text "That's right. They are not normal. And I am starting from the premise that they are ABNORMAL. Proceed wth the typical racist, bigot, sexist rubbish. Thanks!" """Watch people die from taking away their healthcare"" DING DING DING! Winner of stupid post of the day award!" tens years ago i contacted the PDR and suggested that the time might be good to work with alaska on building a gas line.. alaska rejected them without even consideration despite china being flush with cash and hungry for gas.. and set up another infamous boondoggle.. the transcanada-exxon rip off that we are still paying for and have yet to receive anything of value.. hundreds of millions of dollars on studies.. and buyouts.. i hope china says f you alaska.. you are nothing but ignorant people.. "The parallels between the ANC and the Sicilian Mafia are glaring. The ANC has always been run by a few ""families"" who treat the state as 'turf' ; as just one big piggy bank for their self-enrichment. The government basically believes we all just work for them. They aren't a democratic government at all, but use the appearances of democracy to give their entitlement practices a mask of legitimacy. The poor and ignorant have been fooled for so long, but people are slowly coming to the ANC for what it is: a self-serving Mafia!" "Intel Community: ‘How can we work for a President who Undermines our work?’ Days before taking office, he compared America’s spies to Adolf Hitler’s Gestapo. American spies do not like having their work dismissed by the president. Nor do they appreciate comparisons to Nazi Germany. Former CIA Director John Brennan made it clear: “The person who said that should be ashamed of himself,” Brennan said. Coats’ predecessor, Gen. James Clapper, called Trump’s comments “a terrible, insulting affront … completely inappropriate.” Trump’s opinions are out of step with the conclusions of the agencies he is supposed to be leading. Not surprising in a treasonous traitor." "I live in an area that saw major flood damage in 2013, including areas that were very unexpected. Trump's reversal is just plain stupid." Elaine Marie Jeffers sounds like a sociopath 😕. A rock has more mental horsepower than the indubitably ignorant. And more integrity as well. They're largely very dishonest people who repeat the same lies over and over. Just like their 🍊 hero. "Ha ha, HILLARY LOST. All you hillary fools need to be rounded up and put in prison along with your leader. You are all anti--American scum. Perhaps we should dump you in Mexico along with all the illegal trash you let in....if you love 'em so much, go live with 'em. But you are not welcome here, you hate filled Marxist morons." Yes....it is to be expected....oddly enough it happens every time he opens his mouth and says dumb things. See a shrink you pathetic troll. Trump troll... "ADN is endorsing, without officially endorsing. Bunch of cowards!!!" "What exactly is suspicious about it? Taking the advice of the entire democrat party? Partisan politics is our reality. It's not my fault democrats complain when they get what they called for. They are hypocrites, maybe they are mad Obama didn't have the stones to do this himself." "They're not patriots. They're vandals, thieves, and bullies. They've plastered a facade of patriotism over their outrage at being expected to obey the law." "The media is crooked and biased. It's pretty obvious. And they don't seem to care what we think about them. They can influence enough idiots to get their way, they'll do it. I have never hated the media more than I do now. I won't even watch The Today Show because they're a part of NBC. I only watch Fox." Rabidly anti-Canadian troll. I wish this moron would have been shot to death by the US soldier instead of the other way around. I hope that 10 million is given to the soldier's family who actually deserve it. A fool and our money are soon to be parted. "Chris Birch is a mean, self-centered, contrary ass. He repeatedly interrupted Robin Brena during his presentation and always, always sucks up to Big Oil. He could care less about his constituents and the rest of Alaska. He needs to get gone. What has he done for you, South Anchorage? Sarcastic is the perfect adjective for Chris Birch!" I always knew you were a dirty cop. "Idiot ""miner"" in the photo isn't even wearing a dust mask. MSHA needs to inspect this operation for more worker safety violations." "No, my poor benighted correspondent, your reductionism reveals an archaic mindset. Intersex, questioning, nongendered, and a vast variety of others have rights too!" "justin is an embarrassment to Canada. he needs a muzzle. he needs a brain." No but most forget that there are a ton of Opel & Vauxhaul (Gm ) and Fords sold in Europe. Some of which are some of Europes largest selling models.Ford sold over 1 million cars in Europe in 2015 while GM sold almost as many. Trump is an idiot that is going to cost American taxpayers jobs and money and likely drag us into it as well. When you have a team of people that no practically nothing of what they are supposed to represent then it will end very bad. "oh save your stupidity, any government negotiating is NOT in any way the market loser, this is a federal issue for all of canada, they have jurisdiction not BC!" "Clapper is a proven, liar even when under oath, why would anyone quote him on this matter!" "You are a simpleton, who is full of racial hatred. That is too bad. You make America a worse place." This fucking idiot has no clue. "When you consider the source - he writes like the Trump we've all come to know - ""I could stand in the middle of 5th Avenue and shoot somebody and I wouldn't lose voters"", a racist, misgynistic, liar who only brings hate to the table." "you missed the point totally, nobody said that he did not have the constitutional right to do what she did, they are questioning the appropriateness of her actions. acting like a jerk in front of a national tv audience is not proper demeanor for an elected delegate representing the democratic party and Hawaii. she brought shame and dishonor to us." "One candidate came across as an adult, and the other was pathetically juvenile." You're laughably ridiculous! "your an idiot, this is a tax based on a lie https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5Smhn1gL6Xg" The Turks turn out to be as ignorant as the Trump voters. Voting against their own interests and those of their families. Their children will curse them. Time to pull this morons medical license and file a multimillion dollar lawsuit. Oboma is an idiot! "Sadly uneducated, ignorant leftists believed the black LBB Barry and Swillary's lies for years." "Lord have Mercy on us, Trump is running amok." Total rubbish! The birther bit was started by Crooked Hillary and perpetuated by Zero his own damn self. "Don't fret, Dumb Dumb Donald is busy putting the final touches on his beautiful everyone gets health insurance plan. Just wait! (Maybe he'll release the plan when he releases his tax returns...)" Just kind of funny the way liberals who like to carry on about how educated and sophisticated and global they are and how the rest of us are just a bunch of dumb parochial hicks always end up unmasking themselves as ignorant blockheads. "People who are anti-immigration are weak, lying, racist whiners." "Damn, you beat me to it" "Your the SAD, PATHETIC LIB LOSER, go AWAY" "Alaskans, not ""Alaskan's."" They would never put a headline with such a poor grasp of the English language in the ADN. Moron." Too bad she won't apologize for being an idiot. "Good luck with that. The voters of Hawaii are ignorant. They vote based on popularity contests and not the issues on hand. I'll give you a million to one odds that during the next election, same ole same ole......We get what we reap and sow. Sad." Some people don’t need dope to be dopey. "THANK YOU. I'm so sick and tired of people acting like the military is filled with precious snowflakes that will be oh so very #triggered the minute that someone isn't genuflecting before the flag, the anthem, or the notion of invading yet another country for capitalist interests. How on Earth did this dumb association get made between such pageantry and people in the military without it getting laughed out of the room on the first day? It doesn't even pass the laugh test....the idea that because someone at some event involving ENTERTAINMENT doesn't do the proper rituals at the proper time would be insulting to those in the military? Ridiculous." "More garbage pro terrorist anti Canadian drivel from the Globe, how's the subscriptions going? anyone still pay for this junk." What a jerk! "aa poor lefty loser cant stand it still that trump won, keep crying as he does the capitalist magic making the usa economy soar again" """Yes much better to stay in your basement....the world is really scary."" That's silly. Just don't travel to the USA, unless absolutely necessary. There's little that place has to offer us except for tasteless tomatoes in the winter." """Trump is up to the task"" LMAO, you are an idiot," "They are more animal than the goat, disgusting.!!!!!" "Bloody hell your column should be sucked up by the waste disposal truck. That is all it is worth and stinks just as bad. No reporter has ever mentioned the support of the atrocities committed by Batista supported and sanctioned by the U.S. government Done to protect callous landowners of sugar plantations from their own workers. The States sent in their Marines several times to put down sugar plantation workers. The U. S. dominated and directed all aspects of life in Cuba from the end of the Spanish War to Castro's overthrow of Batista.. Castro would not take directions from the Americans to put Cuba under American thumbs so they made 20 attempts to kill him. A doctrine that many, many people over look is the Monroe Doctrine. States basically that only the U. S. can interfere with governments in the Western Hemisphere!" Trudeau and Morneau are fiscally and economically inept and incompetent. Now I'll stop watching MINOR LEAGUE BASEBALL...bunch of rich cry babies who only play a child's game...try putting on a different uniform...join the military and then you'll maybe understand what the flag represents...asshole Because you are that stupid. "Trump opened this particular Pandora's Box during the campaign, with his usual oral diarrhea. His supporters loved it. Karma took notice. Good. Depp has one thing in common with Trump. Lying for a living. A pox on them both." "how about you grow a pair you ignorant lefty,, the usa dealt with syria after they GASSED innocent people, regardless of any other issue it is the right thing to do!! but by you lunatic bs, we would just let him keep on murdering cause some past usa issue from former presidents is a concern..,, i know that flies in the face of your hate trump for any reason stupidity but grow up, syria deserved what they got.. get over it" I saw a Fox News commentator say the opposite-- that Trump made a fool of himself with Acosta and should never be allowed to make public presentations-- especially to the press. I agree-- Miller has a loose screw and flips out losing his temper. "Have you walked around Denver lately , or Civic Center Park ? These poor homeless people are pigs !" Moron. Illegals have no Constitutional rights~ "G and M, shut out the clearly commy trolls from china, like DI!!" "There is even a website where sore loser Democrats can pretend that Hillary won. La-la-land indeed! #liberaltears #salt #schadenfreude" A Country where we have a right to protect ourselves and our property from scumbags. Anything to keep the idiot out of the house. Must be tough on Trudy to have opposition party members constantly laughing at him. That kind of posturing is not only ridiculous. It's toxic. "Priebus is a partisan opportunist who put party before country every chance he gets. Kelly may in fact be an upgrade compared to him. Either way, more proof that Trump and Friends are as incompetent as they are crass." "I'd bet that the overwhelming majority of illegal aliens in this country have some sort of documents. But I know - using the euphemism ""undocumented immigrants"" sounds so much better, if one is here in violation of our laws. Still, I agree with you. Those who are here lawfully, having gone through the immigration process and been approved, should be allowed to stay. But wait - that's the present case. I'm still waiting for those who advocate yet another amnesty (if you are old enough, recall the last, ""final"" amnesty that Reagan singed into law in 1986 - the one that would put an end to illegal immigration) to tell us how they would explain this to all those patient hopefuls standing in line for years and doing the right thing by our immigration laws. Stupid? Suckers? Losers? Still waiting." "And what place would that be? Instead, Trump stuck his stupid nose into a place it does not belong." "Apparently, the bang gang kids only needed a weak ass excuse, real or imagined, to kill" "What a stupid, un-American statement." ">> ""If you can’t raise me $50,000, I won’t show up, so get to work"" Reminds me of the supermodel Linda Evangelista who would not get out of bed for less than $10,000. So much for the little people. And o'leary says he can't be bought? How stupid does he thing we are? What a jackass." "Right! George Clooney had no idea about Harvey Weinstein's serial predation. He's full of crap." "By the way , Nazis were and are fascists so if you are one, your a fascist . Scum like this and Trumpler need to be run out of our country and given to ISIS to use as chew toys" The money you idiots give these people are why they are here. STOP FEEDING THE FIRE. Unbelievable how stupid people can be....Drops mic "I agree that you are ignorant. Like I said many times now, learn to read. Nowhere did I say I was not American. What is your problem? Are you a troublemaker or just plain stu*pid or both? By the way, lots of non-Americans have an opinion on America. Try to think." "I don't think they eat them, just kill them, chop them up and sell off the parts." "Trump will get the ban back in place and keep those moslums out, hazzah!" "This stupid so-called ""president"" said there were ""fine"" people among the alt-right protesters. He also blamed ""all sides"" when one of these same got into a car, and DROVE THROUGH a crowd of Americans, which is clearly another example of right wing domestic terrorism. And Trump utterly flubbed what is probably the easiest thing to do politically - denounce Nazis. And gets all combative with the FAYYYYKKKK NOOOOZ when they are trying to get him to clarify and/or give him a chance to apologize and/or retract this...instead, doubling down on the hate." "The debt ceiling is a truly stupid and useless bit of kabuki theater. Of course, the cons seem to love it." "Hey Repubes, I bet you think that ""wall"" is going to be built on Mexicos dollar too huh? What a bunch of gullible losers!!!!" "What is more sad about Trump are the legion of lackeys and stooges who know deep down inside he's an ignorant clown, but out of blind stupidity and hanging on like a cheap groupie they'll support him anyway." "This president* is just the worst. Terrible president*. Cannot wait until he is gone. He simply has no idea what he's doing. He doesn't even seem to understand how to behave like an adult. At this point, I'd almost prefer to pick someone at random from the phonebook to run things rather than this moron." F*cking nasty... "Trump is a silly, weak clown. What an embarrassment" OMG this is by far the most stupidest comment I have read yet! Get back to reality here Chris Linder. Educate yourself. I know personally why the 76 yr old lady jumped. I know why another person jumped as well. NO DRUGS FOR EITHER. Stupid stupid stupid! Are you on said drugs? "You are an idiot, with zero knowledge of what you're speaking about. If you know nothing-say nothing. You have no place opening your mouth-so keep it shut with BS like this." "By heavens they are stupid and proud of it! Wait for the inevitable ""Poor us, we've been victimized by those godless liberals."" whining when they lose." "Unfortunately people are just too stupid, lazy and irresponsible to manage their own lives. They have become dependent on Government and only want to live for the moment." "I don't know your name, are you an immigrant? Your questions are kind of odd, are you rapist? See how stupid you sound?" The Ontario liberals are c o m m u n i s t s … their agenda has been to make energy unaffordable in an effort to cripple industry while creating dependence on the state … liberals are anti-capitalists and they are beholden to OPSEU for getting them elected … living in Ontario is like living in Venezuela - it sucks! Wonder if the moron is married. "I mean lets face it, They say only the good die young. If true Hill-larious has many years left. If Hillary gets off the campaign trail, America will be better for it! I think she needs an old folks home where she can rest and yell at the top of her lungs all she wants about Americans being deplorable if they are not leftist useful idiots." "Along with 'fat, dumb and happy'. Or maybe 'stupid is as stupid does'?" Everything the idiot touches turns to crap & now he wants to gamble on health care? Mind boggling how stupid he is. Liar. That's what bigoted hate leads to. Willfully misinformed. Stupid is as stupid does Gump was right "WoW, you're ridiculous!" "Idiots .... yes, of course. You will not pay any estate tax. Zero $. The first (roughly) $11 million left by a couple to their children is exempt from tax. You really need to speak with an attorney or a CPA. Now let's talk about who the idiot is, OK?" Trump is just part of a horrible and sleazy family. Why on earth did America elect this fool? It was a very reckless course. WE all regret it now. Why don't you call yourself dickhead instead of pubic ... good grief. Bullshit story. The 3 killings are related. Some one making their bones. "This is why we have Congress and the federal judiciary. Trump will be stopped again on this latest of his idiotic ideas. Worst President Ever. No one else even comes close." "Far far far more dignity than the current orange face orangutan sitting in the office now. Why they had their faults as all leader do with some policy, they weren't full blown sexual predators, narcissists, liars, and they all knew how to apologize when the time came. Just look at the dignity of the current Potus. What a sham. I'd take anyone of his predecessors including W before this moron." Never! Rampahosa will be a very useless president. Braddah needs to find another line of work. He's too stupid to be a criminal. "No, dumdum-you dont get it. The business does not get to decide who he serves and who he does not. If he makes cakes for one, he must make them for ALL" "boo hoo hoo. Poor ting. Mayor Caldwell is so hated. Nice try dragging Trump into this. Too pathetic." Stupid clerk. I wonder if he has been fired yet. "You got that right, Stevens; one damn thing after another by the Republicans. Like cats on a hot tin roof." Fuck the police and fuck that construction company Nervous... Try devastated. We are so screwed. Discuss. "Look up Maunder Minimum and the new Mini Ice Age. Instead of promoting climate rubbish and stupidity get a little savvy will ya. Of course you climate nutters and scammers will use the Maunder Minimum and this new Ice Age to say it's climate change. BTW we are climate truthers not climate deniers. You are nothing but tax sucking vermin. You are sleaziest people around." Lead contained entirely within the range and cleaned up at regular intervals? /facepalm at your idiocy. Actually I think that those who voted for him or support him are far bigger idiots than trump is. He is what he is and what he always has been and what he always will be. People who voted for him can't claim that he mislead them. "another comment so pathetic that you have to give yourself a ""like""...what a troll" "self centred fools are not what we need for leaders , so go back to your TV acting O leery." "People are tired of ALL corrupt bastardos... we don't need wedges Brother, we need to link arms and take on this corrupt government... we need a call to action, to get in the streets and shut stuff down, starting with our ""elected"" officials offices, status quo candidates on ALL sides. This vote is a Corporate Coup." "Don't forget Trump Chumps are proven idiots. For example, assuming a convicted felon like say, Nelson Mandela or Ghanaian did poor quality work and made questionable arguments. Of course, Trump Chumps have nothing to recommend them, so it's important to them to find anything, something, no matter how small or irrelevant, with which to bully someone. You can't fix stupid." "He sure did act mature, but his legislation and moves as C.I.C. were not good at all. Some politicians can glaze over their lousy work and get this public thinking they were something great when they really weren't. Trump's just a fool all around, though." "But that's what you get now for minimum wage. Increasing that to a 'livable wage' for the exact same people is stupid!" "Crawl in a hole and die, jerk. And before anybody flags this as an uncivil comment, please read what I'm responding to." "Wow, Lisa Ho looks foolish." "Why do you think liar, thief and evil, foul-mouthed, sexual predator enabler, HRC, is fit to be POTUS?" "You're pathetic. You voted for Trump because you believed his BS, because your widdle feewings got hurt and because you can't think for yourself." Shut up nerd. You try too hard. You’re is one of the dumbest comments I’ve ever read. "Sick f**ks like this should just be shot. What a waste of skin, air, and taxpayers money." This guy is an idiot. He was all in for shorting Canadian banks and probably took many down this road with him. He has now learned his lesson about how well run Canadian banks are. "there are sick delusional people and liars, and old banister is clearly sick and lying living the left wing stupid world outside of reality" And you are stupidity like your Fuhrer likes them... "You cannot erase history. Why does the media give coverage to the most foolish ideas. Check out study by Princeton as to the criteria for removing names, statues etc" "Some of us remember your cracked pot posts about Harper as obvious manifestations of Harper Derangement Syndrome. And if you are going to post the same childish and stupid and tedious TDS accusation every time someone posts a negative comment - whether provable or just reasonable opinion - then it is obvious to all that YOU are the tiresome troll who needs to get some help. I guess inasmuch as you are a left wing, Trudeau worshipping troll, you'll get away with this moronicity here. Pity." "I cannot fathom the stupidity of McCain believing any cooperation from the (D)s. They have continually delayed, dithered, blocked, impeded every effort of the (R)s to govern on literally every issue from cabinet and judicial nominees to rogue federal Obama appointed judges to block presidential directives to implied impeachment threats. The man must be the stupidest person in D.C." "Our country is now literally being run by Russian foreign agents. Really scary how easy it has been to put ""useful idiots"" in charge and how gullible Americans are." "McConnell & trump’s puppy, Our very own senator gardener voted for this crap. Get ready get screwed middle class and the poor by the GOP. Trump must really be hurting if he needs his taxes cut. But then again, he cowardly refuses to show how poor he really is. Poor in spirit Y dinero." """Is this Trump ( idiot ) going to go around bullying every institution that he finds ""offensive"" We get it, perfectly acceptable for the left to engage in this tactic but if the institute in question supports your position it's unacceptable." Round up the thug protesters and tossem in here too. Maybe they might need a few years to think over how stupid they are """Look, the average Democrat voter is just plain stupid.  They're easy to  manipulate.  That's the easy part."" - Hillary Clinton, 2005" "Is it remotely possible for you to pull your hypocrital head out of your nether regions? look in the mirror--and that of your fellow Trumpnuts, whence their political ideological bases for their unseemly remarks spring--first. Then clean up your own act. I guess the ""Good old justice system letting felons legally buy firearms so the rest of us can be attacked by liberals wanting our guns too."" Part of R33's comment passed your political politeness test? You're pathetic." "Hillary Clinton is a liar, thief, foul-mouthed, evil, dishonorable, sexual predator enabler and you choose to support her. What does that indicate about you?" "Absolutely. You're an idiot. I would consider it a subhuman being killed. zazzle.com/FirstPrinciples/products?rf=238518351914519699" "Parents need to write a letter to the top head of the California Board of Education and the local police department to see if criminal charges are warranted. If no can do, write to their State legislature and maybe the State Senators and Representatives. Try FBI. If no results, go for a tort lawyer. Gonna be a long hunt for one. They never tell you why they won't take your case. Really baffling. Be prepared to be disappointed. Civil rights are only for the rich and government employees on Capitol Hill. We are just foolish suckers who believe they represent the laws." "This might fit the current scene. ""when your dead you don't know your dead, it only affects those left behind, it is the same as when you are stupid." "Hope Trump cancels his Hawaii visit. NK might just do something, stupid." "So just how are people supposed to react to an actual siren warning?? Maybe bend over, grab your ankles and kiss your sweet arse goodbye??" "Lars is what is technically known as a ""jerk."" Ignore him. He has no legitimate interest in what you have to say." Idiot occupying the White House insults mayor of London ... again You're disgusting. Your attempt to defend Nazis is disgusting. Idiots at the shallow end of the gene pool. "Not my problem, you want police service?? Pay for it. Expensive and not necessary. Police are expensive and spend too much time creating revenue. Watch the news, they think they are a branch of the military. Idiots one and all." You forgot the Comet Pizza idiot. Leave it to the tinfoil hat wearers to waste tax payers money on this stupid lawsuit! "The mascot was a ridiculous pick twenty years ago, too. Did you ever see the welcome sign going into Keenesburg? ""Home to 500 people and a few soreheads.""" "An abuse of power or illegal? No. A stupid move for a host of reasons? Yes." A ship of fools. "It's the only way to deal with blatant liars like you, especially as you neglect to respond to a genuine question from me that shows up the totally ridiculous state of the US gun laws via the massacre at Las Vegas, presumably because even someone like you can't find a smidgeon of fake news to counter it. You also continue to lie, for example about me 'name calling' when the only person I 'name called' is that idiot of a 'president' you seem determined to protect. But listen, if you want to display your some more faux hurt, I can certainly come up with some doozies to describe you and your sidekick, Something Elze...." "When I stated Hammer is not going to jail and these charges will be dropped, many of you explained in detail how I am an ignorant fool who has no idea what I am talking about, and yet Hammer is not in jail, and the charges were dropped, on the very same grounds I stated. Golly, where are all my critics now? The civil thing to do is admit when you're wrong, and especially after what some of you folks had to say of my intelligence." "Interesting that most of the comments on here are about Trudeau-bashing rather than the issue in the article. I have problems with LPC policies or lack of same, but these Trudeau-haters are just so stupid..." "Who acts for Trudeau? Stupid question, the same guy whose doing it now, and doing a pi$$ poor job of it." "Stu, it's difficult to respond to the stupidity of your remark." Clearly no A team Liberal trolls were available. "No, you're the most stupid person this website has ever seen. And that's saying something, what with all the wing nut conspiracy theorists on here." "Don't pay attention to this crap Donny. It's not like you took your family to Paris, or London, or Amsterdam or Italy for a vacation, as one or two legislators did, and billed the state for it. Folks won't call that ""entitlement."" They'll just smile along with the world travelers. Especially if they come from Anchorage." "Simply put, can't fix stupid !" "Silly goose, and you say your $6 billion dam is a great project? LOL" What a stupid thing to say. "klastri> I can't believe what you're saying???? Is it true that you're just as dumb as Squiggs???? Much, MUCH more dumber than Aquiggs????" How can you make such a stupid statement as to say I contribute nothing to society ? I pay my local property taxes which educates our kids and I pay many thousands in federal income taxes each year which supports society . What is wrong with you for you to make such a stupid statement without even knowing what your talking about ? "It's fine that you're proud of being a bigot, a racist and a xenophobe, but no serious adult wants that in the Presidency representing our country. There are simply not enough Klan member types to get trump elected. In 6 weeks, he'll be ancient history - a bad memory, just like Palin..." "I hope the new NDP premier of BC likes taking a solar powered bus to all of his visits around the province and across the country to First Ministers' Conferences. Because he would be a hypocrite to fly an oil-powered jet plane to them. Oh wait, he's NDP. I guess the hypocrisy is implied, along with the idiocy." "Cooper, you are an idiot. BTW, what's it like to walk on water anyway Mr. Perfect?" "I think there should be a law that punishes trump every time he says something stupid, insults an ally, tells a lie, or embarrasses the country for bad behaviour- like shoving the PM of Montenegro or hanging up on the PM of Australia." No way. Idiot? You're totally missing the point. Read the rest of the story. Don't confuse the small band of antifa idiots with the much larger number of peaceful protestors who also oppose Nazis and racists. "This stupid so-called ""president"" desperately wants a distraction from the investigation." agreed. it's a welcomed relief from the incredibly biased horseshit these jokers typically produce. I hope there aren't any stupid few Canarians who say the mountain is sacred. The few lolo Hawaiians ruin it for the many Hawaiians. Did I say the few lolo Hawaiians ruin it for the many Hawaiians? Obama was the fool "Uh-No, keep voting for failed Liberal idiocy that guarantees results ala Detroit, Chicago, etc. You'll wish your body had only some crap rather than gangbanger gunfire." Canada: Institutionalised mediocrity. "He's as stupid as those commie propagandists here who tried to attribute poor potato harvests to potato beetle supposedly being dropped from CIA airplanes over GDR, Czechoslovakia or Poland. This was so stupid and out of sync with real world that it was subject of snickering among local populations. Obviously you will not read that in books written by last marxists in the world, that is, Western academics." "jackie"" Please note, I was an outspoken opponent of 97. I felt was a simplistic answer to an complex problem That complex problem still exists and until we're all willing to sit down together and discuss it in a civil fashion, it will continue to exist. I'm not sure that calling our Legislators ""corrupt vermin"" is a good start to that conversation. Regards, Gary (no, I don't think you're a moron) Crum" F#ck Trump! He ain't my President nor my future! "my god you are an lunatic. , ontario;s economy can grow 100% and it still by GDP $ would be much lower than it was before the libs came to power! with still some 250,000 FULL TIME Jobs less than when they started!,, our economy is flat and creating part time over full time you ignorant sheep,,," """Most Oregonians are way too ignorant "" What a dick." "Boy, Trump is an idiot....is there anyone left in America that does not think he is as dumb as a bag of rocks..???" We all know NR is a troll baiting those that follow the Leafs. The above is a classic example of a bait. Ignoring is the best remedy. Please John the traitor McCain.Please DO NOT come back to our country.You are a scumfart. why don't you reveal why you dislike the mayor so much? you thought that he screwed you in than land condemnation but really it was your fault but you continue to blame him and the city for your stupidity. you are malicious and vindictive. "wow the ignorance of you left wingers never ends, that list was compiled by OBAMA and comp, which identified those countries as not trust worthy for documents and vetting given they have all but no functioning base government that can be trusted. thus the countries are in deed the obama policy put into action, , this is not about terrorist who did anything in the past, it is about vetting. get over your stupidity just for one" "Can we safely call them 'losers '?. Don't they have better things to do, like taking care of their siblings, do they know what their kids are doing. Always looking for new and old excuses to attack the manly president. Get it over already. There's a New Sheriff in Town. They lost, America won." Loser....... You're a fool. "On reading an article like this...I sit back, scratch my head and wonder if people are inherently stupid?...." "Katebat...there are so many CNN and Obama brainwashed idiots that still claim victory when they a placed under a rock. This Russian thing will go no where and will eventually spell the end of Obama, the Clintons, the last AG...what's her name? Also, the rest of the corrupt donkeys of the former administration." Every day the post has a story or two about this Idiot ? He gets more space then Elway did in his prime ! This whole family stinks! if i take care of my constituents who donged me financially the rest of the general public will just grumble and i will get my way cause they are too dum stoopid to know da rules You are a brainless 'celebrity' who supported the mass murdering communists in North Vietnam. You add nothing to any debate and should keep you vapid mouth shut. Stay out of our country you useless twit. Injustice served. Oregon has an insatiable need to constantly outdo itself when it comes to acts of stupidity. "FUKC YOU @QuinHillyer YOU ARE THE ONE NEED TO GO ,YOU ANTI AMERICA FAKE MOTHER FUKCER" It has ceased to amaze how supposedly educated people could display and allow such stupidity. Neither one of these two clowns care about the Vets I'm praying to the narcissists Gods that they'll keep tRump on this steady plummet to the bottom where he belongs. Can the American voters really risk putting this Viagra popping buffoon on the national foreign policy stage and watch him stick his tongue out at a foreign leader when he doesn't get his way? Oh the narcissist stars are aligning. "From the article: ""many of the nominees delayed by Democrats passed easily and with bipartisan support"". So much for your two bit criminal allegation. Dems still can't get over losing the election to the most unpopular non-politician in history. They keep trying to relive November 2016, somehow expecting a different outcome. In grade school most people learned this is bad sportsmanship. Hillary should have asked the Dem Party if they would accept the result of the election, not Trump. Arrogant and hypocritical." Then you are not the real Ronnie Ching. I cannot help you in your ignorance. And all the sucker fish are voting for Lying hillary........... "Geez, how stupid can people be! Both Hillary and Trump are poor candidates for our President! AMERICA has never been great. That's just PR! A country that doesn't uphold the Constitution, people's Civil Rights, the First Amendment, protect the environment, provide jobs, healthcare, affordable housing for its citizens, equal taxation, etc, isn't great! But we always have that possibility. But not with Trump or Hillary." "I'll ignore your ""stupid"" insult and reply anyway... No, the point isn't to be an average team that has a hot streak somewhere in the season that gives them a record where they barely hang on and steak into the playoffs. The point is to be a good team PERIOD that can win most of their games not just during a hot streak anomaly, but throughout most of the season and in the playoffs. You seem to have completely missed that nuance of my comment. Of course it's better to make the playoffs than not make the playoffs. Of course it's better to have a hot streak than not have a hot streak. But my point was that aside from that early hot streak, they were an average-at-best team for most of the season. The early hot streak was the anomaly. The sub-.500 team we saw after that is what they were for most of the season and heading into the playoffs." "Yeah, that 9/11 thing was the British again, all confident after they got away with bombing Pearl Harbor in 1941. Back to the troll farm." And those people are proof you can't fix stupid. "' Trump went off to play golf, but then returned to Twitter. . What a childish buffoon. ." "I generally have great respect for police officers, but what this guy did was horribly stupid ... it was wrong, it was abusive. He needs to be fired, and the nurse should be compensated." fuck your ads "You are a shallow minded fool, to prioritize a couple hours of traffic over the significance of the President's first visit to the Aloha State and, particularly, to Arizona Memorial. Myself personally...I was not affected at all by any traffic his visit may have caused. As a lifetime resident and born-citizen of this state, I am truly honored that Trump chose to visit here and I hope he does so more often over the next 7 years of his presidency. (Just not for two weeks a year, every year, like Obummer did)" "what planet are you on? the ACA is a complete disaster! it has seen rates and costs skyrocketing, it has kept more poor unable to use it regardless of being covered cause of the insane deductable levels!!, it clearly saw millions of people loose thier doctors and own plans,, obama needs to be laughed at for its complete failure!.. , and the economy saw the slowest recovery after a recession in its history, the fewest jobs created etc,, it was a gigantic failure!,, YOU are a liberal hack living in the obama delusional world of stupid." We don't need to know how we are getting ripped off day after day month after month and year after year with this Rail. Write something else. You know the cost will not remain at 8.2 billion especially when the deadline is 2025. We don't need depressing news every morning when we wake up. Just let us know when we can hop on the damn thing. "They can't, it's jammed with an overload of their hero's excrement." Stupid idea...come up with any privatized govt. service that actually saves govt. money.... Those darned partisans! It seems odd that Clinton campaign and Mr Mook did not miss 15 $ million from their coffers. I suspect they weren't paying any attention because of the damned Russians. I "Yeah, Putrumpkins don't get that. According to them, there's no value in studying things like history. And anyway, Putrumpkin is the New Messiah. In their Bizzaro World forward is backward, up is down, right is left, stupid is smart, our enemies are our friends, pathologically lying oligarchical billionaires personify the ""regular blue collar guy,"" putting ""the little guy's"" welfare ahead of their own and draining the swamp means rampant nepotism and favoritism, filling it up with more self-centered billionaires, corrupt institutional politicians and lobbiests. And these are the people who whined about no one listening to what they wanted. Revenge legislation all the way. You can't fix stupid." "You are very, very, very dumb." Is it as stupid as the House Republicans holding 57 votes to repeal the Affordable Care Act despite zero chance Obama signing it? I will never pay a bike tax. Good luck enforcing that. How many more police will it take? Im sure they will love it too. Idiot. I hate the sovereign idiots because they are violent racists. Sound like anyone you know? "The crying, ragging , left wing snow flakes all have egg on their face. One must muse with Bill Clinton staring at Ivanka Trump during the inauguration with his daughter standing in anger and humiliation - truly let the Clinton's crawl away!!! God bless America, the hell with Marxist. Go Key Stone!!!" Your an idiot. The top 1% will get the biggest break while the rest of us struggle to pay rent. """What to expect..."" is that Trump will say some stupid things, be predictably crude, speak about issues of which he has no knowledge, further embarrass his troubled nation, and watch his foreign hosts smile awkwardly. And his moronic fans will be impressed as always, still convinced that his ineptitude and egomania indicates strength and virtue and even the revolutionary rise of the mythical Common Man." "Nah, the only asshole is the asshole firing a rifle within city limits." """Everybody has their thing."" What an idiot." Rude comment! How can you say that we are better off with him gone? Do you want to tell his children that? Jerk! "Fall Kabib, you are a true ignorant uneducated dunce. I could care less what your Native relatives believe. I also blame Sheldon Jackson for dividing Alaska up and handed over to different denominations. None of those folks had the right to do what they did to Native people." Nobody's buying your nonsense...doubling down on the stupid just makes you look more ridiculous. "Are you a Pilgrim? Why arn't you growing your own veggies? And do you haul them in a covered wagon? Thankfully it isn't up to ""white man"" to determine what is traditional for the First Peoples of Alaska. But they try to all the time and it looks pathetic." Suck it Bill Clinton. "Contrary to popular belief not all criminals are stupid. Fortunately, there are plenty like this moron that are." i would've accepted stupid garbagey mcgarbage face! the cone of stupidity is clearly coming from Kelly here with this complete stupidity "Becky's got cojones! Hilarious, IMO." Lawrence Martin's basic argument is that anyone who does not agree with him is stupid. "Believe it. Isn't change refreshing, interesting and exciting? Not for stuck on stupid people tho. It makes them terrified and depressed." "You cannot name one conservative who has been able to give a commencement address. Res ipsa loquitur. ""...most persecuted and victimized group, ever."" is ridiculous. The victims gulags and concentration camps would be strong contenders for that dubious distinction." "Hillary, the sexual predator enabler who attempted to destroy her fornicator husband's victims. She shows her total disregard for women. She is a vile, conniving, disgusting user." "Trump is running scared. He’s furiously tweeting his usual lies, and as usual, his idiot followers are buying it, hook, line and sinker: No facts allowed. I researched all this BS long ago, but many Trump Nuts think it’s “new news.” They and their Lyin’ King and his media propaganda outlet, Frump News, are desperate to maintain their con that it’s Clinton, not Trump, who is the traitor. Sorry morons, you continue to lose. #youcan’tfixstupid." "YOUR Corruption pipeline is NOT in the juan de Fuca as you have posted numerously for, it is NOT HARO sound OR THE GEORGIA STRAIGHT - you sick, dumb and colluding a-hole." "What a phoney, He really wishes all those brown people would have just drowned, then he wouldn't have to talk about them" I would say that Forest Trump is a complete idiot but I do not even think he is complete. He can and will get worse as he uses his power to make even his stupidity controlling. The sooner the US can rid themselves of this festering sore the better off they will be. Stupid comment. The NRA had no more to do with a muslim mass murderer than Barack Hussein Obama. "Mukluk. It is often better to remain silent and have others wonder if you are a fool, than to speak and remove all doubt. You are a complete moron." "MAUREEN you shrill witch. (sorry I csn't pronounce my 'B"" s) The first sentence in your draft goes ""We've been conditioned by Hollywood"", NO!!! We have not. YOU have. You believe all the crap you hear from yourself and all the other lame stream media losers. You just repeat the crap you saw on TV. No sense of reality, YOU live Hollywood." "So, the Donald saw a twofer - a business opportunity with pretty young women attached, and a pair of suckers to take to the cleaners. Trump pulled it off - taking candy from a baby. So, let's blame the feckless, ill-starred entrepreneurs, right? The clay pots drifting downstream alongside the cast-iron Dutch oven, who is looking for a little additional flotation, right? Get close, and the clay pots are broken. That is what happened. This was minor entertainment for The Donald, New York City's biggest trash-sifter. Who cares about the Little People, right? If you vote for Trump, you're either a loser, or a Big Shot Player. Which are you, folks?" Rather than focusing on FEMA'S response to the mayor (as the headline seems to elude) the article and DP continue the narrative of bashing Trump...pathetic and typical liberal DP. The G&M is so fucked up they ask me to approve my own comments. What stupidity. NY is an extremely liberal city. They wouldn't vote for Jesus if he had an 'R' after his name. """Charles Carlisle ""Chuck"" Johnson is the owner of the websites GotNews.com and WeSearchr.com. He has written two books. Johnson is frequently identified as covertly working with the Trump administration."" Nothing like sucking in the stupid with Trump propaganda." "Just another insecure weak white guy, threatened by women and minorities. Yawn. You're a dinosaur, buddy." "Just another attack on the middle class, from the party that supposedly represents the middle class. Just looking at my natural gas bill there are already four different taxes added to the bill. The fuel itself is the cheap part. And the government wants to add some more. Ridiculous. Just look at Ontario where this government is leading us. I'm starting to think the real solution is a tax on idiots. Undoubtedly within the Liberal party and the voters that elected these clowns there would be enough collected to pay off the entire national debt." "She doesn't understand what someone has to do to be impeached, and she thinks being impeached means booted out of the