === 9655 || c >= 9656 && c <= 9664 || c === 9665 || c >= 9666 && c <= 9719 || c >= 9720 && c <= 9727 || c >= 9728 && c <= 9838 || c === 9839 || c >= 9840 && c <= 10087 || c === 10088 || c === 10089 || c === 10090 || c === 10091 || c === 10092 || c === 10093 || c === 10094 || c === 10095 || c === 10096 || c === 10097 || c === 10098 || c === 10099 || c === 10100 || c === 10101 || c >= 10132 && c <= 10175 || c >= 10176 && c <= 10180 || c === 10181 || c === 10182 || c >= 10183 && c <= 10213 || c === 10214 || c === 10215 || c === 10216 || c === 10217 || c === 10218 || c === 10219 || c === 10220 || c === 10221 || c === 10222 || c === 10223 || c >= 10224 && c <= 10239 || c >= 10240 && c <= 10495 || c >= 10496 && c <= 10626 || c === 10627 || c === 10628 || c === 10629 || c === 10630 || c === 10631 || c === 10632 || c === 10633 || c === 10634 || c === 10635 || c === 10636 || c === 10637 || c === 10638 || c === 10639 || c === 10640 || c === 10641 || c === 10642 || c === 10643 || c === 10644 || c === 10645 || c === 10646 || c === 10647 || c === 10648 || c >= 10649 && c <= 10711 || c === 10712 || c === 10713 || c === 10714 || c === 10715 || c >= 10716 && c <= 10747 || c === 10748 || c === 10749 || c >= 10750 && c <= 11007 || c >= 11008 && c <= 11055 || c >= 11056 && c <= 11076 || c >= 11077 && c <= 11078 || c >= 11079 && c <= 11084 || c >= 11085 && c <= 11123 || c >= 11124 && c <= 11125 || c >= 11126 && c <= 11157 || c === 11158 || c >= 11159 && c <= 11263 || c >= 11776 && c <= 11777 || c === 11778 || c === 11779 || c === 11780 || c === 11781 || c >= 11782 && c <= 11784 || c === 11785 || c === 11786 || c === 11787 || c === 11788 || c === 11789 || c >= 11790 && c <= 11798 || c === 11799 || c >= 11800 && c <= 11801 || c === 11802 || c === 11803 || c === 11804 || c === 11805 || c >= 11806 && c <= 11807 || c === 11808 || c === 11809 || c === 11810 || c === 11811 || c === 11812 || c === 11813 || c === 11814 || c === 11815 || c === 11816 || c === 11817 || c >= 11818 && c <= 11822 || c === 11823 || c >= 11824 && c <= 11833 || c >= 11834 && c <= 11835 || c >= 11836 && c <= 11839 || c === 11840 || c === 11841 || c === 11842 || c >= 11843 && c <= 11855 || c >= 11856 && c <= 11857 || c === 11858 || c >= 11859 && c <= 11903 || c >= 12289 && c <= 12291 || c === 12296 || c === 12297 || c === 12298 || c === 12299 || c === 12300 || c === 12301 || c === 12302 || c === 12303 || c === 12304 || c === 12305 || c >= 12306 && c <= 12307 || c === 12308 || c === 12309 || c === 12310 || c === 12311 || c === 12312 || c === 12313 || c === 12314 || c === 12315 || c === 12316 || c === 12317 || c >= 12318 && c <= 12319 || c === 12320 || c === 12336 || c === 64830 || c === 64831 || c >= 65093 && c <= 65094; } // bazel-out/darwin-fastbuild/bin/packages/icu-messageformat-parser/lib/index.js function pruneLocation(els) { els.forEach(function(el) { delete el.location; if (isSelectElement(el) || isPluralElement(el)) { for (var k in el.options) { delete el.options[k].location; pruneLocation(el.options[k].value); } } else if (isNumberElement(el) && isNumberSkeleton( { delete; } else if ((isDateElement(el) || isTimeElement(el)) && isDateTimeSkeleton( { delete; } else if (isTagElement(el)) { pruneLocation(el.children); } }); } function parse(message, opts) { if (opts === void 0) { opts = {}; } opts = __assign({ shouldParseSkeletons: true, requiresOtherClause: true }, opts); var result = new Parser(message, opts).parse(); if (result.err) { var error = SyntaxError(ErrorKind[result.err.kind]); error.location = result.err.location; error.originalMessage = result.err.message; throw error; } if (!