import streamlit as st from groq import Groq import json import os from io import BytesIO from md2pdf.core import md2pdf from dotenv import load_dotenv from download import download_video_audio, delete_download load_dotenv() GROQ_API_KEY = os.environ.get("GROQ_API_KEY", None) MAX_FILE_SIZE = 50 * 1024 * 1024 # 25 MB FILE_TOO_LARGE_MESSAGE = "The audio file is too large. If you used a YouTube link, please try a shorter video clip. If you uploaded an audio file, try trimming or compressing the audio to under 25 MB." audio_file_path = None if 'api_key' not in st.session_state: st.session_state.api_key = GROQ_API_KEY if 'groq' not in st.session_state: if GROQ_API_KEY: st.session_state.groq = Groq() st.set_page_config( page_title="Groqnotes", page_icon="๐Ÿ—’๏ธ", ) class GenerationStatistics: def __init__(self, input_time=0,output_time=0,input_tokens=0,output_tokens=0,total_time=0,model_name="llama3-8b-8192"): self.input_time = input_time self.output_time = output_time self.input_tokens = input_tokens self.output_tokens = output_tokens self.total_time = total_time # Sum of queue, prompt (input), and completion (output) times self.model_name = model_name def get_input_speed(self): """ Tokens per second calculation for input """ if self.input_time != 0: return self.input_tokens / self.input_time else: return 0 def get_output_speed(self): """ Tokens per second calculation for output """ if self.output_time != 0: return self.output_tokens / self.output_time else: return 0 def add(self, other): """ Add statistics from another GenerationStatistics object to this one. """ if not isinstance(other, GenerationStatistics): raise TypeError("Can only add GenerationStatistics objects") self.input_time += other.input_time self.output_time += other.output_time self.input_tokens += other.input_tokens self.output_tokens += other.output_tokens self.total_time += other.total_time def __str__(self): return (f"\n## {self.get_output_speed():.2f} T/s โšก\nRound trip time: {self.total_time:.2f}s Model: {self.model_name}\n\n" f"| Metric | Input | Output | Total |\n" f"|-----------------|----------------|-----------------|----------------|\n" f"| Speed (T/s) | {self.get_input_speed():.2f} | {self.get_output_speed():.2f} | {(self.input_tokens + self.output_tokens) / self.total_time if self.total_time != 0 else 0:.2f} |\n" f"| Tokens | {self.input_tokens} | {self.output_tokens} | {self.input_tokens + self.output_tokens} |\n" f"| Inference Time (s) | {self.input_time:.2f} | {self.output_time:.2f} | {self.total_time:.2f} |") class NoteSection: def __init__(self, structure, transcript): self.structure = structure self.contents = {title: "" for title in self.flatten_structure(structure)} self.placeholders = {title: st.empty() for title in self.flatten_structure(structure)} st.markdown("## Raw transcript:") st.markdown(transcript) st.markdown("---") def flatten_structure(self, structure): sections = [] for title, content in structure.items(): sections.append(title) if isinstance(content, dict): sections.extend(self.flatten_structure(content)) return sections def update_content(self, title, new_content): try: self.contents[title] += new_content self.display_content(title) except TypeError as e: pass def display_content(self, title): if self.contents[title].strip(): self.placeholders[title].markdown(f"## {title}\n{self.contents[title]}") def return_existing_contents(self, level=1) -> str: existing_content = "" for title, content in self.structure.items(): if self.contents[title].strip(): # Only include title if there is content existing_content += f"{'#' * level} {title}\n{self.contents[title]}.\n\n" if isinstance(content, dict): existing_content += self.get_markdown_content(content, level + 1) return existing_content def display_structure(self, structure=None, level=1): if structure is None: structure = self.structure for title, content in structure.items(): if self.contents[title].strip(): # Only display title if there is content st.markdown(f"{'#' * level} {title}") self.placeholders[title].markdown(self.contents[title]) if isinstance(content, dict): self.display_structure(content, level + 1) def display_toc(self, structure, columns, level=1, col_index=0): for title, content in structure.items(): with columns[col_index % len(columns)]: st.markdown(f"{' ' * (level-1) * 2}- {title}") col_index += 1 if isinstance(content, dict): col_index = self.display_toc(content, columns, level + 1, col_index) return col_index def get_markdown_content(self, structure=None, level=1): """ Returns the markdown styled pure string with the contents. """ if structure is None: structure = self.structure markdown_content = "" for title, content in structure.items(): if self.contents[title].strip(): # Only include title if there is content markdown_content += f"{'#' * level} {title}\n{self.contents[title]}.