presidency. She's a real idiot." "And Trump is just stupid enough to fall for it. Trump is a narcissistic, mentally unstable, incompetent egomaniac. And that's on one of his better days." So you agree that black children should be killed. I got it. So much for innocent until proven guilty. That is a white privilege too. Not a joke you bitch "Pence sure is pathetic. Stands behind smiling while Trump says or does idiotic stuff. Basically, he's Trump's little bitch." "Clearly, your sister is an idiot. She can see him as president, even knowing all she does about him? Amazing." "Sure blame the Congress woman and the window of a killed soldier on being the liars... I saw Donald said he has proof this morning. Is this proof like the proof Obama was from Africa, or is it proof like head had on Obama wore tapping him. Naa he's just a dumb rascist." I guess the Ontario liberals and Alberta ndp share stupid ideas. "So....morons protestors blocked I-5 today near Bellingham. The result was a four mile, hours long backup. Oh...and to add to your pathetic protest whining...you were responsible for a terrible rollover accident in the backup that trapped two women in their van. The first responders had to drive the wrong way on the freeway to get to them and were delayed doing so. The women were extricated from their vehicle and taken to the hospital in serious condition. So, social justice warriors are you proud of yourself...say tough crap for these women? And what exactly would you say if it were your family member or friend? You idiots are breaking the law by doing this crap..you make th choice, you had better be able to live with it...and probably going to jail for your lawlessness. Civil disobedience is against the law for a reason...remember that when you engage in it. We have run out of patience for you worthless crap heads and this will end. It's up to you how it does...." "Vicki Marble is a God-damned liar who thinks we're all idiots who won't believe what we see with our own eyes. She is also an atheist who believes that there is no Omnipotent Lord who sees her lies and will judge her. Stop it, ""Twisted"" Sister. It is not too late to repent before the flames of everlasting Hell take you." Extremist Muslims want to kill infidels. Moderate Muslims cook the extremists a hot lunch. "How about, Stop Giving Trump So Much Free Press Every Time He Says Something Stupid? The ""press"" is acting like a bunch of simpletons and Trump is cleaning up because of it. Back in the 60's, populist revolutions were grabbing headlines: Public action on the part of citizens gained control of a largely free press through direct action, and were able to use the media to disseminate vital information and spread revolutions that affected the way we view the environment, civil rights, and corporate wars---Revolutions that almost upset the balance of power, and made dubious characters like Richard Nixon into flaming liberals out of fear of the populace. The Powers That Be learned their lesson then, and an increasingly consolidated media has been putting those lessons into effect with establishment-oriented messages and astro-turf movements ever since. Now it's going the other way with Trump, and our 5th estate has turned into a bunch of drooling idiots." "Caldwell's comments ""reflect poorly"" on himself. He sounds like a whiny hypocrite with too much free time on his hands." No he shot someone so he shouldn't be free. He should be locked up like He is for the next decade. You holla like its no big deal but what if it was your little brother who was shot? Then your dumb ass wouldnrlt be screaming free ace g or whatever gay nickname he has. That is the lamest gangster name ever. Do you think that name scares people? Ace clown is what i will now call him NANA is a whore for Trump. "Trash, and just not the regular bigoted flatulence, this crap you write is evil trash." "The ""life blood"" of the black market is prohibition. The idiot Prohibes actually feed the black market." Trump is mentally ill. We will not see any rationality out of this Whitehouse for the next 3.75 years. "Sooooo, by your logic, Medred is the perv? Yeah. We ladies love to be protected by big, Bluto, stupid guys like yourself. No wonder we are self-sufficient." "In your desperate attempt to defend Francis' blatantly cynical manipulation of the laity with his fraud of a commission and dishonest claims of zero tolerance, you create the straw man argument that I somehow blame him for the entire sex abuse scandal. No rational reading of my post supports this contention. He inherited the scandal, and is responsible for how he handles it. So far, he's protected priests from defrocking, failed to meet with victims, accused critics of being leftists and stupid people, has held no bishop accountable and created a commission that has no budget, no power, no mandate and thus can be recognized as a fraudulent attempt to be doing something." "Don't forget the Irish! ""Olson Johnson: All right... we'll give some land to the negroes and the chinks. But we don't want the Irish!"" (Blazing Saddles - 1974)" "Crap? Is it because it's an old allegation, the so-called victim was just a minor, or that the alleged perpetrator is now gay?" So it's true...all Liberals are in fact mentally retarded. "old soul, you post ignorant stupidity time and time again, and then when your ignorant stupidity is thoroughly debunked with facts you cannot refute you are incapable of manning up as you have no idea how to be a man. Like most liberals you are a gutless coward who flags the post then responds with a grade school insult with all the debate skills of a stoned 14 year old drop out loser who can't handle his weed. No matter how many times you flag the post you're still a chicken&^%$ coward who makes crackheads sound bright and educated. But I will always say in defense of liberals like you, you can only work with the *^$# fer brains you were born with. You are most assuredly the biggest coward on this board." "Really? Is DM the new Huffington Post? First white men don't deserve to vote, now all men are trash. Even Guptaleaks is more interesting reading material." "No, He's Trump and he's a white supremacist who can't remember what he said yesterday. And it won't matter tomorrow what he said today. He's an incompetent, weak, mentally unstable, fascist buffoon." "Obama is the cause of the haters that hated him just for Presidenting While Black (PWB)? And no matter how many times you guys bleat about it, BLM is not a ""hate group"". One has to be immensely stupid/racist to think BLM is a hate group...SMH." "Mr. Eyman, it's a small mind that can't get one's point across without resorting to vulgarity (or abbreviations thereof). If you insist on having your way, you may find that 1) the opposition statement will end up entirely out of your control and 2) you'll be placed into the same mental health assessment as the current narcissistic, and possibly sociopathic, occupant of the White House." "can someone explain to me why we have any trustees other than for them to collect our money. Clearly they are useless and a waste of tax dollars. As for this lady, toss her - oh forgot, we can't becuase she was elected so she can only toss herself. took her long enough. what a bloody joke. stupid people in power." the muslim imported punks are not americans. they are a poison upon my country and should be exterminated. F-ing idiot like the Nissan driver who think rules of the road don't apply to them. Sadly they are just one of many idiots on the road who make their own rules. Just how stupid can our so called politicians get? You cannot buy tobacco until you are 21 but you can die for America at 18. This state cannot even control drunk drivers or pot smokers. This just puts more control burdens on business' and our police. If they want their idiotic laws then they should be the ones enforcing them. "Just wait until the U.S. needs help; the wing nuts will be the first to whine about our former allies not stepping up. Wingers just cannot learn to play nice with others. You can't fix stupid." Yes your off base. Way off. How many times do you have to shoot someone after breaking into their home uninvited to call it attempted murder? Reckless endangerment? Whos world are you living in? This scumbag should be locked up and flogged dailey!! "IT IS OUR HOME YOU IDIOTS. You can't even read a damn map PLUS oil tankers won't fit, the company has been to court numerous times n- for oil spills NOT CLEANED UP here AND operated as Enron in the USA before - and they want to wreck PROTECTED LANDs and it's a new line, it's not for an existing line." clean air is stupid! TAKE THAT LIBTARDZ! An uneducated asshole. "Supporting the lie a wall will be paid by Mexico and ignoring massive infrastructure needs in the first place is not only tone deaf but is self destructive as a society. Electing an incompetent thief with multiple bankruptcies and history of associating with criminals as President of this great country is just plain stupid. You will never get rich betting against the stupidity of the American voters." "Over 30,000 scientists have signed on to the fact that ""manmade global warming"" is a hoax! in 2014 the arctic added icepack according to Nasa, whose theory that solar cycles are what effects the climate not man! We pay WAY TOO MUCH TAX already!! Not to mention that Washington is run by IDIOTS who don't do their jobs. Fire them all and start over!" "so here we are in 2017 and people are still supporting pedophile priests over the child victim even tho the evidence is compelling. this child was sexually abused twice, once by the pedophile priest and again by his supporters who are essentially blaming her for his arrest and conviction , rather than putting it squarely on him and his penis. shame on all you people your pathetic and disgusting and belong in jail with this piece of shit" "Look all you want, ""TROLL""!" "You could live without a TV. TV is how we got here, dumb deplorable people sitting in front of the TV, watching an inane reality TV show about a rich businessman and thinking there was some reality in the TV. Take a shelter dog for a walk, read a book, play a sport with your friends, take a hike in a national or state park, go to the bar and talk politics and religion over beer, visit the art museum. Life is better without an idiot box." prove what.. that you are a moron.. Nazi boneheads deserve being punched. Can't fix stupid! "Tom Anderson took bribes from felon BIll Allen. Ten Republican legislators were caught taking bribes and went to jail. Others remain in Juneau. Sleazel also was reportedly kicked off an Alaska Airlines flight for being a drunkin fool." Your comment is profoundly stupid. "there is a reason losers like you make such statements of nonsenes, STUPIDITY" WHAT??????? Deliver bribes?????? To DELIVER with musket fire and the sharp point of their bayonets - THAT we were NOT going to pay any bribes!!! What a sad bunch of History failures and what a 'Dumbed Down bunch of idiots. May I suggest a tax on idiots. Who elected these clowns anyways? They won't be happy until we're mired in debt and we are all mailing our wallets to Ottawa. Can you even believe their little pack of stupid even exists? Maybe you could use some advice on writing these ridiculous accusations under your own name rather than sniping and hiding. "That did it for me I will not vote this election another set-up by Trump, good luck you phony jerk." So Trump is the lesser of two weevils. Vote your conscience. "No it wasn't. It personally attacked Trump as ""simply stupid.""" "His skill at foreign affairs is off to a very bad start. Confucius say ""he who blabs with big ego get big kick in ass""." "This is stupid, as is any analysis that does not consider foreign investment in real estate." """The hypocrite turns Christ's teachings to serve his own purpose."" Yessssss..." "Two days ago I saw a stupid driver driving backwards on a half block. I couldn't pull my cell phone out fast enough to take a video. The driver showed complete disregard to the rules of the road, and there was no way that he could see around the blindspot of his vehicle. Had there been another vehicle making a right turn down that same half block, the reckless driver would've crashed into the other driver." "Reminds me of Trudeau's pledge to reform the Canadian voting system, which was the cornerstone of his election promises. Sad state of affairs for both USA and Canada which are led by idiots." Problem is the senate still has the same CBC members in charge. They'll protect their oil masters right up to our bankruptcy. It's our fault. We failed to vote those losers out of power last fall. "Sick, pervert. If you are a sex offender do the laws apply to those in the villages as they do to all others where you cannot live near a school or daycare center?" Because his followers are also stupid. "This is the stupidest thing ever. When we can't afford to spend more money these people spend more. If they want to go to their office, fly to Juneau as they already have offices there. We also need to make a limit as to the number of times they fly back and forth to Juneau. This crap of flying home on weekends has to stop. If you don't like it don't run for office." ^^ Russian troll detected "What a pile of shit. I love Bruce and I could write a better case against Bruce than this rubbish !" "It's time for Toronto to secede from Ontario. See ya, suckers." hahahahahahahhahaha what a load of shit. "Don't you need to fix some rioting in Seattle, troll?" "$10,000 to clean up, disgusting stop offering lame excuses. No excuse for leaving such a mess none. Pigs" "you are a nut job! oleary policies INCLUDE immigration thus such issues ARE what this is about, , can you give your stupidity a break for even a second?" "You're overthinking it. Trump is an idiot, surrounded by idiots. There are a few folks with brains thrown in here and there, but they are without power. Trump wants all the power and he never really delegates it. At least, not for long." "A PROVEN LIAR saying someone else is not telling the Truth? Implausible, in-imaginable and totally unlikely for ANYONE other than a dTrump0 to 'tell a lie about something so important'. 100% belief-factor to the Widow....and a whopping -394% to the immature, puerile, sociopath, bully-boy President of the USA! Hey, even Clinton had more guts than D-Goofball 2017...at least he finally admitted that he lied about getting a blow job from Monica!" Another pathetic attempt to justify illegal aliens....just pathetic... "Hell, let's print our own damn money! How expensive can a good printing press be?" "dumbest comment posted this week congrats!" This post is bullshit she's not a killer she never pulled the trigger I have seen the homeless downtown tie their dog up and go in and have a quick beer. To state that they do not have money to spend is incorrect. The ENABLERS in LAME County keep giving money to these losers............ "Ugh, the worst, burn them at the stake." Of course. You don't think Putin would pick an idiot do you? "Used to call it winter, now it's a ""polar vortex"" morons." "how stupid are these cops knowing their words are recorded? oh, sorry, stupid and a cop are not mutually exclusive." Washington! Do not pay the ransom to get Trump mouth back. Do not negotiate for idiots. Let him try something new in Mexican politics. He will fix drug cartels. Now where can we send Clinton? "There is nothing wrong with the road. Drivers in Anchorage are lazy, stupid and impatient. Another waste of public funds." All useless piles of crap. "The now deceased shooter appears to be a deranged Bernie Sanders supporter. While the shooter is ultimately responsible for his actions, the mass media, Democrat leaders, and leftist ""entertainers"" contribute to a divisive, rabid anti-Trump/anti-Republican atmosphere which motivates extremists like this Democrat shooter. The other big takeaway is that it would have been a massacre had there not been an armed security detail present to return fire and kill the assailant. High ranking politicians (including Democrats) have armed security details, but ordinary citizens do not. Hawaii Democrats deny ordinary citizens their constitutional right to self-defense with firearms, including concealed carry. Hypocrites! Prayers for the full recovery of those injured in this senseless shooting of legitimately elected officials and Capitol Police officers." "The morons just can't stop stealing from people. In Canada, up to certain amount of income, we have to give almost 50% of our income to the morons. And for the rest 50% that we keep in our pocket, when we spend it again we have to give 12-15% (gst) to the morons. So basically we are left with 35% of what we earn. And these are still not enough, they work very hard to invent a way to dig more from our pocket. From car insurance to property tax, medical to transportation, EVERYTHING INCREASED since the Liberal took over. Let's fight back, let's start from voting out the Liberal (NDP is another moron too), then next let's vote out Bicycle Greg." Deep ecology madness is a sad sick religion. "I am glad someone brought some common sense to the table , we were making fun of that whole group. Your making Americans look even worse! Sometimes you have to make the right decisions. Its hard, but know when an ass is an ass!" "You're an idiot. It's not about intestinal fortitude, it's about rational policy. We're not going to change anything in Afghanistan. I support our troops by advocating complete withdrawal from the Middle East." "I agree, how many times have stupid Ontarians voted in this morally corrupt party now?. I'm betting they do it again!, can't fix stupid........" Time to give the opposition weapons and overthrow this jerk. Anyone who thinks that government selling pot will keep the revenue out of the hands of the black market and criminals is a fool. Let's hear it for pussy power! maybe you are being stupid but i know wileybot isnt "Law enforcement complaining about people breaking the law? Arrest them and prosecute them. I don't see a problem here. Now that you cant ruin some poor schmuck's life who smokes weed and you happen to catch them with it, arrest these dirtbags instead who try to hide under the cover of legalized MJ. They should all be charged under the RICO laws." "Well, it would seem that Ms. Cormier and her 'bigoted' hubris has allowed her to both 'suck & blow' at the same time... She was published by the Globe and Mail Editors so, her sarcastic opinion piece which she has wisely had printed in Canada must have been perceived as 'click-bait' and 'oh lordy' she didn't disappoint with her pronouncement of 'slutty' behaviour... In fact, Ms. Cormier seemed to feel entitled to make the salacious deprecating observation. . . . Wonder why? Seems that obtuse salacious superficiality is Now the name of the Game." """Allie"": What land are you referring to? In any case, your first - proven incorrect claim - was that OHA uses ""tax payer"" funds for grants. You are wrong, and I repeat either ignorant or lying." One idiotic moron is not 'Colorado'. "The president-elect has just announced that he doesn’t need daily intelligence briefings because he’s “a smart person.” ----- What an incredibly stupid statement from a ""smart person."" Donald J. Trump - Clown President of The United States of America" So called conservatives! What did you think you were getting when you got together and voted in this little imp? Yes she was a little wacky but our city would be in much better financial shape had we ignored the cheap political assasination executed against Amy and done the right thing. Hope you establishment hypocrites are happy! China is playing Trump like a fool. "Another moron, nominated by an idiot." Council needs to be spend less time coming up with idiotic laws and focus on controlling their spending! "growing pains for young qb but he is going to be great i love the hate from pathetic fusker and lam fans care more about hating us than just following your own sorry teams you kinda fans just suk The Rise is Real we will best USC this year and crush nebraska and csu next year GO BUFFS!!" "Is this satire? Pelosi is a brilliant politician? She's bat sheet insane!!! And if these ideas were so great, why didn't they propose them 8 years ago? Stupid stupid liberals." "Spot on. Stupid people, in large numbers elected, as POTUS, a turd. An ignorant, steaming, stinking turd." Parade of losers... "Yeah I DO live in hongcouver, so you should listen to what I know, you stupid idiot . Chinese-Canadians also hate your lobby and lies." "have you ever noticed that every time you are incapable of an intelligent debate, humiliate yourself in public a staggering vulgar hypocrite, the Neanderthal in you always comes out, and you want to fight? Perhaps you could take some classes at LCC and learn how to debate like an adult, and not a dysfunctional child with severe emotional problems." Wavemaker is a self righteous idiot. Good Lord. How did this incredible bimbo get a Senate seat and who was the idiot who appointed her? horrific and stupid. a public hanging is in order. that poor animal. How ridiculous! And the kid who hit him? Also an idiot. "Kiss your company's ass, snowflake." I love how you managed to (pretend to) stand up for unity and then conclude the sentence with a divisive snarky comment. Silly hypocrite! "Our ignorant, clueless legislators are working hard to ensure that Alaskans are as ignorant and clueless as the legislators themselves are. Stupid Alaskans are the only way these moronic legislators will continue to get re-elected." "Wavemaker you have sympathy for a rapist? A friend of your perhaps, or are you a rapist as well and afraid to get snipped? Probably just a simple minded idiot would be my first guess though." "BC is not the best place on earth, that was a PAID PROMOTION for the Olympics from a marketing company. Stop being a complete idiot." "Indeed, people the world over, all know that President Trump is a loser!" Are you kidding me? You people are braindead idiots. NO!!! FIX THE SPENDING PROBLEM FIRST. Obviously this Dimwit didn't call the number for the FBI. Stuck on stupid. No cure. Sad. What a simplistic response. Do you think everyone in jail is guilty? Moron. Stupid. Let parents decide what is best for their own kids. What is he going to do about those toxic mercury florescent bulbs Bush and Gore pushed on the stupid American public? "Nice sentiment, idiot." wow do you ever live in the world of stupidity "@ remoore Shut up, racist." "Even though Trump makes a fool of himself daily, it's Putin who will be his downfall. Never has a KGB agent played a world leader the way Putin is pulling all of Trump's strings. Putin rocks the USA's democracy to its very core and Trump says thank you. Impeachment is on its way. What a complete imbecile!!" Another clown in favour of more tax in this country. Blows my mind people can be this stupid. "Yup, too bad your such a screaming jerk. Using my children in a post about sexual activities in the WH did it for me. I'd love to meet you and deliver a fathers proper response that would shut down your bulls**t followed by your chicken sh**t, making you an effing piece of sh**t. So flag me you pathetic scum. All I care about is that you heard these words and others see you as you really are, an a***hole." "Shame on Edward Paul Boyko,a complete bigoted jackass." Flip him around and kick him in the balls. "Ask a stupid question, get a stupid answer." "That's what makes this so ""dumb, dumb.""" "I had the new gen Rondo as a rental and I agree, it's crap. I hated it and it felt nothing like other KIA vehicles of which I've extensively driven the Optima, Soul, Sportage and Rio. The Rio is bottom end and has shouldn't even be compared but it's still better than the Rondo." "Oh Groanin, when someone acts like a lapdog, doesn't say anything that comes from his own mind says stupid and inane things, they better expect to be called out on their stupidity. Problem with you MAGAphants is that you've been living too long in a Fox news lapdog bubble where no one ever challenges you to back up what you say. If you say something logical, and well referenced, don't worry, I will respond in kind. If you choose to mimic Fox News and the baby-in-chief, you better learn to accept the correct assessment of you and your comments. Don't try to pass of on others the fact that YOU are willfully ignorant and ill-informed - and remember, this is based on the stupid things you say. OWN IT Groanin. Oh and I see Golfinguy (who's sensible sometimes, and Sarge (never sensible) like your comment. Two MAGAphant lapdogs to join you. They don't like me pointing out their stupidity either." "$70k for sprinklers in new construction? Mac you're drinking the Chamber of Commerce KoolAid. If you believe the CoC hype I've got some beachfront in St. Louis Heights to sell you. Gotta ask, you got back flow preventer on your plumbing or is that some of the stupid you can't fix?" Does anyone really care if these clowns leave as there are many more with intelligence who are waiting to join. All these politicians are Democrats or as I call them donkeys. There is no accountability no one taking a stand nothing just raise taxes raise taxes raise taxes. I'm sick and tired of these elected officials who are all talk and no action. They don't even know the final price tag I'd say 20 billion if are lucky. What a complete joke. "Well, the kids are voting with their emotions rather than intelligence and logic. Well done! You're raising emotional idiots." "It's the wall that's stupid, a waste of taxpayer money, and Mexico has no reason to pay for it despite Trump's lie that Mexico will reimburse us. There are far better ways to control our borders; Trump just wants to get his way, and his cult supports a ridiculous idea." Bullfeathers. She just spoke truth to those in power too stupid to understand our role in Global Warming and hide behind some religious nonsense - including some Globe & Mail writers like Wente and sometimes the sly Ibbitson. "Are you really this obtuse? If you can't read simple newsprint you're even more dumb than your username. But seriously, who expects any more from you, you're quite literally the most moronic left wing nut on this site." "Koncerned is only a mealy mouthed troll. Tells you all you need to know." "RUNNING NIGER CRIMINAL SHOOT FIRST ask for ID LAST" Justin's compntency rating has been downgraded from well-meaning moron to plain stupid. "Oh, those wily Canadians taking advantage of the poor, ignorant Americans!" "To hell with Mother Earth. Won't be anything to save anyway. Guess all the politicians have another place to go. What is in ANWR that isn't on the Slope? We've just heard about two huge finds. Aw, fuck it. Tell your grandchildren you tried, but failed. It's not even gonna be up to them to determine their future. That will be done for them in the first 100 days of 1917...I mean, 2017. Heil, Comrade Trump." "What a buncha hypocritical liars ! No wonder no one takes this garbage rag seriously anymore. Toronto elected Frod who was a self avowed racist and you have the audacity to preach to others. No playoffs for your Blown Jays ! Who introduced the dangerous far right wing Nationalistic populism to this continent ? TORONTO" There is a difference between being tolerant and being stupid. She and her supporters want America to be stupid. Thurston made the news last year. Stupidity and lust does not reside in only one city. Useless idiot has been in office for 19 weeks and hasn't done a damn thing that has been positive. I pray everyday for some divine intervention because Congress is ruled by invertebrates. "it seams the paid liberal trolls here have failed to notice that this is yet more stupidity that will drive up costs for everyone while not being proved to be causing any harm to temps never mind that no one in the history of the world has or can predict 85 years into the future, but feel free to make this about us who stand up against scam nonsense based on bs and lies all for more left wing power and money from society, to bad your educations failed you so bad you are easily brain washed stupid to be happy to line up and bend over for this nonsense" "Why no article on that idiot Madonna globe. She will be tried for treason and hopefully, Shot. That's good news to be applauded, yet from you nothing." "So if they repeal the ACA, it will be much easier to push through a piece of crab bill, probably worse than what we have already seen come out of Trumps cesspool." How many reasons do Albertans and the west need to set adrift the eastern parasites. What an absurd post. Your analogy is faulty but you're too ignorant to know it. That has to be the most idiotic comment I have ever read. What a scumbag. Cops should shoot him on sight with the slightest resistance. They should have done the same with James Holmes and the rest of the mass shooters and terrorists. The dummy needs to be sitting on Bannon's lap when he makes his idiotic statements. That way he won't be blamed for his stupid comments. 😜 Pussies "I guess we're not in disagreement, if I'm interpreting your last line correctly. There are many people who oppose Trump, but don't act like idiots, protest, and get arrested." You still need a crap job to get crap health care. What a country! Why are we killing responsible savers in order to prop up these idiots? Hope they all wind up begging on the street. The shocking silence of the EU leadership in the face of such savage brutality is starting to suggest complicity. Did Rajoy get the go ahead from Juncker's dirty gang? What a pathetic comment . one wonders why you'd pose such a dumb question . Maybe it's because he's an Alaskan now. Who would he be doing the favor for besides liberal Alaskan's who's dream boy got defeated by him by resigning ? Sullivan is our senator now. Accept it. "Kailua sucks: Dam n overpopulation , horrible traffic, overcrowded beach and no parking and house prices driven up by dam n overpopulation. Immigration sucks." You can't fix stupid. And now I don't even try. "Same way that O got in: America is tired of the status quo. We all long for FDRs, Truman, Eisenhower, Kennedy, but all we get are fools that are screwing over America." "I dunno... the Liberal hypocrites are worse, IMO, since they actively pat themselves on the back and claim to be different." Giving stupid kids a chance not to f up thier lives with a conviction. "Pfft. Nut up and take issue with the cowards in this story. Help flush them so we don't have these issues, instead of you coming up with some garbage attack against what isn't the root-cause of the problem. Jeezus...'Mericans." It's so stupid people can appear smart. They need to get over themselves. "Trudeau is a fool and a disaster as a Prime Minister. He shoots off his mouth with absolutely no understanding of the issue. I think that's a fair assessment, according to your criteria, don't you?" "It is evident that we will transition from fossil to some other fuel(s) over the course of decades, but that will only happen when the other fuel(s) are economically superior to fossil fuels. And governments attempting to tax fossil fuels up to an uneconomic price to make the other fuels look attractive is a fool's game. It amounts to subsidising those fuels that are not yet economic. This much is evident. But claiming that Trudeau has wisdom and insight does quite follow. The man is a fool, repeating his lines by rote." "How seriously inept is our government to ignore what Peter Pry and others have been warning about for years. We have leaders, in name only yet simply educated fools...Making a profitable profession out of politics and all at the expense of it's citizens." And water is still wet you idiot "CNN just fired her. They create the environment where this kind of dangerous idiocy can thrive, and then they fire her. What hypocrites!" "Oh no, since Trump is a true elitest - and cares less about the working class, except for what they can do for him - anyone with a brain knew he was going to surround himself with fellow elitest users like himself. As a narcissistic, egocentric, bullying and strangely personally insecure billionaire who inherited money from daddy and made money by cheating everyone with whom he came into contact, I expected him to do exactly what he did. Only an idiot would think Trump cares about the common working man. Only an idiot would believe anything he says. Only an idiot would vote for him. Only an idiot would support him." Man America sucks. I hope these refugees will seek asylum in a good country like Canada. We don't deserve them. "Being stupid with a gun is a privilege, Not a ""Right""!" """Enough about the damn emails."" Bernie Sanders" "If I am confronted with one more piece of serious ""journalism"" about what Trump Thinks About Things... He's a senile racist old man who watches Fox news and gets pissed off and otherwise doesn't know anything about anything who thinks he is super smart and thinks all deals are zero sum the end." "Dan, you are too funny. Because you and your do nothing cohorts the US is further behind finanacilly, technically and ecologically. Your opinion piece is garbage." Don't let the screen door hit you in the ass when you leave. "You are an ass. Racism is real and systemic; it is not liberal or conservative, it is deep and affects everyone. The worst thing is that the POTUS, despite having the power to to heal and unify, is the person stoking the flames of division, discord, and hatred. He is a shameful and disgusting symbol of what is becoming ""Not Great"" about America, and athletes, by visiting or boycotting things, contribute to either the validation or criticism of Trump's behaviour. NO ONE is apolitical in this day and age. And your stats are appallingly incorrect. Do a little research before you further embarrass yourself." "There's a simple solution to that - just do what many young adults in Boulder do: Violate all the rules, living with more than three people in a rental house and cutting a bunch of other corners to save yourself money, then attend protests against ""big, greedy, evil"" this-or-that for violating some arcane, pointless regulation and get your hypocritical outrage on!" "Only because he knows that first and foremost, 'It's about America... Stupid'. Everything else is completely secondary." "whatever wins (to say ""whoever"" would imply that each of these sorry sacks o' shit are respectable people), i'm going to do as i've done since day 1- keep on truckin'. life's too short to whine for the next four yrs. and neither of these parasites are worthy of anybody's concerns. i wish more people would recognize this truth." That's rich coming from a country that elected the village idiot for PM. "No reason to remove statues from the past and that goes for all of them ..Our history and if you don't get that then you are insanely stupid,,ignorant are totaly uneducated.,..Has nothing to do with racism,,that is in the person.." Because if they weren't here illegally 2 American kids would be alive you stupid $hit. God you idiots are r-tarded. I love that Mazie is kicking the silly Trump's behind. You go girl! "Its another failure of our education system. Unfortunately, half the country does NOT understand or appreciate our free enterprise system-- which creates more Opportunity for All. They don't appreciate our sovereignty; or our Constitution. Instead, they're so ignorant, they want to copy every tiny socialist country, failed socialist countries,etc.! Its so pathetic to the point---they don't deserve to live in the U.S." Please go on. Help me understand the true ideology of the Left. The idiot Manning has spent years in prison and is no threat. Trump is another matter all together. The most detestable of all is the smug moron who couldn't choose between some broccoli and a shit sandwich. Enjoy your sandwich! "You really must be dumb as nails. The terrorist here wasn't Muslim, he was Christian. and yet you can still find a way to use this act to attack Islam. you are a sad and pathetic human being." "Yes, of course. Exactly. It seems odd that he acts every day like a 12 year old with an IQ like that, no? Actually, Trump is an imbecile." """The guy is completely bonkers."" Well yes, but that has been apparent for some time now." Not good enough you PR morons. Hang-em high. A lot of innocent lives were spared the day this bitch lost the election. Let us save some public money: blame the white males for everything. "oh yes there is, millions of them, and they happily voted for trump. ''welfare wasn't meant to be a career opportunity'' that is beyond specious, you should know good and well the abusers are the minority (most are white), and that assistance and the minimum wage was designed as more than a boost towards career opportunities. but corruptors made sure that soon became slave wages and assistance pathetically variable which put half the nation permanently in the poor house. their basic survival begat the need for welfare which have always been Dem led and supported while 'cons' have been at war against it all for many decades, except for corporations cos they're people too... there would be no poverty or need for much assistance in a wholly liberal society, and even now if 'cons' weren't such a nasty destructive bunch of hypocritical ignorant haters hell bent on hurting even themselves. shibai-buster seems to have busted himself!" "I have a problem with calling others stupid, because one disagrees with their position. An action might be stupid, but a belief? I'm not sure. I might consider it to be wrong-headed, but I hesitate to call them stupid. Sorry about that." Our political parties seem to prefer stupidity. White or Black or Brown that ignorant lady had no clue that the color of the blood running under each color skin is the same! "Well Johan, you are as much an idiot as is Mngxitama. There is no point in explaining why." "You are rude. I will have nothing further to do with you until you learn civil discourse. Do you talk this way to your mother? Is this how you were brought up? Too bad for you, but you could straighten yourself out, maybe become a decent human being, instead of garbage. Good luck, I won't be there to be a target for your jack-assed insults. Have a good life, schmuck." "The elephant in the room is the Denver Post. Keeping the useful idiots, idiots." " The president is a coward and a hypocrite who not only dodged the draft and avoided any and every opportunity to serve, but also -- as an adult, a businessman, and minor celebrity -- expressed his contempt for those who do serve by describing his sexual promiscuity, while avoiding venereal disease, as his ""personal Vietnam"" -- ""I feel like a great and very brave soldier"" said the punk who is now Commander-in-Chief. http://people.com/politics/trump-boasted-of-avoiding-stds-while-dating-vaginas-are-landmines-it-was-my-personal-vietnam/ The flag represents precisely the right to protest peacefully and lawfully; for the POTUS to describe those who exercise that right in vulgar terms and call for them to lose their jobs dishonors the flag and the country and values it represents. It is the protesters, not POTUS, who honor the flag and understand what it represents. No one has more contempt for the flag than does Donald J. Trump. No one." Unrepentant swamp rat traitor. "The librarian is a hateful, snarky, green with jealousy, pathetic woman. She should resign with shame." "good side of trump? are you kidding me? trump has no good side all bad, he is divisive, a racist and bigot, pathological liar, scammer, tax cheat, sexual pervert," holy fuck you troglodytes cant even handle the simple act of meming 304-227 Deal with it loser. "Local troll GBA has submitted acidic letters to the editor for decades as an admitted racist, misogynist, xenophobe, fast food handler, tax preparation insider, and established authority on quasi delusional, and self serving Christian behaviors. Did I leave anything out?" The only immaturity is your failure to recognize reality based in historical fact despite it biting you in your behind on a daily basis. Try reading something beyond your television screen. "The woman is a nut, but you must muse at the sad, hysterical article!!" "How ironic is it that a lying, coldhearted, narcissistic sociopath, Donald Trump, is telling America that this church tragedy is a 'mental health' issue, not a 'gun issue?' A sociopathic idiot is trying to 'reassure us.'" "Truly sad and pathetic, get with it yourself." "No clear cut, there's no fixing stupid so maybe you should shut up." "Lets line these 5 mfrs up and just shoot them. Justice. Im sick of this crap, low life degenerates, taking advantage of law adiding citizens. This is crap and its happening every dam day..." "PROGRESSIVES are a CLEAR and PRESENT DANGER to WHITES KILL a PROGRESSIVE and TWO NIGERS and 5 MUSLUMS to PROTECT HUMAN LIFE" They were all pretty peaceful before the white man came. Flagged for being a racist jerk. Why are we even looking at these illegally gotten and easily edited missives? A guy with a grudge who is a wanted man. And you rubes believe him. What a bunch of losers. "this guy is an idiot. I'll disclose I'm male. but my wife had continual, high levels of ""morning sickness"", as did her sisters. You don't have diclectin, they're sick and miserable. You swallow it and wait the few minutes to digest, and they're normally functioning pregnant moms. The relationship is as straight forward as having a shot of tequila and feeling the buzz in your head 5 odd minutes later. Not sure what this fellow has missed." this woman is bat s hit crazy!!! "Disgusting excuse for progressive Catholic journalism that smears most of America as racist. Hateful, worthless, stupid, harmful, irresponsible, and untrue." You're an absolute cretin. "Trump is so hypocritical. It is campaign rhetoric and his debasing comments towards women, minorities and the disabled, among others, that have given the rasicist and white supremacists the push they need to come out en masses." Old bitch like the rest of those crooks in the Democratic party are trying everything to stop Trump and any conservative media. Bunch of scum bag hypocrites they all need to go to jail including her. "We used to say """"Dumb as a stump"" now ""Dumb as a Trump""" "You are obviously looking at him through rose coloured glasses. Listen to the ""ah's"" in every sentence. I definitive sign of insecurity and confusion. He is a boy wearing a man's shoes, sliding around until he falls. As for Trump he is a fool drowning in a sea of vanity and hair dye." Stupid canadian whites thinking they understand ANYTHING about the middle east. To the Chinese Trudeau is a useful idiot. poor white boy again sucking at the hind teat "as usual you are as many here incompentent and stupid at the same time about trump. . the media gave trump a free pass? man what planet of stupid were you on? they were shilling outwardly for hillary!.. and save the usual talking point bs,, his presidency is 2 months old, yet you ignorant sheep are calling it a train wreck? man get some help for the brain washing stupidity you live in" """Putin is a thug"" Oh boo hoo, So was Bush and Cheney and Saudi Arabia that chops heads off of women that drive - that Canada was stupid to sell arms to on behalf of the USA ENOUGH." People are free to be just as stupid and ignorant as they like-- unless it's negatively affecting other people. "Gosh, he saved so much time! Hope it was worth it for the idiot Durango driver." "This column was written by an Ugly Canadian," "Please remember that Albertans elected the NDP and that this group of demonstrators only numbered about 1,000, including those bused in from other cities. So, I do not think that you can justly say that the ""Province"" stupid, hateful and bigoted. Of course, some people are certainly in that category." You got this backwards.. idiot criminal supporters started it.. "Nonpartisan, really? I'm going to look into that, as I has assumed they were just another den of Hillary loving traitor rats." "No question that Trump was just rubbing Romney's nose it it, I saw that coming as well: It was all about: ""Look what you could have had if you had not been such a stupid putz""" "Interesting. He sounded like a real scumbag. I hope Monegan does some deep thinking about how to improve the results of the AST hiring process. That said, Palin was off her rocker to adopt a personal vendetta against the guy for personal reasons. Everyone associated with that family can be written off as trash." "But somehow Trump is fine with his wife's extensive cosmetic surgery. Is there such a thing as ""hand enlargement surgery""? Let's get back to the real business - impeaching this moron." Just another day in the Trump kleptocracy. """Starcucks"" - damn you, I just spit coffee all over my screen." "Paul Martin eliminated the deficit (not the Federal Debt) by massively slashing health and education transfers to the Provinces, which simply transferred the Federal Deficit to the Provinces. Ontario, under the Liberals, is going bankrupt because of Liberal fiscal mismanagement. Trudeau junior has already added $30 billion to the deficit and that is only after 1-year in office! Liberals have nothing to teach us about money management. They are fiscal morons." ....until the rooskie get their hands on your personal info'......you and the rest of the morons here would be the first to start bawling "why does this dumb ass keep attacking bill clinton.. has he not figured it out yet that he his running agains hillary.. not bill.. not obama.. its hillary... hey trump.. whose cock is bigger.. yours, bills or obama's.. we all want to know.." "Live by the gun. Die by the gun. Same for stupidity. Gonna love the boring retirement life of 6 walls staring at you, schmuck." I love when you open your mouth and show how ignorant you are. Easy to quit? Your stupidity is astounding. "Jesus Christ. What an idiot--and again, a pathological liar--the Trumpists have elected. Unbelievably stupid, as are the idiotic comments on here about international relations and how the US should respond like a spoiled child i.e. Like Trump. Pathetic." Gun owners are all stupid? Your still pissed about the election arent you? Nutha stupidgit fro elsewhere. and he is to stupid to know it. The guy is a total poser and a fool "All members of Congress should take a pay cut too. They are all crooks and liars, except for a few honest crooks, like King. He tells the truth, except when he doesn't." "Here is the legislature kicking the can down the road again. Another case of being penny