(opts === null || opts === void 0 ? void 0 : opts.captureLocation)) { pruneLocation(result.val); } return result.val; } // bazel-out/darwin-fastbuild/bin/packages/fast-memoize/lib/index.js function memoize(fn, options) { var cache = options && options.cache ? options.cache : cacheDefault; var serializer = options && options.serializer ? options.serializer : serializerDefault; var strategy = options && options.strategy ? options.strategy : strategyDefault; return strategy(fn, { cache, serializer }); } function isPrimitive(value) { return value == null || typeof value === "number" || typeof value === "boolean"; } function monadic(fn, cache, serializer, arg) { var cacheKey = isPrimitive(arg) ? arg : serializer(arg); var computedValue = cache.get(cacheKey); if (typeof computedValue === "undefined") { computedValue =, arg); cache.set(cacheKey, computedValue); } return computedValue; } function variadic(fn, cache, serializer) { var args =, 3); var cacheKey = serializer(args); var computedValue = cache.get(cacheKey); if (typeof computedValue === "undefined") { computedValue = fn.apply(this, args); cache.set(cacheKey, computedValue); } return computedValue; } function assemble(fn, context, strategy, cache, serialize) { return strategy.bind(context, fn, cache, serialize); } function strategyDefault(fn, options) { var strategy = fn.length === 1 ? monadic : variadic; return assemble(fn, this, strategy, options.cache.create(), options.serializer); } function strategyVariadic(fn, options) { return assemble(fn, this, variadic, options.cache.create(), options.serializer); } function strategyMonadic(fn, options) { return assemble(fn, this, monadic, options.cache.create(), options.serializer); } var serializerDefault = function() { return JSON.stringify(arguments); }; function ObjectWithoutPrototypeCache() { this.cache = /* @__PURE__ */ Object.create(null); } ObjectWithoutPrototypeCache.prototype.get = function(key) { return this.cache[key]; }; ObjectWithoutPrototypeCache.prototype.set = function(key, value) { this.cache[key] = value; }; var cacheDefault = { create: function create() { return new ObjectWithoutPrototypeCache(); } }; var strategies = { variadic: strategyVariadic, monadic: strategyMonadic }; // bazel-out/darwin-fastbuild/bin/packages/intl-messageformat/lib_esnext/src/error.js var ErrorCode; (function(ErrorCode2) { ErrorCode2["MISSING_VALUE"] = "MISSING_VALUE"; ErrorCode2["INVALID_VALUE"] = "INVALID_VALUE"; ErrorCode2["MISSING_INTL_API"] = "MISSING_INTL_API"; })(ErrorCode || (ErrorCode = {})); var FormatError = class extends Error { code; originalMessage; constructor(msg, code, originalMessage) { super(msg); this.code = code; this.originalMessage = originalMessage; } toString() { return `[formatjs Error: ${this.code}] ${this.message}`; } }; var InvalidValueError = class extends FormatError { constructor(variableId, value, options, originalMessage) { super(`Invalid values for "${variableId}": "${value}". Options are "${Object.keys(options).join('", "')}"`, ErrorCode.INVALID_VALUE, originalMessage); } }; var InvalidValueTypeError = class extends FormatError { constructor(value, type, originalMessage) { super(`Value for "${value}" must be of type ${type}`, ErrorCode.INVALID_VALUE, originalMessage); } }; var MissingValueError = class extends FormatError { constructor(variableId, originalMessage) { super(`The intl string context variable "${variableId}" was not provided to the string "${originalMessage}"`, ErrorCode.MISSING_VALUE, originalMessage); } }; // bazel-out/darwin-fastbuild/bin/packages/intl-messageformat/lib_esnext/src/formatters.js var PART_TYPE; (function(PART_TYPE2) { PART_TYPE2[PART_TYPE2["literal"] = 0] = "literal"; PART_TYPE2[PART_TYPE2["object"] = 1] = "object"; })(PART_TYPE || (PART_TYPE = {})); function mergeLiteral(parts) { if (parts.length < 2) { return parts; } return parts.reduce((all, part) => { const lastPart = all[all.length - 1]; if (!lastPart || lastPart.type !== PART_TYPE.literal || part.type !== PART_TYPE.literal) { all.push(part); } else { lastPart.value += part.value; } return all; }, []); } function isFormatXMLElementFn(el) { return typeof el === "function"; } function formatToParts(els, locales, formatters, formats, values, currentPluralValue, originalMessage) { if (els.length === 1 && isLiteralElement(els[0])) { return [ { type: PART_TYPE.literal, value: els[0].value } ]; } const result = []; for (const el of els) { if (isLiteralElement(el)) { result.push({ type: PART_TYPE.literal, value: el.value }); continue; } if (isPoundElement(el)) { if (typeof currentPluralValue === "number") { result.push({ type: PART_TYPE.literal, value: formatters.getNumberFormat(locales).format(currentPluralValue) }); } continue; } const { value: varName } = el; if (!