\n\n" if isinstance(content, dict): markdown_content += self.get_markdown_content(content, level + 1) return markdown_content def create_markdown_file(content: str) -> BytesIO: """ Create a Markdown file from the provided content. """ markdown_file = BytesIO() markdown_file.write(content.encode('utf-8')) return markdown_file def create_pdf_file(content: str): """ Create a PDF file from the provided content. """ pdf_buffer = BytesIO() md2pdf(pdf_buffer, md_content=content) return pdf_buffer def transcribe_audio(audio_file): """ Transcribes audio using Groq's Whisper API. """ transcription = file=audio_file, model="whisper-large-v3", prompt="", response_format="json", language="en", temperature=0.0 ) results = transcription.text return results def generate_notes_structure(transcript: str, model: str = "llama3-70b-8192"): """ Returns notes structure content as well as total tokens and total time for generation. """ shot_example = """ "Introduction": "Introduction to the AMA session, including the topic of Groq scaling architecture and the panelists", "Panelist Introductions": "Brief introductions from Igor, Andrew, and Omar, covering their backgrounds and roles at Groq", "Groq Scaling Architecture Overview": "High-level overview of Groq's scaling architecture, covering hardware, software, and cloud components", "Hardware Perspective": "Igor's overview of Groq's hardware approach, using an analogy of city traffic management to explain the traditional compute approach and Groq's innovative approach", "Traditional Compute": "Description of traditional compute approach, including asynchronous nature, queues, and poor utilization of infrastructure", "Groq's Approach": "Description of Groq's approach, including pre-orchestrated movement of data, low latency, high energy efficiency, and high utilization of resources", "Hardware Implementation": "Igor's explanation of the hardware implementation, including a comparison of GPU and LPU architectures" }""" completion = model=model, messages=[ { "role": "system", "content": "Write in JSON format:\n\n{\"Title of section goes here\":\"Description of section goes here\",\"Title of section goes here\":\"Description of section goes here\",\"Title of section goes here\":\"Description of section goes here\"}" }, { "role": "user", "content": f"### Transcript {transcript}\n\n### Example\n\n{shot_example}### Instructions\n\nCreate a structure for comprehensive notes on the above transcribed audio. Section titles and content descriptions must be comprehensive. Quality over quantity." } ], temperature=0.3, max_tokens=8000, top_p=1, stream=False, response_format={"type": "json_object"}, stop=None, ) usage = completion.usage statistics_to_return = GenerationStatistics(input_time=usage.prompt_time, output_time=usage.completion_time, input_tokens=usage.prompt_tokens, output_tokens=usage.completion_tokens, total_time=usage.total_time, model_name=model) return statistics_to_return, completion.choices[0].message.content def generate_section(transcript: str, existing_notes: str, section: str, model: str = "llama3-8b-8192"): stream = model=model, messages=[ { "role": "system", "content": "You are an expert writer. Generate a comprehensive note for the section provided based factually on the transcript provided. Do *not* repeat any content from previous sections." }, { "role": "user", "content": f"### Transcript\n\n{transcript}\n\n### Existing Notes\n\n{existing_notes}\n\n### Instructions\n\nGenerate comprehensive notes for this section only based on the transcript: \n\n{section}" } ], temperature=0.3, max_tokens=8000, top_p=1, stream=True, stop=None, ) for chunk in stream: tokens = chunk.choices[0].delta.content if tokens: yield tokens if x_groq := chunk.x_groq: if not x_groq.usage: continue usage = x_groq.usage statistics_to_return = GenerationStatistics(input_time=usage.prompt_time, output_time=usage.completion_time, input_tokens=usage.prompt_tokens, output_tokens=usage.completion_tokens, total_time=usage.total_time, model_name=model) yield statistics_to_return # Initialize if 'button_disabled' not in st.session_state: st.session_state.button_disabled = False if 'button_text' not in st.session_state: st.session_state.button_text = "Generate Notes" if 'statistics_text' not in st.session_state: st.session_state.statistics_text = "" st.write(""" # Groqnotes: Create structured notes from audio ๐Ÿ—’๏ธโšก """) def disable(): st.session_state.button_disabled = True def enable(): st.session_state.button_disabled = False def empty_st(): st.empty() try: with st.sidebar: audio_files = { "Transformers Explained by Google Cloud Tech": { "file_path": "assets/audio/transformers_explained.m4a", "youtube_link": "" }, "The Essence of Calculus by 3Blue1Brown": { "file_path": "assets/audio/essence_calculus.m4a", "youtube_link": "" }, "First 20 minutes of Groq's AMA": { "file_path": "assets/audio/groq_ama_trimmed_20min.m4a", "youtube_link": "" } } st.write(f"# ๐Ÿ—’๏ธ GroqNotes \n## Generate notes from audio in seconds using Groq, Whisper, and Llama3") st.markdown(f"[Github Repository](\n\nAs with all generative AI, content may include inaccurate or placeholder information. GroqNotes is in beta and all feedback is welcome!") st.write(f"---") st.write("# Customization Settings\n๐Ÿงช These settings are experimental.