wise, pound foolish." "You are deliberately ignorant, illiterate, and unlearned. And might I add arrogant and proud of it. I won't add anything as disingenuous as ""I wish you well."" LMAO." where is pie chart section of people who don't give a shit "caption reads - ""buy this magazine or we'll shoot your prime minister""" "No, you're not wrong. What you are is boorish and ignorant." "You blithering idiot. Why wasn't the shooter arrested when he turned himself in? You're weak, shut your hell mouth." "There are some stupid people out there But still not getting our guns" "Oh sparkle, stick to your stupid comments and keep away from homophobic humor." You can not fix stupid! You're a complete idiot if that's what you think. Albeit a very dumbed-down electorate. "I know, right? It is a measure of the idiocy of the incumbent president that Dubya looks like a rational, thoughtful statesman in comparison." "This ruling is ridiculous. How can a government not have the authority to control immigration? Absurd." "The shorter version of this article could read, ""Trump is an idiot.""" "What an idiotic statement - No wonder you alt-left are abhorred" Jughead - Cat's out of the bag so you might as well bring up NOAA doctoring climate data before the Paris conference to manipulate the behaviour of the limited. Critical success factor would be to have someone dummy it down & explain it to you first. Maybe show him a selfie of you & Eco-Barbie McKenna in Paris so he can appreciate the nostalgia of two weak minds in a single frame. "... WHO DID YOU VOTE FOR THIS LAST ELECTION ... please, save the lies for fellow Republicans. You guys are SICK!!" "Get real. Who believes Comey told Trump he's not under investigation? Comey, as head of the FBI was investigating Trump's ties with Russia and possible (likely) collusion with Russia in interfereing in the election. He was also investigating Trump's team. You're dreaming if you think Trump wasn't directing them every step of the way. Trump is a pathological liar and unbelievably stupid. Anyone who believes Trump or his lying surrogates and ""communications team"" (yuk, yuk) is stupid. I rest my case." Trump and his regime are morons. these types of beliefs are why america has become a fucking cesspool of selfish filth and greed but this turd will be flushed like the rest. "are you really this ignorant of reality? no one is suppressing wages, they are paid what the market cant meet and allow a company to remain profitable!,, you should take a basic business and economics course before you post such stupidity again." "not quite cause the rats aren't abandoning ship just yet they are still in the replace carpetbagger mode" "It was all promises of change for change sake. No sensible reasoning for changing the Iraq mission, no sensible reason to push change to F35, elections reform, etc. The hatred for Harper was so deep in Canada that these fools only had to,promise change to,get elected. Kinda like Trump did." "...and you are surpised? When basketball, football is more important to schools and colleges than Stem courses? When millions are wasted on sports from Jr. High through college, players make more money then soldiers dying on front lines, and police stopping gansta idiots. You have ball playing morons who fall for anything because they have learnt or been taught nothing and kids come out of school dumb as a post! Yet school bonds for education are in doble digit millions! Cant fix stupid." "My favorite thing about Wilbur Ross is he jacked up his net worth by 1.3 billion to make the Forbes richest list. What vain idiots. And I must say that Russiagate is one of the best shows on TV. I recommend everyone read Carter Page's testimony for lots of fun and laughs." "you had me at ""people are idiots"" ...." "Are we getting a better rate of return on oil under SB 21 or under ACES? You know the answer, it is obvious except to the incredibly stupid or oil bashing morons." "they are not eco-warriors they are eco-terrorists, and they are not natives they are Indian bums." Dumb immature schmuck. "Maybe, maybe not; the problem is the law makers want BOTH! Greedy scum." You're an awfully whiny little snowflake. "Really? How old are you? I have been to Puerto Rico numerous times and even hired people from Puerto Rico. I am not an expert, but I do recall over the past few years that Puerto Ricans tried to assassinate President Truman, shot up the Congress and wounded a few Congressmen. I recall those perpetrators being released and having a parade in the Puerto Rican neighborhood of NYC. I recall them being hailed as heroes when they returned to P.R. I also remember well that there have been three elections in Puerto Rico. The people had a choice of becoming a state (This would have required them to pay federal taxes. They never paid a cent.) or to vote Independence or to leave things as they are (Get all the free stuff and benefits from the U.S. just as if the whole island was on federal welfare.). And you think we have ignored P.R. Hell man, they drove out the Navy which provided Billions to their economy and thousands of jobs and we ignored them? What a misinformed fool you are." Nobody cares about stupid if stupid doesn't care about herself or her baby. Keep your body clean during pregnancy damn. Get that asshole out of the Country.......yesterday....if not sooner !! "The Russian troll farms have cooked up the appropriate line of propaganda for their bots to echo. The line of propaganda is crafted to appeal to those who have no view grounded in reality, those who are easily led to believe the exact opposite of any evident reality. Trump/Putin can tell their followers up is down and they'll all chime in that anything else is fake news. Truly wondrous, …the extent of the indoctrination. Trump can murder America in the street, (…and he's hard at it.), and yet his followers won't lift an eyebrow. They're too busy listening to Sebastion Gorka, or Alex Jones or some other equally crazy loon." I love stupid criminals. "Parnell refused the money, because expanding the welfare state is not financially sustainable. Both the state, & the feds are broke. Walker, & the rest of the liberty loathing left are economic, budgetary idiots." "This judge, as so many left wing nuts thinks he knows what's good for everyone. His antics are STUPID but he is getting a name for himself, an Obama flunky!" Why not ? The idiot in chief is the greatest imposter of all time. "I do. My father shot at them and I'd be happy to follow in his footsteps. Waste of good lead, though." "Wow. How stupid does she think we are? Does she really believe that we are going to buy in to the Russia/Comey thing? Doesn't she get it yet that people realize that she's to blame for her own failure? What a fool." "The guy's a damn cop, so what do you expect?" "my god you idiot libs are clueless thinking only Government owning and building is what works best,, we already pay far enough in taxes for such gov projects, we have overspending that is the problem, not revenue, get the house in order first befoer you beg to take more of my money" Dumb and dumber And the media who endlessly refused to call him on it and are now constantly at Trump's throat are even bigger hypocrites. You're dumber than I thought......and that's sayin something. I'm sorry for you. "As I said, ""emotional hugely ignorant...""" "You are an idiot, if you had a brain you would be dangerous. Luckily the is virtually no chance of that happening." This argument seems especially trite at a time when we are being ruled by a cadre of overly-privileged aristocratic morons. "Damn..two weeks ago Comey was an upstanding, trustworthy guy. Now that he is pulling his head out of his ass and doing his job, he is a partisan hack. Someone should start writing his obituary, because they're going to find him suicided here pretty soon methinks." The stupid just get more stupid. Truly pathetic. I wouldn't have believed people could be this stupid before the election. Now I accept it as an every day fact. And the stupid is growing. How did you ever learn to read? Or do have a 6 year-old read to you and type in your response after minimally editing it for for you for spelling and grammar? What kind of Crap is that? "She must have been an absolute moron. I bet she fails to notice when to stop pouring hot tea, even after it's burning a hole in the top of her foot, too. She goes to the shoe store every week for new shoes because she can't find her old ones (that she's still wearing) and wonders why each week she needs a larger shoe size (so the new ones will slip over the old ones)." "A good editorial that can be boiled down to one phrase made by Bill Clinton strategist, J Carville- ""It's the economy stupid""." "the usual us did it first bs,, see ignorant one, as in afghanistan, we were RIGHT to go there to go after the lunatics from 911" "On the hypocrisy scale of 1 - 10, where does Meryl Streep sit? I say 12." "Ridiculous! Here's someone trying to help these people out and it's not good enough for them for now. Politics is compromise, but for these idiots that's too complicated. They're every bit as bad as the far right wing nuts who take the same stance, not compromise. Drive by these extremes and get on with it." "Actually, subscription revenue to the so called MSM --- New York Times etc --- spiked higher after the election. My guess is that with a pathological liar now occupying the office of POTUS, people are beginning to realize just how important a free press actually is to democracy." "The color of the paint has nothing to do with it being corrosion resistant. Face it, the red color makes the damn thing an eye sore." Scumbag. Hope someone turns his a$$ in. No the embarrasement is to the country when idiots who don't beleive in science because it is fake are appointed to important positions. Sad. Whats pathetic is watching Liberal teet suckers strain for an excuse or deflect the issue and attack the messengers. And watching wealthy business people make a mockery of Liberal fundraisers involving the Prime Minister is top tier news so get over yourself. $5000-$1500 = $3500 profit per person multiplied by ? This stinks to high heaven. "The USN is not offering used Hornets as far as I know. Even if they were, heavily used carrier Hornets operated in a saltwater environment for 30 years, a bargain only to a fool like junior." "I guess you missed the still net loss of 250,000 industry jobs gone from Ontario under liberals, I guess you missed that the unemployment rate went UP in this report, I guess you missed the record debt, the complete flat economy in Ontario!,,,, Ontario is stuck with plenty of idiots , they are called LIBERALS" "I suppose we should have been kept in the dark about the Democrats, their deceit and stupidity. I prefer hackers." WOW - you truly are stupid and severely incompetent. """You can keep your doctor."" You just called yourself really stupid." "The thread topic is ""Spicer says he doesn’t know if Trump believes Russia interfered in 2016 election."" I have a county commissioner friend who used to tell me ""You Can't Fix Stupid"" and in all honestly I had really hoped he was wrong. Do keep writing on the internet. Cheers." "aa another ignorant left wing loser of stupid, i live in ontario nut job, i respect what trump is doing, i also call for leaders here to act the same, but our current crop of cult liberals is not up to it and dont care" "Wow dumber than dumb,..Lol" Classic. And to think for years he attacked others and criticized others for their oversights. What a hypocrite. Hey K. I said to keep it clean. Dumb Hawaiian. "President Trump has a nice ring to it. Suck it up, snowflakes." "What you refuse to accept, Mr. Conklin, is that this aina was taken illegally by haole business men of America who, like you,t believed they had the right as a superior, mightier race. Racist in Hawaii was born from this one, historic act. And for America's part in causing this sinful act of aggression, they apologized. You however, and those of your ilk, are deaf, blind and dumb to this truth." "The American people elected Clinton with a 3 million vote majority; the system elected Trump with Putin's help. How stupid are Trump supporters to believe this big, fat, orange buffoon should be President? Disgusting." "it is you that is the assinine wynne troll here today with your stupidity, you will be the extinct loser after the next election" "The cops in Seward are dicks. No common courtesy, no understanding, just straight on dickhead Cops. I've been involved in situations where things escalate quickly because of the rudeness & audacity of some police officers. They think cause they have a badge they can speak to you however they want. FUCK THAT" "Breitbart is garbage.... please take yourself over there, Franco. BTW Where are your pals, Mussolini and Hitler ?" This is an issue? How silly. "Pathetic. Clinton Portis always played the role of a clown well. His ridiculous hats and his antics were grotesque burlesque. He finally achieved what he deserved: revulsion and rejection. Just another broken down football player with nothing to offer." "RadirD, you're an idiot." Dang! Just when you think someone couldn't be any more stupid. no one expected the stupidity of the cry babies but yet here you are Didn't these stupid people have Pokemons to catch? Faking moron. "wow another sheep of brain washed stupid that actually is going to believe the books are balanced when the AG has already said counting bs pension funds as assets are nonsense, ,, the best thing ontario can have is for liberal trolling losers like you go away with your brain washed propaganda" "typical liberal trolling bs as daily from you loser.. the DEMOcRATES have become a collection of loons and extreme criminals, fixing elections, buying media ,, the respectfull democrat party of JFK is no more.. super pacs, billionaires funding violence and those rediculous nonsense of fair anything that they never actually want,, are a dangerous menace to society and should be banned from holding public office,, right nazi fascist idiot jimbo!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! man you are a sick anti freedom anything left wing nut job" "What the hell is an ""assault pistol""? People are so dumb." "Any cites or are you just relying on ignorant hyperbole, troll?" "Just because you're too stupid to save any money while people making 1/4 the salary are doing so, doesn't mean you're middle class." "A tale told by an idiot, full of sound and fury but signifying nothing" "2am, you hear a noise in the house. You flee, run to the neighbors, tears in your eyes, stain in your PJs. Scream ""call the cops""! Cops show up 10 minutes later, guns drawn, kick in the locked door. No one there. The noise was the ice maker in the freezer. But I get your point, no need to be ""manly"", or a ""hero"". Not the best way to stay alive. As you say, stupid is as stupid does." Yes. And you're a moron if you think so. "That is absolutely ridiculous, as I pointed out in a comment above the government is based on a system of checks and balances, and the President must be held in check as well. He cannot wield unyielding power or else he is a dictator and equivalently as powerful and corrupt as someone like Putin. What he has done is put on a facade that all of you simpletons ate up, as you saw his call for less government and actual change. What you haven't realized in your blindness, however, is that he and a small faction of government officials have been taking complete control of government while forcing everyone else out. He's turning the country into a dictatorship and you should be frightened by that. He is violating ALL the principles this country was founded on, all because an uneducated populace wanted their racial, religious, and sexist bias' justified by a bigot far worse than them." hissing? yes they made themselves look like idiots just like the pathetic GOPtards. General Mathis and Tillerson testified before Congress that it is better for the U.S to remain in this pact yet the idiot undermines them again. Time to use reverse psychology on the moron to get what we need. Lot of stupidgit fools on here ...Trump handled theNK piss ant as needed...Cool off know it all jack asses.. "take terrorism lightly, and it will eventually bite you in the arse!" "How does it make sense for a free enterprise coalition to take over government as the Liberals did in BC? The results were disastrous. Now they want to do it all over again. Isn't it better for free enterprise to compete in a non-partisan environment and get contracts based on merit and track record instead of smarmy back room deals? The free enterprise coalition even robs free enterprise! As was clearly evident when Clark grabbed the NDP throne speech - the Liberals have no inclination whatsoever to act on behalf of public interests. They put us on the road to a fascist dictatorship. If big corporations are going to dominate government, then let them fold when the government folds. They are fools." A rather stupid piece ... "How is passing more pointless legislation and more stupid laws going to help if the existing ones were not applied by our useless government! Just like in the Las Vegas shooting, the perpetrator bought an excessively amount of guns in a very short period of time and the useless background check guy that is supposed to be monitoring this was asleep at the wheel. Great job useless American government, just great! HOW IS YOUR TWO PARTY DICTATORSHIP WORKING FOR YOU NOW AMERICA!" ".""..and it was so bad, you know that the Democrats didn't talk to us, that we voted for a blathering racist."" Sniveling racist fools...whose fate I do not in the least bit lament." "Bill Clinton? Double rapist and serial sexual abuser, actually." G&M Fuck right off. "No, it's rarely used for you, Pandora. You want to believe that number three is the reason people use it for your posts, but it's actually number 2, ""your remark is ridiculous. I think you're an idiot""" "Once more a lame, unintelligent, snarky reply without any susbstance to deny the truth of exactly what I posted. Demonstrates the totally lack of anything other than garbage ideology gleaned from the right wing playbook. The tone of your comment sounds suspiciously like other posters operating under a host of pseudonyms with the sole purpose of sad attempt to turn sow ear dogma into silk." "Yeah, she should have shown some stones and just back handed the idiot for being a little punk like his mama would have done!" "my god you are ignorant, no loser its not a dont tax me, its im taxed enough already, which is true for all of canada pal!" "I'm watching these idiots staying on old hwy 99, the seediest part of Seattle. In a $10 hooker motel in one room! They don't deserve to ever come back to Seattle. It's one of the most beautiful cities in the US and any Alaskan will agree. These grifters need to be shipped off to Cuba with one time pasport use. They remind me of the people on the infomercial that slopped the spagetti on their feet before they got the lid that would strain it. Smh" you Liberal apologists are sickening. "If they want to kill themselves, then let them. Then we don't have to pay money to feed and house more trash." "Morrow is not the goat! If anybody is the goat, it is Bradley. His penalty was so weak it was pathetic. But then again, somebody had to miss." "Poor Dr K Dave. Is this your comment template? How many times to I read ""how does garbage like this pass for journalism""? Why are you here? I doubt you even read the articles as it's far too easy to write ""how does garbage like this pass for journalism"" straight away once you know one of your enemy journalists has posted. There's nothing random about the tweets about #M103, They are real and mostly ""over the top"", but I won't see you complaining about ""garbage like this"" passing for commentary." "What a bunch of IDIOTS. The most fair and COLLECTIBLE tax is a SALES TAX. The success of a tax is if it is widespread, can be enforced easily and is paid by those who actually purchase goods and services. The fewer collectors of a tax the better, and there are much fewer businesses to collect a sales tax than there are residents, who may or may not honestly pay an income tax There are a LOT of income tax cheaters and to enforce collection of income tax requires a new State agency. Auditing businesses who collect sales tax is very straightforward and very few businesses of any size cheat on sales taxes. As a person increases their income, they buy more expensive items, therefore they pay more sales tax, Most states eliminate groceries from sales tax, so as to not unfairly hit the poor, so the sales tax is on items people CHOOSE to buy. Rich people buy planes, expensive cars, expensive homes, expensive ""toys"", remodel homes, buy new appliances, etc. and therefore pay more sales tax." An idiotic remark - how would you have felt if some dimwit proposed this when Obama was elected? He turned into a race baiting clown - still love him? He should have never made it to round one and because he did - should have been impeached as soon as he started supporting BLM and their domestic terrorism showing his true color.... "Nothing more ideologically attractive than a ""boot in the face"" Mike. Truly stupid work." Always a moron! What has he done to make changes with the Dems? He voted for repeal in Barry's last year. What has changed? I can tell you what hasn't changed...McCain is a liar!!! "What a load of caca!! Stay kicked out join Outward Bounds instead this young man obviously TOO SMART for boy scouts ... :)" "So the response is sympathizing with the poor nazis and their need to defend themselves. This is beyond stupid. They showed up after a night march attempting to terrorize the town itching for a fight. But lets just blame those that showed up to protest them. Lets throw down a ton of false equivalencies to attempt to make both sides look bad. The permit for the event was revoked before it even started, the alt-right showed up loaded for bear and the police knew it was a riot not a peaceful protest. The fact that we keep even having this both sides are bad conversation when nazis are involved is simply amazing to me. They literally killed a person and everyone is hand wringing over the counter-protesters. Get a damn grip." "America IS badly broken and was broken even before the fuzzy election of the yahoo Trump. Given the stranglehold of their defacto two-party system, they need(ed) vision, priorities and leafership that was not provided by Clinton and was thwarted from Sanders. Yes, there are mysoginists and idiots aplenty, but Renzetti needs to look beyond that issue to realize that Clinton and an elitist, war-mongering, conservative Democratic Party allowed the clown Trump to prevail." "Trump needs to win Trump is a limp dick and he's running foreign policy to look tough" That is what people were saying about Trump idiot. Only thing I learned from this election is that America is full of suckers and idiots and they all helped Trump win the white house. "ya standing up to try and stop a gas attack, a crime on humanity is aggression in your little mind?? , its ignorant people like you that are a disgrace." ". . . the title heading in the chapter about his Presidency. . . if there is a world left for history to instruct. And, everytime you try your hand at supporting that monster, you identify yourself as with him, a believer, supporter, advocate and enabler of all those things. A Trumpist, given to Trumpism, and therefore a supporter of racism, narcissism, elitism, sophistry and misogyny. I know what it looks like when I see it on the TV. It's ugly. It has orange hair, flappy jowls, and a comical facial expression of attempted ""toughness"" that comes across as lame and buffoonish. Look in the mirror. That's what else it looks like. Equally as ugly. The ripples in the water don't help." "He is a bitter fool and knows he has not too much time to be around so, he wants to go as an American hero." "oh no, this isn't even in the top 10 moronic statements by this babbling fool." "Most voters are idiots. They keep electing the same people and expect something to change. Never vote for an incumbent... well, except for Don Young." Greedy pig strikes again! "is hard to build a base when the president being a self centered narcissist who would never compromise in legislation, after over 300 bills always was about his way 100% or nothing! ,, obama was the problem not the tea party people who actually stood for good government without raising anymore taxes pal,.. its you left wingers that are hyper partisan period, and nut job stupid too" aa the stupidity and bs the left makes up never ends "yeah he is a moron. him and krooked kathleen. see these 2 fools at the airport, handing out winter coats and boots. such a farce. they should be ashamed of themselves but instead they are globe trotting and hiding as too afraid of getting lynched. trudeau is back but hopefully the UN will take him and his selfies" "Well OK, maybe not an idiot ..... but I think we can all agree on A$$HOLE." Cruz is a piece of garbage a globalist fraud What part of Universal Healthcare do these idiots in Washington not understand. It's time to join the rest of the civilized world. "I now see what you mean. Well thank the gods for these liberals like Phil Barnhart to protect us dumb yokels from being influenced by ""rich outsiders"" and our own bad decisions." "Moron!! Dumb Moron!." noise is noise musher exception is ridiculous. who gives a shit what tis arrogant jew thinks about anything. What good did he do for NYC? Why is this bitter scumbag still being allowed to wield such power. Dump his sorry butt off all committees. John....what part of go home don't you get ?? "The media is simply a collection of ill informed clowns, who suckled at the teat of equally as ignorant 'educators', disguised as enlightened college professors. Their reality is as legitimate as Fantasyland is in Disneyland. Bernstein.....what a fool." You're right. They are disgusting scum that need to be removed from this country. Am I the only person sick to death of gay parades? Isn't there more to life than sexual orientation ? Canada was one of the first countries in the world to recognize gay marriage... is it still necessary to have these marches...... If you really want to make a difference then try and march in Saudi Arabia. "Women need to learn the old proverb that ""the only good scumbag rapist is a dead scumbag rapist"" and carry with a permit." Paul Ryan is on the ropes and is doing everything he can do to remain in any Government position. He's a professional political whore who has back stabbed Trump all too often Then there is the imbecilic white hate society. Are you on the board? "Listen Konrad, The french and english will always be enemies. Even when I buy gas at a last resort in Quebec on my way out east I get crap from Quebecker Next time I shoot. They are good for shit.." Not for the f----n moron. Docs have been doing this for years. You wouldn't even want to know what they say and do during colonoscopies. These nurses were merely too stupid to keep their mouths shut- this happens all the time. "Good riddance to an oily-tongued hypocrite, bully and adulterer." "Yes, that's a great example of collective (gasp!) action used to work towards addressing a problem. Thanks for bringing it up. Donnie still seems to be quite confused about the matter, however. http://www.factcheck.org/2016/05/trump-on-hairspray-and-ozone/ This is why we should elect smart people to office, not morons like Don." "I spent 8 years teaching women how NOT to end up in court - unless on the other end of an assault charge where they had ripped a shin or the lower lip, or smashed the two fine nose bones right into the brain... Toughest problem was overcoming women's revulsion at the simple yet very effective techniques. I remember one young female idiot who insisted on walking through a dark park at night to get home. Said it was her 'right'. Sure enough, she was attacked one evening. She fought her assailant off. Never forgot her feminist arrogance. Speaking of which... I can believe you were a lawyer who defended such idiots. No doubt you remember the true story about the NYC cop cross-examined in court by a Defence Attorney as to why he locked his locker at work if he really trusted his fellow cops? The cop's response: ""Sometimes lawyers walk through our locker room."" Based on your 'arguments' and reactions on this site, I have difficulty believing it was the opposing counsel who were clueless." WE USE HYDRO IDIOT. testing F word Fuck "your either an islamist or a far left(marxist) who hates Jesus Christ... there are no homicide baptists running around, genius!! ------------------------------------- THIS is hate; all from the Qur’an.” The eternal, unchanging words of Allah: Q 2:193 “And kill them [unbelievers] wherever you find them.” Q 2:216 “Fighting is prescribed for you.” Q 8:12 “I will strike terror into the hearts of those who disbelieve. Therefore strike off their heads and strike off every fingertip of them.” Q 9:5 “Slay the idolaters wherever you find them, and take them captive and besiege them and lie in wait for them in every ambush.” Q 9:123 “O you who believe! Fight those of the unbelievers who are near to you and let them find in you hardness.” Q 4:73 “So, when you meet those who disbelieve smite at their necks till when you have killed them and wounded many of them.” Q 5:14 : “We [Muslims] estranged them [Christians] with enmity and HATRED between one and the other, TO THE DAY OF JUDGMENT.”" NFL ratings have been in steady decline since this crap started. Thank you Kaepernick. "Last Patriot, You just described the vast majority of alaska's republican politicians... Greedy & corrupt." It needs more info on why it's a dump. Maybe because of the trash living there. "Trump is a bumbling fool, and the US has become the laughing stock of the free world." To the American media this is absolute proof that all white people are racist nazis ​​This is just another shining example how inadequate our governance and political system is. We are fully loaded with ​self-promoting ​useless carrier politicians. Pointing fingers between conservatives and liberals will not help. They are equal. We need a new political system. "also, not to be crazy, high, suicidal, or stupid." "Attention Readers: ONLY black readers should heed the NCAAP warning for American Airlines. Every other color of person is not allowed to be forewarned or even mildly alarmed. ONLY black people may feel any different towards said airline, not whites or any other race." "Man, time to start packin again.... Getting tired of this crap!" That's why Trump keeps doing such stupid stuff. To get the media against him and increase how much his followers love him. It's all planned. Yup. What's honorable is telling idiots that they're idiots (even if tardily). "With jerks like this prof, our UAA system is doomed. His peers should work to get him out of the university ASAP. Stupid is as stupid does. I'd bet this man thinks he's a real sophisticated, highly educated man. Wow, his common sense must have disappeared if it ever existed, maybe he's eating his paints?" "How many off-colour, racist anti-white slags by black students on campuses go unpunished? All of them." "Not all Muslims commit acts of terror, but most acts of terror are committed by Muslims. Although it is not true that all conservatives are stupid people, it is true that most stupid people are conservative. -John Stuart Mill. I'm sure the first sentence will be considered Islamophobic by our resident snowflakes." What happens daily are idiotic remarks from Trump and fluffy Trump Bunnies like you. "I can understand a pic of Toe Blake but Pat Quinn? Nothing but a loser as a coach and as a player committed a dirty knee on knee against Bobby Orr, practically ended up killing the career of one of the games all-time greats. Both he and his buddy Brian Burke, two scumbags." "Once again the idiotic ""I can't defend Trump's lies so I will bring up Obama's"" defense rears it's ugly head. I could list all the whoppers that Trump has said recently but that would take to long. But if you're a believer in Dear Leader Trump, shouldn't he be better than that? Every time your Dear Leader opens his mouth a lie comes out...." "STD's occur in every ""sexually active"" group. A very small number of gays fall into that group. Most gays are monogamous, in committed relationships. Your portrayal of gays is wrong headed and stupid. I figure you're a troll or an idiot, because Trump certainly doesn't agree with you." U can rape all the women so long as they're not black. Just make sure U come home before bedtime. Know we now why u have a security detail you piece of shit rip off bitch "Celibacy?!?! You do realize that the majority of pedophiles are -married- men with seemingly normal families, do you? You do realize that the professional child welfare investigators that root out pedophiles for a living, to them the Roman collar is hardly even a blip on their radar, do you? Affront to survivors?!?! You DO realize that -this- survivor, along with the vast majority of other survivors, were NOT abused by a Catholic priest, but by someone from probably your very own own demographic, and WE view your myopic tunnel vision towards priests as not only stupid, but even dangerous....do you?" "you can remove the post all you want, the fact still remains your post reminds me there is no cure for stupidity, you're screwed Junior" Oh please. That's such a crock of s**t. This is a chance for self absorbed athletes (and actors) to get more time in the spotlight. "Becoming religious does not make you violent, but going to Afghanistan and becoming religious can. When in Afghanistan and seeing grown men have sex with young boys and goats after maghrib it's pretty difficult not to judge. When their 'prophet' and founder Mohammed married a 6 year old and was screwing her by 10 years of age, respect is hard to come by, I don't like pedophiles. Verses in the Qur'an call for violence against all who do not believe in Allah. I know good people exist who practice Islam but the radical Muslims are like an ever spreading stage 4 cancer." "Yes they would, then they could oh so self righteous about how depraved all homosexuals are and this just proves it!" So....basically the commissioner is saying our safety doesn't matter and if you commit a crime you won't go to jail if your mentally ill.....So Stupid! So now they sheriff will release inmates early everyday because he has no place to put them.....thanks for NOT CARING about our Safety Commissioner! "It's not surprising that the Victim Card is gleefully played at every opportunity by Islamist academics. It's time the self-serving, self-anointed Muslim intellectuals began an introspective conversation among Muslims-- clean up your own ideological backyard of intolerance, hatred, and deplorable human rights before pointing the finger at others." The 2nd Amendment is a white privilege. Black folks are shot on the mere suspicion of being armed. That includes black children. "we had a glaring bombastic microcosm of trump in Toronto in the form of mayor robber frod. how did that go? apparently, our version of the village idiot was so skilled at performing his mayoral duties, if you suppose smoking crack, boozing it up and urinating in public are part and parcel mayoralty duties, that the council he oversaw stripped him of all his mayoralty responsibilities except of course the honorary title of mayor. here was a man born of financial privilege and still managed to screw up royally, like president dumb old chump is managing to do in america. and for you sir, a messiah trump cannot come fast enough? pity." "No - Trump is very stupid, among other explitives - he just accidentally made the right decision to pull out of the Paris nonsense." "Thank you for outing yourself, CC. Indeed, you can't fix stupid." "Wombat, despite my strong opposition to transgendered people serving in the military, I have to agree with you on every single point mentioned here. Although I agree with Trump on many points, he himself is an idiot." """The cross-partisan Senate committee, which includes five Conservative appointees, two Liberals and two unaffiliated senators, says the federal government has to ensure that language training is provided so the Syrians can successfully join the work force and society."" They're not going to join the work force and society you idiots! They're going to stay on welfare and child benefits. Why can't the Liberals admit they made a mistake and cancel this program. 20,000 more applicants in the pipeline..." "Hillary is 100% correct! Her loss had NOTHING to do with the fact she was an awful candidate, a corrupt venal entitled puppet for Wall Street, an arrogant presumptuous psychopath, a two-faced lying hypocrite, none of these factors had ANYTHING to do with her loss--Why? you might ask--BECAUSE all these characteristics were obvious to all in the DNC who anointed her as the NEXT ""identity"" to become royalty--black, then female, apparently was the order of coronation by the Left-- The Media had already prepared their glossy covers with her crown in place-- The media still betrayed her--They could NOT ignore (as they had intended) the Republican candidate despite their orders--Trump played them like PT Barnum and they dutifully kept him FRONT and CENTER in the headlines--even trying to ridicule him as they did, Trump's name was in the news daily and the ""deplorables"" (those ignored by the mainstream parties) who were themselves ""mad as hell"" voted their disgust of party politics--hah, hah" "Yes, seeing each other's face is part of communications, but it's not compulsory, nor should it be. Like most things in our society, it's a matter of freedom of choice. We manage to communicate just fine sitting beside each other, or in the dark. This compulsory 'must see the other person's face' thing is sheer bullshit, and an excuse for bigots and misogynists to support the oppression of a small group of Muslim women." Lets hope she does not create more terrorist breeding grounds. Bush. Obama and Hilary really gave a boost to the spread of Islam which is pretty stupid. "B*tchy comments coming from Mister Bracco, Principal - aged 45, and Mister Osborn, Vice Principal - aged 31. sounds like mean girls to me...from the misters that is..." What a jerk the guy is. "Don't blame Obama, those black officers probaby voted for him. Trump actually opened the scab of racism. Doesn't matter if not a slave now, if your ancestors were, ALL generations suffer. What an idiot statement. Hey, trumpets, go to church today." """Intimidating"" in those states = ""making sure people are who they say they are"". Lighten up DS. Or do you think your fellow liberals are too stupid to see an obvious joke." "Look at the amount of our tax dollars at work here. These people aren't saints to be sure, but this is beyond ridiculous. We have daily shootings in town nowadays and this crap is getting hundreds of thousands of dollars of needless tax payer attention." "These things are not readily available to the general public. You are a foolish person. You would embarrass yourself, if you were capable of it." "Flippin' riot: that is what it is! HaHa. I almost hate to say it (but I don't), but Lynn Gattis made her own bed. Seniors have kids and other relatives who vote; they are a growing part of the population. Hopefully, a whole lot of stupidity took a bath yesterday." I expect he feels no more stupid than you do. Do you? Your level of IGNORANCE astounds. "Hope you dung yourself a nice bunker. Nuclear war is coming under Donald Trump because he's too stupid to understand what it means" "Thanks for your thoughtful comments, Hodor. I think you’d have to be pretty stupid to want Trump to release those sort of things, don’t you? Tax returns will be fine for now. Oh, and did you hear?? Apparently Trump’s new campaign manager (What, his third??) now says we’re NOT going to round up all the illegals and kick them out en masse as Trump promised. My guess is that Trump was just saying that sort of thing to begin with to attract the Palin-Americans he needed to win the primaries…" If anyone believes the Liberals actually mean any of this they are unforgivably stupid "Ha, ha yourself, Groucho. Say they turn a few select high pressure valves clockwise. How you gonna get to the government offices and keep your fanny warm?" "lol, yes a nobody but someone who has constantly been shown correct on his comments on this Clown. Say Les, have you started your Russian lessons yet?" The hypocrisy of the Democrats on full display. "You're as full of excrement as Trump, your malignant narcissist hero." Make all these idiots pay the cost associated with this. Make them clean up their own mess & give them a big fine. Why are we letting these people just do as they please. It is definitely sending a wrong message. Wake up you dumb politicians. Just let them stay lost and post a sign at the trailhead of all the idiots that never came back. Put McCandless's name at the top of the sign. "Yes, the NFL is being a bunch of hypocrites with respect to their own rules." "my god you prove your stupidity yet again, righties CREATE every dam penny of taxation available via thier investment businesses and risks,, you theaving lefties steal it and live of OUR hard work and risks!!,, thank god more and more are no longer voting for you left wing takers" "Another bleeding heart terrorist symphathizer. If somebody he loves gets whacked by one of those Wackos, watch him scream like a stuck pig." So you voted for a guy who 'grabs them in the p**sy'. I don't want my daughters anywhere near the new idiot. Stupid comment. Meanwhile Taxed is now complaining his Hyundai Santa Fe is a piece of crap! you admitted in the first post that you shot at it..we all took screens shots..and it's still there..not very bright are ya?? im sure if you were you wouldn't be a pathetic hobo living on a boat with some nasty ho. "Sounds like he is guilty of being a boor. Ageism, racism, and sexism? Childish claims from a professional politician who ought to know better." You're a liar and you're stupid... "Likely. But so what. Information is out. President looks increasingly like a crook. Multiple disasters circling him. He is his own worst enemy. We all should watch the media. More news every day. Not Fake news either. Watch Fox. They are saying similar things as CNN about today's testimony. They can't believe how Trump has screwed things up so spectacularly in the last four months. Doesn't all the evidence there now is grab your attention? Or are you simply one who thinks it is a conspiracy and that the investigation should be halted immediately. At the end of this, the people of the U.S.A. will not be ""thinking"" much about this single leak we are talking about. They will be wondering how they were ""so stupid"" to elect the self-obsessed egomaniac. And do to the anger and bitterness of his core supporters, the Republican Party will be torn apart. Do you want that?" And this is why our system is corrupt because of stupid flipping judges.. smdh cuz you know if this was any of their damn children they'd get the max sentence and no plea bargain. Drive the highway all the time. Too many reckless drivers and rarely see any law enforcement. I would like to see a Trooper helicopter flying over in times of high traffic times and giving tickets out like crazy. The only thing that cures an idiot driver the real fear of getting caught. You are a sad pathetic individual.........so we develop and theres a short term burst in economic activity....then whats next genius. Did nobody think to make a penis shaped hat for Trump to wear? The president of Turkey is an effing pig. Youre an idiot. You are a moron and have no idea what you are spewing. Keep pumping the toxic crap into yourself buddy!! Should ha taken his weapon n pulverized him "Mike, you're one those stupid humans I always hear about. Bravo!" If you've mowed down that many deer and other creatures then may I suggest that driving a truck isn't such a good thing. I've been driving for many a year and have yet to hit one even though I've lived in deer country for extended periods of time. I can usually avoid them but then in a sloth turning vehicle like a F350 I suspect that avoiding things isn't the easiest. It's either that or you a crappy driver. "Then they really aren't fans, just melodramatic idiots who want to turn the USA into Nazi Germany." "Good...one less idiot who has no respect of the law, or driving, or people." "Damn, that was well written. I went for the obvious or as Helgard put it, the carcature. Your way is so much better." "Climate change is a hoax, and the earth is flat. Trump is an idiot." Its all these liberal fools moving here it never used to be bad 😀 "Follow the money Alaskans...Chris Christie has already been proven to be a liar and a crook over injuries and taxpayer costs incurred over his closing lanes on a busy bridge at rush hour as political payback for a non-supporter mayor in a town across the bridge. He`s the fat New Jersey Governor who thought HE had a chance at becoming president and bad-mothed Trump,...until he wasn`t anymore. Now Christies` a Trump brown-noser. THIS is the guy who rounded up and sent ""RGA"" money to Randy and the state party through the RGA PAC (""republican governor`s non-profit, tax free ""association""). Ruedrich and co. are reaching out of state AGAIN for money to try to stop Walker and Mallott, calling an old play from an old oily play-book . There are still snakes in the grass fellow Alaskans. https://www.adn.com/politics/article/anti-walker-group-plans-big-ad-push-last-days-governors-race-0/2014/10/27/" "my god you are stupid, , the cpc doesnt believe in carbon taxes to deal with the issue, get over it nut job." ... Im convinced Republicans are all morons ... And pubs remain piles of human garbage. "We do need to clean house, but not with a broom made of shit." "Twenty trillion dollars in debt, two on going wars, over a quarter of a million troops over seas, three hurricanes, and the West Coast is on fire: I know let's have a tax break! Damn are there no grownups left?" "The ""stupid stunt"" is the result of another stupid stunt engineered by the drama teacher in Bytown." you are traitor scum. "Ya can't fix stupid! Only in Mat Su Borough do they believe pot will cure all social ills in the borough!" "The south was willing to break up their country and to send hundreds of thousands of their young men to die, while killing