(values && varName in values)) { throw new MissingValueError(varName, originalMessage); } let value = values[varName]; if (isArgumentElement(el)) { if (!value || typeof value === "string" || typeof value === "number") { value = typeof value === "string" || typeof value === "number" ? String(value) : ""; } result.push({ type: typeof value === "string" ? PART_TYPE.literal : PART_TYPE.object, value }); continue; } if (isDateElement(el)) { const style = typeof === "string" ?[] : isDateTimeSkeleton( ? : void 0; result.push({ type: PART_TYPE.literal, value: formatters.getDateTimeFormat(locales, style).format(value) }); continue; } if (isTimeElement(el)) { const style = typeof === "string" ? formats.time[] : isDateTimeSkeleton( ? : formats.time.medium; result.push({ type: PART_TYPE.literal, value: formatters.getDateTimeFormat(locales, style).format(value) }); continue; } if (isNumberElement(el)) { const style = typeof === "string" ? formats.number[] : isNumberSkeleton( ? : void 0; if (style && style.scale) { value = value * (style.scale || 1); } result.push({ type: PART_TYPE.literal, value: formatters.getNumberFormat(locales, style).format(value) }); continue; } if (isTagElement(el)) { const { children, value: value2 } = el; const formatFn = values[value2]; if (!isFormatXMLElementFn(formatFn)) { throw new InvalidValueTypeError(value2, "function", originalMessage); } const parts = formatToParts(children, locales, formatters, formats, values, currentPluralValue); let chunks = formatFn( => p.value)); if (!Array.isArray(chunks)) { chunks = [chunks]; } result.push( => { return { type: typeof c === "string" ? PART_TYPE.literal : PART_TYPE.object, value: c }; })); } if (isSelectElement(el)) { const opt = el.options[value] || el.options.other; if (!opt) { throw new InvalidValueError(el.value, value, Object.keys(el.options), originalMessage); } result.push(...formatToParts(opt.value, locales, formatters, formats, values)); continue; } if (isPluralElement(el)) { let opt = el.options[`=${value}`]; if (!opt) { if (!Intl.PluralRules) { throw new FormatError(`Intl.PluralRules is not available in this environment. Try polyfilling it using "@formatjs/intl-pluralrules" `, ErrorCode.MISSING_INTL_API, originalMessage); } const rule = formatters.getPluralRules(locales, { type: el.pluralType }).select(value - (el.offset || 0)); opt = el.options[rule] || el.options.other; } if (!opt) { throw new InvalidValueError(el.value, value, Object.keys(el.options), originalMessage); } result.push(...formatToParts(opt.value, locales, formatters, formats, values, value - (el.offset || 0))); continue; } } return mergeLiteral(result); } // bazel-out/darwin-fastbuild/bin/packages/intl-messageformat/lib_esnext/src/core.js function mergeConfig(c1, c2) { if (!c2) { return c1; } return { ...c1 || {}, ...c2 || {}, ...Object.keys(c1).reduce((all, k) => { all[k] = { ...c1[k], ...c2[k] || {} }; return all; }, {}) }; } function mergeConfigs(defaultConfig, configs) { if (!configs) { return defaultConfig; } return Object.keys(defaultConfig).reduce((all, k) => { all[k] = mergeConfig(defaultConfig[k], configs[k]); return all; }, { ...defaultConfig }); } function createFastMemoizeCache(store) { return { create() { return { get(key) { return store[key]; }, set(key, value) { store[key] = value; } }; } }; } function createDefaultFormatters(cache = { number: {}, dateTime: {}, pluralRules: {} }) { return { getNumberFormat: memoize((...args) => new Intl.NumberFormat(...args), { cache: createFastMemoizeCache(cache.number), strategy: strategies.variadic }), getDateTimeFormat: memoize((...args) => new Intl.DateTimeFormat(...args), { cache: createFastMemoizeCache(cache.dateTime), strategy: strategies.variadic }), getPluralRules: memoize((...args) => new Intl.PluralRules(...args), { cache: createFastMemoizeCache(cache.pluralRules), strategy: strategies.variadic }) }; } var _IntlMessageFormat = class { ast; locales; resolvedLocale; formatters; formats; message; formatterCache = { number: {}, dateTime: {}, pluralRules: {} }; constructor(message, locales = _IntlMessageFormat.defaultLocale, overrideFormats, opts) { this.locales = locales; this.resolvedLocale = _IntlMessageFormat.resolveLocale(locales); if (typeof message === "string") { this.message = message; if (!