"""Load file content to text. Check encoding and load a file to text. Win Linux apt install libmagic1 py -3.8 -m pip install python-magic-bin py -3.8 -m pip install python-magic import magic magic.from_file("testdata/test.pdf") original load_textrev refer to load_paras.py """ # pylint: disable=line-too-long, unused-variable, unused-import from typing import Optional, Union # noqa from pathlib import Path import cchardet from logzero import logger # from detect_file import detect_file def loadtext(filepath: Union[Path, str] = "") -> str: """Load file context to text. Check encoding and load a file to text. """ filepath = Path(filepath) if not filepath.is_file(): logger.error(" file [%s] does not exist or is not a file.", filepath) # return None raise Exception(" file [{filepath}] does not exist or is not a file.") # encoding = detect_file(filepath) encoding = cchardet.detect(filepath.read_bytes()).get("encoding", "utf8") if encoding is None: raise Exception("cchardet.detect says it's not a text file.") # cchardet: 'GB18030', no need for errors="ignore" try: text = filepath.read_text(encoding=encoding, errors="ignore") except Exception as exc: logger.error(" Opening %s resulted in errors: %s", filepath, exc) raise return text def test1(): r"""Tests default file. defaultdir = r'D:\dl\Dropbox\mat-dir\snippets-mat\pyqt' defaultfile = r'notes pyqt tkinter tktable.txt' """ text = loadtext() # eq_(2283, len(text)) # eq_(2283, len(text)) # del text if text: assert len(text) == 86423 def testgb(): r"""Tests shuangyu_ku\txt-books\19部世界名著中英文对照版TXT.""" file = ( r"C:\dl\Dropbox\shuangyu_ku\txt-books\19部世界名著中英文对照版TXT" r"\爱丽丝漫游奇境记.txt" ) text = loadtext(file) if text: # assert len(text) == 190913 assert len(text) == 188760 text0 = "ALICE'S ADVENTURES IN WONDERLAND\n CHAPTER 01 Down the Rabbit-Hole\n CHAPTER 02 The Pool of Tears\n CHAPTER 03 A Caucus-Race and a Long Tale\n CHAPTER 04 The Rabbit Sends in a Little Bill\n CHAPTER 05 Advice from a Caterpillar\n CHAPTER 06 Pig and Pepper\n CHAPTER 07 A Mad Tea-Party\n CHAPTER 08 The Queen's Croquet-Ground\n CHAPTER 09 The Mock Turtle's Story \n CHAPTER 10 The Lobster Quadrille\n CHAPTER 11 Who Stole the Tarts?\n CHAPTER 12 Alice's Evidence\n\n\n 爱 丽 丝 漫 游 奇 境 记 \n\n 第01章 " # NOQA if text: assert text0 == text[:500] def test_utf_16le(): r"""Test 'E:\\beta_final_version\\build\\test_files\\files_for_testing_import\\Folding_Beijing_12.txt'.""" # file = 'E:\\beta_final_version\\build\\test_files\\files_for_testing_import\\Folding_Beijing_12.txt' # NOQA file = r"C:\dl\Dropbox\mat-dir\snippets-mat\pyqt\Sandbox\hp_beta-version_files\test_files\files_for_testing_import\Folding_Beijing_12.txt" # NOQA file = r"C:\dl\Dropbox\mat-dir\pyqt\Sandbox\hp_beta-version_files\test_files\files_for_testing_import\Folding_Beijing_12.txt" text = loadtext(file) if text: assert len(text) == 117871 # text0 = '\ufeffFolding Beijing\t北京折叠\n"by Hao Jingfang, translated by Ken Liu"\t郝景芳\n# 1.\t# 1\n"At ten of five in the m' # NOQA text0 = r'Folding Beijing\t北京折叠\n"by Hao Jingfang, translated by Ken Liu"\t郝景芳\n# 1.\t# 1\n"At ten of five in the mo' # NOQA text2 = 'Folding Beijing\t\xe5\x8c\x97\xe4\xba\xac\xe6\x8a\x98\xe5\x8f\xa0\r\n"by Hao Jingfang, translated by Ken Liu"\t\xe9\x83\x9d\xe6\x99\xaf\xe8\x8a\xb3\r\n# 1.\t# 1\r\n"At ten of five in the mo' del text2 # if text: assert text0 == text[:100]