hundreds of thousands of others, in order to defend their right to enslave another human being. And they want to commemorate that idiocy ? What does that say about the gene pool as it reflects on modern southerners ? Did they not yet learn ? History is history, so move the statues to a museum, and put them right next to the dinosaurs. The symbolism will be noted by most." Move your self back to California scumbag... You didn't mention Alaska moron. "Trump looks like a bumbling fool, and he knows it. So, he's REALLY dangerous right now. Hope the ""Generals"" are guarding the buttons." BMW - The brand of choice of egomaniacs and useful idiots. "Very true. Still sick bastards." "typical idiot jimbo, thinks this is about the environment or will do anything for it,, man you are one brain washed ignorant idiot the libs love" I'm sure everyone who lives in Anchorage and other cities would pretty much say your comment is stupid This moronic hag just won't go away. all true. Trump's ignorance of world affairs combined with his recklessness has led needlessly to a possible world war. Trump is the danger as much as NK. We need major breakthroughs in diplomacy. Military options should be off the table. Trump lacks any capacity for diplomacy. And is there anyone more pathetic than Pence strutting around in a over sized black jacket puffing out his chest. Lord save us. its pathetic Stopped watching FOX when O'Reilly thought only he had all answers. CNN sucks too. "We are so stupid to put up with this bullshit! Well, get used to it because Trudeau opened up pandora’s box, this is just the beginning. I suspect that this is happening allot more often, than reported by the news." ghetto trash so you are both an idiot and a left wing sheep! important to know! Hi. I'm Bill de Blasio. I'm a Communist Asshole...Thank You. Incredibly stupid idea. Supervised injection sites have proven to be a complete catastrophe in Vancouver. Lefties never learn. Cant believe this fool was a republican 😄 "Wadhams still touting the lies of Obamacare imploding (read the article from Eric Cantor about those lies) and the joke about tax reform, should tell you even dumb as a brick Ken Buck knows what's going on....you can only lie for so long before even the dumb people get it!" man you keep living in the total stupidity of denial of the most corrupt party in our history the ontairo liberals "so...punks who live in moms basement got arrested after attacking people at trump rallys. what is surprising about this? notta , this is typical of the hillbilly profile. losers in moms basements looking for handouts. patheticccccccccc" "First of all when an Obama staffer asked Obama's chief of staff if he should contact the republican's for input Rahm Emanuel replied ""F**k em we got the votes"" And Boehner tried but Obama couldn't keep a promise and kept moving the goal posts. Obama was so bad that after essentially coming to an agreement with the debt ceiling and the budget with Boehner in a meeting at the WH. By the time Boehner got back to his office Obama had left a message that he had changed his mind and wanted hundreds of billions more in spending. Just a few of the points in Bob Woodward's book." Laughable how your dick is orange from jerking off to your own stupidity ... "Wow, is Kelly really taking credit for this. Research the media coverage of the MGTF takedown on May 4th, 2017 where 52 members of the east side crips (including leaders and senior members of this gang) were indicted and arrested on Federal drug and drug conspiracy charges. They operated, lived and hung out in these boundaries as well as the Welton St corridor. I'm here to tell you Kelly had NOTHING to do with this. It's hard to do shootings and homicides when you're locked up. This violent organization was DISMANTLED on May 4th. Noelle, I can't believe you took the bait on this one. You probably covered the takedown on May 4th. Way to go! You and Kelly should be ashamed. How pathetic!" "You are delusional, idiotic and have no concept of reality. A perfect liberal." Still can't get rid of you Roy. You get banned then just change your name. Pathetic "I'm appalled at some of you so called adults. You are attempting to humiliate and belittle high school students who have every right to be heard whether or not they agree with you. You are correcting their grammar and telling them to be seen and not heard. Acting like just because they are from a smaller community that they aren't smart enough to understand what is going on in the world. You are acting more like children than they are. These kids are being accepted to schools like Yale, Harvard, Stanford etc. South is an exceptional school academically and these kids are not dumb. Please, try to act like civilized adults and not talk down to or about children. I, for one am glad they are not learning from you because you are setting a horrible example." "Are you serious? I hate to clue you in, but very few people reading your posts are as dumb as you Trump lapdogs to believe the Daily Mail. ARE YOU SERIOUS? THE DAILY MAIL? You'd have more credibility is quoted Fox News. But now I know how desperate you're getting to look sane around those who don't live in your MAGAphant bubble. It's too easy making you look stupid. Actually we don't make you look stupid, once your fingers hit the keyboard, stupidity prevails. Please don't stop, you're making this too fun. Maybe next time quote Breitbart or Limbaugh." "Every year the Eugene Weekly comes out with it's 'lamebrain edition' where it trys to convince the public that pit bulls are just some misunderstood, cuddly breed. Sheer idiocy IMO." "Ah.....so now someone is automatically a jerk if they don't stand for the anthem. I suppose I am also a jerk since I don't get the warm fuzzies from daily recitation of the Pledge of Allegiance." "we know the con you got in an education given the stupidity you post daily. see loser trump has been FIRING anyone who has any connections to companies to make money, so take your ignorant nonsense bud" "Obama's? You have selective memory loss, Reichwing critic. Seems that facts elude you and your ilk. Obama simply followed a pact that GW Bush signed with the Iraq government to withdraw by the date he did. This was Bush's policy, you dumbfk. Get your facts straight (if that's even possible for a bonehead like you)...you're sounding as stupid as obese prez dungbeetle." Traitorous POS! "I used to love bike riding but now there are so many social parasites, bums, passed out in the bike path with tons of garbage piled high, it's not worth it." "Every day some idiot with an axe of some sort to grind finds something, anything, to make Trump out to be a fool. Well, I think I can assure all the asshats that still can't get over $illary getting beaten by a businessman instead of a swamp creature, politician , that Donald Trump is no fool and if you believe he does not have the support of the people in middle America I have a bridge in Wyoming to sell you. You libs vastly underestimate the conservatives in this country. Keep up the criticism of every single move that Trump makes, you're digging your own graves." "Come on damn it. Hillary wasn't the best choice for the Democrats and I'm a liberal. She never really had an economic plan other than chirping in her campaign stump, ""I'm going to turn the economy over to Bill."" Geez. Give me a back flipping break." "The author of this article is an idiot. This maybe good politics but bad for the country. What if business owners choose not to build the business? Who is going to get the millennial the jobs they need. Or is Trudeau hoping that the stoned millennial won't notice. They are going to get a nasty wakeup call when the bill comes due and they can't pay it." I had not thought of that aspect Dennis. I hope our military will have the courage to step in and prevent a world wide disaster. By step in I mean prevent Trump from doing something stupid if Congress won't act. Kinda like your stupid remark! The most idiotic read of the day. It can't get any better. Everyday daycare manners learned while studying leftist PC Ivy league gobble-de-gook. My mom owned five duplexes in Juneau back in the 80's and 90's. She finally sold all of them because of exactly this problem. She tried to get better renters by simply pricing the low-lifes out by doubling the price of the rental. Always the same. She made her decision to quit the biz when she opened a door to a bedroom to find it packed with garbage bags to the ceiling. The dumpster was just down the street. Renter too lazy to walk there. She had to have the room gutted down to the floor joists and rebuilt. Pigs. Human pigs. "Really... They edited out the word ass? Political correctness, and censorship run amuck? The press reserves the right to say ass, why censor the public? Is the word vagina bad? Foot? Should I have said ""rats foot""" Oregon State is absolutely terrible! You can't be this stupid. Oh right this is Oregon. "Actually, fighting against Trump by preparing and filing ACLU law suits is great therapy. We've been able to derail most of the idiotic things he tried to do, and throwing sand in the gears has been very comforting. He's an imbecile and will continue to do stupid things, so I'm sure I'll have plenty of work to do. But thanks for thinking about me. I never think about you. Not ever." "as apposed to all the lies and bs you post to hate trump and support nut job left wing ideas here right miller!!,, not to hard to see who was really mr SOROS presidential candidate! see how that works you one sided bias idiot?" Alaskans voted this moron into office. Maybe Sarah will come back """Name calling"" is the defining phrase for pRepublicans. And what Republican is open to opposing views? They blocked Presudent Obama for 8 years. What a YUGE hypocrite." Fits the despicable piece of trash like a glove. Sore losers. "This guy is not only a complete idiot but he has history backwards. Just a moron that sells garbage to fools." "Sorry Political Junkie, but is it your *implied* argument based on these cherry picked data that climate change is a Chinese Hoax and thousands of hard working scientists are all lying to you? I mean, it SEEMS like you're implying this by comparing these storms to a 1935 storm, but you don't actually make the argument. Is that because you have no science background and only self-justifying interwebs resurch? Because you can't make the argument coherently so you ""JUST"" throw up a tiny tiny pinhole of data and smugly grin a if you've debunked thousands of studies over decades? It's pretty sad how many conservatives seem to think their untrained gut instinct or some facts some other con troll threw together on a blog are reality and thousands of scientists are a bunch of liars. I mean, here you are at a computer on the internet, relying MASSIVELY on science with every keystroke, but when they say something you don't like they're all liars? Fool." The majority of stupid Alaskans? I agree. well it looks like the delusional left wing living in hate and stupidity are back again! its the LEFT wing democracts that were undermining democracy with the media you ignorant idiot "This is how politicians are described. Poli-tics poli means many, tics, blood sucking parasites." "Wow, some people are so insensitive and uneducated in land claims issues in Alaska. Its best they keep their inaccurate assumptions to themselves instead of looking like an idiot." "America gets to buy our natural resources at discounted prices while we have go to Walmart and buy their cheap crap for over inflated prices. Who's going really lose if the tax wall goes up? I the Prime Minster want to humoring Trump that's OK, but if he's giving up the high ground over bull shit, he's an idiot." "I'm quite sure I've already read this article a few years ago, same statements, same comments, looks like this guy loves to be seen as an idiot, just to gain some click on his ridiculous articles. Good luck loser" Nice try at the coverup. This jerk is just another cop hating thug. Get over your excuses. Seriously? Rich jerks whose daddys got them out of serving aren't cowards? Only progressives. Trump = CROOK "This guy may not be the best candidate to subject tRump colluding with china, but he get the point. If America believes otherwise then America is in denial and in deep shit." They both stink. In my experience touring motorcyclist tend to be the best behaved and wisest. Pelosi is too stupid. I can't believe in a great country like this these are the best citizens we can find to represent our country to the free world. Both are childish and corrupt. I feel so sad for us. Trump is a conman. He has made and lost millions this way. That's all he knows. Hillary is a child. She will never truly take responsibility for anything. Trump is ultra right. Hillary is ultra left. We have no moderate. How can I make a choice with only these people. No 3rd party candidate has ever been elected to president to my knowledge. I saw an article somewhere that had 30 reasons Trump should not be president. Then it turned around and gave 30 reasons why Hillary should not be president. Trump's problems have been brought out and we all know every one of them. Hillary has a whole lot I had forgotten about. But both of them are not fit to be president according to the comparison. Only upset both parties have not done a reset and start over. Truthfully this is a Pandora box for both of them. dumb old chump is going to game the system when he becomes president and become much wealthier. he has already appointed robber barons including most of his family into key portfolio's of his new administration. this blustering buffoon should not be trusted to day anything until it is actually done. Such a loser and fool is the infested scrotus. Juvenile and childish don't begin to describe the behavior exhibited on a regular basis. Those who voted him in still haven't reached the embarrassment barrier and likely never will. "it is sick delusional idiots like you that dont get it,, see if a teacher perhaps had a gun it would of been stopped!" "Love the hateful comments post below by the socialists. Way to go. Btw, now you know how some of us felt when your loser-in-chief was elected in '08." what an idiotic statement.... anything obama right... More nanny state foolishness. The left is happy to let people decide if they will ever work or not but they can't eat a Caramilk bar. Creating social engineering policy to let a six year old decide their gender but not to drink a can of soda. Absolute madness. "Nick, you are an ignorant dolt. Most CCP holders actually are HIGHLY trained and in this case my guess is none of them were in a position to get a clean shot. Most CCP holders consider things like ""What's behind my target?"" ""Will I unintentionally hurt someone else if I fire?"" We actually TRAIN for these type of scenarios. We ponder, consider, think and learn. You type on your keyboard like an ignorant, arrogant know it all. Please shut the fuck up. Thank you!" "Ken Buck is living proof of Mark Twain's adage: ""Suppose you were an idiot. And suppose you were a member of Congress. But I repeat myself.""" Are you picture jerks happy now? You should be ashamed for killing this goat! What is wrong with you? I hope this haunts you for the rest of your miserable life. LEAVE ANIMALS ALONE!!! "IDIOT, recycling the 2008 forecast - of course since then the DemocRATS have lost the HOUSE, THE SENATE, the Presidency not to mention 1,100+ seats in Legislative bodies throughout the Nation. HOW STUPID CAN YOU BE!?" "And Trump Chumps are idiots, so be careful if you meet one." "I agree, he was trying to simplify it, but he botched it didn't he? He was trying to say that if a bowl of skittles had only 3 poisonous skittles in it would you still eat the skittles. of course the answer is no. But he messed up and said that 3 will kill you. because he is a dummy just like his old man." my god a lunatic lib troll of complete stupidity IRT Keonigohan: I happen to have it on good authority that Hillary's pantsuits are made from an impermeable haz-mat suit fabric that retains liquids and gases so if she did soil herself we'd all be mercifully ignorant of the fact. "Koncerned the concern troll imagining that people will ignore Trump's racism, the racism in the Republican Party and the verity of ricknro's comments. Pretty steep order. The concern troll is not up to the task. Making apologies for racism only demonstrates that one doing so is, in fact, just another racist." "I don't think all the chickens are dead yet. Whenever I see a picture of Christia Freeland, she always looks like a damned chicken plucking away at a few kernels of grain or corn. Just watch her neck and head bobbing - just like a free range chicken!! Too bad, because I like chickens....." "Ahhhh...the stupid is strong in this one, Grasshoppah." It doesn't. Just ignore the troll. Too bad there's no Reaction face for stupid comments. "No, the penis requirement is NOT for God's sake!" You know nothing of what I speak. You are intentionally and willfully ignorant. And arrogant enough to say so. Mr. trump proves yet again that no one gets too old to learn a new way of being stupid. "Trump may be an ass at times, but there can't be that many stupid people out there! Just don't trust this poll!" "What a load of crap. Everyone who is willing to speak the truth about the cowardly left is now apparently some kind of sex fiend. But the pervert Bill Clinton is okay. Oh, my bad the coward supports the cowardly left." "That stupid social worker...Sundin...her mother will die and only then will she realize what real loss is. What a bunch of stupid people, destroying family over something like this." "Well, you know Harold, you can't fix STUPID!" "His Secretary of State has called him a moron. Mental Health experts have looked at his behavior and agreed that he is a narcissistic egotist unqualified to be POTUS. Even many Republicans agree with that. Trump contradicts himself from day to day about important policy matters. He is a reality show star, skilled at fooling a certain segment of the public into thinking he is a great man, and playing on the resentment of uneducated people against those who are well educated." "No. Blogs are not legitimate sources of information. They are held to no standards and can say any bloody thing they like. Blogs are just a big, stupid joke--except to the gullible." "When dimwits tweet and run the world at random, throwing kindling into the fire of manipulative confrontations, oblivious to the fact that those gratuitous tantrums inflame civil unrest, then it is not about democracy per se anymore - it is about how a reality show run and financed by any dimwit and its associates, can bring a societal breakdown once and for all while blaming the devil for one's dimwit kind of regurgitation .... Keep playing with fire." "Oh, please, not this stupidity again." "This garbage has a right to speak, no matter how vile his message. i thin kit would be the ultimate insult to him if EVERYONE ignored him. No audience beyond a few stupid racists and no protesters. Send the message that he is so pitiful that no one cares. Without a protest, the cameras won't be there except to expose him for being a loser." "False argument. Linear extrapolation. Try again, only this time THINK before you say something this stupid." "Schizo, paranoid and hypocritical. Canada does not know who he/she is! ` Globalization is the biggest producer of pollution and toxic materials. . Yet Justine keeps pushing for more immigration, more globalization, more trade, more human trafficking. - Toronto air is unbreathable, on of the most grid locked cities in the world. We can't even fix that how on earth are we going to stop 'climate change?'" "my god you are one sick delusional one, there IS NOT RIGHT in our constitution for day care ignorant lefty, NONE,," "Zinga zinga, pull yo little head out yo big ass zinga" "The best thing Canada can do for its high tech industries is to vote out the likes of Junior, Wynne and Notley.. They are doing more to hurt the high tech and manufacturing industries that help it. They have imposed higher taxes on Canada's highest income earners. Paying over 50% of your income on taxes is insane. That effects skilled high tech entrepreneurs, managers, engineer, IT programmers, etc. Already, the U.S. taxation is far lower for well-paid high tech staff. More so for other countries like Ireland, Singapore, Hong Kong, etc. That gap is going to get wider as Trump is going to lower taxes. It now looks like Junior may impose higher capital gains taxes which again is stupid as many high tech staff count stock share options as part of their pay. Combine that with carbon taxes and high energy bills. . That also badly effects manufacturing. Trudeau, Wynne and Notley are running huge deficits with no end in sight. There is no end in sight with their stupidity." My gawd you are soooo stupid it boggles the mind VW looks like it could be shooting to be a three time loser on the van front. "I have to disagree. I'm not an airline employee but I do fly fairly frequently. My observation is that passengers are becoming increasingly disrespectful to the airline personnel and their fellow passengers. I've seen it all the way from parents allowing thier kids to run up an down the isle, to people putting thier feet up on another passengers seat handles. If people woudl just remember to treat others as you would want to be treated our travel experiences would all be better. I'm actually glad that the flight crew have the ability to kick people off, because some of the passengers are real idiots." Chelsea Handler lives up to all the old stereotypes about dumb blondes. "I mean't the Marine Barracks bombing in Beirut.. The policies of colonialism, its theft and murder, are carried on by leeches and parasites who kill their hosts" Who really gives a crap about this? And for those who do watch this garbage: get a life! "In trumps world of the golden calf, ignorance is intentional and a distraction. Remember the French Revolution? Your illiterate darling trump thinks it's a new reality tv show. Stupid is as stupid does and you qualify for broad certification" "1) No other civilized nation in the world has the huge numbers of mass shootings we do. 2) The enablers and excuse makers always say it is an insane person at fault, that a nation awash in assault rifles has nothing to do with it. (And while we're at it, let's make medical benefits for mental health harder to get.) 3) Ergo, America is overrun with the insane." "Damn right it takes time. Look at ALL the stuff that has come out in just the last two weeks!" Sick pervert "Exactly this. I can't thing of anyone more hypocritical than Trudeau, waxing on about Canadian values, only when it suits him, lying to win elections." SOMEONE NEEDS TO PUT A SIZE 12 BOOT UP WAKER'S AZZ AND SEND'EM BACK TO TEXAS IN A OIL DRUM STUPID AZZ "Dumb because it is obvious Assad never used chemical weapons. It is clearly the rebels that have used chemical weapons, and not Assad. Assad has a vast superiority in weapons, so has no need to resort to cheap weapons like chemical weapons, that are not very effective or easy to aim. The rebels are the ones who don't have good weapons and have always been improvising alternatives like chemical weapons. The UN can send in inspectors whenever they want, and they have never found any chemical weapons being used or possessed by Assad. Why would Assad have turned over all his chemical weapons in 2013 if he intended to still use them? Why would he bother using them at all, since he has much more lethal weapons?" "Learn that that SCREWED UP & get a a big fine, Hopefully! They know exactly what they were doing. They are going to claim STUPID. Stupid is as STUPID does!!" """We knew it would be rough without him, but geez. Did anyone think it would be like this?"" Past is prologue. A little historical research about what happens to the Ducks when their starting QB goes down is in order. Which is why unnecessarily running or allowing Oregon's starting QB to run unnecessarily is dumb, dumb, dumb. A single game does not make a season. A single season does not make a program." Only an idiot/coward would get his vagina hurt for making a comment about their cult leader in a sports article. Bill Robertson=Trump supporting coward. Maggots??? How is that not enough to take hoarding into animal abuse and criminal neglect???? Holy crap people!! "Hypocrite, failure, liar, killer. Just go, Obama." """Trudeau will pay a high price for Trans Mountain’s approval"" Perhaps. But no one will pay a higher price than the Canadians who got stuck with this idiot after he was voted into power by morons." You Can't fix Stupid Why do people go to an area during hurricane season or to a war torn country and expect the government to bail them out. I would hope the individuals get billed for the cost. Being a Canadian should not mean you get a free pass to being stupid. Bishop Morlino's attempt to shift the blame on to the local priest is both hypocritical and cowardly. SCAMSTERS when it's funded by the people apparently it's alright. This is why most politicians are though of as scum. Remember when integrity meant something? "I'm sure they want to make sure the Fool never escapes Arkham Asylum, and the best way to do that is to shine a nice billion lumen light on his sad ass 24 hours a day, 365 days a year." Stupid is as stupid does. No place to hide and no place to run too. You are a nut ball. "In a word, Scarramuci is a dick. Who doesn't remember one like him from high school? The tough talker that's nothing but a woos. He'll cause trouble for the administration and they'll end up canning him. Total waste of good oxygen." "You can't fix stupid, and Alaska, like all red states, is full of it." "Lives in Thailand? So like every other racist, he’s a hypocrite." "Stupid reporting, and of course you had to use a horrible picture of a classy, wonderful American! Get over it, Trump won!" @AlwaysThere. You are clearly here just to instill some sense of discord. Please go fuck yourself accordingly. "Promote? No. Kim is the one who want's to do that, and the leftists are the idiots who would let him. Taste of you own medicine." Creating other brand new horrific diseases by accident? The road to hell is paved with good intentions. Might not be immoral though. Just stupid. "What a jerk. I bet his neighbors hate his truck but it's his mostly his driving manners that are to blame. Or, lack there of. Posting his citation (on-line) only shows that ""diesel jerk"" is proud of his actions, rather than ashamed." "Berman is probably a Denier; at best he is a miserable freeloader, who wants the benefit of fighting climate change while not bearing any of the cost." Fuck Alaska dispatch news for charging me 9.99 a month without telling me what for Racist crap that Obama had to put up with for years. You should be banned! "Nazi was an acronym for nationalist socialist. But that didn't mean they were Socialists. They were right-wing fascists. ISIS does not represent anybody but a group of radical idiots. Get educated, and get back to me with a reasonable argument if you have one." "When you're ready to place a monetary bet on whether these guys get charged with terrorism, lemme know. Otherwise, I know you're all bluster and no balls." "U Suck Bill just another fucking lawyer" "Next time shoot da bum and kill him. Just tell the police you can't remember anything. Cops will fill in the rest. Secretly the cops love that they die so they don't have to waste their time responding to bum reports. Funny if you kill da bum inside the dumpster, just close it. Rubbish pickup doesn't look inside and all trash looks like dirty trash and will get burned en masse. Better than cremation." "Trump is scum ... but he's our scum. So it's up to us to get him under control. Best, RTD" "the usual parade of left wing trolls like ROTL in full gear,, insulting voters etc,, its you that has no intelligence since there is not one spec of evidence to show its russia, only opinions and even after the wikileeaks guy clearly said it came from CLINTON insiders,, you still spew this stupidity! smarten up alot pal" hell fucking NO you are a jerk He's an idiot. Right. Because booing like a bunch of 7th graders is a success. Pull your head out of oboobas ass and grow up. Not having a colossal moron in charge during a crisis is one of the reasons why I thought it might be a good idea to not elect Trump… "Perspective counts. 201 out of 24 billion is smaller than a needle in a haystack, but if you have an agenda it just might work on a dumb population." "racist or stupid, is there any difference when it comes to the left like you?" I hope they die in jail. Your post is ridiculous. Great journalism starts and ends with calling everyone else an idiot. I'm tearing up. I gotto put my 2 cents in too saying how stupid someone is! "Trump has disrespected the entire country, and has made us all look like fools to the rest of the world for electing an unqualified, racist, sexist, narcissistic, pathological liar as our president. This is NOT fake news." "Its got nothing to do with politics and you are a fool for bringing it up. The discovery based learning is the problem though. To a certain point you need to learn the basics by rote. Once you have the rote stuff down then you can learn the other stuff." This has to be a joke article.....there are some SERIOUSLY stupid ass people walking this Earth. "The police shoot to kill to protect the child and themselves. This guy walk out with child and guns! Stupid. If they had wounded him then he could turn around, with help from some ambulance chasing attorney, and sue police and city for excessive and unnecessary force and win with a huge settlement! For being stupid? Lay down your guns and do as you are told. Unless you are looking to be killed! Then oh well." "And how do we keep guns out of the hands of stupid, irresponsible idiots?" Ugly ass eyesore..... "get use to it lefty losers, no more can you spew your arrogant stupidity of hate and get away with it!" "who the fuk wld name his child that stupid name, destined for greatness. dumb fricken parents, show his parents picture and name, must b super parents to raise this dumb stupid loser. lock his stupid arse up with his ridiculous name, hmmmm lets see hmmm his mother must be shay something and his father some don sheit. he best they could come up with is shaydon hahahaha, what a winner. parents did a great job of teaching this loser to respect other. you can trash me, cuz i just speak the truth man, i'm so sick of these types of loser on our aina, if we don't do something with the AINOKEA attitude, this state is destined to craps. come on all you ainokea people, chime in and defend this loser. lock um up and throw away the key, this young man obvious didn't study in school, but his parents will always say...""he is a sweetheart, never hurt anyone"" BULLCRAP loser, or poor boy was bullied hahaha, and his parent divorce etc etc. crime again children and elderly u end up in hell bra!" "That's fine, but get your fat ass off the couch, put down the TV changer an trap outside of the city if you want to trap the ""traditional"" way." "your comment is not only fake news, but stupid as well." "As the most corrupt, incompetent and unstable president in history, Donald Trump has advocated social, economic and healthcare policies that also mark him as the most militantly, virulently anti-life president in history. Were his presidency not so utterly tragic, the notion that Trump is ""remotely interested in the right to life"" would be laughable; as it is, it's merely preposterous." Fitting 4 this PGPOTUS...dirty ugly coal for a purely fugly troll. How much was the Denver Post paid to run this garbage? "Generous seperation packages my ass! Price, your a joke. They were anything but generous. Here's hoping when the mill re-opens that the laid off Nippon workers are able to get their jobs back when they reapply. Good luck to McKinley!!!" Don't be ridiculous. This is a tiresome Liberal cheerleading article. Yawn. Good for Justin in doing his job. Trump is a troll of a president so really not hard to out do charmwise and he's clearly not good with facts so again no big whoop. Let's not carried away. Trump mostly just defeats himself because he's an ignorant idiot. "Whqat a stupid , stupid move on Cenovus´s part. Who was thier management consultant on this? Scott Saxberg from Crescent Point?" Stupid is as stupid is. Is this stupid or what? Still sick of seeing this story a second day on the internet. Stupid people don't think rationally. People are so stupid. And lazy. Take advantage of anything you can for retirement. This is free money. Take it. I hate you! You lucky bastard. Someone should tell this jackass that loose lips sink ships. He's a full scale idiot. More like a testicle of himself Liberal crap rag ADN wasted no time trashing Michael Anderson after he took his own life. Cowards. Cursed are the evil in heart and dirty hands for they shall rot in hell. Cursed are those whose feet who walk and rush to evil. Carp never tires when apologizing for our idiot-in-chief. Shove it up your ass you crazy bastard Climate? Institutional racism? Bambam idiot. Stephen Miller is vile trash. Got nuthin' else for ya. "EleDick, you need not overreact. Obviously, a lot of parents do not know how to feed or raise their children, and that's why we have more and more obese children. I don't think Jamie Oliver is the idiot here." "The amoral bully, sexual predator, misogynist elected by the stupid to the highest office in the land and soon to be the potentate over all of the ""justice"" system. Problem? A disaster waiting to happen from day one as the black ops advisors led by Erik Prince, Blackwater owner and advocate for all things torture, assassination, violence against any self-preceived enemies. Hitler, Stalin, Mao, Nixon redux." This sucks why can't small ground displays be legal next year this town sucks!!!! "Must feel great to have a sexual predator as your dictator. But of course jj, you do have a phd" "unmoral, bull dung. Stop spewing garbage please" "Yes, I agree. We need an electoral college for Washington so that Seattle no longer votes for Washington. My goodness,they are a bunch of loons!" "Leah: Suck it up, buttercup. And be courteous when you refer to PRESIDENT DONALD TRUMP." Shadapp ya noisy schmuck and get back up on your cross. """This was badly handled by stupid adults bent on humiliating this kid."" You missed the point of the article. The point is that, in this brand new age of phone cameras, social media, and other technology, NO ONE really knows what the right way to handle these tricky situations is. Based on the article--if you have high school-level reading skills--none of the adults at the school were trying to browbeat the kid, none were trying to intimidate him. Even the cop, who may have been the toughest on the kid, told him he could avoid having to go to court. We do need to review any old laws about sexual activity among teenagers, and about the use of technology. Both are changing quickly and constantly. People's abilities to read and think should also evolve in pace with the technology." "Yeah. I miss the ability to block certain people who simply repeat nonsense, or carp, as you call it. :-)" "So, according to these Polls? Too many Americans can’t see the forest, for the trees. UNGRATEFUL IDIOTS!" It's more likely a sign of the pig we have in the White House and his pig Administration. "You can't lie the treason and money laundering away, time for Benedict Donald to be impeached already. Even if he is too stupid to realize they proved his campaign colluded with Russia. It just means he is stupid and guilty like most criminals." "Elefante is an idiot. He comes up with all this bad laws and some people thinks he is great. He came up with another law to put AED's in all city buildings on every floor without any direction." "It's a pity that some, such as yourself, are so ignorant as to the source of rights, let alone the constitution or existing gun laws, that you would make such an idiotic statement. Being governed by your own emotions is not a virtuous quality." "ok then you dont use gasoline, plastic or such anything else right??? ya hypocrite bs stupidity as usual" United is garbage. "Considering Trump's confrontational style and inflammatory rhetoric, the DMZ visit seems like a particularly stupid idea. Find some other way to show support for our troops there, without adding to their risk" "Christy has no authority over the port. That is federal jurisdiction. She's a fool, just like Trump." "Trump is unfit to be President. His ignorance embarrasses Amerca." "As the saying goes, you can't fix stupid, especially when it's bolstered by denial." "This judge IS an idiot. His ruling directly contradicts the clear language empowering the President to issue whatever immigration control rules he sees fit. And the implication of his ruling is that the United States government does not have the authority to make immigration rules." Damn! A miserable waste of oxygen such as this guy make it difficult to oppose the death penalty on principle. Rumor is that Ivanka's government expenses are covered by funds from the after school program because she is officially his nanny. That means he'll be shooting himself in the s when cuts those funds. What a brainless idiot and embarrassment. Nutter! "LNG is much better for the environment than diesel, yet these stupid hippies complain." In another poll just released 1 in 4 people in the USA are complete idiots Sad thing is they generally are just not intelligent. We now have a president who is the opposite of intelligent. A loudmouth who increases the volume whenever it gets a bit difficult for him. This president has done nothing but shoot from the hip. Sad that you are willing to tolerate it. May I ask why? Perhaps you now have a job building that 50 ft wall? Or one of those manufacturing jobs that has come back to America? Fact is there is no reason to support this clown. "What a stupid thing to say. If world markets aren't buying the LNG, there's no reason to produce it. BC doesn't need it all." "I think people should take responsibility for their barking dogs. I have dogs that ""want to bark"" I reprimand and bring them in immediately. I don't like to hear ""idiots barking"" either. But that man had no right to shoot the dog at all. He should have contacted Animal Control not the Anchorage Police. It became a police matter when he shot the dog. If he doesn't understand the law - whoever is sponsoring him to the US needs to help him." More like the idiot's inactions. "Alaskans aren't too smart by keeping the Capitol in Juneau, are they? Then you have them electing the foul mouthed jerk Eagan,lol." "The accused has no obligation to even present a case. The burden is on the Crown, and the Crown failed. It's amazing how people want to toss our whole justice system and the fundamentals of democratic society in the garbage..." "B.S.... American arogance! Syria is a soverign country... get out american hypocrites... you,re not invited!" Good luck with those emerging markets. Your state is over saturated with commercial grows and the price is plummeting. He will have to put his stuff on the black market and that won't work either. He's an idiot Is it not what the ignorant thought Obama was going to do? But we're not all responsible drivers. There are thousands of morons on the road. I wonder how the lawmakers financially profited from this insane law? Money could have been the only motive for stupidity such as this. The silly Waihee will always be remembered for the corruption in the vast airport construction on his watch. Chin and Ige welcome ALL ILLEGALS. Donkeys "I agree. I think we should stop calling them ""alt-right"" and start calling them Nazis instead." "I can't believe it. Trump made me hate the boy scouts. Suck it up kids, but you're not wanted in my neighborhood anymore." "Don Young, liar and scammer." "I wasn't the one irresponsible with public funds, wasting it on ""business trips"", ""lunch meetings"" and that stupid fucking pipeline. Why should I pay you a tax?" Typical idiot Trumptard. "Walker has to the most disliked person in the State of Alaska! First our Pfd now John! I can't believe he has the guts to run for a second term. Mayor loser, you know it's all about the snow! Most people will get this! Politics at it's finest! Did I say worst? Elect both these idiots out of office! Doot" More weak and idiotic responses from the embarrassment known as the democrat party. No one should be surprised at this point. You're pathetic. "Lotterys and sweepstakes prey on the lowest income among us and those with spending issues already. Maybe the government can do their damn jobs instead of offloading the balancing of the budget to carnival sideshows like attractions. Take all the money it would take to administer this, give it to the schools, then give the schools the idiots that thought this up salary, because they are clearly not looking toward a solution for our children." "Holy crap they did something smart. A broken clock is right twice a day." "Anyone who threatens to shut down the government is both irresponsible and intellectually lazy. Ted Cruz, Trump, Clinton, Bush I and Newt should all get matching ""I'm with Stupid"" t-shirts." "kiragirl's (trumpist/yahoo) thinking is basically North Korean/Russian/ type thinking. ""don't criticize the dear ruler"". . . otherwise face jail/exile. Idiotic and dangerous. Especially when ""dear ruler"" is irrational/crazy/narcissistic/stupid." "you are a true ingorant sheep the libs love, the policies of the liberals ARE destroying jobs and our economy! we as sick of the ignorance losers like you live in .." Hey! Stupid politicians: WE'RE BROKE! STOP. SPENDING. MONEY! jackwagons. "Thanks for the link. I don't dispute it's finding that temperatures are increasing at an unusual rate. I keep in mind a quote from The Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists. We must test all intellectually respectable lines of inquiry, while keeping in mind that, “it is very difficult to predict — especially about the future.” My concern is not necessarily about the science or having policies in place to protect our environment. My problem is with how you go about doing it. The Paris Accord assumes all countries will comply with the pledges they made even tho there's no consequences if they don't. Look at NATO. Out of 28 countries, only 5 contributed to their defense as promised. There are no consequences for the other 25 countries that violate the agreement. Out of 194 countries in the Paris Accord, how many would you guess will comply with the agreement? The U.S. for sure, because like NATO we are the stupid rich kid." "Well that's interesting, blame the victims, those crazy francophones who won't go along with the royal religious crazies in Toronto. Blame the idiots who put out the lies." Doesn't matter what their intent is on selling illegal resources that are not up for sale. Stupid people trying make a buck at our expense. "what bs, the trump bump started AFTER The election idiot.. clearly after the doom and gloom predictions of what would happen if he won didnt come true then the markets took off! ,, get real pal the investors saw that with a trump win, regulations and taxes will be coming down, thus time to invest and risk to make profits,, trump owns that, not obama in any way,, take your ignorance and get educated" "Yea, like photo radar and the Anchorage puking authority. I dont miss him at all. and he always had his nose pressed against obamas ass." millennials... what a worthless bunch of children.. "You can tell that idiots are in charge when you see pretty pictures with more bicycles than cars. Even more when you see babies being towed by bikers that would be arrested for child abuse if they didn't use a child seat in their car." Stupid question. I pay to watch football not to see these idiots protest. They can go and take an ad out to express there personal insecurities. "ScottyKnpws2, Please don't be stupid. Please read with an open mind. I only wrote two sentences to keep my points simple and straightforward. Why are you so uncomprehending ? I said the hippies of the 60's and 70's were like today's Netherlanders, social democratic, progressive and ahead of their time, in the 60's and 70's. What the boomer generation is now, and has been since since around 1984, is an entirely different egregious kettle of fascists who like to believe they're ""liberal""." "Nobody says that you have to participate in lower taxes. You can keep going along with paying outta yourass, to keep people who DON'T WANNA WORK. ANOTHER IDIOT." "And are these applicants the ones we see violently demonstrating in the US - if so, leave them there we have enough of our own morons." The only person to blame is the sick piece of trash that pulled the trigger. An idiot trying to sound local. "Yet another substantiation of R. A. Heinlein's admonishment to ""...never underestimate the power of human stupidity.""" Meh. People stupid enough to put themselves in this situation are also stupid enough to fail to learn from others' mistakes. Lefties are a bucnh of stupid head caca poo poos! And their mean:( "Sick and tired of people using alcohol, drugs, and guns to kill other people. Our judicial system needs to stop this madness and hand down harsh sentencing on these idiots. Take a life, forfeit your life." "You , worst human ever go play with your confed flag and KKK friends and shut up" "Tongue firmly in cheek. How did he manage to pass the background check to acquire his handgun?? Surely several more gun laws would have prevented this shooting. Seriously though, this is the kind of criminal the murdered Sgt. Gooding in Seaside. The liberals in Salem can try to goody two shoes these animals all they want. Shorter sentences and probation are not the answer. This idiot will end up killing someone if he doesn't get killed by the cops first." How hateful and ignorant of you. But a nonetheless telling comment of the truly backward mind set you represent. Weirdo. "More thoughtless destruction by the GOP. Instead of slowly torturing the ACA to death by cutting out vital parts of it, they should just repeal the whole thing. The people who voted for Trump need to feel the consequences of their stupidity. What constructive things has Trump accomplished so far? ZERO. All he and conservatives know how to do is tear down. They're rabid animals leaving death and destruction in their wake. Who in this country