_IntlMessageFormat.__parse) { throw new TypeError("IntlMessageFormat.__parse must be set to process `message` of type `string`"); } this.ast = _IntlMessageFormat.__parse(message, { ignoreTag: opts?.ignoreTag, locale: this.resolvedLocale }); } else { this.ast = message; } if (!Array.isArray(this.ast)) { throw new TypeError("A message must be provided as a String or AST."); } this.formats = mergeConfigs(_IntlMessageFormat.formats, overrideFormats); this.formatters = opts && opts.formatters || createDefaultFormatters(this.formatterCache); } format = (values) => { const parts = this.formatToParts(values); if (parts.length === 1) { return parts[0].value; } const result = parts.reduce((all, part) => { if (!all.length || part.type !== PART_TYPE.literal || typeof all[all.length - 1] !== "string") { all.push(part.value); } else { all[all.length - 1] += part.value; } return all; }, []); if (result.length <= 1) { return result[0] || ""; } return result; }; formatToParts = (values) => formatToParts(this.ast, this.locales, this.formatters, this.formats, values, void 0, this.message); resolvedOptions = () => ({ locale: this.resolvedLocale.toString() }); getAst = () => this.ast; static get defaultLocale() { if (!_IntlMessageFormat.memoizedDefaultLocale) { _IntlMessageFormat.memoizedDefaultLocale = new Intl.NumberFormat().resolvedOptions().locale; } return _IntlMessageFormat.memoizedDefaultLocale; } }; var IntlMessageFormat = _IntlMessageFormat; __publicField(IntlMessageFormat, "memoizedDefaultLocale", null); __publicField(IntlMessageFormat, "resolveLocale", (locales) => { const supportedLocales = Intl.NumberFormat.supportedLocalesOf(locales); if (supportedLocales.length > 0) { return new Intl.Locale(supportedLocales[0]); } return new Intl.Locale(typeof locales === "string" ? locales : locales[0]); }); __publicField(IntlMessageFormat, "__parse", parse); __publicField(IntlMessageFormat, "formats", { number: { integer: { maximumFractionDigits: 0 }, currency: { style: "currency" }, percent: { style: "percent" } }, date: { short: { month: "numeric", day: "numeric", year: "2-digit" }, medium: { month: "short", day: "numeric", year: "numeric" }, long: { month: "long", day: "numeric", year: "numeric" }, full: { weekday: "long", month: "long", day: "numeric", year: "numeric" } }, time: { short: { hour: "numeric", minute: "numeric" }, medium: { hour: "numeric", minute: "numeric", second: "numeric" }, long: { hour: "numeric", minute: "numeric", second: "numeric", timeZoneName: "short" }, full: { hour: "numeric", minute: "numeric", second: "numeric", timeZoneName: "short" } } }); // bazel-out/darwin-fastbuild/bin/packages/intl-messageformat/lib_esnext/index.js var lib_esnext_default = IntlMessageFormat; export { ErrorCode, FormatError, IntlMessageFormat, InvalidValueError, InvalidValueTypeError, MissingValueError, PART_TYPE, lib_esnext_default as default, formatToParts, isFormatXMLElementFn }; /*! ***************************************************************************** Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. Permission to use, copy, modify, and/or distribute this software for any purpose with or without fee is hereby granted. THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS" AND THE AUTHOR DISCLAIMS ALL WARRANTIES WITH REGARD TO THIS SOFTWARE INCLUDING ALL IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHOR BE LIABLE FOR ANY SPECIAL, DIRECT, INDIRECT, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES OR ANY DAMAGES WHATSOEVER RESULTING FROM LOSS OF USE, DATA OR PROFITS, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, NEGLIGENCE OR OTHER TORTIOUS ACTION, ARISING OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE USE OR PERFORMANCE OF THIS SOFTWARE. ***************************************************************************** */ //#