"""Generate a response.""" # pylint:disable=line-too-long, too-many-argument from transformers import AutoModelForCausalLM, AutoTokenizer import torch from logzero import logger from .force_async import force_async # model_name = "microsoft/DialoGPT-large" # model_name = "microsoft/DialoGPT-small" # pylint: disable=invalid-name model_name = "microsoft/DialoGPT-medium" tokenizer = AutoTokenizer.from_pretrained(model_name) model = AutoModelForCausalLM.from_pretrained(model_name) def _convbot( text: str, max_length: int = 1000, do_sample: bool = True, top_p: float = 0.95, top_k: int = 0, temperature: float = 0.75, ) -> str: """Generate a reponse. Args n_retires: retry if response is "" or the same as previouse resp. Returns reply """ try: chat_history_ids = _convbot.chat_history_ids except AttributeError: chat_history_ids = "" try: chat_history_ids = _convbot.chat_history_ids except AttributeError: chat_history_ids = "" input_ids = tokenizer.encode(text + tokenizer.eos_token, return_tensors="pt") if isinstance(chat_history_ids, torch.Tensor): bot_input_ids = torch.cat([chat_history_ids, input_ids], dim=-1) else: bot_input_ids = input_ids # generate a bot response chat_history_ids = model.generate( bot_input_ids, max_length=max_length, do_sample=do_sample, top_p=top_p, top_k=top_k, temperature=temperature, pad_token_id=tokenizer.eos_token_id, ) output = tokenizer.decode( chat_history_ids[:, bot_input_ids.shape[-1]:][0], skip_special_tokens=True ) _convbot.chat_history_ids = chat_history_ids return output def convbot( text: str, n_retries: int = 3, max_length: int = 1000, do_sample: bool = True, top_p: float = 0.95, top_k: int = 0, temperature: float = 0.75, ) -> str: """Generate a response.""" try: n_retries = int(n_retries) except Exception as e: logger.error(e) raise try: prev_resp = convbot.prev_resp except AttributeError: prev_resp = "" resp = _convbot(text, max_length, do_sample, top_p, top_k, temperature) # retry n_retries if resp is empty if not resp.strip(): idx = 0 while idx < n_retries: idx += 1 _convbot.chat_history_ids = "" resp = _convbot(text, max_length, do_sample, top_p, top_k, temperature) if resp.strip(): break else: logger.warning("bot acting up (empty response), something has gone awry") # check repeated responses if resp.strip() == prev_resp: idx = 0 while idx < n_retries: idx += 1 resp = _convbot(text, max_length, do_sample, top_p, top_k, temperature) if resp.strip() != prev_resp: break else: logger.warning("bot acting up (repeating), something has gone awry") convbot.prev_resp = resp return resp @force_async def aconvbot( text: str, n_retries: int = 3, max_length: int = 1000, do_sample: bool = True, top_p: float = 0.95, top_k: int = 0, temperature: float = 0.75, ) -> str: try: _ = convbot(text, n_retries, max_length, do_sample, top_p, top_k, temperature) except Exception as e: logger.error(e) raise return _ def main(): print("Bot: Talk to me") while 1: text = input("You: ") resp = _convbot(text) print("Bot: ", resp) if __name__ == "__main__": main()