feels truly hopeful?" "And why is the office of POTUS worthy of such reverence and devotion? The Office cannot be separated from the person who happens to occupy it from time to time. So if the occupant at the time is an idiot, so is the Office." I knew I could get this clown to act her age. It's like shooting ducks in a barrel. Owned! "Cut the crap! next thing you know, they'll be asking for a $500-million stadium." "We don't know, he may have actually had some sort of training. These sort of incidents are so mindless, that one wonders if training would have even made a difference. Some people are just idiots and/or careless, period." "Nobody feels sorry for you because of situations of your own making..The last President was the last True American President in poise and demeanor, the only thing that left the White House was intelligence, what was brought in is fodder for Saturday Night Live. crazy thing about your Feurer in charge is SNL doesn't have to write things up and create sketches they just have to put on makeup and speak the same words..They let stupid speak for it's self..." Trump is a creep and a crook. Our country is now a big joke. "One day I saw it happen for my own eyes. My friend, who speaks 9 languages and has 2 degrees, was asked stupid questions like : - ""Is this the first time you ever wear shoes ?"" - ""Are you glad you do not have to hunt for your food any more ?"" I was shocked because the person and his friends asking the questions was 100% serious in their ignorance." "ignorant , you are" "Yet this ""airhead"" has advanced himself as the next Speaker of the House. Lance reached his highest level of competency when he worked as a low-level employee at Sears. Voters should send him back to Sears!" "If someone was holding me in my vehicle by blocking the door, that comes awfully close to the legal definition of kidnapping. I'd hit her with the taser too, while the pepper spray kicks in-just to make sure the effect is complete. Friggin' dumb people." "This is the idiot who didn't know that Flynn was a foreign agent for Turkey as he (Flynn) sat in on sensitive election meetings. Can it get any more terrifying?" News summary: people are dumb and easily spun up by any perceived statement thought to be political rhetoric against their beliefs and position The U. should not have bought this friggin' thing to start with. The Air Force dog n pony show wasn't much different. "Excellent points, but I feel like there should be a trigger warning in there somewhere. As misguided as their foolish counterrevolutionary ideals of freedom and democracy may be, Cuban exiles have feelings too. Perhaps you should take a class in #intersectionality?" It prevents the USA from being run by idiots in California and New York. "Don't worry lefty, you and your ilk will all be in Florida this year. A non union state that has always be Republican!! Make sure you get a good deal to go with your hypocrisy." "Deep-thinking Martin thinks two US politicians playing golf with Trump means they have kissed and made up. That's about as naive and stupid as they come. As for Trump's swagger, well maybe you haven't noticed, but that's his bulling way. He knows no other. Too insane. He'd swagger his way to the gallows." """I know of NO leftist, and I KNOW many, who has ever supported suppression of free speech."" Gary you must have very few contacts for friends and associates. Because to say the left doesn't suppress free speech is complete utter garbage!" not really a sick f__ like you make dumb remarks "Let's put them out of business, kill them all." "Old rich white guys should count their blessings that this psycho mass murderer didn’t shoot-up a Rap Concert. I miss the good old days when politics didn’t enter into the blame-game and crazy people didn’t become the symbol of the opposition. There is absolutely no protection against crazy. Looking for a government solution and not surrendering to a Police State, is the definition of crazy." The more I read what this butt clown says the more I understand what an idiot he is. He seems to pick on the ones who have no defense for themselves. Trimming and taking away the minimal protection they have makes him a bully. This was proposed by the fishing industry and in his real estate infested mind he seems to think he knows better on all topics. What a tiny minded close minded hypocritical delusional sad little lonely person The liberal fake news is the cause of this crap. Why won't they just grow up? What a stupid thing to say Dr. Dork. You don't know anything about this guys health. You just assume he's some overweight slob. Crawl back under your rock and smoke some weed. "Great, it was a loser and another Trudeau photo-op from the get go" "What is the point in asking me moronic questions, troll?" "@keith_Moon, Well, that's the point !!. BMW - the brand of choice of egomaniacs & ""useful idiots""." Somebody needs to tell these idiots that she's in WA D.C..... "Saullie: I believe Dryden is from the Big Smoke, so much for your foolishness." Dirtbag liar. "hey idiot, he is being BRIBED you lib troll.. the usa is already starting to soar in its economy due to Trump being elected!, liberals need to fess up to corruption just once and this is clearly it! btw, did you miss the part where during the election you boy god justin said this stuff was completely wrong?" "Ha ha ha! Feel better, clown?" "The ""blood of the city"" didn't carry weight in Denver, it's laughable he tried again in California. The chances he got pulled over by a Raider/49er/Charger fan is large. ""It didn't help"" I bet, what an idiot." "During the Presidential election campaign and since Trump’s election, liberals have held hundreds, perhaps thousands of demonstrations, protests and rallies against Trump, and not once have Trump supporters or conservatives showed up to engage in organized violence against them as these sick loony liberals did at the Trump rally. It is the new norm for liberals. Sick, sick, sick." Trump is an effing moron as are those who support this walking disaster. "Alex is not naive he is a partisan Liberal lap dog of Justin" Keep pushing the lies MSM about how Israel is the bad guy and Palestine is innocent. Losers The president is the emperor who has no clothes and his cheerleaders who support all things Trump are his court of fools and dunces. "Perhaps they were taught at home that protesting for the rights of all peoples is in fact reason enough. ""....they have absolutely no reason to protest."" That is just plain scary and ignorant." """Two such properties, which were investigated in recent years for suspected illegal suites by the city of Richmond, are owned by businessman Miaofei Pan, a real estate developer who entertained Prime Minister Justin Trudeau in his Vancouver mansion last month at a private fundraising dinner for the Liberal Party."" It's official. Canada has made the transition from silly to ridiculous." "More simply, Trump said that in effect Hillary of all people fooled him into making a fool of himself by fooling a whole of people to believe what he was saying had merit. IMHO someone who believes a fool is a fool. So did HRC herself make Trump act so stupid..?" "Raven, you have it all wrong! ""Alaskans"" respect those that have respect for them. We have none for blowhards, outsiders and idiot know-it-all newcomers that want to make Alaska into another L48 sinkhole with all concrete, asphalt and skyscrapers, stupid laws and rules that dont work down south. Oldtimers are determined to leave Alaska for the future Alaskans. Who knows humans may get a streak of sense in not to rape the earth for resources for a very few wealthy corporations. A couple of thousand jobs isn't worth destroying water, land and air for hundreds of thousands in Alaska and destroying fish that feeds millions around the world." "nice try attempting to lable the right wing as the problem when we have seen LIBREALS like in ontairo and federally abuse our system for money over and over and over... your attempt is typical of the alt left, being stupid and full of bs" How often can we say Trump is a fool and incompetent? I would not doubt that by the time the Rail is completed(whenever that is) there will be a few more chiefs being hired. When they fine out who they are really working with a resignation will be turned in. Don't know about you guys but working with idiots is very hard to do. Big conflict of interest....he does not represent the tax paying public...what a stupid article. "No Rationalthought, Bigfire45 understood completely. It started as all about nuclear war. When those political activists posing as scientists were outflanked by the collapse of the USSR, they couldn't just give up what was a stupid symbol in the first place. Oh no, the ""doomsday clock"" was deeply meaningful. So, they decided to expand their mandate. Now it is vulnerability to disaster. Still means absolutely nothing, just means nothing about more. Somehow, somewhere, someone is convincing themselves this has meaning. Don't look over here, cause it won't be me." "Trump could literally be on video telling Putin thanks for rigging the election and Trumpers would still be like, so what? Any politician would look for help from Russia to win. No Big deal. Idiots." "Eagle River already has enough druggies, thieves, and homeless camps. Don't push your garbage into my yard, thanks." "If that is Globe's style it is pathetic. Our national newspaper has to resort to bait and switch tactic to jack up their views so they can command a high advertising rate. People clicked on the title because of the title, not to see several other topics! Is that not a common sense anymore? Adding to the insult now you have to do a mandatory survey before you can post (" "$14,000 a year would be the equivalent of what I expect in annual repayments from my Social Security fund. F*ck these rich f*ckers who don't give two darns about any of us." Yep he has a yellow streak running down his back. Useless and stoopid coward. """Trumpublicans are by far the most hatefully ignorant divisive bunch in US history."" Yes indeed, the KKK, the Know-Nothing Party, the acolytes of Father Charles Coughlin, the American Nazi Party and the Hell's Angels are much preferable to anyone who had the audacity to prefer Trump over Hilary Clinton. . ""... ultimately to our nation's soon and complete demise."" . Verily, verily I say unto you, Trump is the AntiChrist foretold in The Second Coming: . ""A shape with lion body and the head of a man, A gaze blank and pitiless as the sun, Is moving its slow thighs, while all about it Wind shadows of the indignant desert birds. The darkness drops again but now I know That twenty centuries of stony sleep Were vexed to nightmare by a rocking cradle, And what rough beast, its hour come round at last, Slouches towards Bethlehem to be born?""" "Donald Trump is a sick, pathetic, pathological liar. Anyone who supports this idiot should be ashamed of themselves. Seriously." "yep, and the same idiots will denounce you as wrong. all you have to do is watch the nightly news these freaks attack anybody in their way. and what does obobba say? not sure he is out golfing." "Recommended? It's against the law to ride against traffic, so your desperate attempt to defend the actions of a repeat drunk driver accomplished nothing other than making you look like a complete idiot." "We aren't ""commie lovers"", we just think Chump is a fool. Plain and simple!!" "Fuck off rossin, no one cares about you lol" Blow it out your bigoted ass. "Any recent news about the future (if any) of those stupid ""community"" boxes?" "Once again, Trump is violating his Constitutional oath of office by not securing the general welfare & common defense of The People of Puerto Rico. Trump is incompetent & corrupt." As a former soldier of Canada who has done exchange programs with the U.S Special forces this terrorist is an embarrassment to our country. The dumb broad that wrote this drivel is nothing but a man hating cuck. Feminazi fish mouth. That's out of touch with reality. I bet this idiot cried when Hillary lost. If you take away the 3 million illegal votes Hillary didn't even win the popular vote. Alberta raises some dumb fuc***. it is dissapointing that you post such stupidity "Read the US flag code and then you won't ask stupid questions. Taking a knee is as disrespectful as standing and locking arms. As for my delicate sensibilities go, I am not offended in any way whatsoever. Football players, coaches and fans have been disrespecting the flag my entire life and it bothers me absolutely zero. Not standing and not placing your hand over your heart during the anthem doesn't bother me at all. The penalty for a parking ticket is a fine. The penalty for disrespecting the flag is nothing. Disrespecting the flat is meaningless. Go ahead and melt pal." "hey idiot, as usual your clueless, the TEA party are mild average people that are fed up paying more and more taxes with more and more government in their lives, THATS IT, but as usual ignorant loser left wingers like you make up bs about them all the time, clueless, you are clueless" "The idiot should never have tweeted his nonsense inviting them trying to be boastful and puff out his chest without considering the consequences we now face.. The boy just doesn't think about the best interests of Canada and Canadians trying to mimic European model that has already proven disasterous. Our only saving grace is we've got the Atlantic, Arctic, & Pacific as a barrier. We could only imagine the chaos and damage our clown PM would do if we had more than the US to deal with." """Iran will not yield to “useless” U.S. threats from “an inexperienced person” over its ballistic missile programme"" They would MUCH rather make a deal with an ""experienced person"" such as Obama. Oh wait- they already have, and we know how that turned out, don't we? Send them a few $B again - that will keep them quiet." "Why in God's name (see what I did there?) Would a business refuse ANYONE if they were going to spend money there? Religious, bigoted idiots that's who." Their too stupid to apologize....Recall Dembowski! "Oh yea, all these Russians were running around our campaign like workers in the early morning at Tim Hortons, but there was no collusion. They just hang around for the fun of it. How stupid do people have to be to believe this crap?" If by 'posted' you mean online--you're screwed! The internet wasn't even thought by the end of the war in vietnam 1975. But keep working on that troll button. "They already know how stupid they are because those voters have been electing Republicans, and voting for policies that wold actually harm them, for years. Plus they elected Trump." Ok stupid article of the day. Of course it would have helped. A few more seconds to fire rounds amongst all the noise without being able to hear the gunshot. Instead he just makes us all look like idiots. "Turkey becomes another victim of mindless populism where the ignorant and stupid outnumber the informed and intelligent. Never underestimate the power of stupid people in large numbers." "right, the experts simply didn't think the american people could be that stupid. Stupid yes, but not THAT stupid. Now we know that there is no limit to their stupidity. Trump is a con man if ever there was one, and his promises were not backed up by one single idea as to how to keep them. He will fall on his face, and still the idiots who voted him in will re-elect him." Never in a million years could you convince me the idiot could not even call! His P.O. would have probably picked him up or helped him get there! Yep. Posted a stupid one-liner. Again. "Sure it's wrong to call for the president's assassination. However as Mr. Trump said himself, ""I think there is blame on both sides, on both sides."" What, no moral equivalence now huh? Fake outrage hypocrites." "I predict that for every rust belt job that comes back 2 high tech jobs will be lost. Too bad for the US, great for Canada and the world at large. Trump is an economic imbecile." Yea sure the guy who created the crime problem in Anchorage by forcing APD to get to such dangerously low staffing levels that are only now starting to be recovered from. Sullivan is an idiot. "His whole family were lying killers. He is a lying killer with no moral compass. His lawyer coached this garbage. You are an idiot to believe this ""thing"" should be allowed in Canada. He is no child!!!" You're correct. The firearms were locked up. Next to be locked up will be the thieves who did this. They're stupid and will be caught. What a fame seeking idiot! "If Dr. Carson is an ""educated fool"" then you are an ignorant moron." "High school hackers are already salivating at the idea of hacking poorly defended government facial scan data bases. Oh the havoc they can wreak when a clueless government agent believes a modified facial scan over a passport and on hand ID. George Orwell had it right when he wrote 1984. Big Brother/US Government is coming and sad to say is highly inbred, incompetent, a total loser." what an idiot - will someone just shut him up. He is stupider than an amoeba. a complete and uttler fool who should shut his trap. Enough with his bull shit. What a f**moron. "Wow, you are a mess. Maybe you should go back to saying Trump’s behavior is okay because of Ocrumba. That was really dumb, but it was not rude. If you want this to devolve into a name calling contest, I can do that too. I am much better at it than you. Why do you think I am a lefty? Why does it matter? I am not, Big Guy. Who sounds like idiotic children? Why do you think that Ocrumba’s behavior excuses Trump’s? That is what children do. In your words, idiotic children." What an asshole. "How about we cut EVERY politician's salary in 1/2 ?? Then, cut EVERY DOE Board member's salary in 1/2. ELIMINATE the City Council because they are USELESS as the late GREAT Mayor Fasi used to point out !!! THAT would free up a bunch of money !!!" "The thing is, multiple and varied junk sources are still junk. And there was a lot of false equivalency bandied about during the campaign under cover of evenhandedness. It was ridiculous." "A plan that fixes nothing, proposed by two loser politicians. What else is new? Ho-hum....." Tip: if someone believes EVERYONE else is a fool then the joke is on them. "You can't fix stupid, so you can't be fixed." How stupid are we? "Marvellous...to win this race for Conservative leadership we're told that you'll have to become mean, aggressive and basically insensitive. Pathetic and more importantly, who cares?! This is simply irrelevant! I hope the Conservatives are vacuous enough to elect O'Leary, he is completely unappealing without a shred of depth or political authenticity. Canadians will overwhelmingly reject him." "Juris> Just like I figured, all talk and scary violence to follow, what's your problem sonny boy, you can't take it, but like to dish it out and threaten people, big deal pussy cat, meow!!!! You like hiding behind your computer too, so don't talk, pussy cat, meow, ha, ha, ha!!!! Go suck your thumb, idiot!!!! You so tough, go to Afghanistan and be another tough guy, pussy cat, meow!!!! You're a sicko, meoww!!!! Ha, ha, ha!!!!" and the lib troll of stupid makes yet another ignorant insulting post on good people proving yet again how much trash the arrogant a hole left wing is What a ridiculous statement "Oh, Wavey, you hypocrite!" "Trump and Co are greedy morons. The time will come when they will profoundly regret their greed. Their stupidity on the other hand is something they will regret but can never remedy. That's just how they are: as intelligent as fence-posts. They are as dense about their economy as they are about the health and well-being of their citizens. If they pass this stuff into law, they are toast." "Hail to the heroes! But Stephan Nel, Navindra Nath, Jacques Wessels, Ashu Chawla, and the rest, your names have been duly noted. Time to squeal like the little piggies you are." "Correct. Her own boss at the time called her a ""liar"" and described her as ""unethical."" Some things never change..." "How can you tell which of the bodies in the water is not a tourist? I was born and raised here, and I can't tell the difference! However...if they are locals, then they just plain stupid!" The Chump does these ridiculous actions and the spineless majority of congress bury their heads in the sand. Gutless cowards all of them. The President is an idiot. And see my comment about GOP hypocrisy in 2013 when Obama indicated he was going to order a strike against Syria after a chemical attack. The GOP IS drowning in hypocrisy. """America-hating and illegal-loving Dems/Media are fully against it."" See you at the next election Snarky. Guaranteed to wipe that shit eatin grin off your face." Well I guess that speaks to the stupidity of the Donkeys! Another example of Trump's rank hypocrisy at play. "whaaa. you think we have problem drivers? all i see is idiots blowing through reds and stop signs, tailgating, weaving, driving drunk. thats a problem?" you Liberals are noticeably absent in defending Justin the buffoon so you take up your posts defending terror nations and their dictators such as Iran. Maybe these two academic idiots should learn to use the internet. Is this the level of intellectualism that is now standard at Canadian universities? Not good. "Trump only hesitates to give us his opinion when he knows his opinion is unpalatable and/Oregon knows that saying what he really thinks will reveal something deeply repugnant about his character. Otherwise, he's out there with every idiotic uninformed brain cell firing away." "ignorant left wingers like you speak to brain washed ignorant sheep and when trump achieves good work all you can do is cry and lie... ,, and the ore the usa economy booms under him , the better we are all off loser.. as long as there are ignorant left wingers like you, the spineless corrupt liberals and so far left of reality ndp will keep crying and doing the harm to canada,...." Kill this F'n W*ore on site. "I think the Secret Service is there to protect the President and his family from physical harm, not their own stupidity or corruption." "Re: ""What happens if I choose to brush my beard so that it covers my entire face, except for my eyes?"" Everyone would think you were an idiot." You know you idiots are probably going to dismantle everything; just like the Goths and Visigoths dismantled the Roman Empire and plunged the Western World into a thousand years of poverty and ignorance. I take a quantum of solace from the fact that I will be gone and I won't have to pay to support your degenerate a**. "Another crap fest brought to you by our local merchants. These ""festivals"" are getting lame." The Globe puts the anal in analysis. you're talking dumb again gaddy. John tetpon you are a racist fool!! Scumbags like you need to be banned! # hatespeech "Thanks, Obama -- Now watch the idiot ClusterTrump screw it up for us all." Republicans are hypocrites when it comes to debt. Bad for Obama but good for Trump "It's time to void that stupid decision, my opinion, that property belongs to all Alaskans not a select few, sorry. You can't just go Lay claim to a ton of land just cause your ancestors ""roamed"" those lands. Who else would permit this insanity, Canada I guess but their socialist and we are not. Cue the but hurt..." "Jughead is one of those stupid kids who do the obvious, yet think they are fooling their teacher." "You people are amazing, and I mean all of you, who are hypocrites about your values. There's no hard and fast rules and standards with you. If the guy you don't like does something wrong, it's the worst thing in the history of mankind, but if the guy you like does something wrong, it's jaywalking. You have no credibility, when that is the way you measure." This dumb ugly broad should stop whining and do something. It's up to Congress to pass legislation to make the totally illegal subsidy legal. Trump is just a terrible Human Being. are you crazy And HRC defends a pig if it suits her political aims. They both suck. Only in that sick and twisted brain stem of yours. 45 in a 25 mph zone. You just cant fix stupid. "You might go back to school to know the difference between ""your"" and ""you're"". ""Gun owners"" should be singular as well. Bad grammar is a dead give away for being uneducated. Uneducated often but not always means close-mindedness. Coulter is just plain stupid to support this racist jerk Trump." No need to go further than Rona Ambrose. Those who chanted were unoriginal and idiotic; Sad off the shelf despicable and probably think they're edgy. Your a absolute idiot Mr Brannin. "What a jerk. It's such a joy to watch these gentle creatures swimming, feeding and being cleaned when I go diving." "Arrogant,greedy, selfish, obdurate, obstinate and above plain dumb. The modern Thesaurus does not have enough synonyms to describe the BFLF." Cowards This is a bunch of crap again from Kelly. Big Sale! at Home Depot for white paint now! That way you can smear it all on yourself so you won't feel so bad about your life. Otherwise knock off the racist crap! "The Captain of Fake news Donald Trump, said and told us, he had good people.. corrupt. Sad" HYPOCRITES "I have to confess, I've been wondering: would people have been so outraged if Colbert had referred to Trump as Putin's ""b***h?"" Probably not." I am glad -- the criminal scum need to leave us alon It's all about image for the Village Idiot. "these fools think government spending is better than private, what stupidity and arrogance they live in as they do real damage to canada" You're right. Trump is a bigoted moron - spectacularly unfit for office. "Oh yes, having a racist POTUS who equates Nazis with protesters and says that they include ""good people,"" after a Nazi murders someone, is not the problem. At all. Keep drinking the lying sociopath's koolaid." "Are you looking in the mirror, 55, and recording in a tape recorder to remind yourself of how idiotic you sound? Embarrassed indeed." "What ""civil tone?"" We have leftist ""actors and actresses"" speaking of Trump's death almost daily and the fake news media speaks of him in mostly pejorative ways. Trump is a New Yorker who doesn't back down when these clowns attack him and his family." "Evolution in action. If these folks are that dumb, tough luck. And, anyone that is rescued - dead or alive - should pay for it even if it comes form their estate or their family’s pocket. I was out n Moab this summer where there are always deaths at Arches National Park because ignoramuses ignore sing after sign warning after warning, not to hike - even a short distance without a hat, sunscreen and water. Yet I saw tons of people in flip flops without water hiking in the desert. Th worst offenders with their little kids. You Can’t fix stupid." is sessions stupid? dumpy throws him under the bus and he has not resigned yet? dumber than dumb. The left knows no bounds for insanity. They rival Kim Jong-un every day for saying stupid things. How dare this moron put Trump below that lunatic in N. Korea! I hope they keep it up because sensible Americans understand we can't let a lunatic point nuclear armed missiles at us. But apparently no position is too extreme for Democrats trying to destroy the will of the voters. They are digging their own grave so I'll lend them a shovel if they need it. Society tries to impress with high levels of thinking and intelligence and comes across lookig lk a bunch of jackasses - a recount is a waste of time and money - just move on - the better candidate won. People are so simple minded to think this is news - especially the simple minded globe and mail writers Once again you're an idiot....10% of the country uses pot on a reg basis so people at the bank and at the courthouse and in the legislature are already using pot so by your logic any of the services you use in daily life aren't up to snuff why don't you move to Iran where they can't drink alcohol or smoke weed it would be better suited to YOUR needs since what affects YOU should reflect the way everyone else should have to live their life...once again D rider you are an IDIOT. "In this case, anyway, I have bad news for you. URStupid" "Nice going, Trudeau. Now your $10 million payout will actually cost billions more in legal fees. Someone please get rid of this idiot." breathtakingly stupid comment It seems the Saudi ambassador has been taking diplomacy lessons from Donald Trump. Is that the best they can do in the way of a representative? Pathetic. Only way to fix the economy and the country is to impeach Trudeau and his cabinet of clowns. "Yes...Yes they do ""need to die""....No and's, if's or but's about it, and especially the whine heard so loudly from the Anchorage crowd of a few years ago....the ""they were here first"" crap..." "Why doesn't he just give up this primeministership and do what he is fitted for ... become another useless UN Ambassador, travelling the world at other people's expense and making stupid pontifical comments." "America: How does it feel to be the most ridiculous country in the world? Do you now feel that Trump is making America great again? I think it's just the opposite. Frankly, you have an idiot for a president." "Micciche has not one redeeming quality. He's a lowlife lying scum." "badges, uniforms are NOT symbols of oppression, bigotry and racism you ignorant loser. NO FUNDING!" Wow you have a problem! Are you racist? Do you have a problem with Aleut people? Do you REALLY think we are that STUPID? "while we know you on a scale of such is less than anyone given your stupidity believing the bs,, the markets are not stopping over bs politics,, they support trumps agenda. if anything they are holding back cause of the left wing interference in that" "And as a 66 year old, you'll never have to face the repercussions of your vote, like any of the Supreme Court decisions that will be ruling people's lives for the next three decades, you SELFISH F*CKING *SSHOLE." unfortunately it seems he is just that stupid... he left plenty of clues Inslee’s a DICK! VOTE THE ASSHOLE OUT! """Trudeau talks tech with Washington governor"" The Governor was heard saying""Is this idiot drunk""" "that is nothing but stupidity loser, and please you going to claim all the NDP supporters who are criticizing her are trump people? HA HA HA the laugh of the day, no better the stupid post of the day" This guy is a flipping leftist idiot ~ get him off the stage... "Based on your posts , I'm hoping most cops wouldn't spit on you if you were on fire. Who really cares what your trust is with cops, you appear to be a disgruntled, bitter idiot with a keyboard" "Tillerson highlights the stupidity of sanctions. Frankly to treat Russia as an enemy and Saudi Arabia as a friend shows the highest level of imbecility, sort of the Merkel level" "Nicky, you can't handle the truth. Both Harper and Harris were completely useless scumbags. One was the worst PM we will ever have, and the other is the worst Ontario Premier we will ever have. You can sling all the sing-song baloney you want, they were the worst." When do we get to stop treating the stupid shit that happens on Twitter as news? What a idiot . There political discourse in republican form You really should read and comprehend things rather than talking out you .... and looking the fool. All the Marial boatlift individuals were given refugee status and short a few hundred all earned lawful permanent resident status. So no he is not here illegally despite the repeated idiocy of some trying to sell it as such. "One of the lessons from this election cycle is there exist three distinct fashions within the Democrat Progressive Party. First are the 'No and Low-information voters' which the Democrat Party Elite have labeled as being the""Village idiots"" their own voting base. Second are the 'sanctimonious hypocrites' the ones who point one finger at Republicans while four fingers are pointing back at themselves. Third is the Clinton Crime Family with it's inner circle of friends, who Colin Powell correctly identified as ""Hillary's Mafia""." "And you were doing so well explaining your side and than, damn you had to bring out the race card and with that you LOSE!! Better luck next time!" "Lies - to You writes: ""Maybe if you actually read the report instead of trying to dismiss it you would not need to ask stupid questions, Darcy."" -- Translation: ""No, I can't explain what exactly this has to do with Ms. Freeland"" Thanks for your response." Stupid kid. The 17 yo I mean TRUMP is right and your in full blown denial ... or you know the truth yet you are a troll here to spew leftwing rhetoric and continue the socialist narrative... your not fooling anyone. We are the silent majority and we are watching and listening and we are intelligent and cunning and we are taking back this land from the hands of the globalists.... join us. "What a a repulsive psychopath. What an absolute scumbag. This animal needs to be removed before it can do any more damage, His support supporters are truly the scum of the Earth. This is what the 25th Amendment is there for. This talking pile of garbage is threatening the the whole country now," "Sarah B has it right. Attention-seeking comes in many forms and with many motives. The evidence Sarah B presents is conclusive. Read her notes below. Just because Super duper does not agree with or like the rule does not make it ""stupid"". And the rule is there for reasons, and it is a private gardens, and they can make any rule wanted, for any reason." Canadians are like sheep and totally emasculated! "again with this what ever it is stuff? claiming i am someone else? please try and debate as a human with a brain. read my posts, i have seen this luke guys one sided stuff as much as i have seen this silly stuff you post all the time, you are both bias from an ideological bent that needs work." "Riffraff on the dole who never pay their bills is clogging emergency rooms with ailments caused by their irresponsibility and neglect . Or they are too stupid to make an appointment with their doctor, or they have no doctor out of neglect and just go to the emergency for minor stuff." every time you post..... you are exposed as the fool you are Obviously you didn't proofread your post. Maybe a reread would uncover the total stupidity to you... "You shouldn't describe yourself as ignorant, Tesa Ann. I believe the proper descriptor is ""stupid.""" More reactionary claptrap from the garbage man. "So PM Dum-Dum is suggesting we really buckle down and invest in his prefered China even though there has been well documented threats of their state sponsored theft of our technology for decades? How reassuring that we have a fool for a PM who thinks just because he signed a farcical treaty where China promised to curb their theft, it will actually stop. Everyone looks down at this clown the same way the world saw Neville Chamberlain waving his signed treaty with Hitler promising a comical pact of non aggression and halt of annexation. Canadians have enough to worry about his latest tax attack on small business. He expects business and and everyday Canadians to assume all the risk knowing the Liberals will always get the majority of any profits made? What a fool of a PM." "Trump quote: “How stupid are the people of Iowa?”" "does excessive pot consumption make you stupid? or just more capable of disseminating liberal talking points?" "Wow. You prove the point made in the letter. Just how many wars would you like to start at once? Like The Donald, anyone who does not agree with you must be naive or stupid. You believe other countries don't notice our attitude about education and take advantage of it? Good luck with that." So stupid comment! "Great show most of the shit head here are. Stupid great show ,um sure most people here have lied or been unhonest also grow up people here are just. Jealous" Fergies a fool. I'm sure if President Trump takes the Reach off monument status strip malls are going to pop up everywhere. Has that fool even been out there? What a brain dead idiot. A total waste of taxpayer money. This is what happens when incompetence is rewarded. Beaudions should have been booted out and the company recapitalized. That's Liberal leadership for you. Protect the incompetent and end up giving away the farm. Idiots. Such thin skin. Pathetic. One more pathetic political degenerate. Montana's not a bad state for the state it's in. You're a douche :) "The proper methodology is SSS--""shoot, shovel and shut-up""." "This was well written, funny, interesting and on point. Great summary of a ridiculous and idiotic year." "You hate her, so what? As if anything any of you say matters. Hell, nothing I say about her matters. We are all idiots." "its safe to say you are an idiot,, ford was in deed considering moving UNTIL trump spoke at a dinner where he said he would slap on the 35% , trump wins again over your ignorance" "It seems that they spent the 'off-season' inventing other problems to fix. This is all about them not taking a stand that might cost them re-election this fall.....bunch of pampered cowards." "Screw the education ""system"". Kids, don't let your parents send you to these government indoctrination centres, where your entire identity must be subsumed into lobotomized conformity. Get out now, while you still can! Only through truancy can you find your destiny. Seriously. Don't let friggin schooling get in the way of your education. As for you parents, your harmless gormless helicopters, you're a fecking write-off" "Chump is so clueless that he didn't know it was a tax cut. He's that stupid. Of course, since he's the poster boy for Dunning-Kruger this didn't stop him attempting to talk about it authoritatively. A total moron." Give me a break. You are another rightie hypocrite "And your mature, factual, researched response is to ask if they get tired of looking like an idiot all the time." "I read an under age victim, not specifying gender. What a fine example of pond scum." "Holy smokes, color me clueless. I have lived in Alaska since I was born 61 years ago. I have never seen racism here except for stupid southern oil workers. And then it was always just talk. I swear I must be blind, because I truly have never seen it! I was always proud to be from somewhere that it doesn't exist. Have I entered a terrible universe? What you people are saying greatly concerns and confuses me." Please change the name back to the Anchorage Daily News. Alaska Dispatch News is a stupid name. "He is mediocre and arrogant. He was installed by his dad's old pals. He is spending like a fool This was foretold during the election but he was elected anyway, because Harper HAD to go. So now you have it. It will take 20 years to dig ourselves out of this hole." Can we trot out that idiot Albertan with the Trump hat? He was funny. "All of you bigots have no respect, but I didn't expect any coming from a bunch of ignorant, backward, illiterate hillbilly folk that seems to overrun Alaska like rats." "Who? Funny how those on the right are always accusing those on the left of name calling when they won't even use the PM's proper name, just more proof that their a bunch of hypocrites" It probably was a local. There are way more stupid Alaskans than stupid tourists. "It’s not hard to imagine that North Korea are way ahead of these toxicologists in developing these nerve agents, etc., and new and better means to deliver them, including in a very directed manner. And Trump (and his national security) are only worried about North Korea’s nuclear weapons. Trump should just keep calling Kim a “maniac” and see what that gets him. I’d call Trump “brave” with that, but that would be ignorant of me. ""Really stupid"" might be better." Isnt there a rock she can crawl under and go fuck herself? Socialist troll "No,you're being a dolt." "And what about your idiotic pro-gun agenda? It seems ridiculous too." "There should be some penalty involved in not meeting the voter installed deadline, like ..no pay, no per diem. That will get them off their butts." "This is what occupies the feeble minds of liberals. What the Fist Lady wore getting ON a plane. You people are really sick, pathetic losers." This will never stop unless you go after family and friends that knew. And that means do not take their word for it stupiid "Stupid right wing fear mongering is so out of date and ridiculous. It's not a solution to anything to keep screaming the sky is falling when clearly it isn't. It's a childish and cheap method used to easily manipulate the small-minded who operate on base emotions, like fear. Cheap people use tactics like that to trick their followers. Hitler did the exact same thing. Trump is a modern-day NAZI. Period." "what an idiot to tie this to sea otters. Go talk to the people in port graham which she ought to know something about. they have destroyed all wildlife there. all clams gone, everything. all you see on the ocean floor now are severed arms of seastars, the food of last resort for starving otters. all fluffed up and cute. what a load of BS." "Actually, he called it ""rediculous"", which says all you really need to know about him" "Hilarious. Arrogance is a mere writer of ""pieces"" that has the temerity to call the POTUS a fool. For ANYONE to bad mouth said ""mere writer"" is quite par, and without a doubt expected by the writer themselves. But for you to call me arrogant because I voice my displeasure when I hear some bimbo calling the POTUS a fool, is well, foolish. But more than a fool, you are also an idiot and a traitor to America. How do you like those apples ,jerk?" It's a lie. She is pathetic and a crook. How anyone could be so brain twisted and without morals as hill ery and end up running for president and her voice. Locked in a room full of black board scratchers would be a god send compared to hearing her screeching for next 4 years. "What Baloney! Martin was a high level member of the Chretien government when this started and then leader of the government as it continued. If he really believed what he says, he should have done something at the time. Now it's just meaningless drivel!!" White collar criminals destroying lives but not going to jail. "Look, another ignorant, slobbering, mouthbreather! Trump fans are the absolute lowest!" Charge folks the cost for failure to keep property bear proof! Dumb asses "idiots like you deleted Harper and look what you got, a fool with nice hair." "Another worthless piece of garbage in the image of Arpaio. Inmates die in his jails and he brushes it off like nothing happened. A world class blowhard like Trump. Then he lied about getting a Homeland Security position. A liar just like Trump. No surprise they're pals!" "Great article. Thank you for saving me so much time in researching who will not ever get my vote. Obama's Failed Legacy's and they think that is good?! Laughable and pathetic." "How pathetic. You are the classic example of a mindless automaton who can only handle news if it agrees with your own world view. Time to grow up!" "my god another idiot, israel treats people better than most anywhere in the world regardless of who they are in that country! .. sad you are so ignorant of reality" "_""I find it interesting in the wake of the tragedy that happened in France, in which a deranged individual drove his truck through a crowd and killed more than 80 people, that gun-control advocates aren’t screaming for a ban on such trucks.""_ Joe Eastburn, letter writer Oh please Civil Comments reviewers, please give me a ""pass"" ... What an idiot! -- Paul" "So his punishment is a no pressure janitor job at $27.00 per hour ? See why we want less government....who can afford janitors that make $27 an hour? Oh yea, us.... the stupid tax payers." "Ah just another news article to dump your bigot/racist garbage huh, 3rd grader?" "It seems everyone who disagrees with a liberal is as you put it "" dregs, the finger pointers, the malcontent and above all the pitiful, malignant, murderous racists"" You just described yourself. Very ironic." "Idiotic! ""Cool"" indeed - if you like that approach, you'd be really happy living in the coal mining areas of Pennsylvania and West Virginia – maybe you should take a look." "So, once again at a memorial service, Trump has to make ridiculous remarks. Honor the occasion, Mr. Trump, then, in private, air your grievance." "If I am a moron, then you are sewer trash, FYI." "Hypocrite! Cut everything that affects others, but clutch your special legislative privileges with a death grip. You're a ""Conservative""? Ha! Well, let's take a look at your brand of ""conservatism"". First, you received tax-free per diem far in excess of your expenses every legislative day for two years, without any attempt to stop this fleecing of Alaskans. As you should well know, other state employees on long-term travel receive a flat $78/day, regardless of their food and lodging expenses. Special are you? And poor you, having to maintain a home while you're away, not doing your job. Really? Did you even think before you wrote this? Speaking of this, Alaskans elected and paid you to perform your legislative job EACH and EVERY day of the legislative session(s), not to skip off to Europe, ""excused"" or not. Pay us back for that, too. You (supposedly) can't keep track of your own income, and you are in charge of the state's? You and your fellow porkers are disgusting hypocrites." "No its dam inexperience of tanker drivers here in alaska, compounded with idiotic dispatchers. Big state is the worst!" "And people who were too stupid to think for themselves or study history, are why they succeeded. First Amendment - applies to the GOVERNMENT making rules, not private institutions. Boom! Supernova." "If we have some of the ""dumbest kids in earth"" that's because their parents are dumb as rocks. That's not in the teachers. That's on you." "Trump is a failed imbecile and his administration is in shambles. He has been able to successfully divert the attention of his sycophants to this new shiny ball, rather than have them notice the fact that everything he touches turns to dung. I knew Trump would be a lousy president, but had no idea he would be this impossibly bad." This dirtbag is no Marine; he's a sadistic terrorist. God - Cal Thomas is such an idiot. One more example of Republican stupidity rammed through a traitorous CONgress devoid of any intelligence or common sense. A bunch of knee-jerk sycophants following the worst Republican CONgressman in history to slaughter wild predators for the benefit of foreign murderers. 