\n") st.write(f"By default, GroqNotes uses Llama3-70b for generating the notes outline and Llama3-8b for the content. This balances quality with speed and rate limit usage. You can customize these selections below.") outline_model_options = ["llama3-70b-8192", "llama3-8b-8192", "mixtral-8x7b-32768", "gemma-7b-it"] outline_selected_model = st.selectbox("Outline generation:", outline_model_options) content_model_options = ["llama3-8b-8192", "llama3-70b-8192", "mixtral-8x7b-32768", "gemma-7b-it"] content_selected_model = st.selectbox("Content generation:", content_model_options) # Add note about rate limits"Important: Different models have different token and rate limits which may cause runtime errors.") if st.button('End Generation and Download Notes'): if "notes" in st.session_state: # Create markdown file markdown_file = create_markdown_file(st.session_state.notes.get_markdown_content()) st.download_button( label='Download Text', data=markdown_file, file_name='generated_notes.txt', mime='text/plain' ) # Create pdf file (styled) pdf_file = create_pdf_file(st.session_state.notes.get_markdown_content()) st.download_button( label='Download PDF', data=pdf_file, file_name='generated_notes.pdf', mime='application/pdf' ) st.session_state.button_disabled = False else: raise ValueError("Please generate content first before downloading the notes.") input_method ="Choose input method:", ["Upload audio file", "YouTube link"]) audio_file = None youtube_link = None groq_input_key = None with st.form("groqform"): if not GROQ_API_KEY: groq_input_key = st.text_input("Enter your Groq API Key (gsk_yA...):", "", type="password") # Add radio button to choose between file upload and YouTube link if input_method == "Upload audio file": audio_file = st.file_uploader("Upload an audio file", type=["mp3", "wav", "m4a", "mp4"]) # TODO: Add a max size else: youtube_link = st.text_input("Enter YouTube link:", "") # Generate button submitted = st.form_submit_button(st.session_state.button_text, on_click=disable, disabled=st.session_state.button_disabled) #processing status status_text = st.empty() def display_status(text): status_text.write(text) def clear_status(): status_text.empty() download_status_text = st.empty() def display_download_status(text:str): download_status_text.write(text) def clear_download_status(): download_status_text.empty() # Statistics placeholder = st.empty() def display_statistics(): with placeholder.container(): if st.session_state.statistics_text: if "Transcribing audio in background" not in st.session_state.statistics_text: st.markdown(st.session_state.statistics_text + "\n\n---\n") # Format with line if showing statistics else: st.markdown(st.session_state.statistics_text) else: placeholder.empty() if submitted: if input_method == "Upload audio file" and audio_file is None: st.error("Please upload an audio file") elif input_method == "YouTube link" and not youtube_link: st.error("Please enter a YouTube link") else: st.session_state.button_disabled = True # Show temporary message before transcription is generated and statistics show audio_file_path = None if input_method == "YouTube link": display_status("Downloading audio from YouTube link ....") audio_file_path = download_video_audio(youtube_link, display_download_status) if audio_file_path is None: st.error("Failed to download audio from YouTube link. Please try again.") enable() clear_status() else: # Read the downloaded file and create a file-like objec display_status("Processing Youtube audio ....") with open(audio_file_path, 'rb') as f: file_contents = audio_file = BytesIO(file_contents) # Check size first to ensure will work with Whisper if os.path.getsize(audio_file_path) > MAX_FILE_SIZE: raise ValueError(FILE_TOO_LARGE_MESSAGE) = os.path.basename(audio_file_path) # Set the file name delete_download(audio_file_path) clear_download_status() if not GROQ_API_KEY: st.session_state.groq = Groq(api_key=groq_input_key) display_status("Transcribing audio in background....") transcription_text = transcribe_audio(audio_file) display_statistics() display_status("Generating notes structure....") large_model_generation_statistics, notes_structure = generate_notes_structure(transcription_text, model=str(outline_selected_model)) print("Structure: ",notes_structure) display_status("Generating notes ...") total_generation_statistics = GenerationStatistics(model_name="llama3-8b-8192") clear_status() try: notes_structure_json = json.loads(notes_structure) notes = NoteSection(structure=notes_structure_json,transcript=transcription_text) if 'notes' not in st.session_state: st.session_state.notes = notes st.session_state.notes.display_structure() def stream_section_content(sections): for title, content in sections.items(): if isinstance(content, str): content_stream = generate_section(transcript=transcription_text, existing_notes=notes.return_existing_contents(), section=(title + ": " + content),model=str(content_selected_model)) for chunk in content_stream: # Check if GenerationStatistics data is returned instead of str tokens chunk_data = chunk if type(chunk_data) == GenerationStatistics: total_generation_statistics.add(chunk_data) st.session_state.statistics_text = str(total_generation_statistics) display_statistics() elif chunk is not None: st.session_state.notes.update_content(title, chunk) elif isinstance(content, dict): stream_section_content(content) stream_section_content(notes_structure_json) except json.JSONDecodeError: st.error("Failed to decode the notes structure. Please try again.") enable() except Exception as e: st.session_state.button_disabled = False if hasattr(e, 'status_code') and e.status_code == 413: # In the future, this limitation will be fixed as Groqnotes will automatically split the audio file and transcribe each part. st.error(FILE_TOO_LARGE_MESSAGE) else: st.error(e) if st.button("Clear"): st.rerun() # Remove audio after exception to prevent data storage leak if audio_file_path is not None: delete_download(audio_file_path)