2 Senators equally stupid in their blind allegiance to every Republican destructive legislation against the natural world to fill the pockets of human predators. Fox News is poison. "Exactly what did the Chretien Liberal's do about it. Conveniently, blaming Harper when Chretien just as bad, your hypocrisy is astounding!" "Trump is a loathsome liar. He is pathologically unable to be truthful about anything, ever. When confronted today by a reporter, he claimed that he ""was told"" that only he honored fallen soldiers. What a worthless piece of garbage." "I can't believe people need to be told not to open burn anything in high winds. ""Stupid is as stupid does"" Forrest Gump" "What is there to vote on??? Didn't Chump promise America that ""not only will we build a wall, but we will make Mexico pay for it ""! Righttttttt! This clown is nothing more than a lunatic with small hands, a big mouth, and absolutely NO common sense at all! Shame on The people for voting this loser in office!!!" Mine would be pied pipers to idiots. "Both Keystone and the Alberta Clipper lines were built during the PC years,, try again ignorant left wing sheep" "Hey, go kill babies, lefties do that everyday." "1. You're an idiot. I said nothing about medical care, and I wasn't talking about hunter/gatherers. It is a FACT that the first plastered walls were built by the SAME early farmers who also built the first grain stores. Agriculture allowed, for the first time, overproduction of food - so working for a few months a year would provide food for the rest of the year. Plaster was a major thing - it has ZERO survival value. It takes days of backbreaking labour, maintaining a fire at very high heat constantly - for no reward other than aesthetics. It's something that would never have happened in a society without an abundance of leisure time. And it's important that it did - the same fire-handling techniques they developed to make their walls smooth - was what allowed their grandchildren to smelt ore and end the stone age. 2. Yawn. I would have cared if it was related to the topic. Still a strawman. 3. That scenario you paint was never very real." "The malignant narcissist, mentally deranged sociopath and draft-dodging warmonger is more interested in sending insulting and demeaning tweets or spouting garbage than doing his job, such as it is." "Geez, what a friggin ditz..." "Hurricane Irma Just Became the Strongest Hurricane on Record in the Atlantic Basin What kind of idiot says there's nothing to see?" Whatta loser .............. ....and revised by losers. "This type of behavior is just STUPID. C'Mon guys, whats the deal. Why take pictures of different women nude? You seen one vagina, you seen em all........There is no mystery..........." "To add on to my earlier comment, you see white criminals as bad, but in a way detached from their ethnicity. Because you are white you reduce everyone else down to nothing but their ethnicity, denying them the free will and responsibility for their actions as individuals. They are de facto representatives of their race in your perspective. So yes Richard, you are a racist not because you speak frankly about the news, but because you cannot see past their color and are willing to blame an entire population for the choices of a few individuals. You are no better than BLM protesters who claim all whites are racist because the KKK exists, and actually you are much worse, because you are compounding a false narrative of white superiority that has plagued and eaten away at our democracy like a cancer since it's inception." And who created ISIL? Willful ignorance indeed. "Women are all stupid cunnnts and have no business being in college. But thanks to the stupid society where everyone is ""equal"" they think they're entitled. They aren't owed zhit." The homicide rate in Germany is the lower than the USA. I suppose the Americans too should get rid of all their Muslim citizens in order to reduce gang violence? "Well, whose skin wouldn't crawl if they were near to Donald. He's a class A creep, a liar, and an egotist. Worst president ever, in my opinion." "Its amazing these things still happen in today's society. Stop being ""fair"" to these people and start being fair to the victims. Once a child is taken away, thats it. Let the adults dealt with in the proper manner, but no more opportunity to hurt a child. These people need to be treated like jerks they are. No excuses for mental problems, etc. etc, etc." "When you attempt to copy someone else's account, you have to copy the color of the icon or you look stupid. But when you copy someone else's account here, your stupidity is already a given. You've demonstrated that several times." "I like how when confronted by the MALE passenger about being an asshole, he says bring it on guy should have ripped him a new one!" "I'm still looking for Trump's ""one Corinthians"" or to see his behind in a pew. Remember Trump ""never asks God for forgiveness."" Your ""Christian"" hero fails ""huuuugly""" Only an idiot would believe that. "No, Frank, you wanker, if I'd tried to fire you, you'd be a memory. I can count on the fingers of one hand the State employees who dodged that bullet. Of course you'd defend Che Guevara." "Dont like America as it is , racists , get the F out we dont need your bigot asses here" Can anyone tell me ONE thing that waddling old hag does besides talk- or rather blather!! It's like she only exists if there is light on her - otherwise she would cease to be!!!!! I prefer the latter ! "Amarcas, I'm not sure where you came from but please go back. Bear whisperers we are if we care? It wasn't either of their faults, human or the bears. Your ignorance came out way strong and simple. Should not have to lock up your trash? They ARE in the wilderness dummy. Lord where do we get so many idiots?" "Stupid woman. Should've at least locked the car. But then, this would be someone to tell you to mind your own business if you asked her kids politely to move out of your way. Been on the crappy side of that scenario too. Thanks for speaking up Mr Matherly. We should all look out for each other, esp small kids and the elderly." another stupid post by left wing nut jobs "why the he__ is the Globe closing comments for muslin related articles. Why can't we have a say. If I can't have a say, then don't print their crap. What the he__ is wrong with you Globe. I guess it is only a free country if you are muslim. Bull Sh__" Kelly wasting his time. The idiot in chief only believes in his stupid threats that he can't carry out and undermining the good efforts of others. He's like the spoiled brat who knocks down everybody's blocks because he's not as smart and talented as them. "Stupidest post of the day. Congratulations." "Whom should we blame then, Christians, Jews, Hindus - the list goes on but at the end of the day it is Muslims who are doing the killing, like it or not." "OMG and with a black child, what will the base think?" "What Happened? well, what happened is that a sleazy, crooked and nasty woman (and her sexual predator husband) with all their money and corrupt practices were still unable to get her the Presidency. Good riddance to bad rubbish." "A lot of Toronto fans are sucks, as evidenced by these boards." "I CAN HAMMER LIEING PIECES O SHT IN OTHER WORDS YOU AND YE GIMP BRIGADE ARE GETTING NOWHERE IN LIFE,YOU AND YE FAKE MATES TOO BUSY SNIFFING UP ONE ANOTHERS ASS TO KNOW THE DIFF BETWEEN WINNING OR LOSING,YOU SEEN NOTHING YET FGGOT!" What an incredibly stupid idea. Chicago is full of poorly educated black folks who's offspring do more harm to their own kind than one hundred Dylan Roofs ever could... and that was just 2016. Your turn. Dump is a piece of national trash. No wonder the vast majority of the country hates that failing idiot. He's a joke and a laughingstock. Mueller must have found some more evidence and he's trying to change the dialogue... "You voted for that moron, Trumpski. Anyone who did that has not only lost all relevancy, but all self respect." This is your third post of the same garbage. Exactly what is expected from a repulsive left wing troll. "Perhaps not an idiot, but surely mad as a March Hare." "The Head clown is going down.....Obstruction, collusion & stupidity......And may I dare say treason.....yes! When they put the squeeze on Gen Flynn, he will squeal. All these problems, because Trump was trying to shield Flynn and his commie connections. Have a wonderful aloha Friday!" Of course no charges. It's not illegal for cops to shoot blacks. "Bravo David Grisham, you got on Alaska's most unwanted list pretty quick. You probably thought this was a red bible thumping state just like yours. This is a don't touch my guns and don't tell us how to live state. This is a big small town, you mess with one Alaskan (even a LGBTQ Alaskan), you mess with the whole hive. Get on that plane and don't show your ugly bigot face around here again." "You are so wrong here I can't even believe you expressed your ignorance. Thyroid, genetics, and a person's metabolism have much to do with it and women store more body fat for child bearing. Obviously your education never expanded past girly man Trump Rant 101!" "These Scientists are morons globalists. We were in a doomsday situation until Trump won, now we can all relax. Not surprised one iota there is a Jew behind the moving of the Clock, Israel may be facing justice for it's crimes and we can't have that now can we. Marxist globalist BS." "ridley should be fired, he is inept and always make excuses." "Worst snow plowing in half a century. But lots of cops to write tickets. What a sorry city government we have. And they will say ""oh that is a state road"" pathetic. If they say it's for safety or for the children they really mean it's for more money for government." "Meanwhile Muslims in Toronto are launching a campaign to convince the LGBT of Canada that Islam is their friend, a better friend of transgender and gay people than those intolerant Catholics and Christians. Forget about Orlando and Bataklan; that was Trump and the NRA." "Bring in killers and create programs to fight them after they get 10K a month from Trudeau and then hit our streets and mobilize 1000's of jobless muslim youth...... You all are getting this.. right? You aren't that stupid - it's impossible" "Asian countries for Asians. Black countries for Blacks. but White countries for everybody? That's genocide. Anti-racist is a codeword for Anti-White." We got some very incompetent lawmakers who doesn't have the balls to do anything. Pathetic. "John the Liar McCain has one motivation: he wants the press to like him and call him a ""Maverick"". For that, he's willing to break his campaign promises, stab his party in the back, and subject the American people to keep living with this horrible law. ""Hero"" my ass." KPMG probably hired her so that all the race obsessed fools in SA will come to her defense just because she is black. It will always be tied to the idiot who had others write it for him. Most active shooters of late have been radical Muslim terrorists or Bernie supporters. Republicans are the biggest jerks and the most cruel humans on Earth. The world HATES YOU! "I explained to Junior the father of conservatism was a pot head who advocated legalization, and why ripping on Jay as a tea party conservative was profoundly stupid. I then pointed out just how stupid it is to be boasting of the pitiful tax revenue collected to justify legalization. Legalization is about basic human rights, not pathetic tax revenue collected." White slaves We must work so they need not. I have faith that Justins obvious lackof intellegence will sink him in the end. If nothing else he is consistantly stupid. "And when Charles Djou proposed exploring EXACTLY THIS idea a year ago, you idiots (Star Advertiser Editorial Board) scoffed at him, ridiculed him and then endorsed Kirk Caldwell! Yet another example of why you morons, and your history of backing the biggest failures in state political history, are about as trusted as Baghdad Bob and have readership numbers to match. You're a JOKE." "Trump is a bumb. Hillary was a loser. What are you gonna do? Shit options all around...." "WE ARE CALLING ON ALL BEARS TO ONLY ATTACK CHRISTIANS AND MUSLIMS AND LEAVE NO HEARTS BEATING,THANKS BEARS" I have to assume you are joking. No one could be that dumb. "Lies, damn lies and POLLS! All skewed ti get the desired result. No one pays any attention to them!" "George, You my man are an idiot." Republicans are hypocrites. you are a closet idiot This election is so rigged... Anyone that disputes that is either complicit a blind Democrat or a stupid fool..... Rubbish. "Let's see Brock is a traitor because he left for more guaranteed money, but Elway is a shrewd business man when he tells a player with a contract, to renegotiate his contract or we will wait till the last second to cut you....Kiz you are a moron" "Where do terrorists come from? Oh that's right, from Muslim countries! Let's welcome them with open arms so they feel welcome! " "A voter whore just like you, Corbeil, allow all 60 legislators to take per diem. You choose not to hold them accountable, just like when your Republican majority gutted to Alaska Public Office Commission (APOC) from overseeing their campaign shenanigans or breaking ethics rules. Quit your fool head lying and grow up or shut up." A piano? A whole freakin' piano? "Dumb! It's posts like these that will keep your Cons from ever seeing office federally again." "Relax, it’s just the beginning. Don’t take Mueller for a fool, because he is going to pop that pu**y grabbin liar”s ass. Just enjoy the news, even if you only watch fox, fair and balanced, lol. Obstruction, collusion and stupidity, it’s a coming, ‘fellow Americans" """The election of Donald Trump has made America a meaner nation."" Meaner, more ignorant, more racist, more resentful, more resistant to change, more insular, and more isolated than ever, which we fully deserve for embodying all of those negative attributes." "At least now that she has been exposed for what she ""IS"", I would like to see her get on her ""Blazing Saddle"" and GO AWAY.......... She is a DISGRACE to the School District and Public." "where he fought to protect slavery and his troops captured free blacks and enslaved them. , his actions do not match his words .... which makes him a hypocrite" "So blacks should just shut up and accept a little oppression, 'cause you know, there's worse oppression in other parts of the world. Thanks for clarifying your position." That is a bunch of horse sh*t. Beware the Gay Mafia. They are the BIGGEST group of self-centered hypocrites & thugs on the planet. She's the stupidest. That's what the (D) after her name stands for. Seriously pathetic...will you be exhibiting guns..killings in Chicago...drug dealers...democratic slums..democratic suppression of blacks...he's NOTHING...what the hell is wrong with u ppl.... Spoken like a Black Racist! Well done. Let your hatred continue! "Is the post implying that the judge is gay? I don't understand the comment, please explain? Are gays involved in this and not Muslims and their relatives? *" When two idiots meet "Your 'cogent' idea will likely be even more effective if you stay away from throw-away slurs like ""the same kind of lefty mob"" and ""the tenured lefty profs and their useful idiot students"". That sounds more like whining than cogency." jrutcliffe.. it sucks that its not 1950 any more doesn't it. Get those women back doing laundry... "Look, these slimey bastards are crooks plain and simple! Don't waste the tax payers hard earned $$$! These slick willies are not much interested in integrity!" We kill Muslims and they kill Christians and Jews. Imagine that. "Putin can suck a pacifier. We definitely need to call him out. Trumps ""buddy"" wants him in the big chair, because he is easily influenced and ignorant of foreign policies. With Trump, we'll be speaking Russian before his first year is over..." The problem is that our President is an ignoramus and is unable to learn. Nothing is going to get better. His administration is failed from bottom to top. """This just shows that there are way more stupid people in this country then we ever thought possible."" That's nothing new. Bush was re-elected in 2004." "You're a f-----g idiot like your moron of a president. Just can't let it go no wonder your wife,left you or is about to. No common sense plus decency equals loner." How stupid is this new comments rating system ? You either agree or disagree with the comment. Having other choices are idiotic. Brought to you by your lefty media. Ryan raising money for the money establishment--K Street and Chamber of Commerce Open Borders Globalist/Socialist pseudo-conservatives who are doing their best to run this country into the ground. Pathetic. bloody wankers Stop with the SJW crap. "Wal-Mart is a bottom feeding parasite of a corporation that has left economic destruction wherever they go, that's why they are a ""scapegoat""." More crying from the sore losers. lol Isn't there a safe room that you all can go to and cry all by yourselves? "You can't be a white supremacist/nationalist, neo nazi, or whatever these turds want to be called, and vote for anyone but Trump. They look up to him as a savior." "I am directing my programmers to have the Russian bots communicate with the Black Lives Matter bots and George Soros bots as we speak. They want to know if you have the IP addresses for their servers handy, then they will get right on it. My closest black friend, going back to university, is a successful Real Estate agent in Maryland. He is not dumb enough to wade into this quicksand." Who cares what Gregor Roberston thinks? Sane people stopped listening to this imbecile a long time ago. "P, that's right. Where's the big deal from the left? Bunch of hypocrites." "I mean c'mon the military offs lesser deplorables lie us and idiot bankers like they are getting a Starbucks coffee He must have something big on people." "Palin is so stupid she think's the Garden of Eden was in Missouri.. https://www.noagendaplayer.com/listen/758 Whoops...." "Yep. He a misogynistic, sexist, conservative fool." What an idiotic comment. Speak for yourself. I am so appalled i would like to join a protest about this skewed stupid ballot "You really are a special kind of stupid, aren't you lady? You seriously expected one man to end racism and partisanship? You expected that the very first iteration of a national health care law would be anywhere close to perfect? You thought that this one guy could save the declining middle class. And you thought that he could do all this with the entire Republican establishment, including a majority of the house and a filibustering minority in the senate, standing up and blocking everything Obama did. So, you were expecting Obama to be magical. And you decided that voting for the folks who blocked everything he tried to do would be a good idea. Wow. You really are an complete and total idiot lady. How is it you keep breathing? - some reddit user" "“So, do you think it would be acceptable for a woman to proposition someone for sex, strip down and lather themselves in soap?” That sounds disgusting! You're sick!" """Climate change is a farce ... lower my taxes ... jobs .... jobs ... jobs .... "" I don't think the anti-planet nutters really understand how climate change is going to cost them a lot more money in the long run. Idiots." she is a nightmare racist. "Hypocrites indeed. I would add: - Support for Alberta's industry that produces oil and gas: BAD - Support for Ontario's auto industry that burns oil and gas: GOOD The anti-Alberta venting in the G&M comments over the past year or more has been difficult to understand. The province has paid tens of billions of extra dollars in equalization payments which have subsidized social programs in other provinces, yet the response has been ""Make them pay PST too"". What's up with the visceral hate of the goose that's been laying golden eggs?" "Article is total crap fraught with inaccuracies. Funding for the ATC system is provided by taxes on fuel, passenger tickets and air plane way bills. This is not a free ride for private aircraft owners. No I don't own a place. I have a car, a Subaru, and fly allot for work. This is just topical bang the rich cause they aren't paying their fair share BS we see every day.. Be smart enough to do your own research then write these Jack s off... For what they are full of crap!" "Trump polices: Both cruel and stupid beyond belief. His pathetic attempt to impress Putin. King of the deplorables!" "Actually, I don't care. None of us is a smidgeon safer for Trump's ban on Muslims. Probably less safe, given how many Muslims are PO'd about this stupid ban. We have a fire sale on educated hard-working Syrians. They will go somewhere, maybe to our competitor nations. This is just stupid. So are you." That darn Henry Ford and his dastardly assembly line! Look what he started. "Bribe-taking liars and con-artists.... and you people voted for them............... Wow... let's pass some more legislation giving the oil companies another free ride. We are not paying them enough to take that smelly old dirty oil. We need to get rid of it, after all, it is a hazardous material............" "not all Muslims are terrorists, but all terrorists are muslim." """Probably not the first time."" Speculation is not proof. I see nobody claiming that being Jewish confers any sort of free pass. On the contrary, there is a consensus that he said a stupid thing. There is not consensus, though, on whether this was a firing offence or not." """the men""? You mean the bishops? Prove they don't love homosexuals. Prove it. Homosexual activity is evil. Its simple. All people are to be loved, not used as objects. Homosexual activity uses another person as an object to masturbate with. Not so nice!" "What all this stupid DemonRat possessed Trump play is demonstrating is a new in-controversial fact that incoming Presidents of different Parties must and I repeat must remove all previous Party hacks from all positions of power, a complete PURGE, from the WH, to the NSA to the Courts and all Departments like the GAO, EPA etc!" "I have no words .... except ""hypocrite""!!" "what are you smoking? no one has uses it in decades pal, its been ripped out of buildings in renos for decades, this is not harpers fault , of pehaps you can add CHRETIEN in that mix since that LIBERAL didnt ban it either ! that claim is typical bias stupidity. ,, as for your thanks for liberals, take your paid trolling trash elsewhere, you are what canada doesnt need a shill of stupidity." "We all will die. That is guaranteed. The 'death we deserve'? Opinion only, and subject to your personal biases, beliefs and prejudices. A three-year old infant does not ""deserve to die"" or ""die the death they deserve."" Nonetheless, three-year old infants still die. Shamans try to 'explain' such things by inventing 'theology' and 'doctrine' and other cant. Christian shamans, New Age shamans, Buddhist shamans, Islamic shamans. Jewish shamans. Just ignorant people trying to justify their ignorance by inventing something to placate those who pay their bills." "I have read a lot of bullshit in the media lately but really this must be the bullshit of all bullshit, The statistics so well listed but all crap. What is the author here really trying to say when he/she refers to the atheist's preferance of animals? ""They prefer cats over dogs and they prefer reptiles"". Please contact me and i will put you in contact with many of my atheist friends to enable you to get a better and far more realistic and true picture of atheists and maybe then you can write another article with real and true facts and figures. Let me guess... you are Christian and under the impression that Atheist = Satanist? Your lack of knowledge makes you look like a 100% idiot." How are the idiots going to look in you lap from a car? "Adult men and women will be raunchy, vulgar, lewd, tasteless, horny, seductive, inappropriate. 11 years ago, Donald Trump said stupid things. He doesn't drink, do drugs, abuse his kids. People make jokes about adult activities. Sanctimonious hypocrites pretend it's an outrage. Lyrics sung by Tom Jones Pussycat, pussycat, I've got flowers And lots of hours to spend time with you So go and powder your cute little pussycat nose Pussycat, pussycat, I love you yes I do You and your pussycat nose Pussycat, pussycat, you're so thrilling And I'm so willing to care for you So go and make up your big little pussycat eyes Pussycat, pussycat, I love you yes I do You and your pussycat eyes Pussycat, pussycat, you're delicious And if my wishes can all come true I'll soon be kissing your sweet little pussycat lips Pussycat, pussycat, I love you yes I do" That is the stupidest thing I ever heard. PC run amok. Educate yourself about excited delirium before uttering such ignorant garbage. "Fehr is an idiot. Bettman, talking about summer hockey, is clealy an idiot.Let there be a work stoppage - who gives a shit. This is a non story." "By the way, it's pretty cowardly to trash-talk without using your real name." "Trump, the pathological liar, refutes everything Comey said, which the former FBI chief outlined in fine detail. After no response to a reporter's question on whether or not the WH taped conversations, Trump now says he'll produce the tapes. Anyone really believe this delusional, malignant narcissist? If the ""tapes"" he produces are legitimate, he's finished, regardless of his chief sycophant and apologist Paul Ryan, claiming, ""He's new at this"". The country needs someone in the presidency it can trust, not a mentally impoverished sociopath and disgraceful pretender from a reality show." Liberal women are so #^king ugly! "What a crap piece of journalism! So white (particularly male) people have now to be apologetic of their ""privileged"" position in life? With this type of reporting one should not be surprised that the ""white man"" feels threatened and that populist movements in Europe and USA will be further on the rise. First of all there are numerous non-white role models in our society, like Nelson Mandela, Martin Luther King, president Obama, or Malala Yousafzai. The fact that 12 year old children don't list these people has more to do with what they watch and read today. Don't forget ""Bollywood"" which is a bigger film industry then Hollywood and generates (non-white) role models for billions of people. Canada has provided non-white people opportunities which they would not always have had in their home countries. Canada is a great country because we welcome these people and allow them to pursue their dreams. However, we should not start creating divide between white and non-white people." "Islamic counts on Christians in the last two years, few hundred. Civilians killing Muslims less than a handful." Mad Dog Mulcair took Joly to task on this garbage in QP today. Good to see her stumbling after being verbally tricked by a skilled lawyer. Just not capable. Great job TM! "Calm down, clown." "not joking, idiot." "I've said it before, Trudeau continually demonstrates that he lacks the intelligence to be a hypocrite." "Trump's ridiculous executive orders are just as ridiculous as ever. So far we know nothing about who was responsible for what happened in London but if it's anything like other recent attacks, it was nothing to do with immigrants, refugees or guys in the country on visas. Most recent attacks have been by local nationals and Trump's foolishness will not affect that one iota." It's always laughable when people make idiot comments like this. It reminds of how dumb you morons actually are. "His family are mostly a bunch of dirty scum, but that doesn't change a bit that he was mistreated and deserves compensation." "It's those darn Istanbul settlements. Time for Kerry and Obama to condemn those Muslims. Oh, I forgot. No Jews involved." I sure hope that dog was able to bite that asshole before he was killed- and wyatt that is the stupidest answer you have given! he probably died protecting his owner and I give him kudos for hopefully biting or injuring the shooter who tried to kill his owner "Meggsy, obviously you know nothing about the royalty review the Alberta NDP has already completed and implemented. Please have a read of the report - it's actually pretty informative. I'm giving you the benefit of the doubt and assuming that you are simply uninformed, not wilfully ignorant." This woman is completely insane. This man has brought the world close to a nuclear show down and he is worried about the nfl. He is nuts and the people who voted for him are nuts. "Youve very nicely presented a logical fallacy. Kudos to you. Of course we killed thousands. But we've followed international acceptable rules of war. Gassing innocent women and children violates accepted international rules of war. It is a war crime. And I love sharing quotes! Try this out for size. ""The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing."" Also, you might not see any credible evidence, but I'll bet you dollars to donuts the intelligence community does. Hell, I bet you couldn't pop a zit on my fat ass in the ruins of a bombed out Syrian hospital without a satellite recording it live in high definition. Just saying." "On Saturday we saw a car driving on 36th that had been spray painted with a huge Jewish star on the side of it. Jew's definitely need to stop stealing Palestinian land, but that crap has no place here. The very idea of the United States of America is one devoid of Nazi's an Terrorist's. ...... Run and die Terrorist and Nazi scum !!!!!!!!!" """Grim, grim, grim. But, being a hopeful sort: All this mess, the incompetence, the ideology, the hatefulness, the peevishness, cannot endure forever. And, standing behind all the headlines of the day, there are investigations into Trump's ties to Russia, the results of which could be politically crippling."" If Barack Obama had one-tenth the ties to Putin that Trump does, he could never have been elected. Trump is the poster boy for white privilege. His racist and misogynist fans only voted for him because he is an ignorant, white male." "Brooks, would you please join the damn Democrat party and be done with it ? You are so in the tank for this party all the while claiming the mantle of moderate Republican. Please, go away already." Then how about allowing your kids to be programmed at birth with some information that the government deems necessary for their protection. Seemed crazy years ago but now with people actually looking forward to being chipped what's next. Go for it idiots. "My neighbor proves her ignorance, yet again. Be glad you do not live next to her white trash." McCain is a pig. Thanks republicans. bush/cheney and their bogus war; trailer trash sarah palin; and now the clown in chief. HiLIARy's butt is tooo big to cover. Lock her up "What idiots. They should have written exactly what marijuana paraphernalia is allowed (papers, pipes, bongs, etc). Now these fools are making ice and heroin paraphernalia legal. We can expect even more needles lying about our parks, streets and beaches. Cops know that a glass pipe and a torch lighter aren't commonly used by dope smokers for their doobs." "Liberals seem to assume that, if you don't believe in their particular political solutions, then you don't really care about the people that they claim to want to help. Thomas Sowell When you throw around words like racist with no thought in mind to what is being said I find you ; Never argue with a fool. Onlookers may not be able to tell the difference! Mark Twain" "Trump is such a lying weasel he probably wants democrat friends in hopes they wont charge him for treason after working with russia. Democrats are such pansies they will probably cave to the pandering monkey. #russiansnowflakes" "You are the black 'living in fear in Oregon' it would appear. Sad, Pathetic, Eeyore." The ignorant and misinformed voted for Zoolander. "I prefer the direct approach. When asked for money I state: ""I do not support social parasites,"" and leave it at that." "You can't answer a straight question can you? If you want to talk about atrocities committed every day, give me just 10 in the last ten days. You got nothing. But atrocities by Muslims? Dozens almost every day. The HERE and NOW dummy. Christians have made mistakes in the past but are working hard to improve and show more love. The Muslims? Well, WHICH kind are you freaking talking about? The Sunnis or the Shiite? They've been righteously murdering one another since the 10th century. And its getting WORSE. WTF bro? Are you blind or just a prejudiced bigot? OH My. I think I just hit the nail on the head. You need to quit talking out your ax." "A Muslim, registered Democrat and Homosexual walks into a Homosexual bar and shoots the place up, and I've got to surrender my guns? Yeah right, COME AND TAKE EM!!" "With all of Nick's intrepid reporting on police corruption/abuse/malfeasance and now Kaneshiro's Korrupt Klowns, I believe it is he who will be needing a ""safe house"" soon. Thank you, Nick and keep it up. Please. For us....the citizen-hostages of this podunk village run by imbeciles." "Old friends meet again. I wonder if Donny is going to give Lavrov a friendship medal to take back to Vlady? Also a note telling Vlady "" I fired his ass """ "Obamacare is not insurance but a bastardized version of socialized medicine attached to the insurance industry. The only reason the insurance industry backs Obamacare is because it was supposed to force more paying customers to swell their ranks. It also was to cover any losses that they incurred by insuring desperately sick people. Unfortunately no one wants to pay their premiums until they are diagnosed with a disease or break a bone. The idiot Democrats also forgot to pass the law guaranteeing payment for insurance company losses. This billion dollar subsidy is what congress has been doing illegally since the passage of the ACA. The Republicans want to stop these illegal payments. I do understand insurance and this is not insurance. Giving people permission to hate because you disagree with a policy position is wrong, immoral and unAmerican. You have also defended the shutting down of free-speech through violent demonstrations. Your intolerance is at least consistent." It's only terrorism when a Muslim does it. "Here's another reason for not voting, there's no politician worth voting for their all a bunch of damn liers. Daaaaa THE TRUTH HURTS" "Just like Hitler's SS rounding up the jews, gypsies, homosexuals, clergy etc. Agent Orange is laying the base for a police state. Impeach this unfit and deluded idiot, please!" """... the growing problems of white privilege..."" So, white people are responsible for this shooting? Brilliant analysis, nothing like blaming the bogeyman ""white privilege"" when you have no real insight to offer." So this economic illiterate is going to create even more uncertainty - what a complete fool this man is. "Well, at least you admit it: ""Having sex with my wife is not a matter of showing my love for her; it's me acting on my sexual drive."" Wow! I think she can get an annulment for that. Again, at least you're honest to admit it to us. When did you tell your wife what primarily--and primally--""drives"" your lovemaking? And how 'bout your kids? ""You're here because of Daddy's primal urge to act on his sexual drive with Mommy""! And I'm curious, where does your wife's sexual drive and desires fit in? Or are you promulgating the long-disproved lecture of Fr. O'Brien to the sophomore boys: ""Men and women have different urges. Men want sex more than women do.""" "How can any honest, allegedly intelligent person support a liar, thief, dishonest, deceitful, despicable, disgusting, degenerate, dastardly, disreputable donkey like Hillary Rotten Clinton?" "Dear Civil Comments...Thank you for the stupid and insulting message, as I've never rated any comment as ""uncivil"" I have however rated some as ""sorta"", because I'm forces to answer 3 questions every time I make a comment, on stories I haven't read yet, how am I supposed to really know what the commenter means or feels? So my answer to you is...Oh looky here comes a rolling doughnut, I suggest you take a flying leap at it....Itiqs...." "News for morons. Increasing poverty, no shelter = social friction. It's not a difficult concept. You won't solve the problem with more cops. If ""revitalizing"" downtown means driving out the poor people, then I don't care about downtown. Put the money into shelter, not consultants and ""physical improvements"". Or stay stupid and put up with problems." "The article just drives home an already well known fact, Trump is a pathological liar. Lying is such a ""uuuuuuge"" part of his persona that he isn't capable of discerning the difference between truth and fiction." What. A. Crock. Of. Shit. "Maybe Canada should fly Justin over to Myanmar. He loves Muslims more than any other Religion. Only Christ knows what the idiot will do." "They did use to do both. It was normal corn maze during the day and haunted at night. This is just a strategy for them to see if being kid friendly at night as well would bring in more revenue. I don't think it will. I'm sure next year they will be back to haunting everyone at night. As for dumbass parents taking young children to the haunted night maze, you're idiots in this scenario. That's like complaining to the theater that Texas chain saw massacre was just too scary for my 6 year old girl. OMG." "Citizens - Get on the phone to your elected school board trustee and tell them to ignore this request from these ehholes. -Globe and Mail - get Richard Gwyn and his fine books on Sir John A. and have him refute everything these idiots are saying. I have had it with all this garbage! And all others like it!" "I've been polite 'til now but no more. Die, die of cancer, give your seat over to a Democrat and complete the theft of Mexizona for the forseeable future.. Die, Quisling, Die !!!" "It would be easy to ignore these - yes, unseemly, spats, if I didn't know first hand the horrendous, undocumented level of waste from inside Queen's Park - wasted public money that could have renewed public transit and social housing two times over. The Liberals were bestowed heaps of goodwill in Ontario and they've blown every last bit through their own arrogance and stupidity." "Hillary is a liar, thief and a foul-mouthed, dishonorable, sexual predator enabler. Karma can be a real bitch." "Did you know that TX now has the maternity survival rate of a 2nd world country because of their Republican war on women's health? They are one of the only places in the world to have decreased survival rates for mothers and babies in the last ten years. Republicans are mass killing young moms and babies due to their misguided, tragic policies. Get out of exam rooms, and get the #$/^ out of my uterus, old white man pervs!" My daughter joined the Army right out of high school and had her college education paid for. Of course she had to do two tours in Clinton's stupid war in Bosnia. "Portions of this order were in effect under Obama, it is not targeting Muslims because there are many Muslin nations not on the list, The Countries on the list were identified under the Obama administration as being a threat, Travels bans have been used numerous times in the past, Obama had one on Iraq in 2011. The list goes on and on - it is time for these idiots to stop the grandstanding because hillary lost." Jesus blowing ignorant freak bible humpers Hanabooboo is a crook hon. Souki is an honest man. No comparison. uhhh Hillary Clinton is a serial killer and thief LOL what a moron. "Nah. Stop sneaking around. Let him keep his first wife, you agree to be her co-wife. Work out a written marriage CONTRACT. Stop being a stupid git." "it is heartening to see businesses take a stand against trump and his gangsters. it is only a very narrow and basically ignorant person to think that inequality of any kind is good for anybody. trump/bannon/pence/miller, etc need to be removed. they want to rule the u.s.a., not lead or guide it to a more equitable society. rather they are isolationist white supremacists who want to dismantle society. they have more in common with putin's gangster oligarchs than anybody else. trump is pathetic - he is just pathetic. get rid of them. sooner rather than later." "Cull Muslims, not Wildlife. Hypocrites!" "Who's the fools? There are people that work in the Prosecutors office that know what's been going on. Kathrine Kealoha has a ""dark"" side and she has already buried a lot of information. Mr. Kaneshiro knows exactly what to hide. After all he used to be a Defense Attorney! We, the public, are being fooled by the biggest joker of them all!" "Considering they volunteered to be propaganda agents for Obama and the Democrats, I'm pretty sure Josh Earnest regarded them as useful idiots." """Trump triggers Christian hypocrisy"" ""Christian hypocrisy"". How redundant." "Your coyness doesn't work with anyone, as everyone knows that your ""Drunks' Lives Matter"" and ""Don't Shoot"" is mocking blacks and their Black Lives Matter and ""Don't Shoot."" Not everyone is as stupid as you." "It's true that there are many idiots and trolls online and many of them attack women but most of them just pick on anyone and like causing trouble in general, so many sites need better moderation, too many trolls keep getting away with bad behavior with no consequences." Trump is an impulsive idiot. He will get us all killed. "You Liberal Democrats are so very gullible! Guam my foot, only Fools believe the North is focusing on Guam. Kim is not crazy, he sent you all FAKE News! It's Oahu, home of the Pacific Fleet You can take that to the bank" "trump supporters: KKK, Alt-Right, Billionaires, Narcisissts, and the rural fools." "mcllum the dick always looks and sounds like he been hit on the side of the head with a shovel, what a DICK!" Hillary Clinton was First Lady of Arkansas. I think she knew a southern drawl first hand. Your morons burned her at the stake and you still persist in criticizing her. Please seek counseling for your deep-seeded misogyny. "Oh, for God's sake. You realize that for Indonesia, the writer (of dubious research capability) lists the ""The West Papua Conflict,"" which consists of an ""ongoing conflict between the Indonesian Government and portions of the indigenous populations of West Papua in the Indonesian provinces of Papua and West Papua on the island of New Guinea"" and that the United States, Canada, and Australia have identical blots on their own history???? What do you do, sit around and google ""Muslims and bad sh-t"" all day long?" "This goes way beyond just being an asshole skipper, dude must have some serious mental issues." "there's a reason we non-believers dont believe in god or the bible. crap like this. if jesus were in anyone of you haters hearts, like you profess, you would be physically unable to post the vitriol against your fellow men and women like you do here. if some of these posts were written by non-believers, you must not believe in anything that requires any emotion other than hate. shame!" "In the comment that was removed, you called me a jerk. I saw it when I was asked to judge its civility. It is one of the very few I have deemed uncivil. How about some consistency? Burke told grandparents to reject their gay children lest the grandchildren come to accept homosexuals. That, sir, is being a homophobic jerk." "Poor Hillary, a bitter, crooked woman who cannot get over her loss. This is a woman who has no accomplishments and who used the fawning liberal media to build her up and erase her corrupt activities. But the American people saw thru all of it, and rejected her. Liberals, especially Hillary divide people along racial, religious and regional lines among others. Then she was beaten by the black guy (obama) and realized that blacks coalesced around Blacks because they are the most racist ethic group. But women do not all adhere to gender politics. Blacks and gays are higher up on the liberal totem pole than women. Hillary, the most unoriginal politician in the public eye, uses only focus-group tested cliches. There is no core, to this woman. She is as corrupt as they come." "White male Anti-Globalists peacefully marching = Bad. Violent masked Globalist crypto-fascists throwing bricks = Good. Shut up slaves, MSM" "Then you whiny idiots say, it's the black man's fault, it's the immigrants fault lol!! It's everyone else's fault but your OWN!?? That's called weakness, that's pathetic!!" Walked is such an idiot . Needs to repay a favor . Can't wait to vote that man out . "You are the pathetic one. As for Dr.'s I will never allow anyone but a white English speaking Dr. touch me. Not racist, just value mine and my familes lives." Damn Post they aren't older white men....better luck next time. "And why would YOU ever think that .... hmmm...? Oh that's right ... Mr. Obama is still black! Trump is an imbecile." "Actually, I bet it's more of a matter that a bunch of men that didn't serve (like Trump...and you, I bet) feel that their manhood is being threatened by gays and transgendered folks being able-and willing- to serve. You said that you were critical of Trump because he isn't doing what he said he'd do fast enough. There's word going around that part of this decision is to take those measly dollars spent on care for trans folks and divert towards funding for the border wall. Weren't we told over and over that Mexico was going to pay for the wall? Ever wonder why despite Trump's rhetoric about ""locking her up"", he decided after the election to move on from prosecuting Hillary? Have you ever wondered why we're back to Hillary again? Do you enjoy being played for a fool?" "Justin was interviewed on our local radio station the other day, my god that man is profoundly stupid!" "No, it's not typical, but anything can and does happen when alcohol is involved. Or the guy just could be a moron. I'm just tired of everything being immediately called a ""mental health issue"" when a lot of times it's just someone being an idiot. It does a disservice to those who truly do suffer from mental illness." Most of your spending goes to starting idiotic wars that you lose. Fuck that bitch repay his money Hitler wasn't all bad - some Jews were not exterminated. Conservative idiot. "Right. I see honesty is not your forte. At the very least in the context of your reply you strongly inferred that Trump is a great role model. So no, I'm not going to take debate tips from the person who wrote ""Look girls, to win anything you need to cheat. To get what you want you need to steal. And when your cornered with no way out delete everything and lie your face off and pretend to be stupid."" Stop being a whiny hypocrite .""" "Uh, you're the one who said that, change-display-name. That was YOUR line, which I'VE taken exception to. I DON'T think white conservatives are the issue; I think neo-Nazis, the KKK, and white supremacists ARE the issue." "We miss you Stephen Harper. Instead, we're left with dumb Junior, walking blind and going from blunder to blunder. Our deficits know no limits. Speak out more often, Mr. Prime Minister.." "Sooner or later you've got to start holding people responsible for their own stupidity. To pop a pill full of dangerous chemicals into your mouth that was produced with no quality control or traceability is just idiotic." That's right...it was the Lisfranc injury. I guess those are a real bugger. "We have a proudly stupid man, as President--elect, er, dictator-elect. He loves himself so much." "Yes, you are stupid. Think you can just destroy records and burn the paperwork? Trump is accused of serious violations that could result in a prison term. https://www.washingtonpost.com/news/post-politics/wp/2016/12/24/donald-trump-plans-to-shut-down-his-charitable-foundation-which-has-been-under-scrutiny-for-months/?utm_term=.ed534876d39b" "Some might consider the person who labeled Monica Lewinsky a ""narcissistic loony toon"" to be a misogynist. That person was none other than Hillary Clinton. www.cbsnews.com/news/hillary-clinton-monica-lewinsky-a-narcissistic-loony-toon/" That stupid highway. I don't know how people make it driving that mother every day. It ain't worth it. I would rather go to a rap concert with Trump and Palin then drive that road. There is more idiots on that road then in the GOP. "BLACK PLAYERS DESTROYING NFL http://www.thedinoshow.com/" "Probably something more like, the vast majority of males between about 14 & 45, and more than you would think beyond that. And maybe no quite so caustic. Our apologies Ladies. If not for his wealth and stature, at the time, the sorry attempt at humor in Trumps comments would have been received with a roll of the eyes or a shake of the head and then pretty much ignored. He would be treated as the dork of the group for his lack comedic creativity and tact but not much else. Crude and tactless, for sure. Uncommon; not so much." I wish this Maverick mother f**cker would shut the f*** up and go away and take Hillary and Hussein with him She is ether smoking some strong stuff or she is an idiot! Amy should step down! I can't wait for this to happen. Eric Holder abused him as well as Dumbo. This man did an outstanding job performing his duties and getting illegals out of the country. That wasn't what the racists Holder and Dumbo wanted. Karma is something else and whatever the Government does to these two jerks is A OKAY WITH ME. "No I didn't - what year did you move here, ignorant? do you support sociopaths, or did you make a new account to be him? Stop being a sick person." Damn Alaska has some ugly women. "Contempt for the military ? really !!! Bolstered funding, and said NO transgender. Yes I would say his military support will show up in droves in the next midterms. With the quest for collusion crumbling the media and its band of useful fools are running breathlessly from one hype to the next. How I muse in your anguish !!!" "Be stupid, as long as you're unctuous. Writhe with histrionic outrage and phony self-righteousness. Ooze with feigned justification. Use the word ""illegal"" a lot. Pose and preen for the cameras. It must be exhausting to be a Republican." "These 'leaders' of Canada need to understand Islam's history. They may start with Muhammad; a vile person who rapes girls, and claims them as wives. His conquest of Mecca - how he agreed to a peace deal, only to attack later when his armies amassed. And, 'Tacqiya'; religiously sanctioned deception, to achieve the upper hand. Oh, yes, I know more about Islam, than the Muslims do! - that its purpose is control - through lies, manipulation and submission of all others by force. No; you cannot say this! - it is Islamophobic! - oh, how dear. Why cannot we have a fair, and honest discussion, regarding the pitfalls of this horrendous religion? - because the Islamists will shut the conversation down with lies - whatever works...as is the case in Tacqiya. And, while the conquest of Mecca was just the beginning... What about the Ottoman Turk empire? - 1 million slain, for not being Muslim. And, the conquest of Lebanon? - Christians, and non-believers be damned...No; say NO! to Islam" "Toronto is a cesspool, we have idiots by the masses and the whole town smells like urine or running sewers." How sad that we have a president who tops that category of sick men. "Totally agree...he can't accept any blame whatsoever....let's just blame the black guy....as of today: his OWN REPUBLICAN leaks from the White House are Obama's fault (are you kidding me?) and the botched raid in which a SEAL died last month is the military's (and Obama's, by the way !!!) fault!!" "Israel dislikes Arabs ...and YOU should TOO!" "Stupid. She could have gone somewhere else. It is a deliberative ""mistake"" to call college enrollment a zero-sum game. If the woman was qualified as you say, she could have gotten into an accredited law school. You know this Motley, yet you prefer to spread bigotry. Bad show!" "Yeah Mike quick your right Obama never had any scadals,at least none that the media would cover, comment on or bring to the attention of douchebags such as your self.so if you don't count solndra,fast and furious,the black panther voter suppression,failed stimulus,lying about hands up don't shoot and Trevon Martin, Benghazi slaughter that they sat and watched happening and never lifted a finger to send help and then lied to the families and all of us about some stupid vedio,the list goes on and on. But yeah I'm the idiot Mike.im the idiot because I still expect that kind of crap to matter to people like you,brainless sheep." "Nice man-tits and the need to showcase yourself in the fucking photo, dickbag at Machine. Also, Dong." I refuse to eat in any restaurant run by Jen Agg. I hear she is a bitch. "It was in May of 2016. Why don't you tell us how big a sign is supposed to be. Let's say you're right in regards to the signage.....that wasn't really the point. My point is that I have zero problem with someone carrying that has a permit, has undergone some type of training, and acts responsibly. This moron was allowed to carry without being required to undergo any sort of training or obtain a permit. This moron was took a gun where it wasn't supposed to be, felt the need to have a loaded gun tucked in a sock of all things, and shot himself and one other person. In a shooter situation, this guy is more a danger than protection." "Go ahead and make fun all you want, but the truth of the matter is the Dimocrats haven't exactly came up with anything much better than Trump anyway. The idea that this country is ready to put the Clinton circus back in the White House is good evidence that we are indeed a nation of idiots." "Shut your pie hole. Lisa Murkowski is a U.S.Senator and you are a bitter loser. She is not a traitor. You are a loser. Got that, bitter man? She's out salmon fishing and you are a loser." "What a bunch of geniuses the religious right are. These intellectual giants believe regression is the road to greatness. Undereducated, unintelligent, bible thumping zealots, not much different in ideology than the Koran reciting, bearded fools we've been at war with for the last decade and a half. Ironic, isn't it?" "Is she fucking kidding me, lady your are illegally here you don't have a Fucking right to complain about not being able to get a driver licemse. Hop on a bus or taxi a Fucking taxi or call an uber ok. Stop bitching. What else do u fucking want . YOU'RE HERE ILLEGALLY HELLO. STOP breaking the laws. Hey you get help I bet from the government for the kids you probably had here. Why dont you pay sone one to pick your kids up. Call a taxi if u have to go to the supermarket or take a bus to work and your are not supose to work anyway cause you're here illegally. Someone call ICE on her. LADY STOP ORDERING THE GOVERNMENT TO GIVE YOU THINGS YOU DON'T DESERVE. Go back home of you don't like the laws here. Wake The fuck up." "If your fingers work, Crews, Google Trump and black workers at his casino. I'm having a good laugh because you probably already did that. Silly, silly boy." "Trump is a fool and an immature adolescent catering to other immature adolescents. Of course he should have stated that white supremists and Nazis are evil. That stated, there's a little hypocracy going on here. The left has indirectly (and probably directly) sponsored violent mobs in response to speakers, as an alleged organic movement due to claimed police misconduct, etc. That's every bit as evil as what these jugheads did in Charlottesville." "Cassie, you'd better hope that the idiot who picks up hitch hiking 11 and 14 year-old girls is me and not Gareth Hall. Maybe the girls lied to whomever picked them up." "Not a word from that buffoonish traitor Trump. Does he not know Puerto Rico is a U.S. territory? Does he not give a shit because its inhabitants are mostly non-white? Yeah, …likely both." "Ignorant white guy,moron first,make him read later.Asshole !" She's a stupid wannabe first lady. Instead she's making an ass out herself. She lost Melania won and with a lot of class! She is still winning. Melania if the first lady and more! Ivana needs to sit down and shut the hell up. She's stupid... Please tell me you're not serious. This guy is an egotistical moron with the intellegence of a concrete block. 2nd dumbest man in politics and 2nd dumbest VP in our history ...can you guess who #1 is ? Yes it's Joe Biden """Descriptions of violence""? No, those are descriptions of actions necessary to get criminals to comply. ""Nation of laws, to benefit white people""? You're a racist. Go back to your cave troglodyte and re-emerge when evolution has brought you up to speed. The only reason you have to fear the police is if you engage in illegal activities or if you have a psychological disorder you moron." Nothing like a little pussy for stress relief. When the Fu(k does this shit stop... we raised an indian in our family cause his mother was a drug addict and his tribe didnt want him. "Zuma is pathetic, trying to equate his situation with that of Jesus whereas he's more like Satan incarnate." "More inane drivel from lefty fascists, who can only denigrate Donald Trump and his supports. ""His supporters believe this dishonest man . . . will torture for them."" Huh? Yet the RG editors allow this sort of rot. Hillary Clinton is your compulsive liar, who has broken numerous federal statutes. Removing classified material is a felony, and that's for starters. Mrs. Clinton has said ""She doesn't remember,"" and gets to skate because of a corrupt federal government. Hillary Clinton also lied to the families of those who were killed in Benghazi, including a US Ambassador. Clinton and the administration knew it was an organized Al-Qaeda attack (on September 11, 2012! Imagine that!) but claimed to America and the families some obscure YouTube video triggered angry Muslims. The Middle East is aflame today because of Hillary Clinton and Barack Obama, threatening the security of the US and our allies. Yet all crybaby leftists can do is blubber what a big meanie Donald Trump is." "man you are a clueless liberal hack of stupidity,," The more Hillary opens her mouth the more she shows how stupid she really is. Will she ever go away?????? "The only people dumber than this bitch, are the ones who vote for her." "Wow, you are way worse than Trump. He was rude and made disrespectful comments talking to one man in a private conversation. And you are just running your Vulgar mouth for everyone to hear can you say hypocrite." "Ladies and Gentlemen, I give you the Conservative Party of Canada. A sad, revolting combination of stupid and vicious." "Many gays on Church St agree with you. More are loosing their fear of speaking out against the sabotage of Pride. There is a big ""F()()K YOU"" to Pride coming." "Trump simply can not go a day without lying. He has corrupted and debased the Presidency and American culture to the point it may never recover. Instead of the howling from conservative Caucasian preachers about a black President being the 'Anti-Christ,' Donald Trump has become the most evil, divisive, selfish, corrupt, untrustworthy Machiavellian figures in modern history. These preachers and their so-called 'religion' never got past the color of the President's skin. Ignorance and ineptitude are natural consequences of bigotry combined with fear." This chick is batsh1t crazy. This cop can p*** off. This man is doing nothing wrong. Who does this cop think he is telling him that? LOL. What an idiot. "Exactly, due to the fact the vast majority of the whites in the Rust Belt and in Florida are as dumb as a post these fake Hillary news stories caused them to vote for Trump. There is no Reason Hillary should have lost to this buffoon, Russia's fake news, ballot stuffing, and the stupidity of your average white American are why we now have the Trumpster in office." "Trump is such a drama queen. What a disgusting pig. Yates should sue for defamation and slander. I hope he knows just how weak this shows he is. What a small-minded, petty little man. Not my president, nor will he ever be. The sooner we're rid of him and his snake pit cabinet the better. Disgusting little tyrant." It's for sure that trawling doesn't help. It's all man made in the end. Humans are stupid. "You see nothing but negative information about Trump, because there is nothing but negative information about Trump. A narcissistic blowhard, a lying fraudster with disdain for women, ethnic groups, veterans, and the truth. An absolute trainwreck nominated by legions of ignoramuses who continually sabotages his own best efforts with knee jerk absurdities." "Well, perhaps you should ask the Canadian public if they want people who swear allegiance to Allah over Canada in senior intelligence positions. Sounds sensible to me. Also, I just don't understand how you can be so hypocritical by constantly pointing out how racist Canada is while Muslim countries are the most oppressive human rights abusers on the planet. I've lived and travelled there, and everything is racialized, women are hidden away, there's no religious or intellectual diversity allowed. I don't like harassment at CSIS, but wouldn't it make sense to call out the far, far, far worse abuses in your culture and religion? Or just live in a Muslim country if you think we're all so deplorable?" "I agree with that but the comments come from other sources. I have tracked down a few and they are things like Drudge Report and the Beltway Pundit. Some others that are WAY out there. Like ""evidence"" that Hillary was a lesbian rapist in college." "How much longer can our country allow a batsh*t crazy man make decisions that destroy what has made our country great. The policies, and repeal of policies, that stream out of the White House seem to be the exact opposite of what needs to be done. It's a dangerous situation, and the sooner Trump can be evicted from the White House, the sooner we can get our country back on track. It's not just this proposal, but almost every proposal that comes out of the Trump administration leaves the vast majority of our country scratching their heads. WTF? How can anyone believe that Trump is doing anything good for our country?" "For the love of God do NOT let this scumbag on our campus! Stay out of our city! You, nor any of these dumbass, inbred white-trash supremacists are wanted! YOU ARE NOT WELCOME!" "Many of the ""foreign"" cars are built in Canada and the USAby men and women who live next door to the CAW/UAW workers and have the same education level. Of course, ""any idiot knows"" this." "The stupid runs deep with this one. Hey Mr. Jones do you wear a mask to keep from breathing those mind controlling chemtrails? Keep looking over your shoulder bud. They just may be out to get you. George Hnatiuk https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7IQTcmwRMhE" "Don't be silly. The correct translation is ""Jesus no like perch fish with romano cheese."" Which is why women can't be ordained. All very logical." "Waddles The Clown just can't let it go like a real man, instead preferring to blubber, simper and whine behind his stupid tweets like the bloated orange coward he is. The freak has all the dignity of a dirty-faced toddler with a fully-loaded diaper." "Want more stupidity? On a recent hiking/fishing trip to ""Haena Beach"" or Shippman Beach. true story. On a Hot summer morning ,mid 80s about 10am in the morning. A white caucasian couple ,late 20's early 30s decides to take their 8-10 month old baby on this arduous hike. I see this and I'm thinking to myself,""Is it Me""? But,hello people, it's mid 80s now,but wait until it gets mid day or early noon when it gets into the 90s not mention the humidity and the fact there is NO Water on this (5mile RT) Trail. C'mon people,think smart! Or we'll have more dumb politicians making stupid laws. IMUA!" "During an anti-Trump protest in Seattle this weekend, an activist associated with the Black Lives Matter (BLM) movement took to the megaphone to voice her support for, among other things, “killing people,” and “killing the White House.” Is this how you go high? When did the Tea Party ever go this low?" """Racism is evil, and those who cause violence in its name are criminals and thugs, including the KKK, neo-Nazis and white supremacists and other hate groups that are repugnant to everything we hold dear as Americans,"" the president said from the White House. . So Clay , you are a dumbass." How stupid could you be??? The man is 91 years old and suffers from dementia. What good could it possibly do to put him in prison??? This is a tragic accident that has scared and devastated this entire family. Sorry you have no heart and are such a dick!! There are more Trump supporters than brainwashed idiots on the plateau. If we wanted racism we would be Marching In White robes down 410. but we're not so wake up You only report to trump? You dumb rich turd. You and trump report to WE THE PEOPLE!!! this guy is a total a. Like trump they get a stiff when swarms of press are around. This guy is trumps go to Goo Aid bucket. "I don't know why the ADN is risking it's reputation by running these hate filled, ignorant articles by left wing morons from the lower 48. Only somebody as mentally ill as a child molester would vote for either Hillary or Obama." "As a former Kalani Falcon football player, Texas Tech scholarship player, semi-pro player for years - FU allie, bitch." "Hello out there! Hello out there, members and supporters of Black Lives Matter Toronto! My post has been up 15 minutes and not a peep from any of you folks. So I gather then that you accept it: Your group provides a lousy role model for anybody noticing your group. And, like cowards of the usual sort, you refuse to get involved in a fair-and-square confrontation here on this page. I nailed it when I said it the first time: The Toronto Chapter of Black Lives Matter is that it is an organization comparable to a pile of unhelpful garbage." Gee. Maybe they will finally go after the endless idiots with their arrogant driving attitudes blowing through stop signs and reds. And you tailgaters are a special kind of stupid. What exactly does that get you. What a bunch of mental midgets. "The US does have a lot of morons, and they need a false god (or several) to worship. it is after reading her book Trump went on the ""Mexicans are rapists"" rampage." "See? I told you Mexicans are fat, and you called me a racist." "HOW could Trump be 'worse' than a lying, murdering, thieving career criminal that takes bribes from countries that murder gays, treat their women worse than their dogs and stands by as Christians are murdered because they won't convert? Let's not count all the 'mysterious' or 'coincidental' deaths that have followed her since she was fired from the Nixon investigation." "IS that what you think? Have you forgotten about the American invasion of Korea. Have you forgotten about the 50 years of brutal rule by the Japanese over the Koreans? I think you must be a human turd. I will hunt you down you f**cker and slit your f***ing throat." "These are disgusting charges and I don't respect the judgement of these girls' parents and nurses. You are not caring people. Give them each a week in the psychiatric ward, then let them apply for college. Weak stigma-based police state behavior on the part of idiots." "Just another example of the mentally ill population that inhabit downtown , a useless bag of kukae that take out its frustrations on something beautiful to highlight a wasted life." "References are constantly being made that indicate that anyone that opposes Islam is a racist. Islam is NOT a race it is another religious cult, the same as the rest just a different flavour. We should be opposing all of them as they are a constant threat to society around the world. Its strange that we are allowed to use all our naturally endowed emotions except hate. Then we are criticized . If we hate pizza or broccoli that's ok but not a religion. That is ridiculous. Any sane educated person that follows a religion is in need of therapy. Islam just happens to be the current cult of violence and hating it is normal." "u need to travel some jp. u r missing out on the creeping tide of islam. Michigan, Minnesota for starters. Then get ur passport out and let us go to Dublin and then on to Jolly Olde England. I put up bub - With ur stupid comment - go travel and then tell me to shut up - ya twit." "It certainly appears U/O President Schill has a mental disconnect of sorts. Schill write: ""But like the majority of my predecessors, I am also deeply committed to the principle of free expression, both as embodied in the First Amendment and in the institution’s tradition of academic freedom. Let me ground this conversation in the unequivocal statement that the UO embraces free expression as one of its core principles."" Where as of late, Schill signed on the ""Blackface"" letter condemning a U/O law professor which in effect says "" your first Amendment rights does not matter"". What the heck is wrong with Schill? Is he addicted to the Hillary two step syndrome? Or is he just another reminder of the many grim failures of philosophical liberal cohesiveness.... in other words... just plain stuck on stupid?" "Old stock are salt of the earth, the rest could only wish they respected gays and women half as much!!! Why do you think people came to Canada??? Becouse of you or what your family did in their foreign land. Wake up fool, you sound foolish - read some history books, we lived it cunt!!!!!" "the first and most vocal moron out of the clown car is your duly elected self righteous homophobic religious whacko. no recall of that idiot? then own her. i would be embarrassed to admit i was from Eagle River, because of her. onward, Christian soldier, keep purging the pews. you'll have no one left soon. that day can't come soon enough." "lol with every passing second this man embarrasses himself more. He is like an idiot twin brother who replaces his smart twin in the White House, or like 15 going on 50, where a normal man accidentally morphs into a kid, but still looks the same." She's a fracking imbecile. Poorly evolved morons still eat meat. Regrettably they are blind to their own cruelty. Defending someone you think is a creep makes you what you suggested Ms. Flowers; stupid. pass the damn bill allready "And, unfortunately, there is no cure for stupidity." hi ho hi ho .. its off to hell the anc go .. good riddance to corrupt trash Don't be sore loser... "I have a CCPC I follow the rules, and don't break laws. I am not wealthy. On income, I pay ALL the taxes anybody else pays once I take out the money. I don't see where there is any tax reduction. Of course I don't sprinkle income, and I had never heard of the capital gain dodge. But the ability to invest corporate funds for passive investment is critical to small business operations and retirement. Trudeau and Morneau are hypocrites. And trudeau junior and his friend Butt are so out of line with this abuse of hard working private sector people." "trumka should never have associated with that nasty pile of garbage who's been a union-buster, scab-employer his entire business life Donald Trump is ""their man"" because he, nearly alone, is anti-union in Vegas. he alone has been as hostile to the right to organize as anyone Trumka had plenty of reasons before to tell that pile of garbage to drop dead" "Once again, jamesjohnson puts his ignorance on display before the entire galaxy." Don't be a douchebag! Douglas Odell Wilson could it be more obvious that you are an idiot? No I don't think it could! "Should be able to see your lack of comprehension then, eh? I told you what I thought, babbling idiotic buffoons pushing unfounded right wing conspiracy theories. Peer at it real hard and see if you can't make that out." "are you really this stupid !!! look at any so called news like the bs cnn etc,, they call out ANY conservative these days as hate,," Wicked looking PM with those horse teeth. "it was bs to give this company a dime, another trudeau stupid move that costs us all" "left wing stupidity was proven because of and evrer since trumps election, go oleary go" He's such a lying hypocrite. Notice the post below. The trolls are now cloning my account and posting childish crap. Another great reason for the death penalty! Eliminate these morons who have no morals! "Canada is smart but very stupid. The West innovates, Asia copies and then sells it back to us at half the cost because companies don't give a damn where they got it from and CEOs walk away with short term bonuses. Meanwhile we continue to buy iPhones and Galaxy phones while our kids drown in a mountain of debt. This is a short term tactic with long term consequences." "you are an ignorant fool Allan - stop putting foolish words around the truth - the truth is I am not respected so I am just giving it right back. Scared has nothing to do with it dear. Clearly your ignorance knows no bounds and it is people like you who make this into an issue when there originally wasn't one. You don't like it, too bad We are all entitled to our opinion and we still have a choice. I chose not to deal with her. Plain and simple." "Prophecy was that the ""village idiot"" would start the next world war." "Complete nonsense. This is the same way our asinine prohibition of alcohol ended, one free state at a time, while marijuana was federally illegal. No state is required to mirror or even enforce federal law. If that were the case we wouldn't even need states, the tenth amendment, or any laboratories of democracy. Thankfully the founders were a bit more intelligent than you. We the people have spoken, the prohibition of marijuana is a cancer, and it will be cut from this state like the garbage it is." "The issues you cite are total petty nonsense! As you are well aware, Comey cleared HRC back in July: ""our judgment is that no reasonable prosecutor would bring a case... we cannot find a case that would support bringing criminal charges on these facts."" Like Bernie, I am ""sick of the da@m emails"" and we need to be discussing important issues. Trump is an inexperienced, racist, and misogynist who is totally unfit to assume the presidency. Election tampering tactics are a serious threat to our democracy, and they are illegal!" what a loser asshole "Well lets see here Socialist. We have millions of illegals in the US. they cost us billions. 10,000 people to clean that up is well worth it. NPR is just a liberal propaganda outlet. Pay for that crap yourself" But apparently they are too dumb or lazy to use it. "Doing that kind of crap helps absolutely no one. When it does really happen, people will shrug their shoulders and assume it's BS." "typical bs left wing post of stupid, most leaders resign after such a defeat loser" "Dear Globe Your algorithm for ""civil"" comments.... is effen stupid." This clueless buffoon is an embarrassment to America. "con't. - also when the family gets that search team signed on - run that go fund me link all over, every day until you've doubled your goal - the number sounded low... just a thought. a few years back the lovely young lady from veneta (?), brooke (?), kidnapped from corvallis - got good press coverage..national - TV(?) '20/20' or '48 Hours' even (?) ---see if the cops will make a connection for you and get in touch with those folks - they can point you to the right road i'd bet.... i just hope to god they find her and catch the scumbag boyfriend." "Janet is a caring ""useful idiot"", to use Stalin's term and in doing so is hurting Canada. She should be charged with aiding and abetting a criminal enterprise." "Most Alaskans are intelligent enough not to support the evil, lying, foul-mouthed HRC. Hillary is an idiot just like her supporters." "This has to be the most blatantly inaccurate load of BS the G&M has ever printed! They should pull this piece of garbage immediately." "so very tired of taylor swift i'm thinking she sucks" We don’t live in the dark ages fool "And what, in your mind, what does the conspiracy consist of? Is it a conspiracy to make Trump look like an idiot? If so, man, those Hollywood people ARE some bad asses." So what you are saying is that Canadians are too stupid with a short attention span to understand this? "YOU are the people who have handed him the bullhorn. YOU are the people willing to embarrass this nation and put it on the brink of economic ruin all because you wanna throw an electoral hissy fit. YOU are the people who want to revolutionize the way America does business by voting for its worst businessman, a disgusting neon pig who only makes money when he causes problems for other people instead of solving them. YOU are the thin-skinned yokels who clutch your bandoliers whenever someone hurls the mildest of slurs at you (“deplorables”), while cheering Trump on as he leaves a bonfire of truly hateful invective everywhere he goes. YOU are the people willing to overlook the fact that Trump is an unqualified, ignorant sociopath because DURRRR HILLARY IS BAD TOO DURRRR." Ignorance must be bliss for you. Lets outlaw guns!! We need to. Look at what making heroin illegal has done. I bet AK does not have a heroin problem!! IDIOTS!!! but you still like to spend their transfer payments..... a true ignorant hypocrite if there ever was one. yet it is the ignorant fools in canada that are the children of idiots given thier hate for free speech they dont agree with What took so long? Bunch of dummies. talor swift sucks "That's about as STUPID a proposition imaginable! GET REAL, Mr.! Most of what's left in the REAL Hawaii ,is found on the outer islands." the 47% DONKEY congress is in the same 11% boat. you're an idiot! if you don't live in these area's then shut your mouth because you don't know s***!! This whole region is completely laden with drug addled scum "TRUMP FOR PRISON LOCK HIM UP LOCK HIM UP LOCK HIM UP ""Although it is not true that all conservatives are stupid people......it is true that most stupid people are conservatives""." "man you are a nut job.. the NK leaders are ignoring thier people as so many have and continue to starve bud, this is about personal military power , it has nothing to do with protecting its people! The usa is NOT threatening NK, not in any way bud, ,, god please get some help for that stupidity you live in!,, the us" "This bloody fool...this could start WW3. There is no proof that Assad fired chemical weapons. Trump is a con man, a fraud, a trickster...what he has just done is so serious it defies belief." "aa another post by a far left, alt left ignorant loser.. its you left wing nut jobs that dont see the reality of the world... makes us laugh at ignorant people like you" "Enough already with this incompetent, corrupt, asinine, completely self-serving, unaccountable, non-transparent, untrustworthy, LYING ""circus"" called the Trump campaign OR the Trump Administration! Given this latest ""revelation"" by Trump's son with its corresponding email trail, I thought for sure this latest ""revelation"" would have warranted immediate federal charges being filed by Special Counsel Mueller and his team, against Trump's son, his son-in-law and Manafort (and charges against other Trump actors for other blatant illegal BS!) for illegally conspiring with a foreign power in a ruddy illegal attempt to unduly influence the outcome of a US federal election in favour of candidate Trump over his rival candidate Clinton!!???" "Andi Taggart, No, plpeline! Pull your little head out of your big ass sourdud!" "Now Agent Orange Tees up Venezuela too, what a dangerous ignorant clown." I see you never miss an opportunity to blame Dems for your miserable outlook on life. They've recently made people convicted of tax evasion give DNA. Canadians are stupid. "I mock you and your pathetic god. I am not afraid of your crappy god who will punish me forever if I dont 'worship' him in just the right way...because he loves me. If you were smarter you would see just how contradictory that is but there is nothing we can do about that. Ignorance is curable but what you have is genetic." "Excellent, still going to try to agitate for WW3 before Trump gets in and Canada is involved. Great stuff. Nothing wrong with this picture at all. Does any of this make sense? Russia and Assad are fighting off all the enemies. You are actually trying to convince me they are more concerned about more ""moderate"" ""rebel"" threats than a more serious one. Nice try criminals!" "Trump sure seems to be able to get away with a lot more bigoted, racist, bullying, and generally offensive statements that most users would be allowed. Well, maybe not, Twitter seems to set the bar low, and I don't have an account so I'm just guessing, but I read Trump's tweets this morning, with his ""Pocohantas"" comment on one, and a reference to a human being (albeit not a very nice one, even by Trump's standards) as a ""degenerate animal"" in another. To say this sort of thing is un-presidential is a gross understatement, but more to the point it's offensive, and coming from Trump, it's actually dangerous. On the other hand it's mildly entertaining the way it might be watching a zombie apocalypse versus a threshing machine or something. Sad and brainless." you are a paid liberal hack of stupidity shore living the liberal lie every day That definition of treason would sink wahabiists like Merkel and her scum immediately. "Agreed, hence he could purchase a firearm and then kill someone with it. Maybe sticking to the original felony charge could have saved a life?" "You're not the first redneck racist who has told me, an Alaska Native, to ""move"" away from my homeland if I don't like how we're treated here, and/or ""go back to where you came from."" I've heard those idiot southern redneck statements for more than 50-years here. Nothing new there. No. I was born here and I'll cross over to the other side from here." "Stay there, asshole." "Trump Chumps see themselves when they gaze into the Orange Taint's idiotic eyes. Studies show that the more ignorant you are, the more confidence you have. Describes Trump and his Chumps perfectly. Pathetic." "Lisa is worthless, the next election will retire her and it will be too soon. I honestly think she's on the same idiot food diet that polosi and chuck are on." Excuse me you terrorist! You are in Canada! You will never be judged according to your false bible here! You don't like it? Leave. And don't let the door hit your ass on the way out!!! Dan you are a nut lol What a moronic statement! Shoot him. "That sounds like deflection to me. Trump comes across like an idiot, so you talk down the other side, none of whom are in office at the moment. It doesn't change the impression Trump gives of buffoonery, and I say this as someone who didn't vote for Hillary either." "Then saddest part of all of this, are these Russian trolls that are still denying reality. If I only watched fox, fair & balanced, and read infoWars and Bannon’s Breitbart, I would sound as stupid as these trolls, lol. Aloha" Let's see. The ransom demand was for $200 but the owner is offering $1000 reward. I love stupid criminals. "The Republicans say they support education and free thought, speech etc. just ask them. It`s becoming evident it`s only when it portrays the world as seen through the prism of their political platform instead of the measured benefits to PBS shows? Penny-wise and pound-foolish Idiots.." "Thanks for personally confirming what we've all known for a long time: That you're a hypocritical, self-serving, arrogant ass. I hope that with this, the people in your district understand that you have to go." He's an idiot for so many reasons. You are a bully. "take a hike steven, i pointed out that poster was unwilling to talk facts just right to insulting anyone who disagreed, i judge people on actions not positions, save the left wing attempt to throw the exposure of his insults back to anyone who dare call him out, it proves you are typical of the hate crap we dont need" "I love seeing Subban get in Crosby's head. Sid has been the anointed one for far too long and if you watch his game closely, he's as much of a ""jerk"" as many other impact players. As far as Subban being a jerk, he is no more so than Adam Foote against whom teams hated to play. That's what makes Subban so effective." Trump says stupid things. Hillary does stupid things that get people killed and other things that are felonies. In fact this sort of activity is one of the ONLY duties a proper Constitutionally limited federal government should be performing. This idiot is no different from every other leftist idiot. For them it's complete government control or nothing. They don't understand the Constitution at all. "tsa hires morons, how do you think guns get past but not breast milk?" Send in the robot like they did in Dallas and blow the shit out of that fool. Liberals are so triggered/butthurt that they lost. Pathetic. Grow the fück up. "This is just tRump throwing out red meat for the dumbest/most hateful of his derp-lorable base. Bitters and clingers, all." "aa the usual stupidity of the left which are the true fascist of the world, who want to limit my free speech etc,, it is the destruction by you and your types the world is moving against bud, keep crying all you want, you are on the way out" Why? Why must the bear always die? OMG people were running in an area that has bears. I hate these stupid ass people who decide the bear should die for being a bear!!!!! "Do you even read the label on your cat's food? How many animals did you pay others to kill for you, just this year alone? How many animals did your cats, and those cats that you support being outdoors, torture to death just so you can say, ""Awwwww... such a good hunter you are! That's a good kitty!"" The only result of which was to make their own self feel good, no other reason. You're not only sad, you're pathetic." "Allie, in your haste to label somebody else's comment. You somehow missed the part where you are the biggest hypocrite when it comes to labeling." Just proof that there's one thing they can't regulate against -- stupidity. "Agree. Alaska would be great if there was no booze, no weed, no heroin, no meth and no stupid people that put stupid stuff in their bodies." "Funny, usually attorneys are the clowns." "And Trump is too stupid to be president. Let's just nullify the last election and hold a do-over." Stupid should hurt ! "Idiot. The First Amendment also applies to public universities. This isn't a matter of debate, open a book or use a search engine." Shoot him dead. Game over. Terry Stahlman is a worthless piece of human excrement! "I suggest you actually learn about the terms and conditions of NATO. You are speaking from ignorance. No money is paid to NATO. Countries try to spend 2% of their GDP for their own military. Trump is lying again and those who cannot be bothered to find out the facts, such as yourself, blithely take everything this idiotic human being says as gospel. Education is your friend." "Got a link for that, troll? Or, is this just another one of your lies, troll?" "Exactly why the Con party are in opposition, and with stupid comments like this one, they will be there for a very long time." Was she drunk in that interview? Or just an inept delivery of a hollow promise. "hey idiot the main countries we trade with are the real countries that give off the huge emmissions, china, inda and the usa, all which are NOT going such taxes etc,, which means OUR costs soar and jobs are lost to being less competitive, take you liberal bs loser troll," "People make stupid decisions and then expect the gov't to bail them out. There is no cure for stupidity." "I never ever said he wasn't a drug user. In direct response to your seedy allegations of abusive behavior by Faye and Ken Kesey - you're a liar. If not, produce some hard evidence to back it up instead of your unfounded, undocumented, story from decades ago. Disgusting slanderous garbage." Watch your fucking mouth Don't forget back stabbing "Your so full of crap, quit holding on to the past man. Truth be told, in 1989 Oregon abolished the max imprisonment lengths that they still so proudly throw around as valid. You must be old guidelines D.A. Cause you on here bedrock prosecuting, as in, your game kinda old." "Keep in mind Hillary actually garnered 2.5 million more votes than Trump. And he's right about the big time trouble. Keep in mind there is a little agreement called NAFTA still in place that prohibits what Trump is doing. Trump is an idiot - it's most apparent, not just with this but with many of his other so called stances. He can't even deal with the media properly never mind the rest of the political world. A buffoon is being kind, a mental moron is more like it." "You're a fake Republicans can as well. Oh wait, you're just a huge hypocrite, one of the defining characteristics of Republicans. My bad." "Allie, you are a hypocrite. The people you put in office is responsible. Trump this, Trump that. What about the Democrats." "Subsidized heavily, likely, but If you think 20-30 000/year tuition only, plus living expenses x4 years for just medical school is chump change." "speaking of monsters, how's Hillary doing?" "He was on the program with Amanda Lang, and he described Unions as a tumor and like any cancer, they had to be removed. That statement will come back to haunt him. Amanda had such a pretty face, especially compared to that ugly troll." "Mayor Caldwell has a lot of special peon hires at City Hall, courtesy of taxpayers. It's too obvious that Caldwell cannot attack the message so he he attacks the messenger. Dirty politics is Caldwell's forte." "WTF!!@! Thank god they both survived. what kind of person drives by without helping or at least calling 911???? what if that was your brother, son, friend. As for this guy throw the book at his sorry ass" And why do the people of Germany and Sweden pay that tax rate? Why don't they vote out the idiots that keep the taxes so high? Every canadian who buys even one american piece of crap should be taken out and shot. "what a dummy, dumpy has no regard for the law. you cannot brutalize a suspect. he has complete lack of respect for any law and is acting like a dictator. he is trying to emulate putin." &23million fools follow him. "Gain, Trump makes another stupid move. You probably know that carpenters generally don't make good surgeons. Likewise, senior (as in old) senior (cheap general - like Brigadier) military let overs don't make good gate keepers for Presidents who don't listen. A couple of months at best. Then Flynn can do a more worthwhile job looking after his grandkids." """I prefer the ""European socialist nanny state"" as opposed to a 3rd world nation or having us look like Russia and China that the GOP is driving us towards"". That is just an asinine statement. Trump is giving this nation back to the people. I can't understand how there are still people who believe in that ever illusive socialist utopia. Socialism defies human nature there is no way in hell people bring out the best in themselves when the results is to remain the same as everyone else." Stupid things happen when naturally (literally) ignorant people show up in nature. Lightning doesn't happen enough to them. "Since you are not a nun, you therefore declare yourself insane and not qualified to comment. Clearly the content of your ""commentary"" (more like a slogan) and styling are an indication of insanity. That's how liberals deal with the world, they shoot themselves in the foot, time and time again. Liberals support ""race politics"" and so close the door on rational debate. Politics becomes a football for racialists and revolutionaries calculating redress and measuring imbalance. Liberals practice birth control, which ensures they will not spread their luciferian doctrines beyond this benighted generation. Liberals thrive on the largess of a functioning society, so of course they do what they can to undermine and dismantle the very civilization that tolerates them. Liberalism is a disease of the wealthy and idle elites, much as Enlightenment was the disease that spelled doom for the Middle Ages. Every civilization has a healthy ascendancy and a sickly decline. Liberalism is our swan song." The FOX glorifies another pathetic lying loser and all you can deliver is the clarion call of an eighth grader in meltdown mode? "LOL at all the low-info that voted for this stupid game show host. You. Got. Conned." So this is where Andy suck on the public teat is. Damn those kids for having irresponsible parents. "Mr. Trump is a sociopath. He's a failed President (already) and he's determined to inflict as much damage as possible on the United States while he remains in office. Mr. Trump, sadly, is a loathsome piece of garbage. He's in this job for the adoration of his sycophant supporters, and the money. What a disgrace." you are too simple minded "And yet, 39% of the electorate are still stupid enough to vote for these criminals." Oh the stupidity of the average Joe Canadian who thinks that speculative housing profits are a-ok and end well for all. Good luck with that one. So now you're all fake concerned about using real names? That's gonna come as a huge surprise to your fellow trolls. "My comment is, did you ALSO comment on the inflammation of race relations caused by Obama, Holder and Lynch? If not and you are only commenting about Trump, using the BLM standards, you must be racist since you did not publically criticize an African-American but you criticize an Anglo-American. It used to be it was simply called being a hypocrite, but since using BLM has determined that if you treat someone different (albeit the real reason is based on their opinion and not race) if the subjects are of a different race, then your criticism must be based on your own inherent racism." Too bad they don't have a reaction for stupid on this site. All too ready to cut off your nose to spite your face? "your very stupid emoticon reaction will haunt you later, that is a guarantee, too." "now who is going to do that. stop talking foolish" Execute them all. "Unhelpful and rather foolish comment given all the Albertans of a progressive bent posting on this thread. And in the face of what our current provincial government is trying to do. Are you a Conservative plant or just not a very sensible strategist?" "Who is stupid enough to ""expect this man to understand a life that worries about paying utility bills or affording an education."" I certainly don't have any such expectations of him! That would be like expecting the same thing of Romney or any Kennedy or FDR or Kerry or Pelosi or many of the multi-millionaires who currently constitute over one-half of the Senate and one-half of the House of Representatives! That would not only be stupid, it would be ludicrous in the extreme!" "Stop LYING.. President Trump has NEVER said anything bad about LEGAL IMMIGRANTS. If you come here ILLEGALLY you are NOT an Immigrant you are an ILLEGAL ALIEN. Please retire you are useless and have done NOTHING for our state. Pathetic" "What possesses these idiots to carry out such wanton acts of vandalism? did his mama not hug him enough, or maybe didn't give him enough cracks. These subhumans needs to be taken to Kahoolawe and live with the undetonated bombs, and he should albatross killer with him." YOU suck. Have you taken the Hypocratic Oath. Did you even know or understand what you were swearing to? I doubt it. """....when we could call stupid people, stupid people...."" Well, I think most posting here can agree with at least this part of your post...Although I doubt if there would be agreement on the intended target..." "It would be nice if America woke up but the dem. party marketing, with the support of the main stream media have successfully indoctrinated their voters. No amount of evidence will sway the loyal subjects, no amount of corruption will the loyal dem. voter allow to get in the way of their support of who they have been told to vote for. It is so sad to see the puppets dancing to the dem. leaders, or maybe calling the dem. leaders puppet masters is more appropriate. There is no fool as big as the fool who has allowed themselves to be continually used despite massive evidence they are being played as a fool. The dem. party is full of fools." "A friend once told me ""Think of how dumb the average person is, now realize that half of the population is dumber than that!"" That proves more and more correct every time I think about it. Friends and I were camping last weekend in Pingree Park, 4wd trails everywhere, all the fun you could possibly want in a jeep, quad or bike. Towards the end of the day we're sitting at our campsite and watch some guy on a quad go off the trail and go tearing through an untouched meadow. 4 of us went running down the hill to yell at him about it. The obligatory answer of ""Sorry"" came back. You could tell he didn't care, he just got caught. Earlier in the day we'd cleaned up a shooting area of 400+ spent shells and casings that people left behind before we got our own gear out. It's BS like this that ruin it for everyone. Soon you won't be able to do anything anymore. People are idiots and jerks." "From motely crude - ""I just asked you whether you had explained to your children back during the Clinton Presidency what your ""Hero"" was doing in the Oval Office with Monica Lewinsky?"" DG, he's a bjerk, a 72 year old man/child/troll who lives to posted this trash. His intent was deviant and disgusting. He went on to try and pass the blame on Monica Lewinsky...""I used the exact same term she used during her testimony and statements."" A known liar, a real floater in the punch bowl, the last one picked for tag team ""Old Maid"", a cranky djt supporter, and a loser who thinks there is something wrong with everyone else in the world but him." "Basically Rochdale, you're a pig." "No. What an idiotic, LWNJ question." I filled it out three times already today! What an idiotic 'survey'... Thank you to all the stupid people who think Jenny McCarthy et.al are doctors. Unbelievable that after taking two young lives that this idiot was given back his right to drive! Now he is right back out there endangering people again. He needs to go to jail for a LONG time and NEVER be allowed to drive again. "It is, sadly, the Canadian way. A few years ago some brave Montreal cops killed a cow and then in Calgary a cougar and in Banff a couple of wolves. No wild creatures are exempt from our brave police forces ability to kill them." "So where is Silent Bill Walker's voice on this issue? You would think a leader would say: "" Kids, cut the crap and go to your rooms, in the Atwood."" But no word from Silent Bill. The next we hear from Walker will be his crying about how we need to give him PFD and tax money to buy a TajMahawker for his kids." "Do not forget Supreme Court Justice Neil Gorsuch. President Trump selected him from the preferred list as he promised. He unblocked Obama's idiotic pipeline shut-downs as promised. He has undone hundreds of Obama's destructive executive orders as promised. If the congress could get its act together he is ready to disappoint you even more by keeping his promises. Just because you hate his policies and thus his guts, there is no need to impune his political truthfulness." The clowns that write this garbage going to do the paying or do they expect the taxpayer to dig deeper. "vogel, you must be a dummy like trump. political correctness is not the problem but stupidity is." "I will stand by my statement that liberalism is what smart looks like to stupid people. The letter posted yesterday states the real problem clearly enough. "" It doesn't matter if it was protected by the First Amendment."" I have legal news flash for the University of Oregon. Because the University is public and receives government tax dollars it is indeed bound to abide by the US constitution with All OF IT'S PROTECTION INCLUDED. Which should tell everyone right off the signatories are anti-American, and perhaps even anti-America in their twisted PC nonsense." "at the hospital? boot the rig so it's not going anywhere ...and once it does...it will cost money and that may be the only REAL pain the jerk in the black suv ""feels.""" "We are suckers in this country. ------------------- but we are not born suckers we were made suckers by the leftist progressives" i'm pretty sure Justy tops Trump in dumb comments You are the avowed racist on this thread. "Wig How sad it is. Canada is pathetic. Canada has tied itself to the world's bully. The bully attacks weak countries and Canada joined it in Afghanistan and subsequent. The US has yet to win a war. American and Canadian citizens should be ashamed of ourselves.." "As a former Corrections guy, if true as alleged, this was a pretty ""dopey"" move." CROOKS and disgusting ! "NIMBY morons in Thornton want to keep their city known as a meth town. They don't want no stinking entertainment venues attracting the ""wrong"" crowd." "Get a grip and use your brain. It's not about killing fish. It's about killing the fishery. Are you always so ignorant, or just mean?" Stupid leftists. Stupid Democrats. I sincerely believe they wouldn't have won many elections without fraud. This kind of stuff shines the light brightly on them. "Do we now add ""coward"" to the list of words used to describe Mr. Trump?" "Ya gotta' laugh at this moron. Saying ""We'll put on More Pressure"" is like ""the GOP saying ""I have the best healthcare bill you have ever seen"". Good one, Coryboy." They're all a bunch of dummies. Trump exploits these shrunken heads -they're not smart enough to figure that out. "It's truly amazing how right-wingers try to justify land theft. They left their morals somewhere. Probably in the same place they left their brains. And there's no way to find them. Rational arguments do not work with fools. Bravo, Kerry and Obama, for your courage and reason." "But yet they do Larry, yet they do. Now shut up, open your wallet and keep paying for other people's stupidity. Or are you just another incompassionate b*****d, like me?" Margaret is wise. And Charles blow is a left wing fanatic. He and CNNs Don Lemon are as giddy as schoolgirls when discussing how stupid they feel the new POTUS is. Shameful. What an example of stupidly especially when our state depends on the federal govt for thousands of jobs in the civilian sector. The A G and governor are really stupid beyond comparison. Summary execution. No wait that's to easy. Let them become prison bitches. "What a POS lying scumbag JT is. Cant stop spending but blames dr's for ""cheating"" on their tax. I guess its easy to point fingers with your garbage BFinearts degree." Kaine came through as a bully and a buffoon. "Scum. No redeeming social value. I don't care how old they are; I don't care what color they are; I don't care how much money their family makes or doesn't make. They are still just scum. Uncivilized scum." "Al Gore Warming is anti-science at its most destructive and stupidest statist extreme . The bottoms of atmospheres are hotter than their tops because of Gravity , not a spectral ""green house gas"" effect . AG's witch doctor James Hansen should have been laughed out of the room for claiming Venus's extreme surface temperature ( 2.25 times the temperature of a gray ball in its orbit ) was due to a runaway GHG effect . Even light is heated in a trade off with gravity : https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pound%E2%80%93Rebka_experiment . Neither atmosphere nor any other mass can be immune -- and the amount can be precisely calculated . It's global statist AGW ""noble cause"" determinedly ignorant dupes and frauds who are anti-science ." You liberals are piss-poor sore losers. Go crawl back under your rock. You are in Trump's small and shrinking circle of sycophants. Pathetic. "He clearly stated ""skaters"".....I don't like him any more than you do but I'm afraid I must ask you: ARE YOU STUPID?" "What a load of crap. Our problem isn't culture or a lack of an organized moral code that we all believe in, which never actually existed in the past. We are suffering from a mass political failure to deal with serious US problems, mainly economic. So the problems continually pile up, and now we don't trust government and fight among ourselves. Class war." Hopefully our idiot AG will quit throwing taxpayer money at this and fight CRIME like he is supposed to! "Wall mismanages the budget and then goes after the workers to repair his incompetence. Only a dumb con would accept that. It wouldn't be that too many gifts to big oil were at fault, or that taxes were artificially low just to pander to the stupid and have them believe that Wall actually was a fiscal genius? Wall rode the oil boom for a while; he will ride out on the oil bust." Trump is an all talk-no action buffoon. Kimmee knows this and is willing to take his chances. "Must be why he, and not Obama, are under CIA investigation for colluding with Russia. You're so partisan that nothing Trump does will ever sway you and you'll always deflect to Obama or Clinton. That's just pathetic." Is there no limit to your ridiculous posts? and you're nothing more than the type of useful idiot Obama LOVES! "You vote for your criminal if that makes you happy, after all liberals are all about party before country. But don't embarrass yourself by trying to taint Trump all the while standing next to Hillary Rotten Clinton, you look like a fool." "Are you delighted that our own PM is an absolute idiot for the profanity he directs at sitting MP's in the House of Commons? Don't forget his POS moment directed at Peter Kent. If we're critical of Scaramucci for his use of language then we have to look at the bottom feeder we have for a PM who does the same but you make every effort to always normalize and humanize his countless shortcomings." "The only corruption linked to Hillary is running around in your head, 55. Go get some damn therapy will you? Or up your drug dose." either you can afford to lose $1300. in an hour or you're a moron "Lies, lies and more lies, conveniently just before Trump is sworn in. Its over. We are headed toward a new little ice age by mid century and these climate clowns will still be telling us that the world is so hot it broke the thermometer when we're all freezing in the dark." "Dems- it's ok to be devious Reps - it's ok to be stupid" Idiots. "Wait till this scum starts butchering your children, like they do overseas. They will when they lose the welfare. Dumb azzed pothead liebrals." "This ISN'T a diversion, this is being a GOOD AMERICAN, A PATRIOT. It has nothing to do with dopes like you and DP 'editorial' page or the idiot guv either. It has everything to do with being a Good American, nothing else, racial injustice my ass." This shows how the fake news is so stupid. If you had waited you would have seen that she changed to tennis shoes before she arrived in Texas "Idiots with cell phone flashlights/cameras ""trump"" an email server in Hillary's basement.. Wheres the outrage over national security over this ?...." "Yea, nothing like a functional democrapy party. What fucking rock you live under." "McCain is a liar, warmonger and doosh. One of the most harmful individuals in America." "No Jessica, we are the idiots for allowing this BS to continue." Did Jim Ziegler just call God a pedophile to justify the crap that Moore did? Sad! "With every stupid, ill considered, insulting joke parsed for racism, it makes real racism easier to dismiss and ignore." Social media brings out the stupid in people. "I only say that someone is a liar when he or she actually lies. RD called me a liar, and I was able to show that I had told the truth. (I can give specifics if you like.) He refuses to apologize for his false accusation, and blames me for his refusal. He also has repeatedly called for others to show humility and honesty, but apparently does not feel that either call applies to him. He's a hypocrite." "You say We So you voted for this idiot in Chief? This makes your comment worthless." Tax “rates” mean NOTHING. The only tax that matters is the tax you pay and that is your effective tax rate. How many millions of upper middle class wage earners are going to get a tax increase here with the loss of deductions and it will be retroactive. When Clinton did this Republicans squealed like stuck pigs. Bloody idiot. No more Mercedes no more F1 for me. "Ms Wente, There are a lot more people playing Canada for suckers. Check Vancouver area hospitals for the ridiculous number of people who are not really Canadian and are stopping in for free medical before heading back to their usual country. We are absolute suckers." "No, the crappy cheapo insurance you had before wouldnt cover diddly until the 80% rule kicked in, flybynite insurers disappeared because they sucked. I am right, arguing semantics won't save you" "Palin is an idiot, in the same mold as Trump. #losers" "Right, Mr. Trump, blame the Democrats for not supporting a bill that is not wantedby a significant p[urality of voters and were systematically excluded from any part of its development. How transparently stupid can you be?" "Anne Gauthier, I don't know if Melania Trump is an American, but I do know that she is a golddigger, willing to marry to fat, ugly, racist, liar with a fluorescent rodent adorning his head, for his money. There can be no other explanation." Kahdr settlement should come from Justin Trudeau's trust fund. He had no business using our tax dollars to pay off a treasonous terrorist. Another moron without a vocabulary or a brain. "Who gives a crap what this senile hateful poor loser has to say , he is a disgrace to this country and disrespectful to the the office of the President of the United states. He can't get over that Trump is President and he lost." You're going down impersonator. We can do this all day long you little weasel. Your remark is insensitive and stupid. A new low. Only one comment. Shows where people's heads are at. This is the type of thing we need to spend our resources on. Stop putting it on stupid things like the rail. "More like ignorant crackers, Roy. The bane that keeps on giving. The id that keeps holding harmony back." "Close your legs if u dont want to get preggo. Get on birth control even if youre not sexually active and happen to get raped. There are kinds that are good for your skin." """How can any person, let alone the President of a country and leader of a once proud liberation movement place himself in such a sordid situation."" No, how can a whole political party, sadly representing the majority, look the other way or worse assist him when the president has gone rogue? Spare us your crocodile tears commie, you helped put him there, and when asked to correct your mistake what do you do? Cry? Coward." You don't retreat at all you just steam full speed ahead with your idiocy exposed for all to see. "your liberal lying ass is whats wrong with America today. I hope hillary is in jail by nov 9. and what about guns? Are you a freak, or what?" These liberal idiots think they can make citizens out of their illegals. Did they not pass their American History & Constitution classes...or were they even taught citizenship in school? The inane mindset of the current generation ignoring the information to concentrate on the looks. No wonder this nation is a cesspool of brainless idiots electing Trump and the rest of the Republican traitors. "Oh Groanin, another lapdog, MAGAphant post. Hmmmmm. Interesting your reference to urinals and shaking things. Just like the baby-in-chief, are you also obsessed with male parts? Hilarious. By the way, moron, if these meetings were really nothing, why did they stay hidden for so long? Like this whole Russia thing, if nothing's there, the baby-in-chief should move on, do his job and ignore it. However, sane people (not you MAGAphants) pretty much have concluded that ""where there's smoke, there's fire."" When someone acts guilty, they usually are. At least that's what Fox and you Fox news lapdogs said during the campaign about Hillary (and I actually agreed with that point). Please please post a response. It's been a slow morning." these are cult koolaid drinking brain washed fools wasting thier time given most of america and the world is laughing at them for thier stupidity "Guns are here to stay, so are idiots, so get over it and quit blathering on about it" "Trump is waging war on America. He's a treasonous traitor." "WE: Could easily say the same thing about you, hypocrite!" "Maybe Anderson Cooper can explain ""tea bagging"" to Hillary since he knows all about it. Both are repulsive people." "So now, the racists and Nazi groups are praising Trump for not directly condemning or renouncing them. Of course. Nazis and racists are Trump's base, along with bigots and imbeciles, so why would he condemn them? They are the people at his idiotic rallies. Worst President Ever. No one even comes close. History will be correctly brutal and cruel to Trump. He's a pathetic failure, along with the rest of his administration." "Interesting that you mention John Breckinridge, even though you misspell his name. The town was named after him (in an attempt to get a post office), but changed the spelling because they didn't want to honor a traitor." "Fat, drunk and stupid is no way to go through life, son." "Look at the viewers around the country. Many of them voted for the OrangePig. They seem to love garbage and lies, so why change now? Just keep putting out the same lies and stuff about AK. They will lap it up. I bet many viewers would love to see a series centered around our gal Sarah and her clan visiting local bars." "You're name should read "" Another Idiot for Hire""" "it seems you're confusing Libs with the Dems who betray America nearly as much as the farthest right, but rest assured, there will be no help or peace coming for anybody on this planet now that the ultimate worst case scenario has been allowed to happen by the absurdly obsessed I REALLY REALLY Hate Hillary Club, and those who didn't vote for the witch need not be concerned about new cabinet choices as the 360 degree destruction coming is far beyond even their substantial abilities and will make the truly infuriating Obama years to be known as the last of the good old days. btw, civilbeat, Tim's comments were acceptable, this stupid censorship needs to go!" It has less to do with the Liberals abandoning their principles and more to do with letting the public see in the clear light of day the NDP and the Greens voting against the very platforms they campaigned on in a naked grab for power. Now that's hypocrisy in action! "This little man, Justin, should resign now to stop the embarrassment for Canada. Castro was a brutal dictator who murdered his enemies and almost played a pivotal role in the destruction of North America and the world. I shudder every time I think that Canadians are stupid enough to vote for this man-boy." That's because Floater sucks. That dudes voice is so fucking annoying! Look in the mirror you pathetic clown. Because idiots don't know the difference from one another. Grassley is a disgusting RINO. There are about 10 RINO's ready to put a knife in the back of Trump ... !!!!! "The only country Canada needs protection from is a Trump led United States because it is full of moronic, racist, ignorant fools like the Donald. I am going to laugh when the DEA and every other american agency is expelled from Mexico...and the US finally finally gets payback for manufacturing/providing the firearms that are used by the Mexican drug cartels (gun ownership is prohibited in Mexico)...Thanks to his aggressive racism, the US will soon become the whitest country in the world...and I'm not talking about race." """What a moron. Robs the guy who gave him a job, using a car that was known to the victim, and gets caught within 24 hours."" It's a darn good thing most criminals aren't very bright." "They didn't drive Americans crazy... They elected Crazy president! Sad." "It's perfectly legal to attack medics, suppose." """striking out through his intolerance and ignorance."" Maybe. We don't know that. He was a university student of anthropology and political science, so in all likelyhood not that ""ignorant""..." "Shut the fuck up, no shit that happened. Go find real news loser" "nick, please reread your posts. If you do, the stupid and ignorant one might become clear to you......nah.....forget it. It won't happen." "Sorry pal, your fake Russian narrative is dead. Go back to racist/sexist/xenopgobic - ya know - crap you can blurt out without any proof. Works great for you lefties." "chelsea handler is a political idiot, and if she was ever funny she no longer is. the left believes in free speech, tolerance, inclusion.... as long as you're doing and saying exactly what they tell you to." "Mr. Clark is demonstrated a rather ridiculous level of ignorance here. ""I don't understand the concerns being raised so I'm just going to blindly claim it is due to fear and be done with it"". Question for Mr. Clark, why is our government passing *ANY* piece of legislation that singles out a single religion? Canada already has enshrined, in our Constitution, religious freedom as well as protection from discrimination based on religion. We already have anti-hate laws and even terrorism laws to protect against religious persecution by individuals. This is a pointless piece of legislation that will, at best, result in a waste of money. All we need to do is enforce laws that are already on the books." A fool. Agreed. "Trudeau is an ignorant, snotty nosed twerp" "You will end up talking to me about that, right after criminal charges are made if you idiots don't get lost now." "Let me remind you, the Donald has barely been president for 5 months and he is already under investigation, Hell it took 4 years before Tricky Dick was investigated. It will be interesting to see what you have to say after Thursday when the old FBI head testifies. I think the Donald's problems are just beginning. And I am not claiming anything except the Donald is just not presidential. He is an embarrassment besides being extremely stupid." Shoot 'em down. "This judge should be deported to the US. Let him enjoy the racism and boorish stupidity of the Trump regime. Western civilization is at risk, and this ignorant judge supports it's demise." Point is your an idiot "He can do it because his primary audience is, in a word, stupid." "Ya but Boogeyboy your experience is but one person. It's not hard to find one person dumping all over Toyota is there?? At least one person above has taken the time to put up repair cost comparisons and I don't see much difference at all. For every YOU that has had bad problems their are 10,000 that haven't. I file comments like yours in the trash heap because they are nothing more than sour graped bias's." Call out the National Guard! Shoot if necessary. More pathetic Democratic sniveling. Get over losing the election and go on with providing meaningful legislative solutions to a tired and over regulated system of government. Maybe some members of Congress should be recalled by their constituents and turf ed out. Glad it's a fucking joke to you . And they died defending a persons right to protest. I spent over 22 years in the military. I find the phony patriotism exhibited by Trump to be hypocritical. About time to convict these Republican Terrorists. No question - Trump is an ass. She is a genius - she got a loud mouth moron elected as the President of the USA! "This is why Democrats don't win elections. The government should not be funding illegal immigration. I don't believe Hancock at all, he is an idiot along with the rest of Denver government officials." "Haha! Your first link tells us the USA is 9th on the list of the world, in IQ. I always thought, WE'RE NUMBER ONE! Ooops! Then your list from US News, is just some reporters extrapolation of the estimated IQs of presidents going back to Washington. Did they even measure IQs in the 18th century? This, I'm afraid, falls into the category of ""junk science."" In any event, when it comes to ranking presidents, W. is pretty far down the list. Lower than Carter, Nixon, and Kennedy, among others, but ahead of Reagan. Ooops! Joe, take your junk science, and peddle it somewhere else, like Faux News." ". Come on Lamont........nobody can be this stupid, yet, you're doing your best to fill the role Now, why is that Lamont? ." "Gullible? The cellulite laden, sexual predator enabler, liar, thief and evil HRC is what you support. Why?" Can someone trace her schooling and university career and confirm if she really is clever enough to hold court? There must be teachers and co-pupils who can vouch if she actually was doctorate material. I think that she is just plain stupid and you can't fix stupid. ( hence the blank stares when asked pertinent questions) "I'm waiting to see if they are going to take a stand against HRC, liar, thief, foul-mouthed, sexual predator enabler and dishonorable leftist twit." "Jay Yakopatz, you're a buzzkill!" "In the end he's just a kid with no new ideas. It would've been refreshing to see the end to the ""war on drugs"" maybe even a new, compassionate Canadian direction in tackling of this deadly problem. Because it's, like, 2017 and we should try something else. Too bad... My fellow Canadians will continue to die and we'll be served impotent platitudes masquerading as solutions. Just another garbage politico." Are you fucking kidding me. Chugach. Put the crack pile down. Go away "So, this clown was walking around in public with a loaded and cocked pistol on his person? He was, literally, an accident waiting to happen. Better he shot his stupid self than someone else." And I can produce 50 other studies showing the opposite. Get your pedophile loving ass into a pedophile chat room instead. "The premise of this editorial is stupid. Harper won three elections without the urban cores. I'm not saying that's good but how about dealing with facts." "This is all saber rattling. Nothing will be done, as usual. The Yanks dare start war with Mexico and the like only. The Yanks are house cats when dealing with Kim and his million-strong army. If the US loses its head and starts a war with North Korea, we will have thousands of young American boys cross the border to Canada. Americans are not as stupid as their leader." "And Trump blames Obama for that, not Putin. Trump thinks Putin will now respect him? Not going to happen. There's a reason Putin worked hard to discredit Hillary and to elect Trump - and it's not because Putin wants a strong America; in fact, quite the opposite. Trump is a fool." "Oh for goodness sake, just let this slug queen stuff die. It's an embarrassment. A dumb idea that should have died on the vine at a bar conversation." "Stupidist thing Trudeau has done to date, although he really hasn't done much..." Wow have you ever been duped! Are you so stupid as to believe in global warming? It is an absolute impossibility!! I have a bridge to sell you! "Your claim is completely unsupported. Throwing numbers around doesn't constitute the truth. Raincouver RE board reports that sales overall in June tanked 11.5% y/y and sales was lower by more than 10% from the month before. Detached home sales slumped a hefty 15% and prices were flat. The story is about the misguided dumb Millennial, escalating condo sales higher, hiding a real deterioration in the broader market. Sales-to-listings ratio was 93.2% for condos resulting in bidding wars, but just 24% for detached. You want to know the cause behind Canadian RE market? Look in to mirror dumbass and apologize to Chinese." "bahlggins> Ahem, correction is necessary, ""Obama IS a fool.""" "Trump is a putz. PAY ATTENTION TO DOING YOUR DAMN JOB, Trump, instead of WASTING TAX PAYER DOLLARS on stupid twitter flame wars. Slacker" NDP bullshit can be used as a green energy source. Who needs pipelines ? As Trump's EPA is scrubbing EPA website of any climate change/global warming messages they are also removing EPA Museum exhibits that opened this January. This anti-science uneducated President & his trumpers are beyond ignorant... they are dangerous. Enjoy this heat because it's the new norm. Liberal sucks.Step down Lib. You're right...saying she's stupid is roughly comparable to saying that the sun rises in the east "She will win this and rightfully so. Sue some sense into the sadistic, incompetent idiots running our jails." "A side note from an ex furniture mover who drank 5 gallons of water a day, and sweated most of that out. Ban is the deodorant you are looking for. Right guard is a joke, that works until, maybe 8:30 AM. Whisky? is that really that organic? Capitalist pigs!" "When these idiot Dems/Progressives get tired of the Trump=-Russia investigation maybe they can have a special prosecutor named to investigate the monster that is NOT under my bed. Or in my closet. Or they can start looking for Judge Crater. . They have reduced themselves to laughingstocks and there WILL be payback. fo the damage they are doing to this country. Spoiled little children behave better than this,." Trump is a narcissistic sociopath. I guess we will all just have to get used to that for a while. How miserable do you have to be to push your (bashing) agenda at a time of loss. Pathetic. Same goes for JD. "Now that he's put Mika and Joe in their place, it's time for some pussy grabbing!" and you are guilty of being a gullible fool if you believe anything China says. whatever happened happened on obamas watch.....does the quack of a lame duck echo? obama is truly a pathetic failure.. monday and then january 20th cant come soon enough.. """legal matters of prosecution."" I imagine you saying this with your slavic accent. How much does Russia pay you to use non-native-english construction. I'm sure many rubles of significance. You must know that you're wasting your time since you only get grade school graduates like sparkleboy to agree with you. The dumber the troll, the dumber the followers. We are just starting to have real fun reading your backtracking." How much is it going to cost Canadian taxpayers to watch these two fools ? Your ignorant comments don't deserve a response! and one again you waste my time babbling stupidity. There you go again. How stupid are they to still be driving around in the stolen SUV? "Kaepernick has every right to protest. And we have every right to point out that he is an abject idiot for espousing such stupid nonsense. There, everyone happy?" Trump tweeted 'This guy had nothing to do with me or my policies'...HAHAHA LOSER "What can I say, peg er and fire all the idiots that have dragged the loonie down to the laughing stock it should never be, best buck in the house. Time for our political class to stand up and be counted for something." "All I have to say is, your as dumb as a rock! lol" "Go the mainland, get plenty of idiot law enforcement officers pulling and shooting people just looking for their ID." "No, she is not the leader for any of the anti-Trump movements...she is just a follower and says, ""me, too"". So that makes her an idiot looking for a way for her name to go into the Hawaiian history books as one of its senators. Yes, she will make it into the HawIian history books...it will say she is a ""Me, too, idiot"" senator that did nothing for her constituents." Good job smelly.....way to attack the message and not the messenger.. Poor Thierry needs a tissue for his tears! Eurotrash whining is so adorable! "Oh My ,you are trying to inject common sense in to the new religion. Prepare to be burned at the stake. Started with Solar power." What was the point of this idiotic comment? liberals are incompetent corrupt vote buying scum "aa another hate filled left winger again! save the stupid nonsense sheep, trump is not causing anything, our weak leadership is." "no, Kuk, we disagree with a nasty ass destructive punk" As is Drumpf a lying gasbag. "The Liberals should listen to the economic experts and dramatically increase immigration levels (at least 500,000 per year). Stop listening to the loser racist trash." "You are so full of crap, is he legal or not, that is the question, if the Obama administration didn't like the law he should have spent the time changing it instead of a bs health care program, the liberals will continue dragging out the sob stories for the next 8 years." O'Leary is a buffoon. "vagrant criminals, social parasites leeching off welfare, and liberals." "Reminds me of that saying... ""I'm not saying we should ki11 all the stupid people - I'm just saying that we should remove all the warning labels and let things work themselves out""" Useless activity. Silly. It changes nothing. Try some relaly creative diplomacy for a change. "More negativity from the ADN losers. Trump won, hillary lost, get over it ADN and move on. What a sorry loser." "Truly, a really beautiful moron" ". ""No role for Assad, his family in Syria’s future"" Is everyone in the Trump government a complete id$ot? There will be a role in Syria's future as long as the Russia says there will be a role for Assad in Syria's future. The Americans and certainly NOT Trump have a voice/say in this conversation/matter. What uneducated, redundant morons have the Americans become........... ." here we go again the hypocrite mayor with his forever damaging cement the rest of the aina programs wants to put a fake on the public with his call for a total plastic bag ban. "These jerks have always been around. Trump being President has given them the go-ahead to reveal themselves in all their odious, disgusting and collectivist glory." "Somebody is making money off this mess. What are the odds that someone, with knowledge that the deal was crap, shorted the stock? Short 100,000 shares and the price drops $5 a share, and you are ahead a cool half million dollars." GET THE 47% OFF THEIR ASS AND DO SOMETHING. EVER THINK OF THAT. If we banned the words idiot and moron there would be no way to describe these m----ns "lil mikie pence who destroyed his state with draconian measures is weighing in on another thing he knows nothing about...THE MAN IS DUMB.....so is his furher PUSSYGRABBER/PUTIN....they didn't get their talking points straight before trying to 'grab you by the back of your head, pulling you closer to their d**k to s**k....DON'T DO IT!" AK Jen - Russia is no longer a communist nation. Stop spouting that - it makes you look stupid. "What an idiot, do these guys ever stop and think about what they doing?" "wow you really are an ignorant hater .. NK has in deed been threatening alot of the world and you think its a fantasy??? , thank god you are not in charge.." Gosh...with that much history why would you get yourself pregnant by that animal for the 2nd time? It is possible someone who did not agree with your comment killed it just to be a jerk. Eg. Liberal vs anti-Liberal. "What exactly is Obama's record in the ME? Genocide in Syria? Lousy deal with Iran helping Iran to promote terror in Syria and Yemen? In 3 weeks he will go disgraced and disrespected by all parties in the ME. The last bark of the mediocre President" MORON. "This has been going on for the last 20 years. Ever spoken to an even middle-level bureaucrat? Only thing any of them think of is their pensions, and how to preserve their budgets. Morons from top to bottom." "The Nuggets would have been idiots to put together your idiot package for Butler. Chandler, Murray, and Barton? Too bad nobody is getting in line to take you off the Post's hands Kiszla...." So hillarys ethics Are much higher then trumps? Both are dogs i think i want the one that bites less. Neyman is a good journalist. I wonder why she slimed her reputation with this crap. This proposal is so idiotic that its failure is imminent. Hiding behind a nickname while calling Trudeau a coward. Ironic isn't it? Why the hell didn't someone shoot his ass? You would have to be really stupid to draw that conclusion. "No: you inflated sense of yourself not withstanding, you didn't force me to do anything -- any more than I forced you to describe Trump as an a-hole. But you have caused me to change my mind about your claim that you are a lawyer. I think you probably are a lawyer. For you, winning an argument seems more important than telling the truth. For you, threading the needle between ""liar"" and ""bullsh*tter"" is more important than acknowledging that Trump's tweet was reckless and irresponsible; that he accused without supporting facts or evidence; that not caring whether something is true is the moral and functional equivalent of lying; that Trump has lied repeatedly in the weeks following the tweet. You say that you think he's an a-hole; but that's easy and has no content. do you recognize him as reckless and incompetent? Or are you using a-hole as your shorthand for reckless, incompetent and dangerous? A drunk clinging to his empty gin bottle: Agree?" add the leap manifesto stupidity and it is guaranteed dead on arrival. """butt-hurt leftist wackos,"" ""butt-hurt liberals"", I don't even know what such trite, asinine references are supposed to mean but after reading Silvers offensive, ignorant rambling diatribe, it is not worth spending any time trying to figure such drivel out." "Linda, I'm glad you ended up with Cliff. What a flipping nightmare. As a mother that knows you and your children I find it hard you'd participate in Cliff's disgusting behavior. Makes me feel sick. Amazing what you did for money.. Guess you and Cliff can now live ""happily, ever after. . 2 sick fucks. 😱😱" "Jantjies must go, I agree. Gets caught with ball too much, hardly ever breaks, not agile or fleet footed. The game was lost however by one mans stupidity, D'Allende, who is also showing none of his early brilliance. In fact, our centers all around are lacking, and it's not form. They seem to think they're battering rams. Etsebeth was brilliant, but I hope the captaincy doesn't detract. An altogether better performance as a whole." How much did the silly secularists spend to conclude that human life originated with star dust and pond scum? "What an idiotic comment. Do you consider the fact that $15 / hour in Toronto is not the same as $15 / hour in North Bay. Wages in smaller communities are generally lower because the cost of living is less. This is gong to have a negative affect on smaller communities. Apparently we have a Toronto centric crowd here hat cannot conceive of living anywhere else." How much longer does this country have to suffer this disgusting moron as president? "Totally agree. Not to mention that shopping around tax returns is a felony for whoever gave it to the NBC. The NBC could not legally release the vagina tape, so, as we recently learned, they leaked it to the WaPo to derail Trump's campaign. New low for the media." "Why not get rid of these 2 idiots. Take out back of the Capitol & tar & feather them, maybe a few lashings at the stake, maybe waterboarding to learn about what complete assholes they are!" I would bet a week's salary that Jim Minnery's organization will get more donations and funding if this bill passes. He's a liar and a hypocrite. "the mayor and his lackeys could have used the wasted 4 million they spent on the defunct bike share program to fund more important things...oh yeah, the tax payers / homeowners get screwed again." Compare the statements of support from the local native people to the idiot statement from the center for biological diversity. Who do you think knows more? And you are the one who wants to eliminate anybody who does not agree with you. Its really the same sort of thinking. Intolerance. Bigotry. Pathetic "I believe there are more felons out there that have more weapons than the good people in society have........... The SOLUTION: Build more jails and keep these IDIOTS out of society, FOREVER..................." "WOW!! Can't believe it is still that high. The contempt these Provincial Liberals have towards the private citizens footing the bill for their money squandering ways is absolutely disgusting! When the province is being dismantled and ran into the ground there is no better example then recent quote from Liz Sandals about Go Train riders as well as idiot Glen Thibeault telling families deciding between paying hydro or food and small businesses pleading for relief to go spend $10 to $30, 000 upgrading homes and businesses to higher efficiency lighting and equipment. ABSOLUTELY SICKENING AND DISPACABLE PEOPLE!! They are pretty much everything I am trying to raise my kids not to be." "The ""human rights"" squad need a swift kick in the derriere." "Typical idiot democrat ""solutions"". Grow government. Add a new department full of HGEA union members. Look, if it's to the point that the idea of an armed, additional law enforcement agency is needed, WHY DON'T YOU ENFORCE THE LAWS ALREADY ON THE BOOKS with the assets you already have? Most of HPD are proud of their city and want to keep it clean. Untie their hands, and let them enforce the law." "What a pile of rubbish. Sure, hang in there ""a little longer theres a fair chance even you might see the light."" The one at the end of the tunnel. The drumpt train of boorish depravity." "stupid is letting some one develop our resources, and paying them to do it. and they make all the profit. stupid is is stupid does. lets keep giving our resources away, STUPID" That's OK - Liberal's double down on the stupid by bringing them to Canada instead. "Blah, Blah, Blah. The Obama administration sucked, end of story." Keep hiring imbeciles like this jerk and you will end up with a no firearms for rent-a-cops bill next session. Asshole. "Calling tens of millions of voters ""deplorable"" or ""stupid"" (because they voted for the other guy) is condescending. But hey, feel free. It's working so well for you guys." """molesting his own daughter and betraying America to Russia"" The first part of that sentence makes you a disgusting liar. The second part makes you galactically stupid." And that would have been the best course of action. Pit bull owners pull this crap all the time. There ya go. Stupidity to the max. "Sanders has balls unlike Treyson Goowdy.The Gowdy is a blow hard, has done nothing.What a loser" "It's really hard to say this since there are so many, but this might be the dumbest thing you've ever said." Saying the strategy will work quickly is epitome of stupidity. "Trump Bunnies: You can't fix stupid. Fact, proven over and over every day." "hey loser change your name to something more accurate, as in alt left ignorant for life!,, unlike the dems who take their money from soros or wall street as well,, save it loser you lose again. this is about fixing the mess obamacare created" And you are a complete moron who obviously doesn't know the meaning of the word narcissist. By the way your bias is showing. "Such vitriol from the left. Who would have thought these open minded, tolerant people could be so vile and hateful? It so exposes you all for what you are, hypocrites." It is now time for most of you to expand your pebble minds. "Why does this author think she can demand, or is owed anything from either of these two people? One guy is a goon, the other is illiterate. They aren't law makers, teachers, or in any kind moral authority position. They are entertainers who get punched for her pleasure, and will likely live out their days mentally debilitated from the repeated blows to the head. Do we get to comb deeply through this authors personal history and determine all the groups she owes apologies or explanations to? Why not? As an opinion maker in a national news paper and instructor of young people, she has far, far more influence on Canadians than two ignorant punchies. The arrogance of these pseudo-intellectual academics is astounding. Since they are so enlightened and pure, YOU owe THEM an explanation and an apology as to why you're so dumb and ignorant."